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Mary B
Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen
32 posts | 25 read | 44 to read
The overlooked middle sister in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice casts off her prim exterior and takes center stage in this fresh retelling of the classic novel. I will tell you the story of how I knew myself to be plain and therefore devoid of the one virtue which it behooves every woman to have. What is to be done with Mary Bennet? She possesses neither the beauty of her eldest sister, Jane, nor the high-spirited charm of second-born Lizzy. Even compared to her frivolous younger siblings, Kitty and Lydia, Mary knows she is lacking in the ways that matter for single, not-so-well-to-do women in nineteenth-century England who must secure their futures through the finding of a husband. As her sisters wed, one by one, Mary pictures herself growing old, a spinster with no estate to run or children to mind, dependent on the charity of others. At least she has the silent rebellion and secret pleasures of reading and writing to keep her company. But even her fictional creations are no match for the scandal, tragedy, and romance that eventually visit Mary's own life. In Mary B, readers are transported beyond the center of the ballroom to discover that wallflowers are sometimes the most intriguing guests at the party. Beneath Mary's plain appearance and bookish demeanor simmers an inner life brimming with passion, humor, and imagination--and a voice that demands to be heard. Set before, during, and after the events of Pride and Prejudice, Katherine J. Chen's vividly original debut novel pays homage to a beloved classic while envisioning a life that is difficult to achieve in any era: that of a truly independent woman.
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Thank you so much @jenniferw88
I‘ve got such fond memories of Pride & Prejudice and this being Mary‘s take on it all sounds wonderful. Thank you. Hope you had fun on Guernsey - it‘s on my bucket list!

jenniferw88 Happy birthday! 13mo
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Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen
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The first part of this - which overlaps the P&P timeline was enjoyable. The second part - which moves beyond the events of P&P is awful. Chen distorts the characters into the worst versions of themselves. Charlotte is mean, Colonel Fitzwilliam is a complete asshole, Lizzy and Darcy are the worst versions of themselves... And if that wasn‘t enough, Chen kills off two significant characters in a timeline that takes us to a year after the end of P&P.

Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen

I loved the first 2/3 of the book. I did love that the author had Mary falling in love with Darcy's cousin. But, I found it incredulous that any fan would think that Lizzie would give up her sassy personality upon marriage. And refusing to sleep with Darcy anymore due to losing a child in birth. Add to that the fact that the author seemed to think that Darcy would cheat on Lizzie. Stop reading after Mary is left by her lover for another woman.

SW-T Belated welcome to Litsy 😊 5y
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Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen
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This one has taken some interesting turns 👀👀👀

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Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen
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Lunch date with my beloved, @BookishMarginalia at our non-book-related happy place, Artisan Cheese Company in Sarasota.

Cinfhen Nice photo 💜 6y
MelissaSue81 Artisan cheese company sounds ah-May-zing! 6y
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Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen
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Awaiting lunch at another one of our happy places: The Artisan Cheese Company in Sarasota. (Ginger beer, yum!)

Aussie4paws Yummy 🙌 6y
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Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen
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#TrickyCat snuck into the bedroom!

Mary B: A Novel | Katherine Chen
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#CurrentView - Lazy Saturday continues!

Gissy Let me know how is that book! It is in my wish list! 6y
LatrelWhite Good historical read. It was Barnes & Nobles Book Club pick last month. 6y
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After dinner coffee and dessert with book.

Freespirit Looks lovely! 6y
catebutler Looks delicious! 6y
Shuga I'm jealous that I don't have an invite. Enjoy. 6y
Factaddict73 I cannot read books of this sort..... as an empath, I internalize EVERYTHING too much, and have (somewhat intentionally) not erected barriers to input. I‘ve walked out of stores almost in tears after following people in line at a checkout that were having a discussion about something, not aware that “people,” could hear their discussion. It is not up to me to interfere in the lives of the entire central TX population with observations/suggestions. 6y
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In Orlando for a conference that starts tomorrow. Getting some reading done at the hotel before dinner.

alysonimagines Ooh that sounds interesting! I‘ve always felt like Mary Bennett got no respect. 6y
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When I found this on the library's "new books" shelves, I was intrigued. Why would anyone write a novel with Mary Bennet as the main character? She‘s preachy, serious, plain. It starts out rather charmingly seeing the P&P plot from Mary‘s POV but as Chen imagines a future for the Bennets, she treads shaky ground. It's never easy retelling (& extending) a beloved story and this is an especially beloved one.

merelybookish Interesting! Did you read Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld, an update of P&P. By the end, I felt she should have made Mary the protagonist. 6y
RealLifeReading This is for #popsugarchallenge - retelling of a classic 6y
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RealLifeReading @merelybookish somehow I haven‘t read that yet although I‘ve read most of Sittenfeld‘s books! Now I‘ll have to go read it! 😀 6y
merelybookish @RealLifeReading It's my least favorite Sittenfeld. But I'll be interested to hear what you think! 6y
Cinfhen I agree, retellings are tricky business although I did like this one - a Jewish take on Wharton‘s An Age Of Innocence 6y
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I was a bit worried when I started reading this book that takes in the world of P&P from the perspective of Mary, whom really never interested me at all. Also it has pretty bad reviews on Goodreads! However I‘m rather enjoying this Mary-centric story and it‘s really quite charming.

Ravenclawsbookshelf Adding this to my tbr just cause she's never really interested me all that much either. 6y
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Did not enjoy this book like I thought I would. I would actually give it a thumbs down, but the writing itself is not bad. And for the most part, I didn‘t dislike the way Mary was characterized, to me she made a lot of sense. However, I DID NOT like the way the rest of the characters were presented and did not come off as truthful representations of the original P&P.

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Just picked these up for the library today... to add to the 24 I had checked out already... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤓

melbeautyandbooks Of course you did. The other books needed company. 😃🤓 6y
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‘But if you are sitting behind your sisters and occupied with a book, it is as if to say to the guest, “I would rather spend time with the litigious husbands, gamblers, and spendthrifts of this novel than with you, dear sir, even if you had no interest in wooing me in the first place.”‘

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This was ok. I was excited to see this story from the perspective of Mary, but while enjoyable, I found that the characters seemed to stray too far from Austin‘s for me to like as much as I hoped to. I definitely think it‘s a good book to read, maybe more so for those not too attached to the original, but ultimately I was disappointed with many of the choices Chen made in how she evolved these beloved characters.

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Pro‘s: I liked that it was a fresh interpretation and a behind the scenes look at the sisters lives and relationships. I also like that Mary became a writer with Darcy‘s publisher friend‘s help.

Con‘s: Most everyone came across as shallow, mean, or selfish. Mary B herself veered between naive romantic and bitter cynic.

Original, but rather bumpy.

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There were things I liked and things I didn't but overall Chen provided a really great look into Mary, the overlooked younger sister that is worth reading.

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As I feared, September starts with a bail. The writing is okay, but I‘ve found being inside Mary‘s head to be tedious and dull. I could tolerate the author‘s unpopular characterization of Lizzie, but I draw the line at making Colonel Fitzwilliam an unmitigated jerk. There‘s not enough to enjoy here to keep me going, and just enough to irritate me beyond reason. Poor Mary. I‘d love a GOOD book about her. I even tried switching to audio. Nope.

BookFreakOut I haven't read this one, maybe you've already seen it. 6y
DGRachel @BookFreakOut I have not, but I will definitely stack it and check it out. Thank you! 6y
robinb I liked this one but can understand why some won‘t. Sorry it wasn‘t for you, but on to the next great one, right?! 🤷🏻‍♀️😊 6y
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DGRachel @robinb I wonder if it‘s just my current mental state. I was okay, just a little bored, right up until Colonel Fitzwilliam comes to Pemberly. Chen makes him such a boor, and I‘ve always adored his character, that it immediately put my hackles up. I was already on the fence about bailing. I‘m glad you enjoyed it. All books should be enjoyed by someone. 😊 6y
robinb @DGRachel I actually went into this one a little nervous. I finally just told myself...it‘s fiction, the way one person wants to play around with P&P...it WILL NOT change how I feel about ANYTHING in P&P. I guess it worked! 🤣🤣🤣 I also found her writing beautiful. 6y
DGRachel @robinb That makes me sad. It really must just be my mood. I rather liked the writing, too, but I also felt bored. I mean, I made it made more than half way through the book. Maybe I‘ll try again another time. 6y
rubyslippersreads Oh no! I still have this ARC to read. 😕 6y
DGRachel @rubyslippersreads Read it! Give it a chance. I definitely think it‘s just me, not the book. I‘m in a serious funk. 😔 6y
robinb @DGRachel No, don‘t feel that way! As I was reading it I thought that it would either be one that folks really like or really don‘t...no gray. Trust your instincts...it probably just wasn‘t for you. I‘ve had those books that everyone seems to gush over and I‘m like “did I miss something?” Reading is about whatever floats your boat (or sinks your ship). 😂😂 Either way, I get something out of it, ya know? 6y
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Just saw an article about this book. Definitely a must read!

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-from Pride and Prejudice, Mary‘s Story

rubyslippersreads I still haven't gotten to this ARC. 6y
JANEissarilyAUSTENtatious @rubyslippersreads lol, it‘s no longer advanced! 6y
rubyslippersreads @JANEissarilyAUSTENtatious I know, and I feel very guilty about it. 😏 6y
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I was very excited for this book. No one‘s ever seen Mary Bennett like this. I was instantly hooked by Chen‘s lively and lyrical writing.

I didn‘t like some of the plot twists, but that has more to do with my obsession with the original than anything else. It‘s impossible for me to be unbiased when it‘s Jane Austen. Careful, Austen fans, she put her own twist on some of our favorite characters!

#JaneAusten #Retelling #NetGalley #BookReview

SharonGoforth Been debating on this one - thanks for the review!! 6y
Beatlefan129 I also have this waiting for me from Netgalley. Looks interesting 6y
Bronte_Chintz Ive been wondering whether to give it a go for exactly this reason. Sounds brilliant, but then I love the original! 6y
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Linsy @Bronte_Chintz I had a really good time, particularly in the first third, experiencing well-loved scenes from the original in a different light, but I must admit I wish she‘d gone a different direction. There are certain characters and couples that I just love so much that seeing them twisted around soured my experience somewhat. 6y
kyraleseberg I enjoyed this one because I love a retelling that shakes things up but I know the die-hard Austen fans may have a coronary over the twists she put on the lives of the Bennet sisters! 6y
Naomis-shelf You should read The Pursuit of Mary Bennet by Pamela Mingle. That is an excellent Mary Bennet story. 6y
Bronte_Chintz @Linsy Yeah i figures to make Mary seem good or more interesting it might be at the expense of some well loved characters. I think I still want to give it a go though! 6y
Bronte_Chintz @Naomis-shelf Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
Linsy @kyraleseberg Not quite a coronary, but it was hard! I loved seeing iconic scenes from Mary‘s perspective though. It put more humanity into her character and made me wince at her treatment from her sisters. 6y
Linsy @Naomis-shelf Ooh, adding to my TBR! 6y
Linsy @kyraleseberg I‘ll definitely be looking at things differently on my next reread of P&P! 6y
kyraleseberg I also enjoyed the perspective of one of the "forgotten" sisters! Another great retelling I can recommend is 6y
Linsy @Bronte_Chintz I wish you all the luck! Even with the changes that I gave significant side-eye, it‘s still a solid pick for me! 6y
kyraleseberg That one stays true to the characters we fell in love with in the original P&P! 6y
Linsy @kyraleseberg Ooh, stacked! 6y
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I‘m on page 234 and still not sure how I feel about this book.

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tammysue Nice review! 6y
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Everything you thought you knew about the Bennet sisters in P&P? Throw it out the window for this dark retelling! Shocking behavior, scandals, and betrayals are parts of their fate as told by middle sister Mary in the timeline before, during, and (mostly) after the original Jane Austen novel.
Major fans will probably rage or cry (...or both) if they decide to read the story of Mary B. Check out that overall rating on Goodreads!

Wife @HOTPock3tt This sounds interesting. 🤔 6y
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It is a beautiful (not too hot🎉) evening so I‘m doing some post-dinner, back-deck reading while the kids are with the grandparents.

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Limited space here so just a couple of things: I enjoyed this book but don‘t think all will. The writing is simply beautiful. However there are some tweaks to some of the characters that some may find disconcerting. Me? It‘s fiction and the way one author saw things develop from P&P.🤷🏻‍♀️ Heartbreaking, poignant, victorious. As for Mary? She finds her voice. She‘s amazing here. 4.3/5⭐️

Thanks to #NetGalley & #RandomHouse.
Out 7/24

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Must stop requesting ARCs! One more for July!

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Up next...here‘s the blurb:

“Beneath Mary‘s plain appearance and bookish demeanor simmers an inner life brimming with passion, humor, and imagination—and a voice that demands to be heard.

Set before, during, and after the events of Pride and Prejudice, Katherine J. Chen‘s vividly original debut novel pays homage to a beloved classic while envisioning a life that is difficult to achieve in any era: that of a truly independent woman.” 🔽


robinb Thanks to #NetGalley and #RandomHouse for the ARC! 6y
DarcysMom Looks good - I just requested it. 😁 6y
robinb @DarcysMom oh good! I was so excited to get it! Hope you do too! 🤞 6y
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LeahBergen I‘m looking forward to this one! 6y
Bradleygirl Ok I have to read this one, this is how I sign off on cards 6y
robinb @LeahBergen Me too! 😊👍 (edited) 6y
robinb @Bradleygirl 👍🤣🤣 6y
DarcysMom I am so excited - I was approved and it on my kindle! 6y
robinb @DarcysMom YAY!!! I‘m still working on it! 😊👍 6y
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Do you ever wonder about philosophical middle sister Mary Bennet, from Pride and Prejudice? Well, in this book she gets her own story!

Set to release JULY 24, 2018!!!

rubyslippersreads I just got this ARC. So excited! 😄 6y
CrowCAH @rubyslippersreads that is super exciting! 😀 6y
batsy @rubyslippersreads I got the ARC too! I hope I remember to read it 😳😆 6y
JANEissarilyAUSTENtatious @batsy deadlines are tough! Lol 6y
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