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Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions | Edwin Abbott Abbott
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, though written in 1884, is still considered useful in thinking about multiple dimensions. It is also seen as a satirical depiction of Victorian society and its hierarchies. A square, who is a resident of the two-dimensional Flatland, dreams of the one-dimensional Lineland. He attempts to convince the monarch of Lineland of the possibility of another dimension, but the monarch cannot see outside the line ...
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Flatland | Edwin Abbott
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Another one I'm reading for Twitch. Abbott is really committed to the world-building of his intellectual exercises here. I think the social satire aspects are under-valued in most analysis of it, which tend to focus on the math. I had fun showing chat a lobster bustle, as the size of the Victorian lady's bustle was at its peak when this was written and there's a whole bit about swaying ladies' backsides for visibility.

Flatland | Edwin Abbott
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This is a fantastic bit of satire! I have no idea how I found it, but I am glad I did! It‘s a scathing indictment of how social structure, women, & the sciences were treated at the time (1884) which are depressingly familiar. I especially loved the interaction between the Sphere and the Square. We always think we‘re the principal view when we are so much smaller than that. Also, not me looking at this & wondering how the hell he got to his room…

wanderinglynn I‘ve had flatland on my TBR shelf for ages. I really should read it. 2y
AshleyHoss820 @wanderinglynn It‘s just under 100 pages, so it goes fast! I read it in one sitting. There were mathematical bits that were over my head but, oddly, it didn‘t take away from my enjoyment of the book! ☺️ 2y
wanderinglynn Good to know! It was the math bits that had me hesitating. 👍🏻 2y
AshleyHoss820 @wanderinglynn I definitely read them, but I just enjoyed the ride and didn‘t try to make it make sense. 😂☺️ I don‘t think he‘s heavy-handed with it. I think the point is that, even though something is “obvious” or “clear” to you, that doesn‘t make it so for others. 2y
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Flatland | Edwin Abbott
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Eggs Bold patterns !!! 💛🖤💛 3y
TH3F4LC0N I love this book so much!!!! 🥰 Not only did it teach me some mathematics, but it was also a hilarious and scathing satire. Also very progressive for its time. Great read! 3y
TheSpineView @TH3F4LC0N 👍💕📖 3y
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I‘m posting one book per day from my ever-increasing TBR. No description. No explanation. Just books to read. Join the fun if you want.

Day 80.

#fromthetbrstacks - ebook edition


Flatland is a book that seems innocent enough, but upon closely reading is subject to many different interpretations of what its story is about. The premise is based on trigonometry, but don't be scared by that, its an easy and enjoyable read for any age. It's world building is somewhat sexist in parts. But it was written in 1952 (or at least the Dover copy i have was). It is partly a book of its time, but has become classic that should be read.

Flatlandia | Edwin A. Abbott

L'ho comprato per curiosità, ma mi risulta alquanto difficile entrare nella prospettiva di Flatlandia e dei flatlandesi

Flatland | Edwin Abbott
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It has been in my to read list for a long time and I'm in a weird place about what books to read to finish the year... But I don't know what I think about Flatland. Women as straight dumb lines? Come on...

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Flatland | Edwin Abbott
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Adding this to my #TBR stack.
#GreenvilleSC #JoesPlace

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“If a man with a triangular front and a polygonal back were allowed to exist and to propagate a still more Irregular posterity, what would become of the arts of life? Are the houses and doors and churches in Flatland to be altered in order to accommodate such monsters?”

#QuotsyNov18 | 29: #Square

📷: Made with Typorama

GingerAntics I‘ve had this as an ebook for a few years now. I‘ve never actually read it, though. 6y
TrishMcCallister Haha great quotes! 6y
LiterRohde @TrishMcCallister Thanks! @TK-421‘s quote challenge is one of the things I enjoy here. You should join us for #QuotsyDec18! & welcome to Litsy! Glad to have you & hope you love it here! (edited) 6y
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TrishMcCallister @LiterRohde Thanks! I‘ll check out the challenge now, thank you for sharing. 😊 I‘ve really been enjoying this new community... lots of warm welcomes and great book lists 😎 6y
LiterRohde @TrishMcCallister Also, I‘m trying my first planned book challenge, #Booked2019, if you want to check it out and join. It is hosted by @4thhouseontheleft, @BarbaraTheBibliophage, & @Cinfhen. You can find the original post and sign-up on any of their feeds. No pressure. Just glad to have you and introduce you to a few of the “things to do” around here. (edited) 6y
TrishMcCallister Sweet! I appreciate taking the time to show me around. Reading about this challenge now... @LiterRohde (edited) 6y
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A really cool little story about a two dimensional square that explores other dimensions. An interesting examination of concepts of dimensions and your place in the world. I was surprised at how long ago it was written.

Amiable My son had to read this in his geometry class in middle school--he really liked it! More than he expected he would. 6y
TieDyeDude @Amiable A few people mentioned reading this for school. I never even heard about it before! 6y
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A clever look at beings existing in other dimensions

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So there may have been a trip to McKay's in Nashville, which I highly recommend if you don't want your #bookhaul to break the bank.

I may have also returned home with an extra special treat--if you can't see the top of the stack, I may have gone and gotten myself engaged. :O
(Not that I really know anyone personally here--I'm just excited and telling everyone who will listen :) )

JennyBookworm Congratulations!🌠 7y
kait.corum Thank you! 7y
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A quirky, incredibly clever sci-fi about the structure of a society that exists entirely in 2 dimensions. Class and privilege are determined by your shape. The more sides or angles you have the more your power. Women are only straight lines. 😫

Written in the late 19th century, this satire has influenced many thinkers including Sagan and Hawking. I skimmed some of the overly mathy bits but found much to enjoy.

Thanks again, @SerialReader !

Libby1 @RachelO 🔵🔺🔹 😃 7y
rockpools @Libby1 _____ 😐! 👍 7y
Libby1 No kidding, @RachelO . Some people who reviewed this saw this as evidence of misogyny but I thought it was the opposite. He is clearly showing how the whole structure of this society is ridiculous and built on flimsy foundations. 7y
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tournevis Such a wonderful classic, that's been copied but never equaled. 7y
Libby1 @tournevis - I agree. #SerialReader is opening up a whole new world to me. I had never heard of this before. 7y
tournevis @Libby1 It's a good app, that! 7y
batsy "Mathy" is such a good word :) Book sounds really intriguing. 7y
Libby1 Thanks, @batsy . 😊 7y
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Definitely unconventional. Claims to be a romance. #notconvinced!

Does anyone that's read this fancy giving me an opinion? I'm pretty sure it would meet the wording but not the spirit of #Booked2018 #unconventionalromance.

I'll probably read it anyway at some point - my 6th form self would have loved it - but it might be later rather than sooner...

Libby1 I think I‘ll start this one in @SerialReader when I finish the 2 I‘m currently reading. It‘s caught my eye, so I‘ll have to start it soon so we can discuss it, @RachelO . 7y
rockpools @Libby1 That'd be good! Let me know when you're close to starting. 7y
Libby1 Will do, @RachelO . I think I may get to it by the end of this week. 7y
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ValerieAndBooks I know nothing about the book (looks intriguing— stacking) but love the artwork on the cover! 7y
mrsmarch A romance?? Maybe if you‘re in love with numbers? 7y
rockpools @mrsmarch 😂I kind of thought that might be it! 7y
rockpools @ValerieAndBooks Must admit the artwork made me actually pick it up. The book just sounds a bit bonkers! 7y
rockpools @Libby1 Perfect! 7y
Cinfhen Not familiar but that cover 😍😍😍 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ive read it and really enjoyed the beginning but felt like it really ran off the rails after a while. Interesting concept, anyway! 7y
alisiakae The artwork is beautiful! Not familiar with the book, but a love affair with numbers could definitely be #unconventional IMO. 😃 7y
Libby1 @RachelO , @ValerieAndBooks , @mrsmarch , @Cinfhen , @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled , @4thhouseontheleft - I just finished this and found it quirky, funny, sometimes boring (the necessary mathy bits that I skimmed), and exceedingly clever. Some of it was skim-worthy, but I can see how influential and ahead of its time this is. The “romance” in the title is meant to be satirical. I‘m glad I read it. Review to come! 7y
rockpools @Libby1 Ooh! I really am going to have to read it now, aren't I?! 7y
Libby1 @RachelO - I chuckled a lot in the first section. For the casual reader like myself it does get bogged down a bit in the middle with maths, but I think some people would love that. I hope you‘ll enjoy it when you get to it! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled That was pretty much my assessment, too! It is quite original, and Im glad I read it (I skimmed the mathy bits too!) 7y
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I know this was supposed to be a satire, but I think I need to read an introduction or something that deconstructs it for me. Without the context, I just find it weird. Also, I was never big on geometry in math -- I had an easier time "getting" algebra.

OSChamberlain I am the worst at all kinds of math yet I had so much fun with this one! Wish I‘d had a print edition with illustrations though. 7y
rabbitprincess @OSChamberlain Yes, illustrations might have helped. I was reading on Serial Reader. 7y
OSChamberlain @rabbitprincess That‘s how I read it too! 7y
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rwmg I never really thought of it as satire, just a way to get people thinking about dimensions 7y
rabbitprincess @rwmg What I read said that at least part of it was a satire of Victorian society. It is much more successful in the dept of getting people to think about dimensions. 7y
rabbitprincess @OSChamberlain Yay Serial Reader! 😊 7y
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When you catch-up on your goofy science fiction show, Orville, and they mention both Flatland and Jane Austen in the same conversation. 👍


OSChamberlain No way! I love flatland. Discovered it by accident on Serial! 7y
Seekingtardis LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!! 7y
TheLibrarian This is such a great show!! 7y
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DeeLew Yes!! I love The Orville! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @OSChamberlain I saw it posted about on Litsy, then started it in Serial, and ended up paying the .99 cents for the kindle version with the original illustrations. 👍 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Seekingtardis @TheLibrarian @DeeLew So glad I‘m not the only one who has fallen for this show. I tried the first episode a bit leery, thinking it was going to be more spoofy, but instantly loved it. I‘m sad I‘ve watched all the episodes on my DVR now, but I‘ll be looking forward to another season of this one! 7y
TheLibrarian @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh man. I didn‘t realize the first season was over. Now I‘m bummed. 7y
Bookzombie I love this show too! Just watched the last two episodes today. I was also iffy about it before I watched it, but it‘s great. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookzombie I watched those same two today! 👍 7y
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Anybody else get this badge and think, that's sad, that's not nearly enough books?

That was my first thought ⁉️😱📚➕📚➕📚✖️ infinity! (How is there no infinity symbol in emoticons?)

The_Old_Astronomer I agree. I also thought that when I got the badge. Never enough books! 8y
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The life of a regular Square is disrupted when a visitor from another dimension arrives in his house. His interactions with this "Space" extra-dimensional alien, plus a visit to the alien's home world, change his perceptions in many ways, with varying results when he returns to his own land and try's to tell others about what he's seen and learned. Both a social satire and a unique geometry lesson. Best read slowly, with the illustrated edition?

tpixie I've wanted to read this for awhile and then forgot!! Such a fun concept! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Thanks for the recommendation @OSChamberlain and @Caterina 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @tpixie It is definitely mind bending, and way before it's time.... but a great short story. It's free on series reader, but I actually sprung the whole .99 for the illustrated kindle version from Amazon. Haha 8y
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OSChamberlain @Riveted_Reader_Melissa great choice! It's actually pretty hard to follow without illustrations. I wanna try to find a hard copy of it. 8y
Ellsbeth There's an illustrated version? That would be helpful! 😋 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Ellsbeth Only a few, but yes, I found them very interesting and helpful in turning my point of view. 8y
tpixie @Riveted_Reader_Melissa cool!! Illustrations! 8y
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I have no idea what I'm reading...its short and I'm hoping it'll make sense soon.

rubyslippersreads All I know is that Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory liked it. 😄 8y
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This was a fun novella! At once a satirical commentary on Victorian society and a fascinating exploration of dimensions, Abbott creatively and comprehensively examines worlds of zero, one, two, and three dimensions, and he hints at the implications for four, five, etc. dimensions. I've never read anything like this, and I loved the social satire, the creativity, and our narrator the Square! Thanks @OSChamberlain for posting about it! #serialreader

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That sounds like an interesting read! 8y
OSChamberlain Glad you liked it! I'll say your review is much better written then mine. Hahaa. 8y
Qemorio I'm always looking for a good @SerialReader recommendation. Adding this to my Read Later list now! 8y
Caterina @OSChamberlain Haha thank you! @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and @Qemorio Yesss read it! :D 8y
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I have actually known a case where a Woman has exterminated her whole household, and half an hour afterwards, when her rage was over and the fragments swept away, has asked what has become of her husband and her children.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled This book was so off the wall. Very clever. 8y
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For #weirdbooks I had trouble picking just one. I've always thought Flatland was a bizarre book though. Also included in my weird books are anything by Tom Robbins or Jose Saramago along with S.
#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

RealLifeReading S! I keep wanting to see what that's about! 8y
rubyslippersreads Isn't that one of Dr. Sheldon Cooper's favorite books? 😸 8y
Redwritinghood @RealLifeReading it's an interesting read - about three layers of story going on at the same time. 8y
Redwritinghood @rubyslippersreads I might be the bigger dork - I had to google that name and now know it's a character on a TV show 😳. It does sound like something he might enjoy. 8y
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One more picture of the work in progress, just because it's funny to see who becomes "neighbors" when you color coordinate. Christopher Durang, meet Thorton Wilder (you will not get along). Mark Twain and Virginia Woolf? I'd like to be a fly on that wall.

Tag your post with #oddneighbors if you have a good one!

#bookstacks #rainbowstacks

BookishMarginalia Nice one! 8y
rubyslippersreads I'm curious about this book since I know Dr. Sheldon Cooper read it. 😄 8y
rachelm @rubyslippersreads it is a WEIRD book. I can't say I "recommend" it, exactly, but it's worth leafing through at your library. 8y
Zelma Ugh, I had to read that in high school Geometry class. It might be a fun read but I remember hating it due to context! 😬 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I liked this book - really interesting concept. Almost hurts your brain after a while, though! 8y
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I read this years ago and re-read to all my kids. I seem to remember a version that you could flip and read in reverse, and had either sphere land or maybe cubeland(?) in the reverse/sequel story. Can anyone confirm that?

neils4fun I found a reference to the forward backward version. It's called Flatland/Sphereland (Everyday Handbook) 8y
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A short, delightful read before work 😊

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This book had me raving for weeks to any poor soul who would listen. Who would have thought that geometry and adventure would make such a perfect couple? Insightful, intelligent, and powerfully creative. Easy to understand with no prior knowledge. A Pilgrim's Progress for mathematics.

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A middle class 2D rectangle's mind is blown when he is shown an illusive "third dimension" and when he tries to relate his experiences with his peers, he is imprisoned for insanity. FUN!