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I Am a Bunny
I Am a Bunny | Ole Risom
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I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree. In the spring, Nicholas likes to sniff the flowers, and in the summer, watch the frogs in the pond. In the fall, he watches the animals getting ready for winter, and in winter, watches the snow falling from the sky. One of Golden's most beloved titles, this beautifully illustrated, gentle story is now available as an eBook.
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I Am a Bunny | Ole Risom
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My mother came and helped me go through the kids books again! Bless her ♥️ perhaps one day I can go through mine but it will likely take a week!

I Am a Bunny | Richard Scarry
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. Given the amount of time I spent in blanket forts as a kid the answer must surely be yes, even if I can't recall a specific instance.

2. If we want to take it WAY back, then definitely the tagged book.

Tag @RaeLovesToRead @eeclayton @Ast_Arslan @CBee @BarbaraBB @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm and anyone else!

TheSpineView That is going way back! Thanks for playing! 11mo
RaeLovesToRead To do list - 1) make blanket fort 2) read in aforementioned blanket fort 11mo
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Just crawl under that mountain of books in your room! 😂 11mo
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RaeLovesToRead 🧐🧐🧐 11mo
CBee Awww Richard Scarry ❤️❤️❤️ 11mo
Ruthiella I love Richard Scarry. A childhood favorite and when all my friends were having kids, his books were always my go-to gifts. 11mo
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I Am a Bunny | Richard Scarry
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A little early morning reading before mom takes me to my grandparents so she can get the car fixed and teach yoga :)

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I Am a Bunny | Ole Risom
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5/5⭐ This book is perfect. It was my 1st, & it still gives me the strongest cozy feeling. The sweeping vista illustrations add so much to the experience of the book. The idea of a little toadstool being an umbrella for littler creatures was, & still is, the cutest thing I can fathom. It probably explains my love for mushrooms & fairy lore. I live-tweeted all my feels here: https://twitter.com/hissingpotatoes/status/1210327004941340673.

Nute I like everything about this post!☺️ Is that your book from childhood? 5y
hissingpotatoes It is! Has the inscription from my grandparents on the inside cover. ❤ 5y
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I Am a Bunny | Richard Scarry
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Post a cover you love each day for 7 days, no explanation. Use the hashtags and tag someone else. (For my own accounting purposes, this is the first of seven.) #7days7covers #covercrush Join in, @mcctrish !

I Am a Bunny | Richard Scarry
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@samjmitchell knows me like a 📚 book! There is nothing better than having someone in your life who really “gets you” .. especially when it‘s your kid! #richardscary
🐰 📚💜🍂 #raiseareader

Velvetfur Aaawww that's so cute! Also cute - the little peek-a-boo puss at the bottom pic! 💜 5y
Erofan 💓 5y
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I Am a Bunny | Richard Scarry
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When a child becomes unusually quiet, one suspects they are up to no good. When Gracie May is quiet she‘s usually in a corner reading books. I‘ve never been around a just-barely-one-year-old who is so interested in looking at and touching books.

batsy What a sweetheart 😍 6y
AmyG ❤️ 6y
olivia.ferz Awww❤❤. She's a budding reader! 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm A lovely sight. She looks so engrossed with the book! ❤️ 6y
LauraBeth She is so adorable! Looks like she‘s going to be a lifelong reader! ❤️ 6y
Trashcanman 🤗🤗 6y
Suet624 @erzascarletbookgasm That‘s just it! She is always engrossed in each page, no matter how often she‘s seen it. It‘s kind of amazing how long she spends on each page. And how aggressive she is about me reading to her. 😂 6y
Suet624 @LauraBeth We can only hope. 😀 6y
saresmoore FOR GOODNESS‘ SAKE! 6y
saresmoore This brings me to tears! How wonderful! 6y
Desha ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Suet624 @saresmoore I‘m so glad I could start off your day with the sparkle of tears in your eyes. 😂 6y
Djspens Love that red hair!! Nothing better than babies 'n books!! 6y
Reggie 😍 6y
Tanisha_A And the award of the most engrossed reader of Litsy goes to Gracie May! 👑 Adorable! 6y
Crazeedi What a sweet little man! ❤️💕 6y
LeahBergen Ohhhhh!! ❤️❤️ 6y
Suet624 @Djspens Babies and books are the best. 😀 6y
Suet624 @Tanisha_A 😂😂😂 6y
RohitSawant Aww, how adorable! 6y
hhavel Hi! Sorry I didn't comment earlier. I'm just getting the hang of this thing. Yes, it is definitely my kind of subject too. I usually pick books by subject matter these days, and not by how good or well-known the author is. It is quite a relief, because I had been picking books by author for years. I guess it takes me a long time to learn new things. Picking books by subject is much better. That's how I discovered this work. Bye for now... 6y
ValerieAndBooks And what‘s great is that you‘re always going to encourage her love of reading and books 💖 6y
kspenmoll She is so lucky to have a book rich life! 6y
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I Am a Bunny | Ole Risom
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Is this book-related? No.

Are my husband & bunny currently sharing an ice pop? ✅😍🐰🍓🍌

TheBookAddict Your bunny is so cute! What‘s his name? Your hubby is so nice, lol. 6y
Alfoster Awwwww!😍😍😍😍 6y
Regi_C Mine don't share anything :( they'll wrestle it off you and then run away 6y
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monalyisha @TheBookAddict It‘s all true! Her name is Moxie Crimefighter. She‘s 6 years-old & she‘s the best. 6y
TheBookAddict And she has a cool name too, she is definitely very lucky and loved! That also looks like a yummy popsicle. 6y
Lreads This is so cute and made me smile! ☺️❤️ 6y
Bklover Awww❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Craftylikefox Your bunny is so cute 😍😍 are you a Penn & Teller fan? 6y
Burghbookaddict This is so cute Im gonna die 😍😍 6y
monalyisha @Craftylikefox Yes! I think you‘re the first person who knew without us having to explain! 🙌🏻 Ha! We heard the name of his daughter & thought, “What a terrible name for a human child! What a wonderful name for a rabbit-child!” Also, we thought the bunny + magician connection was sort-of quietly clever. 😁 (Honestly, Teller‘s my fav, though. 😉) 6y
monalyisha @BurghBookAddict Man, me too! Like... every day. 😵💖 (edited) 6y
monalyisha @QuietlyLaura Hooray! I feel totally justified in having posted outside the bookish realm, now. 🙌🏻 6y
monalyisha @Regi_C Sometimes she‘s sneaky. But often she shares. We‘ve trained her well, haha. Food is very important to our whole household. 🤤😆 6y
Nitpickyabouttrains That is a super cute bunny 🐰 6y
Clare-Dragonfly 😍❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Bklover It‘s been bugging me where I‘d heard the name Moxie Crimefighter before!!! Thanks @Craftylikefox - it was driving me nuts! 6y
Craftylikefox I thought it was a crazy name too, that‘s what it sticks in my weird brain ha! I am more of a Teller fan as well. I like the nod to magicians and rabbits 😊 very cute! 6y
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I Am a Bunny | Ole Risom
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Cute little book with lovely, more realistic (though still whimsical) illustrations from Richard Scarry. I put it in the toddler's easter basket but actually it's all about celebrating the different seasons and would be a great read all year. #babyreads #seasons #picturebooks

Reviewsbylola We love this book at my house! 6y
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I Am a Bunny | Richard Scarry
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My parents are watching my sister's rabbit, Bubs, while she is in Florida. I love seeing the #petsoflitsy so I thought I'd share. We don't have a pet because my husband is allergic to cats and we don't have a good lifestyle for a dog.

MrBook 😻 8y
Liberty HI BUNNY. 8y
Suet624 So funny that I just came across this! 6y
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I Am a Bunny | Ole Risom
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Me too, Nicholas. Me too.