We the Kids: A Preamble to the Constitution of the United States was written by David Catrow. This book is a good story for young kids to learn about the United States Constitution.
We the Kids: A Preamble to the Constitution of the United States was written by David Catrow. This book is a good story for young kids to learn about the United States Constitution.
Mail call!! 📝📫📦📮
It‘s my pre-vacation post office run! Heading out is #JuniorReaders for @Mommamanzi and #novelteabookclub for @JenlovesJT47
One of these packages is on the way to Maya for litsy #juniorreaders
Should be there in a few days! @4thhouseontheleft
The latest round of the #litsyjuniorpostalbookclub came yesterday. Connor is excited to read this one!
Rotation 2 has begun! If you haven‘t sent your books out, please do so soon! 😄 #JuniorReaders
Book mail going to the post office tomorrow! One is for #litsyjuniorreaders and should be at your house soon @4thhouseontheleft
(For some reason the stickers are all wacky and I can't fix them!)
This was a super simplified version of the preamble. It was cool.
Today marks the first day of the second cycle of Junior Readers! I‘m excited to begin this journey with all of you and your junior readers! It‘s been great seeing the posts and how excited they have been! Here‘s to another great cycle! 😁 #JuniorReaders
Tee hee! Here it comes!! @AThousandLives87 #JuniorReaders
We the Kids is an NF book providing a kid friendly introduction to the constitution. This book provides Tier 3 vocabulary definitions and the pre-amble with funky illustrations that help spark interest and guide understanding of the pre-amble. This could be used as an RA and S. David Carrie also provides a forward informing his readers why he created this book and how this helped him establish his own freedom through art.
Got our first package from #litsygoespostaljunioredition #juniorreaders !
@Mommamanzi added a couple extras for my junior reader (not pictured) and they were a hit! Thank you so much Nicole for your generosity.
Our package will go in the mail Monday.
Thank you @ForeverNerdy for the #bookmail - as you can see by the big grin someone is pretty darn excited 😁 #juniorreaders
Our first book for this round of the #litsygoespostaljunioredition has arrived! We still have to finish our book and mail it out before we start this one but it looks good! #juniorreaders
We The Kids is a nice RA , NF book that you can cross teach as social studies as well as it is The Preamble to The Constitution. It‘s beautiful and detailed pictures give a visual way for young children to try and comprehend the large words that can be used in the Preamble. One UDL that can be used is 3.1- activate or supply background knowledge such as the history on the United States.
Brendan received the package from Sam this week and ripped it open excitedly before I️ could take a photo! Thank you! #juniorreaders
This is my most non-reader kiddo of my three. She is slowly changing... big part of that change is due to seeing how my #litmail group works.
She is so excited to be a part of #JuniorReaders. She is currently getting the journal she picked out ready to mail!
I ❤️Litsy so much.
@ElizabethAndino Luke was so excited to get our next package in the mail!
@sunflowers Yours is on the way!
If you have a young reader who may be interested in signing up, click here http://bit.ly/2sOBTe7
It's definitely a fun thing for everyone!!
Do you have little Littens you're interested in getting involved in a postal book club? Head on over to @LGPJuniorEdition for more info (on the post). The age groups go up to age 15! Here is their survey: http://bit.ly/2sOBTe7
A postal book club for your little Littens! Here's the link if you're interested! http://bit.ly/2sOBTe7
Here's the sign-up for the Junior Reader's Fall cycle. All cycles will be starting together. The current cycle ends in October. Sign-ups close in September. I am starting sign-ups this early so you can decide if it is something you & child want to do. Additional information is included on the survey, which is a simple 3 question survey. Unfortunately, there was not enough interest in the 16-18 age group. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KY9QBJM
We received this last week and I totally forgot to post - sorry @MeganAnn thanks also for the goodies! Connor was excited! And I am looking forward to reading this book with Connor! #lgpjunioredition
Forgive me for being a few days late! The 7-8 age group 5th rotation began on the 27th! It has been such a pleasure going on this journey with you and your little Littens! #JuniorReaders
Head over to @LGPJuniorEdition if you are interested in joining a postal book club for your kids.
@ElizabethAndino We got our package and have been having fun hatching animals!!!
Head on over to @LGPJuniorEdition if you're interested in joining a postal book club for your children!
If you're interested head on over to @LGPJuniorEdition for the survey!
Hey everyone! Currently we have age groups 4-6, 7-8, and 9-12. I am curious if there are parents who would like to sign up children who are older. If you'd also like to sign up for the age groups we already have, please take the survey. If there are enough people interested, I will open up to more age groups! http://bit.ly/2qNdXqb
@aloslibrary We finally mailed the next book yesterday, so it is on its way. #juniorreaders #LGPjunioredition
Best Mother's Day afternoon ever! Sitting outside with my son reading. He's reading his #LitsyGoesPostal #JuniorEdition book while I'm starting a reread of a favorite, Bohemian Gospel. I hope all you #litsymoms get to celebrate yourselves in the whatever way you want most today. 🌷💕
#lgpjunioredition #raisingreaders #myheartisfull
Heading to the post office with this cutie pie to drop off packages for @Marmie7 and @sunflowers! #covertocover #litsygoespostaljunioredition
Excited to get this months book and stickers ... and thanks for the extra surprise from Axton! #lgpjunioredition
We the Kids by David Catrow was a favorite book of mine that I picked up at Barnes and Noble. This book is about The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States. I found this book very interesting simply because it breaks it down in a way that younger children will be able to understand the specifics of what it all entails. It is written in a way that children would be interested and intrigued! http://www.catrow.com #UCFLAE3414sp17
Received our next #litsygoespostaljunioredition package today! The whole family is excited for this one! @ElizabethAndino
Today marks the fourth rotation for 7-8 age group and the third for 4-6 and 9-12! This is not an April Fool's joke! 😜 It's been a pleasure taking this journey with all of you and your little Littens!
Sent your book today!!! Let me know when it arrives. I do have the tracking number if there's a problem. 😃
Axton finished writing in the journal after reading his third #LitsyGoesPostal #juniorreaders book. He loved this one and wants to get more from this series! He said we had to take the picture with his giant teddy bear, Fred, because there is also a character named Fred in the book ☺️
#LGPjunioredition #LitsyGoesPostalJuniorEdition
@Jerdencon this one is from Oregon!
Forgot to post! My daughter is excited for her next read!
Axton is putting the finishing touches on his journal entry so we can send this off tomorrow and he is making good use of the stickers Ayva @Sarahr875 included for everyone! #LitsyGoesPostal #JuniorReaders #LGPJuniorEdition #LitsyGoesPostalJuniorEditon
@Jerdencon after a little Litsy stalking, I figured out this book came from Utah and will be making its way to you next!! 📬📚