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I giardini della luna. La caduta di Malazan
I giardini della luna. La caduta di Malazan | Steven Erikson
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So I had to get these amazing second prints of the Malazan first three books in the series as they have art work and are signed by the author there beautiful 😍📚

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Thank you @Deblovestoread for the tag #5JoysFriday

1) My Granddaughter is playing Soccer yay
2) My Grandson is starting to walk
3) My Daughter is starting her own company
4) spring is bringing green to the trees and flowers are blooming
5) My Hubby took a day off to spend time with me

Happy Friday to all and happy reading ☺️📚

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I rearranged this shelf in my bedroom so I could extend the crow wigs on my special edition six of crows set and to better display my Malazan 1st edition books love this now 📚🙌🏽🥰😊

Gissy Love it😍📚📚📚👌❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
Ddzmini @Gissy thank you I‘m going to make a few adjustments and will post that shelf 😊📚 7mo
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There is some humour along the way in this story

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Not the most romantic proposition, I'm thinking.

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How not to capture a city.

humouress 'I see you've made no effort to improve on courtesy, Captain - I admit I understand nothing of the Adjunct's faith in you.'
“Don't lose sleep over it, Topper. Now you've found me, what is the message?' The man scowled. 'She's with the Bridgeburners. Outside Pale.
“The siege continues? How old is your information?'
'Less than a week, which is as long as I've been hunting you. In any case,' he continued, 'the deadlock is about to be broken.'
humouress Paran grunted. Then he frowned. 'Which squad?'
'You know them all?'
'Yes,' Paran asserted.
Topper's scowl deepened, then he raised a hand and began examining his rings. 'Whiskeyjack's. She's one of his recruits.'
Paran closed his eyes. It should not have surprised him. The gods are playing with me. Question is, which gods? Oh, Whiskeyjack. You once commanded an army, back when Laseen was named Surly, back when you could have listened to your
humouress companion, when you could have made a choice. You could've stopped Surly. Hell, perhaps you could have stopped me. But now you command a squad, just a squad, and she's the Empress. And me? I'm a fool who followed his dream, and now all I desire is its end. 11mo
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The Malazan series was recommended to me but the start is hard going. It took a bit to get through the prologue and now I'm wading through the first chapter (40+ pages on my iPad); a lot of characters and situations are introduced with no prior knowledge on the readers' part. I'm assuming the going will get easier as I read.

humouress Starting chapter 3, 1/6th of the way in and still finding it confusing. Sticking with it, though it‘s a bit of a slog (chapters are about 40 pages long) because I‘ve heard that it‘s good - but, for once, there‘s not enough telling to match the showing. We‘ll see (edited) 12mo
humouress Starting to sort out the confusion and get going now, 1/5th of the way in (end of chapter 3/ chapter 4) 12mo
humouress 37% in (ch8) according to Libby and still not fully into it. The writing doesn‘t flow well for me; there‘s still a lot of world building which throws us in to the middle of characters‘ lives without explanation or context to their conversations though the action has picked up and once you have a few chapters under your belt you can string things together. I think the soldier in the prologue is Whiskeyjack, but I‘m not certain; it doesn‘t say. 12mo
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humouress This is a looong book. I'm only on chapter 10 (pg 347 on my laptop) with another 14 (up to pg 748) to go - but I've got other e-library books expiring soon! 😬
I must say 'how thorough is your exhaustion?' isn't the most romantic invitation I've come across 😂
(edited) 12mo
humouress Halfway through and still struggling with it. I'm still sticking with it because I want to discover why it's so highly regarded. I feel I may never do so. 12mo
humouress Ch 13 (3/5th) - the going is getting a bit smoother now. Hopefully all the ruts have been worked out of the road (edited) 12mo
humouress TBH I‘m not sure who the good guys are or if the Malazan empire is a good thing or not. There doesn‘t seem to be a Pax Romana situation; conquered nations just provide canon fodder for the next expansion. I don‘t understand why Whiskeyjack is loyal to the empire (in its current incarnation) 12mo
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Finally, I got round to starting this epic journey of Malazan Book of the Fallen.
Love the world building created by Steven Erikson, starting with Gardens of the Moon. 📚 📖

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📚 ARGH! I wanted to hate or at least dislike this book.

Malazan Book of the Fallen
Book one

10 chonker epic fantasy reads

I haven‘t read much in this specific genre … so I was expecting to pitch it in the Stormlight Archive pile of mid.


Loved it


Rating might go up cuz I need to let it percolate. If you like epic fantasy give it a try, at least you‘ll be able to say you read 1/10. Epic fantasy street cred.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/4

kwmg40 I love this series and just finished the 6th book. If you're loving it after the first book (which is generally considered the weakest in the series), then you definitely need to continue! 2y
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My new sweatshirt love it 🙌🏽📖

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I don‘t know how I missed this book/series when it was first out but wow it‘s good. If you like epic fantasy, this one checks all the boxes & yes, I bought the 2nd & 3rd books in the 10 book series before knowing whether or not Erikson will be able to maintain the excellence of the first book. It‘s always a risk with epic fantasy but the worldbuilding & characters are fantastic & I‘m super excited to continue the story.

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Just received my Bridgeburners Shirt 🙌🏽🥰

shanaqui Ahh, I really enjoyed Gardens of the Moon way back too long ago, and now I've completely forgotten everything. I should read it again and read more of the series! Looks like a great t-shirt design. :D 2y
Ddzmini @shanaqui it‘s a great series… takes a while because every book is 900 or more pages but it‘s so worth it and the t-shirt is just my latest Malazan item I purchased 2y
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My reading is all over the place right now. I‘m still working though The Mermaid & Mrs. Hancock as well as Salmon Wars—both of which I‘m really enjoying—but the tagged book caught my eyes, hanging out on my bookshelves as it was, I picked it up and now I can‘t put it down! That‘s a reader‘s life I suppose?!? 😬🤷‍♀️

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All of #StevenEriksons books … all of them 👀🤗📖

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My #Malazan collection looks great on the shelf below Anomander Rake 🤗🥰📖

Gissy Love it!😍 2y
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Yes most of the time I do …. Really 📖🤗

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Took me so long to get into this one. It was so freakin complicated. I am glad I stuck with bc it got very good in the last third.

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As always a pleasure reading Mr. Erikson‘s work 🤗📖 a must read

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Starting on the main 10 excited 📖🤨

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Burning bridges since Pale… you can always count on The Bridgeburners 🤨📖

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For all the Malazan fans out there here‘s my Anomander Rake poster in it frame… now I just have to hang it up 🤗📖🤨

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Eggs Beautiful 🖤🤍🖤 3y
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The June book for Tor‘s Book of the Month is Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erickson!

Download a free mobi or ePub copy before 11:59 PM ET, June 25th, 2021.

Available only in the US and Canada.

https://ebookclub.tor.com #TorBookClub

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Pretty good start to a long fantasy series. I'll probably read more.

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#3Books #thatwererecommendedtome

Really glad my friend recommended these! Although I haven‘t completed the Malazan Book of the Fallen 😅 - I will have to start over because it‘s been too long and there‘s just too many characters in this epic fantasy.

OriginalCyn620 📚😊📚 4y
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QOTD: What's your favorite fantasy series?

I'd have to make it a tie between ASOIAF and The Kingkiller Chronicles. I liked the two of them because of how scarce magic was. Characters often were forced to rely on their wits and wills. This one is a stark departure where it seems like everyone has some kind of magical ability. Not that I don't enjoy it. It's taken some getting used to, but I'm starting to get ahold of the characters, the world,

vivastory LOTR, Dark Tower & Song of Ice and Fire. I've heard great things about this series. 4y
OwenBanner Yep, when it comes to fantasy, there are way too many incredible world to lose yourself in 4y
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Just finished rereading this and I still love the world, characters, and storyline Erikson creates now on to the next 📖(p.s. the book was already in this shape prior to my ownership😖🤨)

BGam But it still looks nice.. 5y
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1) Reading the tagged books
2) Aaron Elefsrud (hubby), my daughter‘s and grandkids I have 4 now just had another added yesterday morning 😍
3) where I now live Hawaii 🥰😍
Thank you for the tag 😋

BookNAround Congratulations on your new grand baby! 5y
Sharpeipup I‘ve been dreaming of Hawaii lately‘ 5y
youneverarrived Congratulations! 👶 5y
MoonWitch94 Yay for your new grand baby! 5y
Ddzmini Thank you @BookNAround @youneverarrived and @MoonWitch94 it‘s a dreamy place @Sharpeipup 🙌🏽 5y
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Going back to gena gena gena...backis 🤪🙌🏽📖 I really need my other books to come in 📚

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When I read these books 😍😍😍📚📚📚📖😋

Leftcoastzen 😂 5y
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Tried to read this 12 months ago but gave up after about 200 pages. Just given it a second go and really enjoyed it. Not sure why I seemed to struggle with it first time round. Well worth persevering with.

Ddzmini The whole series is fantastic 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼📖😋 5y
sigriff @Ddzmini I have already bought the next couple of books. 5y
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#SelfImprovementSept READING GOALS: Been in a slump most of August, so my goals include keeping up on my reading schedule for Gardens of the Moon—a group read on FB—and catching up with my BBRC reading challenge. (Just added another goal: #agathachristieclubr2) @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

RvnclawWhovian Looks like September is the month to get out of slumps for a lot of us 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @RvnclawWhovian I agree!!! Let‘s do this!! 🙌🏻💗 5y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 👍🏻 5y
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This book lived up to expectations, both in quality and complexity. It took a little longer than usual to finish, but I never lost interest (and often found myself thinking about it when I wasn't reading). I'm excited that there are so many books in this series (9 more, plus several spinoffs and prequels) because it means I can spend literally years of my life with these characters and in this world. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

Ddzmini Love this series 📖😋 5y
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I've always wanted to lose myself in a really long fantasy series, but in my two attempts (Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time and Brandon Sanderson's in-progress Stormlight Archive) I failed to make it past the first installment. However, I recently started the Malazan Book of the Fallen and I feel like this is a series I will stick with.

Ddzmini It is 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼📖😋 6y
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A first book of an epic journey (10 books in total). Hard to get used to the writing style but you should persever it because it only gets better. I highly recommend the whole epic series.

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Another book finished in the Malazan series. Once again I like that not all the books are about the same story line or characters although the characters may have been mentioned in previous books the deal with different people at different times but are all combined (so far) to build a complete community and story line love it 😊

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Battling her way through 3 more chapters to complete the homework for class seemed impossible... but for some unknown reason there was a deeper feeling pushing her forward almost as if an unknown for was helping her through... could it be a greater being... 😳😝🤣🤣🤣

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I have definitely caught myself doing that before 😄 6y
CoffeeK8 All the time! 6y
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Ddzmini Especially when doing papers 😝 psychology adds a little deeper voice too it‘s awesome @CoffeeK8 🤣 6y
Ddzmini Think Freud on the Death Star 😝 he‘s Darth Vader‘s side kick 🤣 6y
TorieStorieS Hahahahahaha- this happens to me especially with audiobooks and their performers! 6y
Ddzmini @TorieStorieS I haven‘t gotten into audiobooks as of yet but I do want to try them out eventually 6y
TorieStorieS I only started listening regularly about five years ago- but now I listen to four or five books a month on average! They are great for car rides, cleaning, coloring, laundry... all kinds of things! 😃 6y
Ddzmini I‘ve heard (😝) a lot of great things about audio books I know I‘ll have to try them when I‘m sitting in LA traffic 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Ddzmini @TorieStorieS 👆🏼😳 6y
TorieStorieS They do make the worst of traffic more palatable!!! 😃 6y
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I think I forgot to mention I‘ve moved to this book in the series and it‘s a little past my lunch 😝 but I‘m watching my granddaughter and while she‘s napping I‘m getting some reading in 😋📖 (zucchini walnut toast and avocados yum 😋)

AlaMich Are those her tiny toes at the edge of the photo? Awww! ❤️ 6y
Ddzmini @AlaMich yes she was napping 😋 6y
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#WeekendChat @CSeydel

🌟l don't think l've ever read a book because the film was coming out. But l've read many books after watching the film
🌟Gardens of the Moon, the first in the Malazan Empire series. I was quite disappointed. Never read any other novels in the series.
🌟Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Licia Troisi, Neil Gaiman, Frank McCourt, Tony Morrison
🌟Red beans and rice. In a cosy mystery there was the complete recipes. Had to try 😄

TK421 Cool! You got to meet Valerio Mossimo Manfredi. I loved his Alexander series! 7y
JazzFeathers @TK421 l was lucky enough to hear him speak twice. He's a fantastis speaker and a brilliant storyteller even in person 😊 7y
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So I‘m waiting to get the rest of the books related to this series and apparently there are two authors Steven Erickson and Ian C Esslemont and there‘s a certain order to reading them 😝📖📚📚📚 so I‘ll have to slowly collect the books and start at the beginning

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@BenAdaephonDelat and I have already read this book and love it.


I started reading this series after finishing Brandon Sanderson's most recent book. I had read a few reviews and forums saying the writing style is fairly similar.
Gardens of the Moon does have a similar geopolitical developmental style as Sanderson.
The only downfall in this book to me was that the book gradually lessens in linguistic complexity and violent imagery that was displayed in the earlier parts of the book.

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My #bookresolutions this year are to finish more series, start (and finish!) Malazan, read more classics, and let myself take the time to enjoy them all. My other resolution is to be more present on Litsy because it's a wonderful community that I've missed!! #readingresolutions

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Reading this based off of Twitter recommendations. Hoping it‘s good!

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Amazing book but so complex

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This is Puck. We had Puck for 3-4 years before we got Arya and he is a jealous old man. If he sees us petting Arya, he will perch on me until he feels like I have given sufficient compensatory cuddles. Currently interrupting my book time. #catsoflitsy #oldmanpuck

3CatsAndABook Beautiful Boy! 7y
heikemarie @Seascape28 he says thank you 😉 7y
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Enjoying a quick #booknlunch (no cake this time I am being so good!)