#MiddleGradeMonday @Karisimo
Mr. Tom technically is not William‘s grandfather, but he certainly loves and protects him like he is. Beautiful classic novel.
#MiddleGradeMonday @Karisimo
Mr. Tom technically is not William‘s grandfather, but he certainly loves and protects him like he is. Beautiful classic novel.
This is in no real order, but my 5✨s were all 3 Bad Guys books, DogMan and Goodnight Mister Tom. I DNFd Tales of Ancient Egypt and First Class Killer. 🥰💛 Not a bad month.
✨5 I was crying, smiling, angry, and so much more through this. The story starts with Willy being evacuated from London during WW2. An older man Tom Oakley takes him in. It doesn‘t take long to see that he was brutally treated by his mother in London. Will learns about the kindness of others in his time away. Heartbreaking and heartwarming with all the feels.
Whew! I‘ll be done with another semester of teaching after Friday‘s Graduation. After that I‘ll have a week off before summer school. 🤣 Hoping to read all of these and my #LMPBC books in the very near future. @Andrew65 #weekendreading
The tagged book and the one pictured are my #roll100 Still trying to finish my second roll from this month. @PuddleJumper
I‘m so glad I gave this one a shot. Such a beautiful and heartwarming listen, also very short and easy to read when your concentration isn‘t great
Pulled this one off my daughter‘s bookshelf hidden amongst the many started-but-not-finished books. I knew the story having seen the TV drama 20 years ago but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Heartwarming is the best word to describe this wartime novel.
I just seem to have something in my eye. 😭
Just as good as I remember. Love it when I revisit books I read as a kid and love them still. ❤️
Do you think, said Will, gazing over the wall at the oak tree, do you think you can die of happiness?
Moving and deep in such a gentle manner. A fabulous book that presents males as feeling, sensitive and tender. Truly beautiful story about gruff old countryman Mr Tom who takes in the bruised and battered boy, Londoner, Willie during WWII and patiently provides him with care, love and a home. Has very little to do with the war, much to do with a father-son style relationship. Alan e of funny and poignant moments. Every child should read this book.
And this is why this book has been a favourite since childhood.
This was the first book to give me book feels and it still does.
Very touching and important, the "Slang" gets some getting used to.
A book everyone should read.
Week off so I decided to pick up a couple childhood favourites.
I remember reading both of these for class back in the day, I remember loving them yet I haven't read them since.
Goodnight Mister Tom was one of the first to give me book feels.
Day 21 of #adventrecommends @emilyrose_x
I was 10 when my year 6 teacher Miss Shearman read this book to us. I have loved it ever since & re-read it so many times; each time it warms my heart. The TV adaptation is perfect with John Thaw as Mr Tom. This is a book that will always be dear to my heart now & forever
#FavouriteReads #Books #BookNerd #ReadABook #Bookaholic #ChildhoodMemories #MyClassics
Currently reading this, loved the TV movie with the late John Thaw. Thought it was high time I read the book
#BooksThatMadeYouCry #AugInBooks18 @bookisglee
The first book that ever made me cry... and it still does 😭 love this story 💙
Such a mix of emotions for this one! Most of the book was so happy and then everything went downhill and everything was revealed. I‘m glad the two got to live together again though! I love happy endings 😊😆 #happyending #emotional
Meet William. A evacuee from London to the country during World War Two. Just a few pages in I had a lump in my throat, then smiles, then tears and laughter. This is such an emotional cute story, I couldn't put this book down and would recommend.
I had to think about #GoldenYears but finally settled on Goodnight Mister Tom. A man in his golden years takes in an evacuee and shows him what it is to be cared for. This is one of the only books my sister has read, and was her favourite story and film for years!
I have also included Tom's Midnight Garden, as I always think of it when Goodnight Mister Tom comes up, and it was a favourite of mine in school. Just because. 🙃
Opening line: "'Yes,' said Tom bluntly, on opening the front door. 'What do you want?'" #puffinmodernclassics #goodnightmistertom #michellemagorian #guardianchildrensfictionprize #book #bookgnome #firstline #bookcover #bookish
I haven't been able to put this book down. I've always loved the film but as always, the book outshines. The detail that goes into writing this story is just incredible. Teary moments and laugh out loud moments.
Re-reading an old childhood favourite! Loved both the book and the film when I was little and will always watch the film when it's on tv
#currently #reading #currentlyreading #favourite #childhood #classic #historical #childrens #ya
This book! My grade six English teacher read it aloud to us and I held on to the title and story for years. It was only when I looked it up on Goodreads a few years ago that I figured out who the author was and bought it. What a moving story about a little boy in the London evacuations during WWII.