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The October Man
The October Man: A PC Grant Novella | Ben Aaronovitch
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I suppose it's impressive that Aaronovitch provided such a distinctive voice for the new character narrating this novella, the trouble is, a combination of the way the author gave the character voice and the chosen narrator left me cold. Peter Grant has a certain charm, that makes his observations hilarious and heartwarming as well insightful, wry, in the face of dark things. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality Tobias is incisive and on occasion drily witty, but I was not truly invested in that story told from his POV. I like the idea and Sommer and Winter as a future team up, but I might have to go looking for print versions to avoid the chilly narration, even if it means missing out on the proper pronunciation on a slew of German words. ⚠️Recounting of attempted SA 4mo
julesG Not one of my favourites either. Hat tip to Aaronovitch, telling the story from Tobias' POV. I thought Tobias could have been one of a bunch of former office colleagues I had. Maybe a different narrator would have been better? Not that I could think of one, apart from SI really struggled with the narrator and 4mo
julesG Gah, sent off while editing 4mo
julesG Wanted to write: can't think of a different narrator. Alex Kingston did a great job with the other German-POV story, but she wasn't the right fit here either. 4mo
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Although this is the same concept as his other books with Peter Grant this features Tobias Winter in Germany so different settings great book with likable characters and a great story

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Not the strongest in the series (and a standalone that deals with Tobias Winter of the German magical police) about a murder in the German wine making town of Trier. Not bad either though, I just prefer Peter Grant. Winter is convincingly written, he's just not my kind of character. Aaronovitch is obviously a little into Roman Stuff, which, okay. Not by cup of tea either. But interesting case and I liked Vanessa.

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1) at home with gastric distress instead of at the coffee shop 😡
2) the library had this book in book format! Kinda weird as they don't have most of the rest of the series, but I'll take the win, especially as I don't want to buy the not-Peter books
3) WHAT is up with the style in this one. Aaronovitch is using the sentence structure of someone with a German accent and it's weird so far, but at least Tobias isn't using Peter's voice?

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Almost done with this series. I think I enjoyed this one more than the original ones. Whoops. A good read.
TBR since July 6th. 2021; 178 pages.

KathyWheeler I hope we see more of Winter and Sommer. 3y
rwmg My current insomnia read is tagged. The next story up is Vanessa Sommer's Other Christmas List 3y
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Enjoyed seeing this side of the Peter Grant story. Can‘t wait to find out more about Toni and Vani 😊

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I'm going to try my hand and juggling 3 readathons, this plus #OutstandingOctober and #AudioAthon readathons. No specific goals, just to read as much as I can and to enjoy all my books.

#October20in4 @Bookgoil

Bookgoil I‘m in so many this weekend too glad you are joining!!! 4y
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It may not be October yet but that doesn't mean I can't start getting my Halloween stuff out. It my favorite time of year after all. 😂💀🎃

KarouBlue Perfect bookmark! 4y
jackilynn @MellieAntoinette it is one of my favorites. I actually have a whole Nightmare Before Christmas set that I tend to use nonstop this time of year. 4y
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Loved it. My only question at the end was, will we get more Winter and Sommer adventures, or will the next novella be in France? As usual I am up for anything in this series.

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Bedtime reading.

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Had some catching up to do. This was cute. Germanness and Aaronovich go well together, I'm looking forward to the cross-over episode. I would love for one playing in my neck of the woods...


Meanwhile in Germany ....

Fun novella and short story about the Folly's counterparts in Germany dealing with mysterious deaths surrounding a vineyard on a tributary of the Mosel.

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rwmg The tea is gen mai cha sencha - Darius's favourite from 4y
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I really enjoyed reading about the Rivers of London world from a different perspective and seeing what the main series narrator and his world have gotten wrong. Or simply failed to consider.
I hope the characters get to meet, even if somewhat reluctantly.

The quality is on par with the main series. You have to pay attention at times so my dog walks involved a little bit of an audio rewind here and there. And comedy is threaded through.

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Both my grandmas grew up on farms. Both would be capable. One has threatened many and I would not be surprised if something ever turned up about her or her dad.

I love them so much 😂♥️

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As read by Sam Peter Jackson.
I have a physical copy, but when I checked to see if the audiobook had a German narrator, well. Be still my beating heart. I have a thing for German accents and the language. It's a change in style from Kobna but it's change in narrator too. Jackson is a calm and playful narrator.

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Another fantastic instalment in this amazing series. I loved how this had none of the original characters and still totally relates and is just as incredible!

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This is a Rivers of London novella set in Germany, with German characters. I, a German, read this in English and it was a strange feeling. When I first heard the news about this book, I wondered, why? I still don't see the need for it. The short length of the novella doesn't help to get to know the new characters. It's not a bad book, but it's also not a good one.

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In this story I liked the setting and, more to the point, the wine region setting. I really liked Tobias‘ liaison, Vanessa Sommer. She wasn‘t what Tobias was expecting but I think her addition and her reaction to the world Tobias presents her with was very promising. She was a bit like a happy and eager puppy but I liked that about her. Also, the mystery behind the fungal rot was historical in nature and fascinating.

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I was immediately disappointed when I downloaded this audiobook and found it wasn‘t narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith. Once I got over the new setting and the lack of Peter Grant, though, it wasn‘t bad. It‘s fun to see the magic system of Rivers of London extended to Germany, and I realized I know very little about the modern German police force. Enjoyable enough, but I hope we‘ll still see more Peter Grant stories soon.

KathyWheeler I felt exactly the same way. Peter Grant will be back in February in False Values. 5y
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This is a Rivers of London novella, but we aren‘t in London, and we have no Peter Grant and no Thomas Nightingale. Kobna Holdbrook-Smith doesn‘t even narrate the audiobook. Instead, we‘re introduced to Tobias Summer who‘s in the German version of a magical police unit. I liked the story and the narrator, but it lacks the humor of the Grant novels. It has humor — just not as much. I would read more books with this mc but will always prefer Grant.


I enjoyed this expansion of the Rivers of London universe and would happily read more, even if Nightingale appears only as a mention... (I love Nightingale 😍)

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Are you excited for the new graphic novel about him? 5y
rabbitprincess @BookHoarder32 I actually haven't been reading the graphic novels. For some reason I don't want to have an artist telling me what the characters look like 😜 5y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage They're not too bad and fill in some gaps in the storyline 😊 5y
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If you‘ve been curious what practitioners outside of England are doing in the Rivers of London universe? Wonder no more.

Investigator Tobias Winter is brought to in find out what happened when a dead man mysteriously covered in fungus is found in Trier, Germany.

Pros: a good intro, explains the rules of magic with BA‘s humor and wit.

Cons: it reestablishes everything we already know from 7 previous books. Also a LOT of German words. 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑

BookmarkTavern #TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon #24B4Monday @Clwojick 5 points for finishing + 2 for during #readathon + 1 participation (268 total) 5y
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Holy 💩, the library's copy of The October Man is a special signed edition! 😱 Going to have to be extra careful with this one.

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I read THE OCTOBER MAN yesterday, and it was so fun! It‘s book 7.5 in the Rivers of London series and I think it would make a great introduction to the series if you‘re not sure about diving in. It‘s set in Germany (not England like the rest of the series).

But THE OCTOBER MAN offers an introduction into how magic works in Aaronovitch‘s world, and a good glimpse of his sly humor. Plus it‘s only 208 pages!

bunny This book was a great! It was so interesting to see magic through the eyes of a different practitioner. I love your photo of it too! 5y
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October Man | Ben Aaronovitch

I found this surprisingly meh? Part of the disappointment is just that it's so like a Peter Grant book, even though it's supposed to be a different character! So much of it was predictable, even down to the way the narrator expressed himself. It was enjoyable in and of itself, but... still.

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Reading on my parents porch and listening to the summer noises of crickets and cicadas

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Different reader, different setting but still very enjoyable and a good length for a wee crochet project. I‘ve still got two hours to go on the audio - might need some wine to accompany it.

julesG What did you make? Looks like a bag or loop scarf. #crochetersoflitsy #hookersoflitsy 😁 5y
Kaddele It‘s a little bag - it‘s this month‘s project in the Little Box of Crochet. It‘s a cute summery thing - it still needs a couple of tassels but I‘m nearly done. 5y
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This novella is number 7.5 in the Rivers of London series but this time it‘s set in Germany. Much like JK Rowling and Fantastic Beasts, Aaronovitch has gone international. 😉 Unlike FB, although we‘ve got new characters, we‘re not really uncovering any more of the history of this world - same kind of story, different setting.
And... I don‘t care. I still loved it and wanted it to be twice as long. 😍😍😍

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Wee bit of audio stitching. Saw an idea on Facebook to put your WiFi password on a QR code. No idea if it'll work but it'll be a talking point 😂📶

Well-ReadNeck Cool idea! Let us know if it works!!! 🙌🏼 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Ha! Cool! 5y
julesG Very cool and nerdy idea! 5y
WeeWeegieBookworm @Well-ReadNeck it works!! Woo! 😁 5y
Well-ReadNeck @WeeWeegieBookworm 👏🏼🙌🏼👊🏼 5y
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Chapter 3: Wine Sacrifice.
Sounds about right 😊🍷

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I very much enjoyed this new novella in the #RiversofLondon series. There is no Peter Grant though as it is set in Germany with his German counterparts investigating magical troubles near Trier which has plenty of Roman history + several rivers to draw on in creating magical mayhem. I would love more novels with this group & setting!
This does not fit into the series in a specific place—if you know the London set-up, just jump into this anytime!

Centique So good to hear! I love this series and I‘m on hold for this at the library 😍 5y
elkeOriginal @Centique It is just as good as the London books - and just makes my mind wander to where else the books can go - hoping he writes more all through Europe and the world! 🌏 5y
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🤔🤔 I can't decide if I wanna continue with the folks from St. Mary's or jump back into Ben Aaronovitch's work. If it was a Peter Grant story, I'd be half way through it by now but I don't know about this new guy....

elkeOriginal I enjoyed the ‘new guy‘ in October Man! 5y
umbrellagirl Tough choice. I love them both. 5y
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October Man | Ben Aaronovitch
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Just got home from Ben Aaronovitch book signing. I had a blast! I can't wait to get stuck into this book!

#benaaronovitch #theoctoberman

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I love this series. Enjoy! 5y
Aphina @BookHoarder32 I adore the series. I have just started this book and I love it already! 5y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage That's awesome! I'm super excited for 5y
Aphina @BookHoarder32 He was talking a bit about that last night and about the series. He has complete creative control apparently. 5y
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Couldn't resist another limited edition to add to my growing collection. This time it's Ben Aaronovitch's latest release 😁 #RiversOfLondon #LimitedEdition #Signed

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I'm a little jealous 😍 5y
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Fun little expansion of the Rivers of London universe. I really enjoyed Tobias and Vanessa. Hopefully Mr. Aaronovitch will see fit to bring the new characters into contact with Nightingale, Grant, and the rest of the gang in future books. Quick, entertaining read.

BooknerdsLife Love this series but I‘m not all caught up yet, this one sounds fun too😄 5y
Ericalambbrown @BooknerdsLife It was a fun little excursion! 5y
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I miss Peter Grant, but this novella was still a fun diversion into the German equivalent of the Folly! #NetGalley

October Man | Ben Aaronovitch
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Harry Potter reference! Lol
#netgalley #currentlyreading


Had the chance to read an ARC copy of this and I enjoyed it! This was not about Peter Grant, so it was a nice detour to see what their German counterparts were going.

I agree with a previous reviewer that the flow was a little disjointed; I had a small problem connecting the story everyone it jumped, but I enjoyed the story!

I look forward to more on Tobi Winter and Vanessa Sommer; and hopefully a look at the French too!

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Ben Aaronovitch posted a link to an excerpt of his new novella coming out in June.


The setting is Germany and I admit that as a German I'm a bit apprehensive.


Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Oh my goodness, love your username! I'm knee-deep in Jasper Fforde right now. 😁 5y
PickwickPlockPlock @BookHoarder32 Haha, thanks 😁 (and you have an ARC of October Man? I'm jealous) 5y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I do! I found it on NetGalley. 5y
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