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The Valley of Horses (with Bonus Content)
The Valley of Horses (with Bonus Content): Earth's Children, Book Two | Jean M. Auel
This eBook includes the full text of the novel plus the following additional content: An exclusive preview chapter from Jean M. Auels The Land of Painted Caves, on sale in hardcover March 29, 2011 An Earths Children series sampler including free chapters from the other books in Jean M. Auels bestselling series A Q&A with the author about the Earths Children series The Valley of Horses is the second in the great Earth's Children series. In The Valley of Horses, Jean Auel uses her thorough understanding of human nature and her powerful gift of storytelling to continue the saga of Ayla and to once again, with exquisite and accurate detail, re-create the world as it truly might have been.
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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1. Financial Management
2. In The Valley of Horses by Jean Auel, Ayla has been exiled from her clan and has to teach herself many life skills in order to survive on her own.

TheSpineView Great answers! Loved that book! 3mo
lil1inblue @TheSpineView Me too! I haven't made it through the whole series yet, but it's my favorite of the ones I have read! 3mo
TheSpineView @lil1inblue I enjoyed the whole series. Hope you do too. 3mo
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Segundo volumen de la saga Los hijos de la Tierra. Cuenta la historia de como Ayla, siendo una adolescente vive su exilio en la soledad del Valle de los Caballo. Esta es una historia de supervivencia, en la que las habilidades de la joven y las enseñanzas de quienes la criaron en el Clan le permitirán seguir viviendo.
También, sucede el primer encuentro con los Otros, gente se su especie que nunca ha visto. 😍

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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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#HoldYrHorses 🐎 #IdiomInsight 🍁🍂

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Beautiful 🐎🐎 9mo
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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(1982) Sequel to Clan of the Cave Bear, which I liked in high school and liked again on rereading. Alas, this one was a miss for me, and not even because of the porny sex scenes, which are several but still fewer than I'd anticipated. What bothered me more was (what feel to me) modern sensibilities and obsessions that make it read less like prehistorical fiction than Flintstones cosplay. Others have loved it and I get that perspective too, so ymmv

Ruthiella Flintstones cosplay! 😂😂😂 1y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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#manicmonday on a Wednesday @CBee #LetterV

📖 The Valley of Horses
✍️ Vámos Miklós
🎞️ Van Helsing 📺 Veronica Mars
🎤 Velvet Revolver
🎵 Very Well, by Jamie Winchester & Hrutka Róbert

The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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Listening to the second volume of the Earth's Children series for the past month or so.
Interesting enough, perhaps I have too much on atm but the story is not keeping me interested enough to continue listening.
I'm tempted to begin another book for some variety as I've just come off the first book which took me 2 months to read, but I'm afraid if I do I won't go back. I'm almost halfway.
Is it worth it to continue?

SRWCF Yes, continue! I loved the whole series! 2y
BarbaraBB Yes. I remember this one starting out slow and it‘s definitely not the best in the series but next will be the awesome 2y
eeclayton I liked this one, and the one after that was okay, but number 4 I found overlong and repetitive, and I stopped after it. Officially, I still want to finish the series, but I find myself very reluctant to pick up the next book. The first book, however, was a big favourite and I still remember scenes from it vividly. 2y
Graywacke No. ☺️ 2y
Graywacke Sorry. I know, not helpful. It just takes me back a long time. I read it in high school when i was just starting to actually read books by choice. Not sure of my state of prude-ness then. But I remember my 17 or 18 yr old self classifying this as pornography packaged as a novel. 🙂 This was a long time ago. 2y
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I listened to the audio, so I did miss some things. Overall, I liked the story (I preferred Ayla‘s chapters), but, I didn‘t think the “caveman porn” was necessary. I could have done without the majority of it, though. I do hear it gets worse as the series goes on, but for now, the story is interesting enough for me to continue to the next book. Cont in comments.

LibraryCin I also thought, for a prehistoric man, Jondalar was maybe a bit too contemporary in his attitudes toward women. Not everything was contemporary, but certainly more than I expected, although I guess we don‘t really know what prehistoric culture was like. I did enjoy learning about the making of fire, tools, and the survival strategies and I loved Ayla‘s animal companions. 3y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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The second book in the Earth's Children series, this novel is pretty good, although not as good as the first one.
#CuriousCovers #horse
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs 🖤🐎🖤 3y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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I‘m really enjoying the revisit of a favorite series. I read this book so long ago, there was a lot that I didn‘t remember. 4/5🐎s

Freespirit I read these many moons ago and loved them! 3y
TheSpineView It have been years since I read these books. I loved all of them. 3y
JELEIGH I just finished reading this entire series again. My daughters name is ayla lol 3y
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Wife @JELEIGH When this series started in the 80s there was a report on the news that the name Ayla was becoming popular for baby girls. I have never run across an Ayla before. Your daughter is the only one I‘ve heard of. Have you ever run across other Aylas? 3y
JELEIGH @Wife I have not! I haven‘t had any one comment on her name until last year. Her 1st grade teacher told her she loves her name she must be a very strong girl and I knew then she knew exactly who I named her after 3y
Wife @JELEIGH You will never believe this, I just met an Ayla! She‘s the new nurse at my husband‘s doctor office. Isn‘t it crazy that we were just chatting about this? 3y
Wife @JELEIGH She says that she‘s 28 and has met 2 Aylas in her lifetime. 3y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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I loved this! This gives such a nice balance to modern life. It is so relaxing to read about the life in caves and among the animals. I love history documentaries and this is perfect reading to support those. Such a interesting time on this planet! 🌍😊

The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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Last night I left it here and hoping to get a lot of reading time today. Only 11 hours to go. #20in4 #readathon 😊📚📖

The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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I just learned that leather can be used as a kettle over a fire because it won't caught on fire that easily. 🤯😱

This is why I like reading these books! I'm always learning things! I had to check if this was really true and found this. Here is an actual research on the subject: http://eric.pettifor.org/cooking

Valley of Horses | Jean M Auel
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Day 3: The Valley of the Horses by Jean M. Auel #7Days7Books

This entire series was a firm fixture in my teenage years. This is the second in the Clan of the Cave Bear series and probably my favourite because my little introverted heart loved the idea of being self-sufficient, alone, and in charge of my time. Still do except with food deliveries and less hunting.

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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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This would be between a pick and a so-so for me. I loved the introduction of Jondalar and his backstory, but I felt like the day to day narrative of his and Ayla's lives were too long and sometimes tedious. I found myself skimming a bit.


JazzFeathers Goodness. I read this book when l was a kid. It was one of the first full novels l ever read. I remember liking it. But it was so long ago. 5y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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I finished this while in Ireland and I have been meaning to post my review. This follow-up to Clan of the Cave Bear has Ayla struggling to survive on her own. Ayla‘s grit, ingenuity, and perseverance are what make this novel. At the same time we follow the journey of Jandalar, the near perfect man. I loved this book but I am highly suspect that a Jandalar could exist in the pre-historic age. Beautifully written and engaging. 4 🌟

The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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Eating a meal before boarding our flight! 🇮🇪 #airportreading

britt_brooke Safe travels! 6y
BookaholicNatty Have a safe trip! and have a ton of fun! ❤️ 6y
ashley_o13 Have a good trip !! 6y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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The dogs and I are chilling before a busy day. I have the kids today with the hubby in the field. So, first karate classes and then into the lab to check on my assays and culture. Hopefully, they let me get some work done. #readingtorelax #workingmom

BookaholicNatty @microbemom How is that book? I have heard great things about this entire series. I want to read The Clan of the Cave Bear. That‘s the first book in the series right? (edited) 6y
MicrobeMom @BookaholicNatty I love Clan of the Cave Bear (1st book in the series). This is book 2 and I just started it this morning. So far so good. Picks up where 1 left off. I would recommend the first. It is about pre-historic humans which sounds boring but isn‘t. 6y
TheSpineView I read the whole series and loved them all. At some point I will reread them. 6y
MicrobeMom @TheSpineView I really enjoyed the first one. Excitingly reading the rest! 6y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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#MyTBRList for the #MountTBRChallenge 😬 I have 44 books on the list so far. I‘m using the challenge to try and finish off a bunch of series I have started over the years and never finished 🤞🏻💪🏻 #BookNerd 📚💙

Andrew65 Some great reads on there! 7y
DivaDiane I wish I could read your list -it‘s too small!! 🧐 I‘ll take @Andrew65 ‘s word for it that it‘s a great list!! 7y
DivaDiane I got Litsy on my iPad! Now I can read the small print in the pics!!! So, I have the last one by Auel on my TBR. 7y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel

I enjoyed the second in the Earth Children Series. She is an excellent writer with lots of detail and a great imagination. It's been refreshing to read about a culture so different from our modern one.

The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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The second book in the Earth's Children series: I didn't feel "OMG I LOVE THIS!" like I did with the first book. It felt super long + took a while for the plot to take off. Still, Auel's characterization is on point + I'm fascinated by her descriptions of everyday Cro-Magnon life + Ice Age survival.

I'll continue with the series, but I need a short break first!

#LitsyRC22 #LitsyReadingChallenge @jessica
#LetterV #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia

thegirlwiththelibrarybag My Mum gave me the first book to read when I was 12 (an offbeat choice but I guess she thought it'd take me awhile to read? 😂) I've read all but the last two (they weren't out when I was reading them and the prospect of rereading is daunting) 7y
Leniverse @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Yes, pretty much the same here. I was maybe 13. It was my dad who gave me the book. We watched the movie together too. I don't think I'll ever read the last two books. I remember finding the fourth one rather boring. 7y
bookwrm526 @thegirlwiththelibrarybag @leniverse I read the first three around the same age - I just found them at my dad's house and I was bored - and the second was actually my favorite. I don't recommend the fourth and I haven't read the fifth. 7y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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Good morning! ☕️☀️
Here's my #currentlyreading #FridayReads

It's off to a slow start but there are a bazillion pages left so I'm sure the story will pick up. I absolutely loved the first book (The Clan of the Cave Bear).

Reecaspieces The clan of the cave bear is so unique....this book does take off. But none of the others in this series hit the level of the first one. But still worth the read....except the last one.....I could not get through it 7y
bookwrm526 I actually liked this one best of the three once it picked up. That may have had something to do with my being fourteen when I read them the first time lol. @Reecaspieces I didn't like the fourth one very much, so I haven't even attempted the last one! 7y
Larkken I love Auel's scientific leaning, and the lush detail she gives to plio-pleistocene Europe....but, I, too feel she peaked in bk 1. The later ones felt a bit too much like she was over-sharing her daydreams to me, haha. 7y
Daisey I really enjoyed the first four books of the series, with Clan of the Cave Bear and this one being the ones I consider the best. I was disappointed with the fifth and sixth books. 7y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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#setineasterneurope A long, long time ago... #photoadaynov16

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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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Some of my favorite animal sidekicks are the relationships Ayla builds with Whinney and Baby in order for them to all survive while she's living on her own.


TizJ3ss LOVE Whinny and Baby!!! 🐴🐺 8y
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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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Shelf cleaning, this one i originally read in high school, I picked up this copy at a yard sale. I loved this series back then, now it's just so-so. Age and other titles have changed my point of view.

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The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel

This book was a bit more exciting than the first, particularly due to the introduction of a second storyline. A strong follow up to the first book. My only complaint is one of the character's habit of calling Ayla "woman" constantly.

The Valley of Horses | Jean M. Auel
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Started on this since I forgot the other book I was reading at my moms. Off to a bit of a slow start but I expected as much.

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