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By the Pricking of My Thumbs (Tommy & Tuppence)
By the Pricking of My Thumbs (Tommy & Tuppence) | Agatha Christie
25 posts | 48 read | 11 to read
An old woman in a nursing home speaks of a child buried behind the fireplace...
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It was again a very light and cheerful Agatha Christie novel.

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Audiobook. Still love Tommy & Tuppence, but this story is a little slow. The couple is getting older, & Tuppence wants to solve a mystery after meeting an elderly lady in a nursing home. 3 ⭐️

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Anybody up for an Agatha Christie group of the Litsy Markup Postal Book Club? @Suvata is hosting sign-ups for Round10 and new participants are welcome. I am looking for 2 more members to jump in on Group N with me!

2020 has to be good for something and that something is that I have found Litsy, and I am discovering it's charms in full force! 😃 ❤

#LMPBC #GroupN

Laughterhp Ooo yes I might be! 4y
katy4peas @Laughterhp Yay! The sign-up form is on @Suvata 's page. 😃 4y
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Took a trip out to Windsor today for lunch with the hubby & found this old 2ndhand store down a side street. Scored big time with their books, I found these 1970s editions of Dame Agatha which are so cool and the price was fantastic. All of these plus three other books cost me $8! #bargainsoflitsy

erzascarletbookgasm Ooooh score! These covers are great! 4y
Spillmrj Best mystery author ever... 4y
Nute Fantastic vintage editions! And the price was right! 4y
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I love getting matching collection - and these covers are wonderful! 4y
Leftcoastzen Very nice! 4y
AmyG I love these. What a great find. 4y
Jaimelire Love 😍 4y
MaleficentBookDragon Those are fantastic. 😻😻😻 I collect old Christies as well. 4y
CarolynM I have a few of those editions from back in the day - I read heaps of Agatha Christie when I was in high school. 4y
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I suppose they didn‘t have spellcheck back in 1984.

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚👍🏻 5y
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This was only my second book by Christie, and I really loved it. Tommy and Tuppence are are delightful, if somewhat ridiculous at times. And the twist at the end actually surprised me. 🙀

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Many libraries around the city and never a spare seat to be found!

Day two #riotgrams #librarylove #nyc

Chelleo Love this pic! 6y
j9brown @Chelleo Thanks !! 6y
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Blurry morning, turning the pages quickly on a fast-moving train .

Day one #riotgrams #readingselfie #nyc

JazzFeathers Hear! Hear!!! 6y
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It‘s been years since I read this book, and it didn‘t disappoint upon re-reading. The Tommy and Tuppence series is nice to read because they age, so you get to see them as young people, as middle-aged people, etc. I wish there were more books featuring them. I had forgotten the twist in this book and totally didn‘t see it coming. It was creepy. I‘m reading this whole series in order, and I look forward to the next one, Postern of Fate.

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Anyone else track their books the old fashioned way? My 2018 so far (not including an unread stack of impulse buys! 😛)
#newtolitsy #bujo

Chelleo Beautiful layout! You‘ll find many of us have a #bulletjournal or #readingjournal to track reading and books! #bujo (edited) 6y
Chelleo Welcome! Checkout #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips by @RaimeyGallant and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. They‘re great and should help you get settled in. Follow @LitsyHappenings to find out about various challenges, buddy reads, meet-ups and swaps taking place. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
j9brown @Chelleo Thanks so much for the tips! I'll definitely be checking out all of that 😁 I'm excited, this app has been really fun already! 6y
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RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻😊 6y
j9brown @Eggs Thanks! 😁 6y
Eggs Btw I do track my books in a 📓but it's not all pretty and color coded like yours 💙 6y
j9brown @Eggs Either way there's just something satisfying about writing them down in a neat little list 😁 6y
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Book, a dark beer and a spicy poke bowl! #lastnightsdinner

Jess_Read_This That looks absolutely delicious! 7y
alvingregorio That looks like a party! 7y
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The Lima bean has accompanied me this evening while I read. The past week has been a slow reading week. The weird weather translated into weird people coming into my job demanding crazy things. So I ended up going home and just falling asleep. This weekend has been perfect for me to really get back to reading. Here's hoping this Monday can be calmer!

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#booknlunch I did also have a peanut butter and apple and hummus with pretzels. It's been crazy at work. The kind of times where you wonder if this is the best place for you. I have been falling asleep as soon as I get home. What I really need is a fort and books. No more nasty people around me for a bit. Agatha Christie is like a safety blanket. Enjoying my first Tommy and Tuppence!

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I have one more A.C. book left to buy to complete my collection and I have no idea why I didn't buy it with this bunch. 🤦


LauraBrook That's so exciting that your collection is almost complete! 👏🏼 7y
Rachbb3 @LauraBrook It is!! It's been slow going because other books keep calling out to me. 😉😆 7y
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I love Agatha Christie, but her books had some very weird vintage covers. #badcovergoodbook #aprilbookshowers

KarenUK I have a few of these weird ones! 😳 7y
MayJasper 😂😂😂 7y
Megabooks Those are so creepy! 7y
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ItsAnotherJen Yes!! I think that's a big reason why I have avoided them all! 7y
RealBooks4ever Awesome collection! Love the chicken! 🐓 7y
RealLifeReading I'm intrigued by the face in the teacup!! 😂 7y
mabell You are so right! If I didn't already love Agatha, I would never have picked up one of those books. Yep, I would have judged by the cover 😂 7y
Dorianna I have a soft spot for weird vintage covers. Especially the ones of mystery and sci-fi books. Don't get me wrong, I know they're not good covers by any means. But I kinda love them. 7y
tricours I love those! 7y
monkeygirlsmama I'm a cover snob, but thankfully I have made it past Agatha's ghastly covers to the wonderful mysteries inside. 7y
elkeOriginal Oh, those are awesomely intense! 7y
LeahBergen I love these. 😂 7y
rabbitprincess Cards on the Table! Yikes! 7y
rubyslippersreads @RealBooks4ever But is this murder a case of fowl play? 🐤😂 7y
rubyslippersreads @RealLifeReading Me too. This makes me want to go back and reread the books, to see if the cover art has anything to do with the story. 7y
rubyslippersreads @Dorianna I like them too, even though they are creepy. I bet they are collectibles. 7y
RealBooks4ever @rubyslippersreads Mwahaha! 🐓🐓🐓I'm almost chicken to read it! 7y
SaraRosett That doll ( it is a doll, right?) on the Pricking of my Thumbs is creepy too. Maybe the we trying to get away from "traditional" or "domestic" mysteries. ? 7y
SaraRosett @TheYearofAgatha Thought you'd be interested in this post. :) 7y
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Completed title no 4 in the Tommy/ Tuppence series. Found the ending rather a let down. Nonetheless I plan to complete the 5th and last title in series for #santhiReads2017

That's the current #AgathaChristie loot (2/3 read) for this year's reading goal...
Will start the 2nd Jane Marple - Body in the library once I complete Poirot's first case ;))

brennahawleycraig Tommy and Tuppence are SO different from her other stuff they were hard to read for me! They're definitely not my favorite. 8y
BookishMe @brennahawleycraig yes I keep hearing same sentiment. I agree about the distinctively different writing style. I wonder if her writing evolved over time as this series is one of her earliest works. Then again, Miss Marple and M Poirot books also tend to have different writer's voice 8y
brennahawleycraig @BookishMe from the standalone books I've read, they're even different from those. I'm guessing you're right though, and she's just flexing different writing muscles with them. 8y
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bookwrm526 It's funny, I actually loved Tommy and Tuppence and wished she had written more! 8y
BookishMe @bookwrm526 yes they are such lively couple! 8y
BookishMe @brennahawleycraig that versatility is another reason to marvel at her mysteries... 8y
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My commute companions

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" By the Pricking of my Thumbs, Something Wicked this Way Comes" I love how this begins in a retirement home ( I work in one) and refer to the "unique "residents. It had me comparing these characters to a few favorites I take care of. My first Tommy and Tuppence-I thoroughly enjoyed these two! This one even had a bit of creepiness- perfect for October! #octoberreads

Libby1 I love Agatha Christie. I think I'll call my next cat Agatha. 8y
Marmie7 My daughter's dogs are Agatha (Christie) and Charlotte (Bronte) haha 8y
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