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Murder at the Vicarage
Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool 😎 💜 (edited) 2d
Eggs Great cover 💜🤍 2d
peanutnine I love this cover! 2d
Leftcoastzen Very cool cover 2d
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Miss Marples second outing and she‘s beginning to get a reputation!This book is peppered with really interesting women - not all pleasant, but resourceful, serious and strong. It was also fab to see a minor cameo appearance of Griselda! Christie‘s uses the hotel location to throw the cast together, and that gave it a vintage vibe - evening meals, drinks in the lounge, dancing and cards for entertainment - all conveniently close to St Mary Mead!

Chrys I love that cover ❤️ 1y
Mitch @Chrys it‘s beautiful isn‘t it. They‘ve reissued all the Marple books in this theme - love them! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Returning to the first Miss Marple after a 30 year gap and I loved it! I think I appreciated more how she used her talents and her situation to best effect. It felt good to read an older woman, written off by some, in a domestic sphere - be smart, funny, observant and humble.

AmyG I wished I actually knew her….she is so smart, observant and wickedly witty. 1y
Mitch @AmyG I know - I have my village Women‘s Institute meeting next Tuesday and I‘m going to be much more observant. I‘m sure there‘s a Marple amongst them! 1y
Larkken I wasn‘t expecting to find her so human!! Just like, such an old busybody but so endearing at the same time 🥰 1y
SamAnne It was such a pleasant surprise to revisit Miss Marple so many years later. Thank you @Mitch ! 1y
Mitch @SamAnne you most most welcome. I enjoyed the conversations - so good to be connected 👍🏼 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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a state of chaos and confusion; a muddle.

late 19th century
LATE HEBREW sel-lo'-mazzal
of no luck

#WeirdWords @CBee

CBee This might be a new favorite! I wonder if you can be “shemozzled” 🧐🤓 Because that might be my perpetual state 😂😂 1y
IndoorDame Oh, you definitely can be. Yiddish is wonderfully adaptable that way! 1y
marleed I love this! 1y
SamAnne Love this word!! 1y
IndoorDame @marleed @SamAnne me too! I was so charmed when I came across it! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Repost for @Mitch

#goldenagecrimeclub discussion is up and open to everyone who has read the tagged book. To join in the discussion head over to @mitch there are 5 discussion posts to participate in.

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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Thanks to all the #goldenagecrimeclub who‘ve started some fabulous conversations around the tagged book. Conversations will continue into the week so jump in whenever you‘d like. Come share you Christie stories, marvel at Miss Marple‘s feminist tendencies and remind yourself how fun Christie can be!

Julsmarshall Love the artwork! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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“There is no detective in England equal to a spinster lady of uncertain age with plenty of time on her hands.”

A nice revisit to the first Miss Marple novel. There are a few too many sub plots, but the mystery is solid with plenty of red herrings. Not my favourite Miss Marple but I did enjoy the narrative.

Pic: Some interesting old covers I found.

jlhammar Love seeing all those old covers! 1y
batsy Love those covers! 1y
Cuilin Those cover are great!! 1y
Ruthiella Love the creativity of all the covers! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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And finally……. Final thoughts, anything we‘ve missed talking about??


AmyG I lived in a small(ish) town in NJ where everyone knew everyne else‘s business. So I oddly got a kick out of this town. Ifound parts to be so funny. And I was oddly fascinated by Griselda (what a Disney princess name!) and the Vicar….their marriage. When she said she knew Lawrence before she was married - ha, all I could think was it‘s Griselda???? NO. 🤣 1y
AmyG And thank you for doing this club. I thoroughly enjoyed this first book and look forward to reading Sayers. 1y
Mitch I hear you @AmyG now that I‘m living in a small village in the English countryside - I see Agatha Christie plots and characters at every turn! 1y
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Mitch @AmyG my very humble pleasure. The Sayers has some difficult bits - but super interesting! 1y
AmyG I read a few Sayers books as a teen, too. I loved mysteries and horror the most back then. 1y
Aimeesue Since I originally read the Miss Marple way back in the day before internets, I'd never seen a map of St. Mary Mead before. I was happy to find one because it was a BIG help in picturing what happened. 1y
batsy I liked that the vicar's own marriage seem to come under the microscope. The part where he questions himself in relation to Griselda knowing Lawrence before was very understated, but that fact sort lurked in the background and cast a shadow for a bit. But it was a well deserved happy ending for him! 1y
Mitch @Aimeesue what did you think of the maps in the story!? 1y
Mitch @batsy it was dark wasn‘t it …. I wonder how much of Agatha‘s own marriage ( that broke down after her husband had an affair with a younger woman) informed some of this …. 1y
Aimeesue @Mitch I listened to the audiobook, which was not a big help in that respect. 😉 1y
jlhammar I'm with @AmyG - I also found this to be so funny and delightful. Marple had some great lines. Vicar had some great thoughts, as well. And yes, the vicar and “I do hate old women“ Griselda made such an odd and interesting pair. This club was a great idea @Mitch - thanks so much for hosting. Look forward to our Sayers group read next month and to continuing on with Miss Marple! 1y
quietjenn I too always forget just how funny Christie can be. Beyond the things that have already mentioned, I appreciated her poking fun at the literati, via nephew Raymond. Looking forward to the Sayers and the other books we end up reading. Thanks for getting us going and hosting! 1y
Ruthiella Thanks so much for hosting. I‘ve loved revisiting this book. Despite the murder aspect, I find reading Christie to be very comforting. While reading, I was thinking about how some criticize her for writing stick characters with no depth, but at least in this one, I felt the characterization was very well done. 1y
Mitch @Ruthiella I agree. The characters are better formed than I remember and thanks for joining in - it‘s stretching my reading in new directions! 1y
Mitch @quietjenn she is funny ! I don‘t think as a teenager I got that! 1y
SamAnne It had so much more depth than I was expecting. Both funny and dark. A somewhat unexpected delight. 1y
Chrissyreadit I am so glad this was a pick- I enjoyed it more than I expected- I did not realize how funny Christie is. 1y
Aimeesue @batsy I liked that part too. It added some depth. And suspicion, of course ✉️🔍👀 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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What did you think of the ending - was it satisfying? Don‘t forgot to use the “spoiler” function if you need to!


IndoorDame It was satisfying for me because it was a possibility that occurred to me right at the beginning, but since I didn‘t figure out the how it was still as much of a surprise as anyone else would have been. 1y
Cuilin Very satisfying. I suspected everyone and dismissed them all too. 1y
AmyG I thought the ending made so much sense. Many times it‘s the most obvious person(s). 1y
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Aimeesue Very satisfying solution. So clever. You do want to cross suspects off the list once you've dealt with them and concluded they couldn't have done it - unless they've worked together! 1y
batsy Satisfying! Especially since I've read it before and forgotten 😂 1y
jlhammar I agree, I thought the ending really worked. And if not for Miss Jane Marple, none would have been the wiser! 1y
quietjenn Very satisfying. Another thing I like about Christie is she's never afraid to make the culprit a character that you like. And often the victim is someone you don't, so that's satisfying in a different way. (edited) 1y
Ruthiella Very satisfying! I remembered who done it but still was impressed with how Christie plotted it out and distracted the reader. 1y
Chrissyreadit I was very satisfied with the ending. And glad that Lettice was going to be with her mom. I did not really have sympathy for the victim or the killers, and felt everything tied up nicely. Except I hope Mary can get some more skills. 1y
Aimeesue @Chrissyreadit Griselda needs to get Mary a cookbook. 😂 1y
TheAromaofBooks @quietjenn - I was actually thinking the same thing - in many ways, we're led to to make the murderers very sympathetic characters. I think showing the plausibility/justification for why a murder was committed is an important part of her writing - in the eyes of the murderer, this is the ONLY way forward, and the readers have to feel that. 1y
Mitch @Aimeesue she absolutely must! I‘m sure we could recommend her a few titles! 🤣 1y
AllDebooks Very satisfying ending. I suspected everyone, too. 🤣 Christie is the best at making a story 'grey', there is no black and white, everyone is flawed and culpable. That's why she's a master of crime, she shows us the reality of human emotion. 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Agatha Christie was quite critical of her first Miss Marple book - “It has I think far too many characters and sub plots”
What did you think of all her Red Herrings?


Mitch I liked all the characters - and believed that every one of them, including the vicar, could have done it! Picking a victim who is universally disliked in a small community gives a good suspect pool! 1y
IndoorDame I also believed anyone could have done it, and I think it was more fun that way! 1y
Cuilin I was listening on Audible and it was harder to keep track of all the characters but it made village life seem fuller with all the side stories. 1y
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Mitch @IndoorDame agreed - it definitely kept me guessing right up to the end. For me - finding out who did it at the end wasn‘t where the enjoyment lay surprisingly - I was more interested in how Miss Marple was going to lay it out! 1y
Mitch @Cuilin There was a lot going on! 1y
AmyG I thought there were too many “old” ladies. I get them a bit confused. But I loved them all and their gossipy, entitled, nosy selves. I think at one point I suspected everyone except Miss Marple! @Mitch Ha, yes about the universally disliked character. (edited) 1y
Aimeesue I always think, with books like this where there are so many possible culprits, that it must be like that for police/detectives when a crime occurs. The possible suspects are. . . almost everybody. I did like the ending though, that the suspects who'd been suspected and cleared were actually the culprits. Bravo, Agatha Christie! 1y
batsy I liked it and found it like how it must mirror real life in a social setting. The village is a closed community so to speak, but with a lot of seething resentment and envy that don't quite get expressed. This felt a bit psychological, in a way, particularly because we get that perspective from the vicar. 1y
jlhammar I suppose there was a lot going on in terms of characters and subplots, but I didn't mind. @Cuilin I agree that it helped to paint a more vivid picture of village life. I'll be interested to see how this compares to future books in the series. I'm hoping to read The Body in the Library next month. 1y
Cuilin @Aimeesue I liked that too. Very clever. 1y
quietjenn I didn't mind so much either, although I did once or twice thing one of those “Cast of Characters“ list might be nice. 🙂 And I thought the red herrings were deployed pretty effectively - including one that I totally fell for. 1y
Ruthiella I didn‘t think it was too crowded, though I also typically read Christie uncritically. As others have stated, this does give the reader a good feel for village life and all its layers. I think Griselda shows up in a later book and I love that continuity in series. 1y
Mitch @Ruthiella wow- does she! I‘m going to read all the Miss Marple books in order this year - can‘t wait to meet back up with Griselda🤣 1y
Chrissyreadit @quietjenn I agree about cast of characters- I wish I had kept one in fact. 1y
Chrissyreadit I enjoyed the characters- and the copy of the book I have has illustrations- although I finished it via a digital library copy so now I‘m going to look and see what pictures I missed. I did not mind the sub plots either. It did feel more 3 dimensional to me. 1y
AllDebooks I thought she adequately reflected village life through the number of characters and their involvement in subplots 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Miss Marples power lies in the stereotypes assigned to her. One character describes Miss Marple as “a white haired old lady with gentle appeal”.. what do you think of her and other characters assessment of her?

Mitch I love her! I love that she‘s fully in charge of that domestic space and uses that knowledge, human understanding and access in positive ways. She‘s quiet, but assured - something I aspire too! 1y
Mitch I was reading recently that Miss Marple uses her age and gender as a form of disguise. I like that was of thinking about how she works - although of course saddened that it is the case. 1y
IndoorDame I like that she‘s smart enough to work with what‘s available to her. And from watching the characters around her it seems to cut both ways. Half of them dismiss her and her position is a disguise, but some see her for who she is and defer to her, and she needs those people too to be effective. 1y
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Cuilin The older I get the more of a hero Miss Marple becomes. I love that she uses her age, sex and society‘s attitudes to them as tools rather than surrendering or fighting against them. 1y
Mitch @IndoorDame she‘s definitely got ‘status‘ in the village doesn‘t she! 1y
Mitch @Cuilin she oozes wisdom and confidence doesn‘t she that comes with age. 1y
Cuilin @Mitch Absolutely. It‘s inspiring. I like that the Vicar is aware and says not to dismiss her. 1y
AmyG Marple‘s power is that she is dismissed by others. Nobody pays too much attention to her which allows her to watch even more closely. Her mind! She IS so wise and quietly confident…and quite funny. She is fully aware 24/7. How can one not love her??. 1y
Mitch @AmyG she‘s alway ‘on‘ isn‘t she! You can practically here the cogs of her brain whirring! Agatha Christie had just turned 40 when she wrote this book - I wonder how that effected her vision ? 1y
Aimeesue @Cuilin Exactly! If people are going to stereotype you, you might as well use it to your advantage! And at the same time, while she uses age + class + gender, she doesn't fall into the trap of making assumptions about other people due to those things. 1y
jlhammar I thought this was such a clever way for Christie to introduce us to Marple. I liked the vicar as narrator and we really get a feel for how the village views her. Quite feminist (can't believe this was published close to 100 years ago!) to have all the characters who dislike, underestimate and stereotype Marple proven foolish (especially Inspector Slack). I love Marple and look forward to continuing with the series. 1y
batsy I like that she seems self-aware, and the vicar picks up on it too. There is a comment where he likes her better after she gently mocks herself because of her nosiness. It's interesting that it comes up a lot that people are dismissive of an "old cat"; the latent sexism and ageism at work. 1y
batsy @jlhammar It struck me as quite feminist during this reread, as well! 1y
quietjenn She's the bees knees! Really agree with what other people have said. Her power also lies in being a student of human nature and constantly on watch. I love how she makes her points by bringing up stories of seemingly completely trivial and unrelated stories of people, which bewilder people because they aren't smart enough to make the connections that she is. And yes, she is totally feminist and aware of her own foibles. 1y
Ruthiella Underestimating Miss Marple is a running theme in all the books that feature her. I loved it when the vicar said to Insp. Slack “Miss Marple is usually right. That‘s what makes her unpopular.” 😂 1y
Mitch @quietjenn I‘d forgotten her stories! It reminds me a bit of Columbo - when he mentions ‘just one more thing‘ as he goes to leave! 1y
Mitch @Ruthiella fab quote! I need that on a T! 1y
Chrissyreadit @Ruthiella I love that quote too! 1y
Chrissyreadit I was not sure what to think at first- I thought she would feature more in the book- and it turns out she does feature predominantly in the story- and I love how technically she was there all along. 1y
AllDebooks I love how subtle she is, while being equally front and centre of the gossip mill. Great character and demonstration of hiding in plain sight. 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Before we dig into some themes- initial impressions? Likes? Dislikes? Relationship with the book? Christie?


Mitch One of my book goals this year is to read the Miss Marple books in order. Some I‘ve read in my teens, some I‘ve seen on TV and some I‘ve never read - like this one! I enjoyed it! I was expecting Miss Marple to be centre stage though. 1y
Mitch I read lots of Christie as a teenager and I think I rather dismissed her - shockingly! But reading this now I can appreciate more of her politics, her subtlety and her writing. Glad to be revisiting 1y
IndoorDame This was my first read of this one too and I was also surprised to find she wasn‘t center stage. 1y
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Mitch @IndoorDame half way through I actually had the check online it was the first Marple - I was worried I‘d set us off on the wrong book! 1y
IndoorDame @Mitch 😂😂😂 1y
Cuilin I was surprised that Miss Marple didn‘t feature more though I did like the narrator. 1y
Mitch @Cuilin I liked him too! Although he also appeared high up in my list of likely suspects! 1y
Cuilin @Mitch and his wife, and his maid 😂 1y
AmyG I, too, read many Christie books in my teens. I found this to be so comforting. It brought me back to the days of reading in my childhood bedroom. I forgot, too, how little Miss Marple shows up in the story but manages to tie up the case with a lovely bow. Christie was my favorite mystery writer until I read Ruth Rendell. (edited) 1y
Mitch @AmyG I love how certain books / authors can instantly transport us to a time and place. Christie‘s does that for me too! 1y
Aimeesue I don't remember whether I'd read this one before or not, but there was definitely a different tone to the later Marple books- she definitely is more centered as the series goes on. Len and his asides about Mary were hilarious 😂 1y
erzascarletbookgasm I read lots of Christie books too when I was younger, and I must confess, I was more impressed and amused by the Belgian detective. Now on rereading some of them, I find there‘s more to Miss Marple than her eavesdropping and nosy interference. 1y
jlhammar This was actually my first time reading a Christie novel! My intro to Christie was watching the Poirot (David Suchet) and Marple (Joan Hickson) adaptations years ago. Loved them both. Shortly after I read and enjoyed a collection of Miss Marple stories. Then last year read Lucy Worsley's Christie biography (fabulous) and ended the year with Christie's Midwinter Murder story collection which I really enjoyed. I already ordered the second Marple! 1y
Mitch @Aimeesue agreed! They had some great one liners! 1y
Mitch @erzascarletbookgasm I think I‘ve changed sides too! I always thought Poirot had more fun and got to travel - but I‘m loving the complexity of the confines of the village (edited) 1y
Mitch @jlhammar 0-100 in a short space of time! The Lucy Worsley book was brilliant wasnt it - really helped me understand the spans of Christie‘s fiction and appreciate the decades in which is is situated. I think I‘d not really appreciated that before 1y
batsy I've read it before, but this time I paid attention to how Miss Marple is introduced. There's not much of her in this first one but she packs a punch. I sort of like how she was kind of discreetly in the background because the vicar always had her words in mind! This didn't use to be one of my favourites in the past, but I really enjoyed it this time around. The dislikes: the usual class snobbery re: domestic help with books in this era. 1y
Mitch @batsy I like her in the wings as well. She‘s not much on the page - but still a huge character in the book. 1y
quietjenn I went on a major Christie binge about 16 years ago, reading everything I could get my hands on, including this. I like that our introduction to Miss Marple is so subtle - at first she just one gossipy spinster amongst many and there's no indication that she will become as iconic as she eventually does. Having read and watched many more mysteries since that first read, I was way more aware of how formative this was, this time around. (edited) 1y
SamAnne I hadnt read Christie in years. This was great. I associate reading Marple mysteries with my mother. When we visited England when I was 13 (my Dad was stationed there in the AF for a few years and I was born there—my parents loved England!) We consumed Marple and Poirot mysteries on the trains! So wonderful to read the first one! Will have to read more. 1y
Ruthiella And Then There Were None was one of the first adult books I read at age 12. Now four plus decades later I‘m still a huge Christie fan. I‘d read this title a couple of times before. I definitely enjoyed the humor, which I‘d forgotten. 1y
Mitch @SamAnne I hope the reading experience took you back to those train journeys! 1y
Mitch @quietjenn subtle is a good word for it… for most of the novel any one of those women could step to the fore! 1y
Mitch @Ruthiella what keeps you coming back for more? 1y
Ruthiella @Mitch I love mysteries and I do think that Christie‘s title as the Queen of Crime is well deserved. In fairly short books she gives atmosphere, character and typically an ingenious plot. Plus the books are now also time capsules, which I love. 1y
Chrissyreadit I loved this- I had forgotten I read And Then There We‘re None years ago with my kids (we all enjoyed it) but I did not LOVE it- this was both charming and engaging, likable and unlikable characters and I really enjoyed The Vicar and Griselda so much. Do the other books take place in the same village? 1y
Ruthiella @Chrissyreadit A few further books do take place in St. Mary Mead, but most happen outside the village. However, Miss Marple always brings her background of village life to how she solves the mysteries. 1y
Chrissyreadit @Ruthiella thanks!! I‘m interested in more but it may be a little while. 1y
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Yes! She's always telling someone a story about something that happened "one time in St Mary Mead." 1y
AllDebooks I'm revisiting AC too, although never read Miss Marple. For such a short book, AC really encapsulates village life. The constant 'women are stupid' disparrages annoyed me, but then I started to think she was showing the men and their generalist comments to be the idiots. 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Seems an appropriate activity as I finish listening to tagged book. 🧶

Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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“If I were at any time to set out on a career of deceit, it would be of Miss Marple that I should be afraid.”

Quite right, Vicar! This was just a lot of fun. Love Jane Marple. Looking forward to our #GoldenAgeCrimeClub discussion!

MuddyPuddle Another cool cover. 1y
Mitch Yeah! Looking forward to Sundays chat 👍🏼 1y
Tamra Life that cover! 1y
batsy It's a really good one! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Getting ready for #goldenagecrimeclub 😵🔍👀
I do love a book with a map

Cuilin I love that map. I‘m listening on Audible but could do with a map. 1y
Aimeesue @Cuilin I went back and forth between audio and ebook, and it was really nice to be able to see the map and make sense of St Mary Mead. For all the Marple novels I've read, I don't think I've ever looked at a map of the village until now! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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It was fun to revisit this first book in the Miss Marple series. She doesn't figure as prominently in this book as in the others, but I did like the first-person narration of the vicar.

#goldenagecrimeclub @mitch
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Mitch Can‘t wait to chat on Sunday! 👍🏼 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Not long to go before our first #goldenagecrimeclub buddy read discussion. On Sunday I‘ll post 4 or 5 prompts to get the conversations started. Really looking forward to it!

Cuilin Oh can I join? I love this genre. I think I have a copy somewhere. 2y
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Mitch @Cuilin of course! Open to everyone! Join us every month of a discussion. First one this Sunday 2y
Cuilin @Mitch Brilliant, thank you. 2y
AmyG Thank you for the reminder. I am almost done! 2y
kspenmoll Me too! 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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💜💜💜 Love Love Love! What a brilliant introduction to Miss Marple. I‘d actually never read this one before and can‘t wait to discuss it with everyone next week! All the suspects were set up so plausibly that I couldn‘t stop reading to find out which one it actually was. I was suspicious of everyone. #GoldenAgeCrimeClub #Pantone2023 #SpringCrocus #JoyousJanuary #Sharreadathon @Mitch @Clwojick @Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @StayCurious

Clwojick Oooo love this cover! 🖤 2y
Andrew65 An excellent book. Well done 👏👏👏 2y
IndoorDame @Clwojick there was a box set of the first 5 Miss Marple books with this cover art style and I couldn‘t resist 2y
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Ruthiella I knew who done it, having read it a couple of times before, and I marveled at how skillfully Christie plotted it. 2y
IndoorDame @Ruthiella she really is well named as ‘the queen of crime‘ 2y
Trashcanman How are you? 2y
IndoorDame @Trashcanman having a bad pain day, but a good reading day, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. How are you? 2y
Trashcanman @IndoorDame I'm sorry to hear that it's a bad pain day. They increased one of my meds and now I'm twitching and they day it's normal and it will go away. I'm tired. 2y
IndoorDame @Trashcanman I hope it does go away soon. 2y
Trashcanman @IndoorDame thank you 💗 2y
batsy Yes! And in that lovely edition! 2y
IndoorDame @batsy super happy I gave in and got it 💜 2y
Mitch Lovely edition! Looking forward to chatting on Sunday! 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Just starting this one for the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub this month. Only a few chapters in and it‘s already so filled with vivid character portraits. Agatha Christie is such a joy to read! #SharReadathon @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Mitch

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 2y
Mitch Yeah! 👍🏼 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Took this off the shelves for the #goldenagecrimeclub reading this month. I‘ve read it and watched the movie long ago..it‘s good to revisit Miss Marple, as I‘ve forgotten the details and who the murderer was.

AmyG It‘s a movie? I am halfway through the book and will have to see if I can find that when finished. Thanks! 2y
Ruthiella Love your collection of Christie‘s novels! 😍 2y
erzascarletbookgasm @AmyG It‘s actually a 1986 BBC adaptation starring Joan Hickson, and another TV movie adaptation in 2004 with Geraldine McEwan 😊 2y
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AmyG Hopefully I can find one of those. Thank you! 2y
batsy I loved the adaptations and hope to rewatch them this month too. @AmyG The Geraldine McEwan one is on YT https://youtu.be/-p1dc42qVIA 2y
Mitch Cool! Haven‘t seen that edition before 2y
AmyG Thanks! @batsy 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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I'll be reading from my ancient edition of Murder at the Vicarage for #GoldenAgeCrimeClub but I spotted these pretty covers at the bookstore yesterday. They're new to me and much restraint was needed on my part not to get one after reminding myself of my bank balance 🙃

BiblioLitten Cool covers!! 2y
BC_Dittemore Love those covers 2y
Ruthiella I admire your restraint! 👏👏👏 2y
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sarahbarnes I know the feeling! 2y
LeahBergen They ARE pretty! 2y
Smarkies Pretty covers are always tempting! 2y
batsy @Ruthiella Thank you! (she says, as she plots to acquire one or two 😆) 2y
batsy @sarahbarnes The eternal struggle! 2y
batsy @Smarkies *take my money gif* 😁 2y
batsy @Ruthiella I just saw that the vintage copy you're reading has these two books in one edition 🙂 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Oooh I‘ve not seen these new covers! 😻 2y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Yes! Saw these at Popular. 2y
IndoorDame I saw these covers too, but I didn‘t have your restraint. The digital version I was trying to read had half the text in blue and was driving me nuts so that seemed like a good excuse 😂 2y
batsy @IndoorDame That is absolutely the most valid reason to get these editions 😁 2y
jlhammar Oooh, I can see why you were tempted! Lovely. 2y
Ruthiella @batsy It does! It‘s an old book club edition from the 1970s and was my mom‘s. 2y
Aimeesue Wow, pretty! I do love great cover design, especially for series. 😍 2y
batsy @jlhammar @Aimeesue I was trying to find out more and Waterstones has a bunch of these...so pretty! 2y
batsy @Ruthiella Even better! A treasured copy ❤️ 2y
willaful Ooo, those are lovely!

I'm a fan of the Tom Adams covers (https://beautifulbooks.info/illustratedbibliographies/illustrators-and-authors/collecting-tom-adams-agatha-christie/)
batsy @willaful That is such a great resource; thanks for sharing! Somehow the French & Spanish ones are moody and excellent. His Chandler covers are also 👌🏾 2y
GatheringBooks Restraint should be my word for 2023. Just bought five books recently, so I could benefit from borrowing some of yours. 🤣😂😅 Gorgeous covers! 2y
AvidReader25 Those covers!!! 😍 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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We‘re getting closer to our first #goldeagecrimeclub buddy read - Jan 29th

Thought it might be cool to all post the covers of the edition were reading - I‘d love to see the variety ! This is my copy! Post yours !

mariaku21 What a beautiful cover! 2y
jlhammar Love this edition - I have the same! Look forward to starting soon. 2y
Mitch @jlhammar the new issues are just soooo pretty 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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My #GoldenAgeCrimeClub reads for January and February have arrived! Look forward to starting the Marple soon.

batsy Woohoo! I have the Christie but I'm waiting for the Sayers and Brand to arrive. 2y
Reggie @LeahBergen I guess there‘s an ACTUAL book title saying why you shouldn‘t go work at the vicarage. 2y
LeahBergen @Reggie That‘s right! 🤣 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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“She has a powerful imagination, and systemically thinks the worst of everyone.
‘The typical elderly spinster, in fact,” said Melchett with a laugh. “Well, I ought to know the breed by now. Gad, the tea parties down here!”

I couldn‘t put it down! I meant to read it slowly for the #goldenagecrimeclub discussion at the end of the month. It was too fantastic of a read. The Vicar as a narrator and an unknowing Watson to Miss Marple was perfect.

Ruthiella I‘ve read this multiple times and am looking forward to reading it again for the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub ! 🕵🏼‍♂️ 2y
LeahBergen Lovely photo! 😊 2y
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quietjenn I love your little church! I'm looking forward to revisiting this one. 2y
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella Yay! I think we are going to have lots to chat about in the club discussion at the end of the month. 2y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen Thank you! ❤️ 2y
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn Thank you! The church is actually an old Christmas tree ornament that my grandfather had on his tree when he was a little boy. I don‘t know much else about it and the string at the top broke off, so now I place it on the fireplace mantel at Christmas. I‘ve got to put my decor away this weekend 😬 2y
quietjenn @Jess_Read_This oh, that makes it even lovelier 💙 I just packed up my Christmas things today (although they're still sitting by the basement door, waiting to be taken downstairs). 2y
batsy Pretty! I'm looking forward to revisiting this (again 😁) this month. It's such a satisfying Marple story. 2y
Texreader Great photo!! 2y
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn I love Christmas decor but sometimes it‘s also a great nice fresh feeling when it‘s all down. I try to leave the white lights up through January and call them winter lights 😂 I need some cozy light in January 2y
Jess_Read_This @batsy I like how you mentioned it‘s a “satisfying Marple story”. That is exactly how I felt in the end, just so satisfied. 2y
Mitch Yeah! I‘m glad we‘re kicking off our #goldenagecrimeclub with a good one! 2y
jlhammar My copy is on the way. Looking forward to it! 2y
Jess_Read_This @Mitch So much great discussion worthy material! 2y
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar yay!! I can‘t wait to discuss it with you! 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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So - here is the first three month reading for the #goldenagecrimeclub

Something familiar, some series starters and something a little more obscure!

Book discussion last Sunday of every month


AmyG Ooooooo….thanks! And a very Happy New Year to you and the family. 😘 2y
jlhammar Yay! Great picks! This is going to be fun. 2y
Aimeesue Yay! I'm excited about these - I've never read Brand 2y
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Mitch @Aimeesue me neither! 2y
sarahbellum Woohoo! I‘ve read the Jan and Feb picks, so I‘ll start reading along in March. Looking forward to following the Jan and Feb discussions! 2y
DGRachel Exciting! I‘ve read the Christie, but I will re-listen to the audiobook before discussion time. I haven‘t read either of the others. My mom is a Sayers fan. 🙂 2y
Chrissyreadit Yay!!!! I‘m super excited! And Happy New Year! 2y
LeahBergen What @sarahbellum said! ☝️ I‘ve been curious about the March read and will now order a copy. 👏 2y
Librarybelle Sounds great!! 2y
Bibliomania @Mitch 3 excting choices. Murder at the Vicarage I can't remember at all and need a re-read and the other 2 I have already on my TBRs and have been meaning to read for ages!! So that'll help get me through the TBR stacks :-) I am an Edward Ardizzone super fan and Christianna Brand was his cousin so very excited to read Jezebel. Thanks for running this :-) 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I'm super excited!! 2y
batsy This is so fun! I've only read the Marple. Realising that while I've read and loved Sayers I don't think I've read the first book, so this is most ideal. 2y
Aimeesue Yay! Jane Marple is the best. 2y
MoonWitch94 Oh! Can I join in? 2y
CarolynM I‘ve only read the Agatha Christie, but so long ago! It will be interesting to revisit. And I‘ve always meant to read Dorothy L Sayers but never quite got there. 2y
Mitch @AmyG happy New Year 🥳 2y
Mitch @MoonWitch94 of course! Open to everyone who‘s game ! 2y
MoonWitch94 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 2y
kspenmoll Thank you! I am excited! 2y
AllDebooks @Mitch thank you. 😊 1y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Happy Monday! 💙 Reading outside this morning before heading in to work! 🌿📖💕 Excited to be starting the first Miss Marple book! It's been a really long time since I've read these stories, so I'm looking forward to rediscovering this one!

rubyslippersreads Great photo! 2y
vivastory Your balcony is so colorful! I have a patio & have considered reading outside but as I'm on the ground floor I think I'd quickly retreat inside due to the barking dogs 2y
batsy What a lovely photo! 🌿🌼 2y
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RaeLovesToRead Looks like the book is trying to casually blend in! 🌿📗🌿 2y
Branwen @rubyslippersreads @batsy Thank you so much! 😄🌿 @RaeLovesToRead It's a great camouflage! 😂🌿 @vivastory Thank you! 🌿 Yeah, I don't know that I would sit out there so often if I was on the first floor. Plus, there are a ton of seniors in my apt building and they are always coming and going! 😂 2y
Ruthiella Do you remember whodunnit? 2y
Branwen @Ruthiella I do not! 🤣 So it really will be like reading it for the first time! 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie

The first Miss Marple book. It‘s interesting to see how the character started and know how she later developed in the series (as I‘ve read other books in the Marple series). This was narrated by the vicar and was rather well done.

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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Currently reading

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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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Griselda sat behind the #tea table trying to look natural in her environment, but only succeeded in looking more out of place than usual. #QuotsyDec19

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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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#GratefulReads - Day 22 - #FavoriteAuthor - No surprises from me today, it‘s #AgathaChristie

OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚😊 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve never read her!! 🙈😱 5y
erzascarletbookgasm What a great collection of AC! 😍 I was just thinking of posting of her! 🙌 5y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie

This wasn‘t the best A.C. I‘ve read. I found it started kind of slow, and at times I had trouble keeping all the characters straight. (that could totally be due to pregnancy brain and my lack of attention span though!) The end definitely picked up, and surprised me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️


Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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How many others are reading this book for the last #popsugarreadingchallenge prompt?

Hestapleton 🙋🏼‍♀️ 6y
grumpygirlbooks I immediately thought of this book for that as well! 😂 6y
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