On the search for more good memoirs! Give me all you‘ve got! @Chelsea.Poole @britt_brooke @Megabooks tagging a few of my memoir lovers 😀
On the search for more good memoirs! Give me all you‘ve got! @Chelsea.Poole @britt_brooke @Megabooks tagging a few of my memoir lovers 😀
“I suppose I have found it easier to identify with the characters who verge upon hysteria, who were frightened of life, who were desperate to reach out to another person. But these seemingly fragile people are the strong people really.”
Remembering Tennessee Williams on his birthday.
Just signed up! And guess what, you guys? @suvata has added categories! I‘m pumped to be signed up for the biography/memoir group. I‘ve got some (hopefully great) memoirs in my stacks I‘ve been meaning to get to. 🎉 #LMPBC
I won a contest! Free BOMC for 3 months. I was floored. I never win anything. 🍀
I now have to really pay attention to what everyone reads...so I know what books to choose. Thank you all in advance.
I'm Supposed to Protect You From This by Nadia Spiegelman
Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H
Just Kids by Patti Smith (actually anything by Patti Smith)
Anything by Carrie Fisher
I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai 4w