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An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors
An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors: A Novel | Curtis Craddock
A delightful and engrossing fantasy debut featuring an intelligent heroine and her guardian, a royal musketeer. In a world of soaring continents and bottomless skies, where a burgeoning new science lifts skyships into the cloud-strewn heights, and ancient blood-borne sorceries cling to a fading glory, Princess Isabelle des Zephyrs is about to be married to a man she has barely heard of, the second son of a dying king in an empire collapsing into civil war. Born without the sorcery that is her birthright but with a perspicacious intellect, Isabelle believes her marriage will stave off disastrous conflict and bring her opportunity and influence. But the last two women betrothed to this prince were murdered, and a sorcerer-assassin is bent on making Isabelle the third. Aided and defended by her loyal musketeer, Jean-Claude, Isabelle plunges into a great maze of prophecy, intrigue, and betrayal, where everyone wears masks of glamour and lies. Step by dangerous step, she unravels the lies of her enemies and discovers a truth more perilous than any deception.
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This blended a bit of steampunk with a late Renaissance European style world that I really enjoyed. Shadow vampires who possess bodies and a dark religion makes this even more unique.
Isabelle, brilliant but with no magic, agrees to marry a foreign prince in hopes of helping her cousin the king, but she must survive the deadly politics of this new kingdom with the help of her loyal musketeer.
4/5 read for a bit of steampunk & a lot of politics

dabbe Hello there, Curious Castle! 🖤🐾🖤 13mo
AnnCrystal 😍love the pose🐕. So handsome 💕. 13mo
iread2much @dabbe he was more interested in this book than most of the others…maybe because I got it from a library sale so it has more smells? 13mo
iread2much @AnnCrystal thank you! It‘s rare to get him in any pose besides sleeping 😴 13mo
AnnCrystal @iread2much 😄😊 oh, too sweet😍🐕 13mo
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I need to look and see if I reviewed all the books I read in January …. Here are the 9 favorites I mention below.

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Journal …. January 2023 … 9 Jan favorites … stats … list of books I‘ve bought that arrived in January (crap, 36! I need to go on a book diet) 😳 …. I watched Jack Ryan in January, it wasn‘t bad … started off February with a free book that was on my watch list, a great novella if you‘ve read The Legend of Black Jack and a reminder that Part Three of Shogun is this month‘s buddy read. How‘s your 2023 reading going? Do you book journal?

Clwojick Your spread looks great! I have a #bulletjournal that I use religiously to track all my challenges, readathons, and goals. 2y
Twainy @Clwojick I love your journal pictures. They‘re motivating too. I realized I was way too lazy for much more than star ratings & pictures. My Cannon Selphy & UHU stick are 2 of my favorite book related things. 2y
Clwojick ☺️☺️ Thanks! 2y
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This book is so INSANELY underhyped! The father daughter relationship is SO DAMN GOOD

magicalshelves I own this and I can‘t wait to get to it! 6y
LoverofLit Well if Brandon Sanderson says it's good 💁❤ 6y
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Rereading a fav!

KatieCarpenter Hook funko pop! Yes! 6y
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Oh my goodness you guys! @Avanders is one of the most generous Littens I‘ve ever met. Look at the lovely package I received today as a thank you for the last round of #coffeebeanbookclub! I‘m anxious to try the coffee (Adobe Morning!!!) and read the amazing books sent along. Also, the tags, bookmark, unicorn calendar... goodness, I am so lucky! Thank you so much!

Avanders Yay!!! 💖🤗 ☕️ Did that mug make it to you safely?? I was hoping I packed it it well enough 🙏🏽🙏🏽 (edited) 6y
Mollyanna Yes, it did! Can‘t wait to use it. 6y
UwannaPublishme Cool package. And ditto to @Avanders being one of the most generous Littens! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Avanders @Mollyanna phew! 😅 @UwannaPublishme aww 🤗🤗 6y
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I‘m so anxious to finish this but I haven‘t had time!!!! Ugh. I only have 90 pages left.

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I am obsessed with this cover!

JazzFeathers It is beautiful 6y
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This was interesting in the fact that it didn't necessarily end up being what I initially thought I was gonna read. I was thinking musketeers in France with a little realistic magic but what I got was a mix of historical Europe masquerading as new countries (like GoT), some airships and magic, a wonderful guardian/daughter relationship and some great lines. Much more than I was expecting, which is always a pleasant surprise. First in a new series.

robinb It sounds great! 7y
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I managed to read 8 books this week! 😍😍



Cathythoughts That‘s pretty amazing! 7y
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I liked this book! The guardian daughter relationship was so heartwarming (and a big focus over romance which was crazy refreshing for YA). My only complaint is there needed to be more world development. You can't have a world of floating ships and switch between kingdoms without giving me more information! It's super political+inner betrayals heavy which I loved! I did not see all the twists and turns coming! I hope to see more of the magic!

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Skyships, assassins, a musketeer, and someone who didn't inherit magic they should have?


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Simple thoughts: there were a lot of good ideas but I didn't like the writing.

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Going into this with high expectations! #currentlyreading

annahenke I‘ll be curious to know your thoughts on this. 7y
thegreentealibrarian @annahenke I just read the first chapter and I'm reminded of Jim Butcher's The Aeronaut's Windlass. 7y
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My next TBR pile for Jasmine's (Novel Thoughts on YouTube) Holiday Adventure-a-thon! I'm Team Penguin. 🐧😍

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This book is the first in a trilogy, so there is a ton of world-building, which I wasn't necessarily in the mood for during the last ten days. That made it harder for me to appreciate all the incredible, creative details. The two main characters - a princess and the musketeer who's guarded her since birth - were likable and I loved their relationship. The intrigue was twisty fun also.

Full review at www.TheBibliophage.com

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Well, I finally have a bingo! After all my library sales last week, I can't justify buying more books. I'm just proud to see my card filling up! #tbrbingo

MicheleinPhilly WELCOME BACK! 😘 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MicheleinPhilly Thanks! I‘m still in the hospital, but hoping to be home this afternoon. Mostly everything has been exactly as planned. 7y
MicheleinPhilly Excellent. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Will keep my fingers crossed for a speedy discharge! 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @MicheleinPhilly Please do! Discharged drag on so long! 7y
Gezemice I am sorry you are in the hospital. I hope you will get better soon! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Gezemice Thank you. I had surgery in Tues but everything went swimmingly. I‘m super grateful! 7y
Jas16 So glad you are heading home and on the mend! 7y
MicheleinPhilly @BarbaraTheBibliophage I once told a nurse that they should consider taking their cues from the hotel industry. They're just dying to kick you out! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MicheleinPhilly LOL! Nurses always say that once a patient gets cranky enough to say that, they should be well enough to go home. Here‘s to being cranky! 7y
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Dang. I thought this book was epic fantasy. Now it's starting to sound like something 45 would say. Me no likey this character.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag My thought process: 45. Not a Doctor Who reference. (But then I got it 😅) 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Doctor Who references are more fun (also, fictional) 7y
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I would never had read this is not for #mypagehabit book subscription. It was surprisingly good with interesting characters in a strange world.

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Great new challenge this month from @RaimeyGallant ! Today is #FollowAttack and I picked two of my recent followers. Show them some love, Littens! #smittenbylittens

@BronteLouise @Skybariline

riversong153 Done and done ✅ 7y
kricheal Following! 7y
Leslie2 Following😊 7y
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ephemeralwaltz Awesome! Followed😍 7y
RaimeyGallant Following! 7y
SamLBooks Done! 😊 7y
MrBook Added! 😎👌🏻 7y
Ms_T Added 😊 7y
Libby1 Added both! 7y
Litlady Both in my Litsy house!! 👍📚😀 7y
kspenmoll Added both😊 7y
Bklover Done! 7y
Skybariline @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thank you so much! What a cool thing to do! 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Added both! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Skybariline You're welcome. You'll find Litsy as a whole is all about cool! 😎 7y
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Received my first Page Habit fantasy box today. The book sounds amazing and I like the author's annotations! The rest of the items were meh but it did come with two books. The second book is a contemporary romance that I'm most likely going to donate. I've moved An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors higher up on my TBR though!

#pagehabit #tbr #fantasy #toread #bookhaul #unboxing

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My first page habit box! I chose fantasy this time but had no idea all the extra goodies I would get. I love it! #mypagehabit

MicheleinPhilly They sent you Eight Hundred Grapes in a fantasy box? I mean owning a vineyard is a fantasy of mine but I'm guessing that's not what you had in mind. 😉 7y
lesliemarie @MicheleinPhilly right? Maybe they had a lot of extra copies?? 7y
Avanders Oh I had a different extra book! Crazy. Mine was 7y
elkeOriginal @lesliemarie @Avanders Extra book?! I just got a box more than half full of packing material. No extra book 🙁 7y
Avanders @elkeo ?There was a lot of packing material in mine too.. I assumed the extra book was part of that "fiasco" where they had people entering to win a contest that has expired... I clicked through to get the deal they were offering as an "apology"...Or.. it was also my first pagehabit box... maybe that was why? 7y
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When I've looked on Instagram everyone else's #pagehabit selection came on time and with several bookish goodies. I was disappointed that my August selection didn't arrive until September and came with minimal surprises. It was like they ran out when stocking the boxes. No quill or cactus pens for me! 📦🌵

Mdargusch That's no fun. 😕 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Noooo! 😰 7y
Starfish_Happiness Yep, I just finally got mine today as well. They sent me an email saying it was on its way, and it stayed in preshipment for a week according to tracking before actually going anywhere. And I got the exact same "extras ". 7y
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I surprised myself by liking this a lot. It has strong feminist themes and very likable characters. The magic system is solid and the prose convincing. I need the sequel already.



8leagueboot The guy on the front looks like a swarthy Musketeer, so sign me up. 7y
Nafiza @8leagueboot He IS a musketeer! That's his title. Haha 7y
8leagueboot @Nafiza yes!! My musketeerometer is going strong haha 7y
Nafiza @8leagueboot Haha. It totally is. 7y
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