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Year We Fell Down
Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
21 posts | 43 read | 18 to read
The sport she loves is out of reach. The boy she loves has someone else. What now? She expected to start Harkness College as a varsity ice hockey player. But a serious accident means that Corey Callahan will start school in a wheelchair instead. Across the hall, in the other handicapped-accessible dorm room, lives the too-delicious-to-be real Adam Hartley, another would-be hockey star with his leg broken in two places. He's way out of Corey's league. Also, he's taken. Nevertheless, an unlikely alliance blooms between Corey and Hartley in the "gimp ghetto" of McHerrin Hall. Over tequila, perilously balanced dining hall trays, and video games, the two cope with disappointments that nobody else understands. They're just friends, of course, until one night when things fall apart. Or fall together. All Corey knows is that she's falling. Hard. But will Hartley set aside his trophy girl to love someone as broken as Corey? If he won't, she will need to find the courage to make a life for herself at Harkness - one which does not revolve around the sport she can no longer play, or the brown-eyed boy who's afraid to love her back.
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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Everyone has their s*** to shovel, Callahan. Everybody. Now, yours is right up front where everyone can see it. I don't envy you that. But everybody has some, whether you can see it or not.

CarolynM ❤️ Love this book. It‘s a great series. 2y
KateKintail @CarolynM Great to know! I have book 3 but not book 2. Is it worth going in order, or can I jump around a bit? Hockey romances are pretty much the only straight romances I read! 😂 2y
CarolynM I don‘t think it matters which order you read the first 3, but you‘ll enjoy 4 and 5 more if you read them in order after 3. 6 is 3 novellas, the first 2 of which can be read any time but the 3rd - Yesterday - is a direct sequel to book 3. They don‘t all qualify as hockey romances but they‘re all worth reading. 2y
KateKintail @CarolynM thank you! Super helpful! ❤🏒 2y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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This feel good book was exactly what I was in the mood for. Corey was an excellent ice hockey player but due to a serious accident she starts College in a wheelchair. There she meets Adam, another would-be hockey star but he broke his leg and is walking on crutches. When they meet they hit it off immediately. Romance is in the air, Corey falls in love but he has a gorgeous girlfriend who is no “gimp” like her. Loved it!

Pic: Artwork I bought 😍

IuliaC Amazing piece of art, I love the idea! 2y
BarbaraBB @IuliaC Thank you, me too. The artist makes a series of views from different mosques (so far in Geneva, Amsterdam and London). I am very happy with it! 2y
batsy Love the art; feels like you can almost walk into and through it. 2y
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kspenmoll Your artwork looks stunning where you have hung it. 2y
squirrelbrain That artwork is amazing! @batsy is right - it feels as though you could walk straight into another world. 2y
LeahBergen Love the new art! ❤️ 2y
CarolynM Whew! I‘m so glad you didn‘t hate it🫣😀 You see what I mean about showing the relationship developing? Sarina Bowen is usually pretty good at that. I love the artwork too😍 2y
Suet624 So glad you found a feel good book. We need to read these now and again! And that artwork. Fantastic! 2y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM Yes! I get what you mean! 2y
Megabooks Love that artwork! Who is the artist? 2y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks His name is Marwan Bassiouni, a Swiss photographer of Egyptian and American-Italian descent. 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB thank you! I‘m going to look him up. 👍🏻 2y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks the idea behind is world is great. I think you‘ll agree! 2y
sisilia Love the artwork! 2y
BarbaraBB @sisilia Thank you! 2y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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Elle Kennedy is my favorite New Adult author but I must say Sarina Bowen is giving her a good run for her money! I read their collaboration Him/Us and it was good but this, my first Bowen book, I really love 🥰 Friends-to-lovers is my favorite romance trope and this one is perfect. Hoping the rest of the series is just as good!🤞🏼

CarolynM I love this series, so many wonderful characters. 5y
Jovy @CarolynM Good to know! I‘m excited to get to all the books 👍🏼 5y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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I bought a kindle, and it was one of the best decisions I‘ve ever made. So much better than reading on my phone. 😍

Also, I got this book for free on Amazon a while back (Thanks to someone on Litsy #blameitonlitsy) and I‘m so happy I did. I generally do not enjoy new adult books. However, I couldn‘t pass up this hockey player romance, and I finally found a new adult book that I loved. #success

CarolynM I love Sarina Bowen's books, especially the Ivy Years series❤️ 6y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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I'm still trucking right along with my #romantsy binge and it's still really hitting the spot! The perfect escape to help balance out stress.

This was a sweet story with just the right amount of steam. Featuring a main character with a disability, it tackles all the usual angst of a college romance while also giving a diverse perspective on accessibility. Loved it! ❤️

Lauren_reading This whole series is so good!! 6y
swishandflick @LaurenReads that's what I've heard! I'm immediately picking up the next one 😄 6y
CoffeeK8 This one was wonderful! 6y
CarolynM Love Hartley and Corey❤️ 6y
Kimberlone Omigosh this one was such a surprise when I read it! 6y
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Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen

I enjoyed this book, I really liked the character development and it was an easy read for me

The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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Finished this yesterday and I really liked it. I've never read anything by this author before but I will be now😄📖 #Romance #Hockey #AprilBooks

The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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Saturday reading....🙌❤️ #AprilBooks

The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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This book was a surprisingly sweet romance about Corey, a wheelchair bound former hockey player and Hartley a current college hockey star with a broken leg. Corey is strong and determined and dealing with a lot of emotional issues in a very honesty way and Hartley is there for her. #romantsy (currently free on kindle)

MarriedtoMrT I‘ve been eyeing this one forever but I‘m hot/cold with Sarina Bowen. Definitely snatching it up for free, though! Thanks for the tip. 6y
CoffeeK8 @MarriedtoMrT i‘m hot/cold with her too, but this one was really good 6y
CarolynM I love Sarina Bowen's books, especially this series 6y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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The first ebook in this series is currently free. It's a great new adult romance series.

CarolynM Love this series, especially The Understatement of the Year. Are you getting the new story serialised on Sarina's mailing list? 7y
nitalibrarian @CarolynM I am. Enjoying Pepe very much. 😉 7y
CarolynM 👍 7y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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When I'm super busy with barely any time to read: I read what I love. I just read this for probably the fifth time. ??

The first time I read it, I was in awe of the perspective this book gave me. The MC is a recently paralyzed college freshman who uses a wheelchair for much of the story. She comes to terms with her "new" body while navigating a tough new college campus and a romantic relationship post-accident and GAHHH it's so great. #romantsy

EloisaJames I've reread it this vacation as well! It's my favorite in one of my favorite series of all time. I love the romance--and I also feel as if the depiction of disability is far more real than I often see in romance. 7y
intothehallofbooks @EloisaJames Yes! I agree! I decided to continue rereading the Ivy Years Series because I enjoyed revisiting this first one so much-I'm currently in the middle of The Year We Hid Away. Fantastic. (edited) 7y
EloisaJames @intothehallofbooks I love that one too. The scene before the judge at the end...sigh. Why aren't there more books like that? 7y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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I saw a review of this book on litsy and was so intrigued. Romance, disability, hockey, college age YA which apparently is called NA, New Adult, and rave reviews. I loved this book! The heroine is bad ass, she doesn't annoy me, and takes the world by storm despite insecurity about her recent spinal cord injury. Exactly the book I needed! Also is my number 1 for the @bookriot 2017 #readharderchallenge #NAromance #hockey

Kimberlone Omg I've read this! Also was super into it. Totally forgot about this book. Glad you found it on your own! 7y
Saknicole @Kimberlone why did you not recommend it?! I need more like this! I think I'm going to read the rest of the series! 7y
Kimberlone @Saknicole I forget how I stumbled on this one...I think it was before you started playing hockey. I didn't know it was a series! 7y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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I'm not usually a fan of romance novels with college aged characters, but this book was great! It seemed realistic in dealing with the heroine's paralysis and the slow burn relationship. Read it in 1 sitting 😀#romantsy

writerlibrarian Totally agree. 👊🏻 7y
EloisaJames I absolutely agree! I adored the heroine and it was great to read about disability in such a non-saccharine way. 7y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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My list of auto buy authors has drastically decreased in recent years due to space issues, money, and some disappointing books. I am more likely to add something to my library holds lists as soon as I hear an author has a new book out. These two women remain on my list. Sarah Vowell always teaches me something while managing to make me laugh and Sarina Bowen just makes me happy. #marchintoreading #autobuyauthors

intothehallofbooks Love Sarina Bowen!! 8y
Lacythebookworm Sarah Vowell is an autobuy for me as well! 🙌 8y
Chachic Love Sarina Bowen's books! I need to catch up on her latest releases. 8y
EloisaJames Love Sarah Bowen, esp The Year We Fell Down! 8y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen

I've had really good luck with discovering amazing NA books, and this one was no exception. This is not your usual, full of stereotypes and lots of drama story. Instead we get fairly mature characters, a great friendship-to-love story and a main character in a weelchair. It was all around special and I highly recommend!

The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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A hockey romance where both leads learn to grow and deal with handicap. One is permanent and I liked that Bowen didn't sugar coated Corey's life. It's a well done romance between a young woman who is now in a wheel chair due to a hockey injury and a young man, also a hockey player, sidelined by a stupid off ice injury. I liked the university setting Sarina Bowen created, the supporting characters. Really good opening bow. #romantsy #hockeyromance

Chachic This is such a good series! My favorite is the third book, The Understatement of the Year. 8y
EloisaJames This is my favorite--I really felt I gained some idea what it's like to be wheelchair-bound. 8y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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I don't get all the hype about this series. This book wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that great either. Might/might not read the rest of the books in the series. #theivyyears #imagefromtheweb

EloisaJames I really loved reading about a heroine with a serious disability. Plus I loved that she very logically told him how she was feeling, without a lot of self-pity, and banished him. I just really liked her. 8y
reading.in.brussels Yes, she's a very strong character, I think even stronger than he is. I really appreciated the way in which she dealt with her hardships. Both of the lead characters are fine on their own - however, I felt a certain lack of chemistry between them, which is why maybe I didn't like it as much as other people. 8y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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Sweets for sweet story. #booktober #readingsnacks 💖#romantsy

raelaschoenherr I was just looking at her newest, Keepsake. Never read her before! Do you recommend? 8y
writerlibrarian @raelaschoenherr This is my first of her novels. So far, i like her style. 8y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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My #fridayreads 📚❤️🏠

The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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#funfridayphoto fav book set in college is actually a series. The Ivy Years books are so good, though I've only read the first three! 😬

MeganB Oh! And photo courtesy of a google image search for the ivy years, I didn't make that! 8y
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The Year We Fell Down | Sarina Bowen
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I re-read this book yesterday and loved it just as much as the first time I read it! I adore this authors writing. After reading a few books by her now I'm pretty sure that I'll be reading whatever she publishes from now on! 5⭐️

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