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Inside Scientology
Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion | Janet Reitman
A masterful piece of reporting . . . Reitman tells a spellbinding story of a larger-than-life personality whose quirks, ticks and charisma shaped Americas newest homegrown religious movement. Washington Post Scientology is known for its celebrity believers and its team of volunteer ministers at disaster sites such as the World Trade Center; its notably aggressive response to criticism or its attacks on psychiatry; its requirement that believers pay as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars to reach the highest levels of salvation. But for all its notoriety, Scientology has remained Americas least understood new religion, even as it has been one of its most successful. Now Janet Reitman tells its riveting full story in the first objective modern history of Scientology, at last revealing the astonishing truth about life within the controversial religion for its members and ex-members. Based on five years of research, confidential documents, and extensive interviews with current and former Scientologists, this is an utterly compelling work of nonfiction and the defining work on an elusive faith. A meticulously researched history and revealing expos, a frightening portrait of a religion that many find not just controversial, but dangerous. Boston Globe This book is fearless. Wall Street Journal A New York Times Notable Book Amazon.com Best Books of 2011, Nonfiction San Francisco Chronicle Top Ten of 2011
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#KickTheSlump #BookSpinBingo #BookNookBuddies2022

Excellent read! Although most was a re-cap of what I already knew, there was a fair bit of jaw dropping reveals that had me🤯🤯🤯

CoverToCoverGirl I like those jaw dropping reveals! 😁📚 3y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl Same🤗🤗🤗 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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PageShifter Wooow, looks intriguing 😱 3y
DieAReader @PageShifter It very much was😁 Very detailed & imo very well researched as well. 3y
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We are never going to save Tom Cruise and this is my last book on Scientology, this book covers it all. I've heard most of the horror stories from other sources, but I liked that this book covers LRH's super shady past and how it all got started. But Im done reading about it all, its frustrating.

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Interesting book, I knew a good bit already from other documentaries I've watched. The one thing I learned from this is quite a good bit of people that leave Scientology run by David Miscavige are still practicing Scientologists.. they just have issue with the leadership but they still believe in the values of their church. #8 #2019 #primereads

MicheleinPhilly Do you watch Leah Remini‘s show? Every week there is another 😱 moment. 6y
kricheal @Amiable I have that on my tbr but I have seen the documentary too. I'll watch any documentary that has to do with cult indoctrination. I'm so fascinated by it, how does someone succumb to it? 6y
kricheal @MicheleinPhilly I've seen the whole first season. I need to catch up! 6y
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Airport reading.

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Starting this next... looks interesting...

Gina Have you read...? I thought it was well researched and keep me interested throughout. 6y
TieDyeDude I did a personality test thing at the NYC church a few years ago. Sat with a counselor after to go over the results. Super weird and obviously manipulative. 6y
kricheal @Gina I actually just bought that on audible but haven't listened to it yet. I also bought 6y
kricheal @GoodForCirculation Did you read this? The whole introduction opens with a the author getting a personality test at the NYC center.. sounds like you had roughly the same experience she had. 6y
TieDyeDude Interesting. I'll have to look for it at my library. 6y
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Such a fascinating cult!

britt_brooke It‘s so weird, isn‘t it? This was a good read. 7y
ReviewsbytheMrs Oooh, I‘ve seen a couple episodes of The A & E show and was fascinated by it. I may have to look into this! 7y
HelloImJez I just got Leah Remini's book today, I'm interested to see what she has to say about it! 7y
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bibliobliss @HelloImJez Leah Remini‘s book is great! Highly recommend 👍🏼 7y
Cathythoughts Interesting 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7y
HelloImJez @Readage Looking forward to it! My mum has highjacked it for the time being though 😅 7y
Podie I was low-key obsessed with this religion for awhile. I binge watched leah remini's show and watched a few docs on netflix. Never thought to pick up a book, but this sounds right up my alley. 7y
KeeWee I also recommend Going Clear. 7y
bibliobliss @HelloImJez haha it‘s worth the wait 7y
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This was great in the way of the objective history of scientology; less shock and awe than some other scientology-related material. Don't get me wrong though, there were plenty of WTF moments, but if you want to know how and why L Ron Hubbard started this [religion] and how it evolved into the monster it is today, then this is a great place to start!

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Ok, I'm a quarter of the way through and I've "wtf'd" to myself so many times.
We've touched on hazing, cultural cleansing of a sort, and the fact that this wasn't even originally intended to be a "religion," but for tax purposes it just made sense. ??

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#noteworthyNovember day 4: This has been on my tbr list for a while. Even as someone who is non-religious (I️ use the term very loosely here), religions/cults and their ties to human nature fascinate me. Has anyone else seen the #Scientology commercials they‘ve rolled out to recruit people? Good luck, guys. Leah‘s pretty much done them in.

LauraJ This is the best book on Scientology. It‘s a fair and balanced look at the organization. I live a block from the main “church”. They are impossible to ignore. 7y
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Some #scientology books I‘ve read. It‘s a scarily fascinating business.
#noteworthynovember @Jess7

JenReadsAlot I really liked Beyond Belief. Crazy stuff. 7y
KarenUK Bizarrely fascinating.... 7y
cathysaid I am obsessed with reading about the topic. 7y
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silentrequiem Have you read Kate Bornstein's account? It was fascinating. She was ultimately kicked out and was cut off from her kids when she came out as transgender. 7y
britt_brooke @silentrequiem No, I haven‘t. Adding it to my TBR - thanks! 7y
bio_chem06 I think it's interesting that the heaven's gate people were a cult because they believed in aliens but Scientology was federally acknowledged as a religion. I dont care about beliefs, live & let live, it's all crazy as any outsider, but it's the money aspect I find fascinating. When you have money, you can be protected. 7y
britt_brooke @bio_chem06 That‘s a good point! And I definitely think it‘s all about the money. 7y
bio_chem06 @britt_brooke I just had that conversation. If they were a group of people who didn't have millions of dollars, they never would've been given religious recognition. Which is sad because they are just as destructive as other religious sects with misuse of power. I think I'm like you, I can't stop reading about it because it's so fascinating because it's a thing I can't understand. 7y
britt_brooke @bio_chem06 Yep, and unfortunately, money usually equals power which makes a religion (cult) such as this even more powerful over its members. It‘s completely fascinating to learn about cults and obscure religions. I always wonder what drives a person to allow such power and influence over themselves. 7y
MrBook Ohhh! 😳 7y
Reviewsbylola I️ can‘t wrap my mind around Scientology. It‘s freaky af to me. 7y
Kaylamburson I just finished Beyond Belief. Of all the other Scientology books you've read, which would you suggest to dive into next? 5y
britt_brooke @Kaylamburson Inside Scientology is probably most thorough one I‘ve read, so I definitely recommend it. 5y
Kaylamburson Thanks, @britt_brooke !! Someone else recommended that one, too. 5y
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Things I don't understand.

1. #scientology
2. What strange magic exists inside my book bag. I went to the library for one book and magically came home with a full bag.

I realize this is a pretty loose interpretation for #noteworthynovember. I hope that's okay.


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Here are a couple of books about a very secretive and obscure "religion." #ShhSecrets #AwesomeAutumnBooks

RealBooks4ever Good call! 👍🏼💜 7y
Jess7 Great choices! 7y
cathysaid Ooooh...I've got to check this one out! Going Clear was pretty good, too. 7y
britt_brooke @cathysaid I haven't read that one yet, but want to! 7y
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Overall, this was a fantastic read though a bit chaotic in certain chapters, possibly because of how much info was crammed in. In her disclaimer, the author states that she did her darndest to use sources without a grudge against Scientology, but that many of her sources later went on to become vocal about their suffering. I feel like there are at least two big movies trapped in the pages of this book. The chapter titled Lisa is especially scary.

Jess7 Based on everything I've heard and read #Scientology seems crazy and a little scary! Have you read other books on it? I enjoyed this one by Leah Remini and I also enjoyed her tv series regarding the same. Her book (tagged below) is equal parts funny and serious! I loved it. (edited) 7y
RaimeyGallant @Jess7 Thanks for the rec! I added it from your review. :) 7y
Jess7 Thanks @RaimeyGallant - I hope you like it! Definitely let me know what you think. If you watch her tv series on Scientology she interviews many of the top people who have spoken out against it and many of them have books on the same. I hope to read their books too, eventually. 7y
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underthebelljar Have you heard of this one? It's on my TBR but I did watch the documentary based off of it. 7y
RaimeyGallant @BookishJess I have! I'm pretty sure I added it to my TBR last week. Thanks!!! 7y
BarbaraBB I am always fascinated by Scientology and groeps like that. Should read this! 7y
Aleida It's terrifying. 7y
heikemarie I also really enjoyed Going Clear and it was a great documentary as well. 7y
Lily123 It's good that she is exposing Scientology 7y
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"The more he thought about it, Hubbard told O'Brien in his April 1953 letter, the more 'the religion angle,' as he put it, seemed to make sense. 'It's a matter of practical business.'"

Megabooks Fantastic book! 7y
TheBookStacker Yes free for kindle unlimited! 7y
Hooked_on_books I haven't read this one, but one I have read that fascinating is this: 7y
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RaimeyGallant @Hooked__on__books Thanks for the rec! 7y
Books_and_Beans Have you read Leah Remini's book? 7y
RaimeyGallant @M.E.Beebe Not yet, but I'm hearing so much about it. :) 7y
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4.5?story 5?narration I think the only thing crazier than what's going on in American politics is this "religion". From L. Ron Hubbard's eccentricities to David Muscavie's takeover, from wrongful deaths to forced labor and imprisonment, from the zealotry of Tom Cruise to second generation young people, this covers the church. Very interesting indeed! I want to learn still more.

LeahBergen All SORTS of crazy. Ha! 8y
britt_brooke I literally sent this text to my very liberal cousin a few minutes ago:

You familiar with L Ron Hubbard? He's the "creator" of Scientology. The rumor is that a friend bet him that he couldn't start a religion.

I feel like Trump is the L Ron Hubbard of politics. Hey asshole, bet you can't run for president .... then the idiots/sheep followed. It's fucking embarrassing.
britt_brooke Sorry, Trump brings out the colorful language. 😬 8y
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Donna_sBookMinute And I thought I learned everything I could ever want to know about Scientology from Leah Remini. I'm checking my libraries. One of them should have it -- unless it's recently published. Didn't Macavige's (or however you spell it) wife finally surface and refuse to talk about anything? 8y
Megabooks @britt_brooke For sure! Fucker. And I usually don't curse either! 8y
britt_brooke @Ebooksandcooks 😂 This is seriously terrifying. 8y
Megabooks @Donna_sBookMinute She wasn't a major figure in the book. All I read was that he sent her away. The book was published a few years ago and most of the reporting is pre-2010. What it has up until then follows mainly Sea Org members, the leadership, and rank and file with the exception of a chapter on Cruise. 8y
britt_brooke @Ebooksandcooks @Donna_sBookMinute The one I attached is by Miscavige's niece. I haven't read it yet but I nabbed it on an ebook deal the other day. 8y
Megabooks @britt_brooke @Donna_sBookMinute I have read Jenna's book, and it's good. Interesting perspective. I've read it as an ebook when it came out. I'm going to listen to this one soon. 8y
britt_brooke @Ebooksandcooks Good to know! I plan to read it soon. 👍🏻 8y
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Going from one big, investigative audiobook to the next! Review of Dreamland tomorrow. Really hitting #nonfictionnovember hard 👊🏻💪🏻

DeborahSmall Recently watched a documentary on Scientology, so so interesting. I'll have to add this to stack 👍🏼📚😍 8y
Megabooks @DeborahSmall It's great so far! Really informative. I've been interested in it, too. 8y
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What do you do when the power goes out? READ, of course! #Kindlesareawesome

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Back on the road and listening to this again. @Santiago and I are enjoying learning about L. Ron Hubbard and the Sea Org, through the lens of individual interview subjects' experiences.

BarbaraTheBibliophage I read Troublemaker and Beyond Belief this year. Sounds like there's at least one more for my TBR. 8y
catieohjoy Just got to Operation Snow White! 👀⁉️ 8y
Texasblues There is some seriously crazy stuff in Scientology - every few years, I'll start reading about it again and it's like going down the rabbit hole. You keep thinking that things can't get worse. But they do. 8y
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Today's road trip listen. So much strange, fascinating information!

catieohjoy It's super weird that the book is read by a male narrator, given that the book is written by a woman and parts (at least in the intro, describing her research methods) are in the first person. 😒 He has a nice, even voice, but still, weird. 8y
BookMusings I found this book super fascinating! Though cult stuff is one of my obsessions... Enjoy! 8y
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A fascinating, comprehensive study on L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology.

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Still reading the introduction …

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It's always slightly off to me when a book written in first person by a woman is narrated by a man.

LitHousewife What? That makes no sense. 8y
SuziQoregon @LitHousewife I don't think the entire book is first person but at least in the beginning Reitman is describing her own experience and it seems disconcerting from a male narrator. 8y
bermudaonion That seems very odd. 8y
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