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Joined September 2016

Happy Place | Emily Henry
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New book day 😍

Wayward: A Novel | Chuck Wendig
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Barnes and Noble 50% off sale!!
One of those books isn‘t supposed to be out until January 3rd 👀

Clare-Dragonfly And you got it for 50% off?! 🤯 2y
wanderinglynn Awesome haul! 2y
lesliemarie @Clare-Dragonfly yes!! There were two copies and my friend and I snatched them up! 2y
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Currently reading!

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Thistlefoot | GennaRose Nethercott
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October #BOTM

gossamerchild Yesss! I got that one too. 2y
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Currently reading

annahenke I just finished this book - it‘s delightful! 2y
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Livraria Bertrand | Lisboa, Portugal (Bookstore)
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I haven‘t posted in such a long time!! But I‘ve still been reading books, and this summer I went to Portugal. So I of course went to the oldest operating bookshop!

Ruthiella Welcome back! 😃 2y
julesG Welcome back! How was the oldest operating bookshop? 2y
RebelReader Welcome back! 2y
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Ariadne | Jennifer Saint
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The Four Winds | Kristin Hannah
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Starting this book tonight (finally)!

BookNightOwl Enjoy! 3y
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So excited for my books this month! #botm

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More new books!
I was spoiled for my birthday this year (it was the 17th) with lots of new books. I hope everyone knows I will expect it every year now! 🤣

Ddzmini Happy belated birthday 🎂 🎉🎊🎈🎁🥳📚 4y
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It is my 40th birthday today!
These are all the books I got as gifts!

Chelsea.Poole Happy birthday! 📚🥳 4y
Susanita Yay! Happy birthday! 4y
Jas16 Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎈🎁🥳 4y
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xicanti Happy birthday! Those are some mighty nice gifts. 4y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 4y
CarolynM Happy birthday 🎂🎈🎉 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Birthday 🎉🎈🎊🎁🎂 4y
Clwojick Ahhhhhhh! Happy birthday! I hope you love the Wayward Children series. They were one of my favourite reads on the year. 4y
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Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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I am so excited to read this book!

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I got two this month 🤷‍♀️

silentrequiem I selected those two too! 4y
Mtroiano Me too! 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife Same here. This month was a good month. 4y
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This book is adorable. I mean that in the best possible way. It is a fantasy story because it has some magic, but it is also about unconventional family and love and trust and hope and it is just adorable.

BookmarkTavern That sounds like exactly what I need right now! 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I'm so bored! I've been trying to read and workout and keep somewhat of a normal schedule.
I work at a school and we are closed at least until April 28th. I have a senior who is so mad to be home and so worried about graduation.
One day at a time, right?

RiverKScottWrites Poor thing. It would suck to be a senior rn! 4y
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One of my friends comes to visit twice a year and we always have to buy books. It's the best.

Leftcoastzen That‘s cool! 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I've actually been reading lots of books this month. Which is kind of weird because I'm busier than usual. So I'm not sure how that math works out exactly, but I'll just go with it.

Tianarose I just finished midnight riot today! Great book. 4y
lesliemarie @Tianarose Yay! That's good to know. I walked by it in the bookstore and thought it is something I might like, but wasn't sure. 4y
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My favorite kind of book. I love reading a good story that's a little bit magic.
"I hope you will find the cracks in the world and wedge them wider, so the light of other suns shines through"

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The last few years of goodreads reading challenges. I'm a fast reader but I don't always have the time. Also, I tend to read long books. I set my number at 75 for this year.

The Queen of Nothing | Holly Black
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All the books I got for Christmas! I already finished the top 2 and am part way through the 3rd. I'm trying to use my 2 weeks off very productively.

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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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And perfect timing because I just finished a different book today.

Found out yesterday that I have a sinus infection AND an ear infection. Thankfully after my bronchitis cleared up 🙄. I got some antibiotics so fingers crossed I'm feeling better quick.

AmyG Hope you feel better soon. 5y
wanderinglynn I hope you feel better soon 💚 5y
GypsyKat Ugh! I hope you feel better soon!!! 5y
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Jas16 Oh no! I hope you get well soon 💐 5y
JessClark78 Hope you feel better soon. 🌸 5y
LoverOfLearning Sorry to hear. Feel better! 5y
Slajaunie Hope you feel better! Starting this book tomorrow! Can‘t wait!! 5y
Eggbeater Wow. I hope you feel better soon. I just started this book too. 5y
TheRiehlDeal Oh glob, that sucks! Get better soon and enjoy the book! 5y
ravenlee Good luck! Hope the meds work wonders. 5y
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The Oregon Coast | Mark Hoy, John Maher
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I came to the Oregon coast to convalesce. But since I'm not a fancy lady who can live in a hotel for 6 months, I stayed a couple days. I don't really feel any better physically. But will you look at that view?!

Zelma Beautiful. I grew up close to the east coast in Florida and have only been out west once. So different and pretty. (edited) 5y
zezeki That is beautiful! 5y
Crazeedi I think I could heal in this place of beauty. I hope you are healing too. 6 months in a hotel room would be hard 5y
Jas16 It is beautiful. Hope you are feeling better soon 5y
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The Dragon Republic | R. F. Kuang
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Next up!

In other news, I'm still sick.
But still excited to read this book.

CoffeeCatsBooks Ugh, I hope you are over it soon! 5y
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2 books this month #botm

In other news, I have a cold which is not a huge deal but it's the first time I've been sick in about 2.5 years. 😫

Megabooks So sorry! I hope you get well soon! 5y
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Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo
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I am so excited to start this book tonight!

Cinfhen Love the cover 5y
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#botm #bookmail
Ugh you guys I have been so busy and not reading as much but I am going to try to post more often and look at everyone else's posts!

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Today was my birthday!
Friends took me out to lunch, husband took me out to dinner. People bought me flowers and mugs and I bought myself some books. It was a really fun day.

Ingerella Happy Birthday 🎂🎈🎉! 5y
Bklover Happy Birthday! I‘m so glad you had a good day. And the best present is always more books! 📚 🎂🎁 5y
Jas16 Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎈🎁🥳 5y
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Leftcoastzen Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was a great day!🎉🎂 5y
Chrissyreadit Happy Birthday! 5y
Megabooks Happy birthday!! 🥳🥳 5y
wanderinglynn Happy, happy birthday! 🎉🎂🥳🎶 5y
mabell Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂🎁 5y
Erofan Happy birthday 🎉🎁🎈🎂💐💕 5y
Simona Happy birthday❣️ 🍾🥂 5y
Crazeedi Happy happy birthday!!🥂🎂🎉🧚‍♀️ 5y
Texreader Happy birthday!! 🎁🎉🎈🎂🎊 5y
Slajaunie Happy Birthday! 🎉🎈🎁 5y
Librarybelle Happy Birthday! 5y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 5y
Marilyncjackson Happy Birthday 5y
Emilymdxn Sounds like a great day! Happy birthday! 5y
Laughterhp Happy birthday! 5y
xicanti Happy birthday! 5y
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Gods of Jade and Shadow | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Out of the 49 books I have read so far this year, 38 of them were written by women. And I didn't even do that on purpose!
This book will be number 39.

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Gods of Jade and Shadow | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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I got a free add-on because my birthday is in July!

Lovesbooks87 Yay! I loved Evelyn!!! 💚💚💚 5y
mabell Nice!! Happy Early Birthday! 🎉😄 5y
ErikasMindfulShelf I was planning on skipping but it‘s my birthday month so I better pick one. Don‘t want to lose that extra book 😂 5y
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lesliemarie @irre July birthdays are the best! 5y
Reviewsbylola Evelyn Hugo is a great read! 5y
marleed I love Evelyn! 5y
Crazeedi Evelyn is awesome!! 5y
Crazeedi And happy birthday!!🎉🎂 5y
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Perfect book for camping?

Lova I just started this one. How do you like it so far? 5y
lesliemarie @lova I just finished it yesterday and I really liked it. I'm a big fan of historical fiction. And I've heard this is going to be a series of 4 books? I'm interested to see where it will go. Let me know what you think! 5y
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Speed Reading | Tina Konstant
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This is my problem most of the time. I have always been a very fast reader. I try to make myself slow down, but when a book is getting good its difficult. 😢 Anyone else??

RaimeyGallant Yaaaaasss 5y
LibLib Every time I read Harry Potter... This is me! 5y
Ruthiella I get that feeling a lot! 5y
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Neighborly | Ellie Monago
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This is the view from my driveway. I live across the street from a park which has a playground and a large grassy area behind it. We have kids and dogs so it's convenient. And pretty.

MrBook Very pretty! Being across from a park is fantastic! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Crazeedi Lovely view and so convenient!❤ 5y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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#botm pick
I'm looking forward to this one!

NikkiRobson73 I also picked that one ! 5y
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I was very tempted to buy all of these socks. But then I remembered my sock drawer is currently overflowing 🤷‍♀️

All the Crooked Saints | Maggie Stiefvater
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My husband and I drove to Portland for a concert last night (Jenny Lewis-it was amazing). We got there early so we could go to Powell's. What a great day!

mjdowens Como Tea Llama 🦙. I love it! 5y
Eyelit How awesome! 5y
suzisteffen Oh yes, I have that T-shirt! So good. 5y
Leftcoastzen Sounds like it was great! 5y
readordierachel Awesome!! 5y
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It's not even midnight where I am yet but you can be sure I will be up late(r) reading.

Zelma 😂 5y
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The Great Alone | Kristin Hannah
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This was me on Sunday! I sat on my patio and read the tagged book and got sunburned. And barely noticed because I was into it. Parts were a little more emotional than my normal taste but the characters and story are great and I would recommend.
📸 Random House

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My mother-in-law wrote this book! She also dedicated it to the grandkids which is so sweet. The last time I was at her house I was able to look at the journals and letters she used for this book.

Mdargusch So cool! 5y
mabell How neat! 5y
UwannaPublishme Cool! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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I love WWII fiction.
I also added on The Great Alone and I'm getting the tote for being a #botm bff

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We finished the half marathon!! I'm the one not wearing a hat.
Now I will have time for reading again!

mreads Congratulations 👍 5y
Crazeedi Congrats!🎉🎉🎉 5y
hermyknee 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 that‘s awesome! 5y
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CrowCAH Congrats 🎉 5y
LaraReads Great job! 💕 5y
Mollyanna Congratulations! 5y
Eyelit Congrats! 🎉 5y
Reggie Congrats!!! 5y
BookNAround That‘s a big accomplishment. Congratulations. 5y
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Not necessarily book related but the reason I haven't been posting much: my friend likes to do half marathons but hurt her knee so can't run. She asked me if I would walk it with her and I said yes. It's on Sunday! I've been spending all my time walking (with a friend so no audio books either). I'm starting to freak out a little.

JacqMac You‘re a good friend. I hope it goes well for you. 5y
RvnclawWhovian You got this!! 5y
julesG You're a good friend! 5y
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Check out my new chunky #chunkster.
Also I'm watching Game of Thrones and I'm terrified they are making me remember how much I like certain characters just in time for them to die 😱😳😭 or maybe they will all live happily ever after?

GypsyKat I said to my husband after last nights episode that this is the last time we‘ll see all our favorite characters alive. I‘m not ready! 😭 5y
lesliemarie @GypsyKat ugh me either! 5y
TEArificbooks Last nights episode made me cry. All the characters in one place, preparing to fight a battle knowing many will die fighting. They were all saying good bye to each other but also saying goodbye to us. 5y
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Blackfish City | Sam J. Miller
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@Readergrrl thank you so much! I have not read any of these books but they are all totally books I would (and will) read. I also love the socks, bookmark, and journal. P.S. I think we got each other one thing that is the same!
@Avanders thank you for putting this together! It was a blast.
#sffs #SciFiFantasySwap

catiewithac Love that edition of neuromancer 😍 5y
Melissa_J Those socks are cute. 5y
Readergrrl I just opened mine! 😊😊😊 5y
Avanders 🧬🦄♥️♥️👏🏽 5y
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Science Fiction | Mark Bould
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I got my package yesterday! Now I just have to wait until the 18th to open it.....
#SFFS #SciFiFantasySwap

Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽💃🏽♥️ 5y
Readergrrl Fabulous!! 5y
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Swaps | Sherree DeCovny
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This box is all ready to be mailed off tomorrow!
#SFFS #SciFiFantasySwap

Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽 was it sent? 😁 5y
lesliemarie @Avanders yes! Sorry. It should be there tomorrow 5y
Avanders No worries, just checking 😘👏🏽👏🏽💃🏽♥️ 5y
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King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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These quizzes crack me up! Nikolai has too many people trying to kill him. I need less excitement in my life 😂


LaraReads Lol! So funny. I got Arthur Seuss. I don‘t think they thought that through. 🤔 5y
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Where could I be?...🤣

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New landscape, new book

You guys, reading in the car is the best! I'm so sad for those of you that can't do it.

LaraReads Agreed! As long as I‘m on a straight road. Side roads & country roads 🤢, I have to move to the audiobooks then! 5y
AlaMich I‘m sad for me too! 🤢🤢 5y
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First book of the road trip done!
I got this book specifically because I have a teenager who has mental health issues. I wanted to read it first to see if would be something he would like. I read some reviews that said it's boring but I did not think that at all. I really enjoyed the story.

jpmcwisemorgan I liked this one, in part because it made me think of the other side of Buffy. 5y
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