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After | Anna Todd
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Book 1 of the After seriesnewly revised and expanded, Anna Todd's After fanfiction racked up one billion reads online and captivated readers across the globe. Experience the internet's most talked-about book for yourself from the writer Cosmopolitan called the biggest literary phenomenon of her generation.There was the time before Tessa met Hardin, and then theres everything AFTER... Life will never be the same. #Hessa Tessa is a good girl with a sweet, reliable boyfriend back home. Shes got direction, ambition, and a mother whos intent on keeping her that way. But shes barely moved into her freshman dorm when she runs into Hardin. With his tousled brown hair, cocky British accent, tattoos and lip ring, Hardin is cute and different from what she's used to. But he's also rudeto the point of cruelty, even. For all his attitude, Tessa should hate Hardin. And she doesuntil she finds herself alone with him in his room. Something about his dark mood grabs her, and when they kiss it ignites within her a passion shes never known before. He'll call her beautiful, then insist he isn't the one for her and disappear again and again. Despite the reckless way he treats her, Tessa is compelled to dig deeper and find the real Hardin beneath all his lies. He pushes her away again and again, yet every time she pushes back, he only pulls her in deeper. Tessa already has the perfect boyfriend. So why is she trying so hard to overcome her own hurt pride and Hardin's prejudice about nice girls like her? Unless...could this be love?
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After | Anna Todd
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I liked this one for the most part. It was steamy in parts and a good story. I liked the characters, but I just didn‘t love the writing and it got a little repetitive at some points. But, I am definitely in it for the long haul to see what happens with Tessa and Hardin. Book 2, here I come.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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After | Anna Todd
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Current Reading..

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And…I finished Volume II! Book 56 of 2023! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

After | Anna Todd

This is so in the line of fifty shades of grey. A quick love story

After | Anna Todd
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Excited to dive into this collection! The movies do not disappoint so I have high hopes for the books to be even better!

After | Anna Todd
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#Pantone2022 Innuendo :)

Clwojick Great match! 2y
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After | Anna Todd
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This is a tough book to review. It‘s a door-wide-open romance/drama with an emphasis on sex and drama. Their relationship is really dysfunctional, and I think I mostly kept reading because I wanted to see them grow as people and pull it together. There‘s lots of alcohol and sex, and I read it fairly quickly considering it‘s 600 or so pages. I can‘t say that I can recommend it. It‘s like watching a train wreck. 3 ⭐️!! #hessa #romantsy

persephone1408 I liked the first movie but in three of them, it never got any better. When I finished the last movie I remember thinking that it was porno with no plot.🤷🏻 2y
TheLudicReader Whenever I see the descriptor “Wattpad novel” I run for the hills. 🤣 2y
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After | Anna Todd
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For the first 100 pages or so, I wasn‘t really sure why this has such mixed reviews, as it was a fairly enjoyable read with only a bit of drama. After page 100 or so though, it was like it went into drama overload. I‘m about halfway through now, and I‘m not sure what I think about it yet. It is certainly readable in the same way that a train wreck could be watchable. I‘ll let you all know my thoughts once I‘ve finished it. #hessa #romantsy

Littlewolf1 I felt like I was watching a train wreck that I could not turn away from when I read that book. I was able to get though the first two, but was so done after that. 2y
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After | Anna Todd
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If you are looking for a well-written book with an engaging plot and likeable characters capable of development, KEEP LOOKING. If you want a book you can walk away from with new knowledge or a lesson about life, THIS AIN‘T IT! However, if you want a smutty, ridiculous, and addictive piece of garbage that you can‘t stop reading (a literary train wreck), LOOK NO FURTHER! This is my guilty pleasure, so no judgments! I know it‘s bad…. but so good!

chasjjlee I agree. Everyone hates on this book but this is the series that got me into reading 🤷‍♀️ and I like the movies too. 2y
KathyWheeler This is a fabulous review! 2y
KellyK I‘m occasionally looking for a smutty, ridiculous, and addictive piece of garbage. 🤣😂🤣 2y
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LiteraryinLawrence I love this review! 2y
sprainedbrain This is a perfect review! I enjoyed the hell out of my hate-read of this series! 😂 2y
BooksNBowls @chasjjlee i actually just watched all the movies which made me want to read the books. I thought it was a good adaption! And Hardin‘s hot 💁🏻‍♀️ 2y
BooksNBowls @KellyK look no further, my dear! This is that and even more 🤣🤣 2y
BooksNBowls @sprainedbrain yes I now have a love-hate relationship with this book… and all of the characters 😅😅 2y
Amoon Great review - sounds good to me 2y
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After | Anna Todd
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Oh. My. Gosh.
This book annoyed me to no end.
She loves him. She hates him. She loves him. She hates him. He's the best thing. He's the worst thing. He's the most amazing person she's ever met. He's the most evil human on the planet. 🤦‍♀️🙄🙈🤔 Make up your damn mind.

Deifio Why can't she make up her mind? That would drive me nuts too 3y
ItsAnotherJen @Deifio ..because she's young, naive, and neither one of them communicates well. So they constantly assume things about the other that aren't true. I had high hopes for this book, but it just aggravated me. 3y
aa_guer2021 That‘s usually the plot for books when there is such a couple on the cover. So I found anyway. I call them afternoon fluff. Because I can finish them in an afternoon, if I try really hard and the back-and-forth isn‘t **that** annoying and it isn‘t usually very memorable. The ones that are are an exception. It is a generalization, but really. 🤔 (edited) 3y
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NikkiM5 Lol those type of characters drive me nuts too 😂 I think I‘m too old now 3y
CoverToCoverGirl You listed all the reasons I bailed on this one! 3y
Bookbuyingaddict 🤣🤣 2y
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After | Anna Todd

‘𝒾 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝒾 𝒶𝓂 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝒾'𝓂 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊‘ ∞

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After | Anna Todd

I read these books back in high school when they were being posted on wattpad (lol yes as harry styles). I remember loving these books so i wanted to reread them. The first book of this trilogy is my favorite. I love the plot twist at the end and the story development.

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After | Anna Todd
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I read this so quickly and was completely immersed in it, but did I like it? I don‘t know. There were some absolutely cringeworthy moments and Tessa and Hardin‘s relationship is definitely unhealthy but I couldn‘t stop reading and bought the next one, as you can see. It‘s like a car crash, I guess...


Not my thing. I just couldn‘t. So dysfunctional. And I was told after it was suppose to be based on Harry styles. I hope not.



After | Anna Todd
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Just got done watching this movie. I loved it, but wished there was more... at the end.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

BooksNBowls Have you seen the 2nd movie?! 4y
AkashaVampie @BooksNBowls there's a second one??? I didn't know that. Is it on Netflix? 4y
Mesica25 LOVE this series!! 4y
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BooksNBowls @AkashaVampie yes! It‘s called After We Collided. They just added it a week or two ago. 4y
BookDragon25 I also loved this movie i cant wait to read the series 4y
AkashaVampie @BooksNBowls ok. Thanks sweetie. I will have to check it out! 4y
AkashaVampie @BookDragon25 I cant wait to read it either. 4y
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After | Anna Todd

Loved this book! So emotional and a shocking end that keeps you wanting more. I‘ve read it at least 10 times!!

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After | Anna Todd
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This book made me think about what I would define a good book. Plotline is cliché, messed up, repetitive. Regardless of the author‘s literary techniques, I found myself traveling into the book. When I get so caught up, I think that is how I would define a good book. No matter what the plotline is I love this type of travel, allowing me to be in someone else‘s shoes. Does this mean I loved this book? Not really. But did I get to travel? I sure did!

After | Anna Todd
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This relation can not get anymore dysfunctional

LoverOfLearning 😂😂😂 it takes a LONG time for them to become less dysfunctional but you become invested in Tessa and Hardin in the long run. I'm 1/4 of the way done with book 4. For whatever reason I got hooked! 4y
Koffeejazzandbooks @LoverOfLearning im glad you said that because I wanted to know what someone thought about the rest of the series because im pretty sure ill end up reading the rest of them because I think im getting hooked too lol 4y
LoverOfLearning @Koffeejazzandbooks this will be one of the few series I will have read all the way through. Each book ends on a major cliff hanger so it definitely keeps you hooked. I also felt that book 1 was not that original but the rest of the book are so they do get more enjoyable. 4y
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After | Anna Todd
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Im not too far into this book, and i really want to dislike Tessa for how she's treating poor Noah but we have all been there and if you haven't then you probably haven't lived long enough lol

After | Anna Todd

This book was one I read as a fan-fiction and the movie version didn‘t disappoint. After is forever one of my favorite books. #after #harrystyles #fanfiction #ya

KarouBlue Love your Litsy handle! Very Harry Styles! ♥️ 4y
MySharonaK Oh I didn‘t know that. What is a fanfic of? 4y
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After | Anna Todd
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I read this book in 2 days! I devoured it even though I'm iffy on it.

I like the storyline and the characters. Tessa meets bad boy Hardin and his troubled friends her freshman year of college. I like the drama and the vulnerability but it has way too much toxicity too feel real.

I didn't like how many themes were identical to 50 Shades of Grey.. It didnt feel original or creative at times.

3.0 stars but I can't wait to start book 2 tonight!!

Chab256 I think I watched this movie on Netflix. 4y
LoverOfLearning Yeah I watched the movie first not know it was a series that started as a 1 direction fanfiction on Wattpad. So crazy. The book and movie are so different. But I loved the movie I watched it 2x in a few days. This book was darker and less creative than I expected it to be after watching the movie. But I'm reading book 2 now and I'm obsessedddddd. I only put it down bc my computer died. 4y
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After | Anna Todd
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I watched this movie without knowing it was based on a book. I absolutely loved it and then I dove right into reading the book.

I have a love hate relationship with it. I love that the story is set at a college and Tessa is a freshman. I can connect with her

But too many major themes feel directly taken from 50 Shades of Grey: novels, publishing, and Hardin's dark mindset. Too many similarities but I'll finish the novel and give book 2 a shot.

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After | Anna Todd
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ALL 👏🏻 MEN 👏🏻 NEED 👏🏻 TO 👏🏻 GO 👏🏻 TO 👏🏻 THERAPY 👏🏻

Leahlori Haha I agree 😆 4y
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After | Anna Todd

It was good. But didn‘t like how the plot was repetitive

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After | Anna Todd
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After | Anna Todd
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this is .....i don t have words to describe this .

Akaya No, this is a very toxic man throwing big declarations. 3y
ella2006 i know and bc all this toxic relationship between characters i am at half of the third book and i stopped reading bc they were annoying me so bad 3y
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This book was amazing.I don t no yet how to start this review, but the book was the most beautiful and lovely book that I ever read. This is a book about love ,but is something that make this book unique.
I m in love with this book.🥰

After | Anna Todd
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You ever select a random book and it hits a little too close to home...? Yeah...this is that book.

After | Anna Todd
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Quarantine book #5

Has anyone read it?

KarouBlue Yep! I sort of devoured it. 4y
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After | Anna Todd
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Gonna read this next by Anna Todd #annatodd

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After | Anna Todd


After | Anna Todd
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Flight read!!!

BGam As Always.. m hooked to this series 😍 4y
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After | Anna Todd
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These are just a few points that I wanted to specify after reading After. I wanted to like this book so so so much but I just felt it was very immature. Nobody can be that naive, can they? There were so many red flags after all. Or maybe it's just that love makes you blind.

bookaholic1 It was like reading SHADES OF GREY but in teenage form, I couldn't even finish the first one 4y
olivia.ferz @bookaholic1 Yes!! That's exactly what i thought! 4y
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After | Anna Todd
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still unsure about this book...

• The back and forth of Tessa and Hardin‘s relationship was repetitive, exhausting, and somewhat problematic. Very frustrating, and sad, to read.

• Parts of their relationships, some interactions they had didn‘t sit right with me.. yet I could not stop reading.

• I was also was not expecting how graphic this book would be!

But THE ENDING. Definitely need to read the sequel just because of that cliffhanger !!

After | Anna Todd
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Absolutely loved it!! Would read it again and again! Anna Todd is an amazing writer! ❤️

After | Anna Todd
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“It is remarkable that Hardin, who hates everyone except himself, and maybe his mother, has all these people who care about him yet refuses to let himself care for them.” Page 243

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After | Anna Todd

This books sucked me in and kept me reading all day and night. It was great!

After | Anna Todd
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The last read I tried wasn‘t working out for me at all. I needed to switch the genre for a minute anyway, and this one was recommended by a coworker!

LazyLibrary Is the the new movie that was on Netflix????? 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Listening to it now out of curiosity but I‘m finding it a really immature version of Fifty Shades.. nobody can be that inexperienced or naive..?? 🙈 5y
guinsgirlreads @LazyLibrary I think so, yes! 5y
guinsgirlreads @CoverToCoverGirl uh oh, really?! 😒 5y
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After | Anna Todd
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Currently reading this book and I‘m so invested in these characters! I stayed up waaaaaay to late and I‘m up waaaaay to early and can‘t stop reading. 🤷‍♀️❤️📖 #AnnaTodd #After #TessaAndHardin

After | Anna Todd
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I greatly enjoyed this book despite the very overused premise of good girl falls for bad boy. I will say that I wanted to smack BOTH Tessa and Hardin. Tessa, because she was giving into him way too easily after everything he did to her and Hardin, because....well he's Hardin and an absolute asshole. The way he treats Tessa made me fume about 89% of the book. Like what on Earth is WRONG with you??
That cliffhanger though is getting me.

brit91 One of my favorite reads this year!💖📚 5y
bookmom921 @brit91 I bought it at B&N's Bookhaul sale. I had the 2nd book on hold at the library but there were 3 other people ahead of me. My fiance went out and bought the 2nd one so I didnt have to wait to read it :p 5y
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After | Anna Todd
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I'm not really sure why I picked this up, I wish someone had forewarned me about what I was getting myself into. This is pure trash. Thankfully I only spent $3 on this book.

After | Anna Todd
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After | Anna Todd
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After | Anna Todd
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OMG!!!!! This book is such a guilty pleasure book. It was highly addictive with all its drama and the back and forth and the ending left me like WTHeck??? This book you will either like or hate yes it has its flaws like the bullying, manipulation, and all the drama but sometimes those kind of books is what gets me hooked and I can't put down. Now i want to dive into the second book please.

shaguffi Have you read the 2nd and the 3rd part?... actually I am stuck at part 3 from a long time...guess more than six months due to my studies...but it's amazing 😍😍 5y
BookNightOwl @shaguffi yes I downloaded the second part right after I finished this first one. I have a book I need to finish first but after that one I will be back engrossed in this messed up relationship lol. 5y
shaguffi @mandi1082 😊😊...best of luck..!! 5y
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After | Anna Todd
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It was trashy and the typical ‘innocent girl falls for bad boy‘ trope but geez it had me sucked in. Obviously there could be improvements, but for a YA that doesn‘t require much attention, I loved it.

I‘m embarrassed to say it but I‘ll be reading the whole series 😂

3.5 🌟

sprainedbrain I read this whole series one right after another and had such a love/hate relationship with them. No shame! 5y
KarouBlue Same!! 5y
Reading-to-Escape I though this was adult ... 5y
KirstieE @Reading-to-Escape I just assumed it was a ya because it was originally a fanfic , oops 5y
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After | Anna Todd

It psychically pains me to even admit to the book loving world how freaking addicting this book was for me. I couldn‘t put it down. I just kept reading this toxic, trashy, steamy, train wreck of a romance. This is a book I never thought I‘d read in a million years. Anna Todd you know how hook your readers I‘ll give you that.


There is enough teenage angst and melodrama to make Dawson's Creek look like serious t.v. And yet I am hooked because I have to see where this train wreck leads