I want to preface all other thoughts with the recommendation that you take this collection slowly. I worked within the parameters of a library loan period to finish this book, and I wish I'd had more time, both to appreciate the variety in subject matter and tone among the more thoughtful and even idyllic musings earlier in the collection, and to pace myself in encountering the often very heavy, dark material dealt with in the second half. 1/?
Many of the essays in the first two sections appear in the tone of a review or an obituary. As skilled a writer as he is, Cole's ability to focus in on his subject, a person, object or art form, often means the best quotes I wanted to pull out, were actually an appropriate centring and distillation of others' words. As a result I now have a range of other creatives I want to look into right away. 2/? 2y
What also stood out to me was how important it is to the expansion of art and the mind, to gaining new perspectives and increasing empathy, that people, artists in particular, can travel. 3/? 2y
4/? 2y
Natives on the Boat - racism in the older generation, subtle forms, how a person can be skilled, kind in that moment, still a racist
Poetry of the Disregarded- brief but gorgeous commingling of one writer admiring another
In Place of Thought - 4 searing pages, please read 5/? 2y
Portrait of a Lady - African portrait/people photographers, past and present, subjects of photos asserting independence, how they wish to be seen, especially women, lesbian and transgender, contrast to how white colonialists and explorers took pictures of 'natives' - a reminder of how art can function to change perspectives 6/? 2y
Google's Macchia - also looking at digital photography - how do we judge it, curate it, make new art from it - my fave for being so open to creative possibilities rather than JUST fear around surveillance, copyright, etc 7/? 2y
Reader's War - the rewriting of opening sentences within the text is incredibly impactful, I have trouble with Cole's 'torn' back and forth - perhaps being of a different country means I can't see the fine line of necessity drawn for military justification, even as he chastises the use of drones and assasinations 8/? 2y
Shadows in Sao Paulo - continuing in themes of: 1) how a photograph is not simply capturing the truth, manipulation by lense chosen, aspects focused on, etc; 2) traveling to different places and reflecting on the art and history, the artists, people who lived/visited/worked there 9/? 2y
White Savior Industrial Complex - Just. Read it.
Perplexed ...Perplexed - Such an eloquent look at a topic I didn't want to make eye contact with - mob violence/killings
A Piece of the Wall - Visceral reminder of Solito - (bio of an immigrant's crossing) - attempts balance of perspectives in who is interviewed, but it's so obvious that compassion is only visible in those who want to help, want a demilitarized, open border. Those enforcing border all appear terse, uninterested in nuance, callous. President at the time not excluded from censure for stance on immigrants/immigrant law. 10/? 2y