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The Offing
The Offing | Benjamin Myers
An Observer Pick for 2019One summer following the Second World War, Robert Appleyard sets out on foot from his Durham village. Sixteen and the son of a coal miner, he makes his way across the northern countryside until he reaches the former smuggling village of Robin Hood's Bay. There he meets Dulcie, an eccentric, worldly, older woman who lives in a ramshackle cottage facing out to sea.Staying with Dulcie, Robert's life opens into one of rich food, sea-swimming, sunburn and poetry. The two come from different worlds, yet as the summer months pass, they form an unlikely friendship that will profoundly alter their futures.
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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Loved this story of 16yr old Robert who in 1945 sets of walking from his Durham home + ends up at Robin Hoods Bay where he makes an unlikely friendship with Dulcie, an eccentric woman with a secret unearthed through their bonding. Beautiful prose immersed me in the characters + landscape by an author who is becoming a favourite writer. Also contains a mystery that will have you searching an unknown German poet. A book abt class, art, life,love 5*

TrishB Your review made me want to buy this! Checked my kindle and I did over 3 years ago! Guess I better read it soon. Love your glass. 3w
LeahBergen This sounds so good! 3w
andrew61 @TrishB That happens to me but it usually means trying to work out which pile the book is in , or even buying a copy and realising I already have the book. Definitely worth reading. 3w
andrew61 @LeahBergen, yes, I think you would enjoy it, leah. 3w
TheLudicReader So funny that I just finished a book with the same title…but it was nowhere near as meaningful as this one sounds. Lol. 3w
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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A reserved pick.

The Offing reminds me of the 1970‘s cult classic Harold & Maude, updated for modern sensibilities & ironically set in the past (1940‘s England, post-WWII).

A coal-miner‘s son leaves home in search of adventure & finds it in unexpected ways in Dulcie, a worldly, unconventional, & grieving septuagenarian tucked away in her home in a coastal meadow. She introduces him to poetry, wine, & simple luxury, & shows him what could be.👇🏻

monalyisha 1/3: In turn, he reminds her of what it feels like to have life open in front of you. She‘s keen to make sure he fights for the right to that openness. This novel is langorously slow… & I say that as someone who brags about being a reader who doesn‘t need plot to keep her going! Remarkable, then, that‘s its being turned into a movie (starring Helena Bonham Carter). I suspect it‘ll be a gorgeous film, hinging on character, mood, & scenery. 4mo
monalyisha 2/3: I think the *very* ending, just the final page, struck a bit of a false chord, if we‘re updating for modern sensibilities (and the novel was penned in 2019). Myers writes, “The way of life has changed, of course. The small-scale fishing industry barely exists and most of the houses down bay are second homes that fill up only during holidays. It doesn‘t bother me.” And, “Nature always wins.” (edited) 4mo
monalyisha 3/3: Given today‘s housing and climate crises, both sentences sound wrong and hollow. Still, it‘s a gorgeous, wise, & lovely book…if sometimes a little on-the-nose! 4mo
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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I took a much-needed vacation day today to recharge…and it ended up being such a beautiful day! I even dipped my toes in the sea. 🌊🩵🌤️

Suet624 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
Soubhiville It looks rejuvenating 🙂🩷 5mo
KadaGul My Kinda DAYYY 🙂‍↔️🫶🥰 5mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
LeeRHarry Love to see someone reading one of my favourite books! 😊 Enjoy! 5mo
monalyisha @LeeRHarry Such a good feeling, right? Who knows? I may have even gotten the idea to read it from you once upon a time! 5mo
Tamra Nice!! 5mo
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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Perfect summers morning reading with the doggie 🐶 paddling pool ready to go ! 😎

The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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Such gorgeous prose! 💙 By happenstance a young man discovers his path out of a provincial coal mining village and into the expanse of the world via a tragedy and the written word.

If you are a fan of nature writing, you‘ll love the lush descriptions of the landscape, not to mention the delectable edibles!

Offing: the more distant part of the sea in view.

Tamra @LeeRHarry it was awesome! 😍 1y
LeeRHarry @Tamra so glad you enjoyed it so much 😊 1y
Bookbuyingaddict Oohh it‘s on my book bingo to read next ☺️ 1y
Tamra @Karons1 I hope you like it too! 1y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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This absolutely fits the American Midwest too! Weather obsessed: A. it‘s farm country; B. It‘s constantly changing & swings between extremes; C. definitely used as chit-chat to grease polite conversation.

AshleyHoss820 You‘re so right! The amount of times I‘ve walked in to a building and said, “woo! This WIND!” And then started chatting with complete strangers…and I‘m introverted…🤣 We Midwesterners can‘t help it! 1y
Tamra @AshleyHoss820 right?! 😂🤣 1y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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The opening of this novel has sucked me right in. First sentence reads, “Where did life go?”

Cathythoughts I like the sound of this one. Stacked ❤️ 1y
Tamra @Cathythoughts 🤞🏾 Hoping it holds up. 1y
LeeRHarry I loved this book - hope you continue to enjoy it 😊 1y
Tamra @LeeRHarry two chapters in and it‘s wonderful! Love all the nature description. 1y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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March 2023 reading wrap-up. This month was more about travel than reading for me!
4 🌟
Seven Steeples: Sara Baume 📖
Babel: R. F. Kaune 🎧
The Offing: Benjamin Meyers 📖
Memphis: Tara Stringfellow 🎧
Stone Blind: Natalie Haynes 🎧
3 🌟
Emily Wilde‘s Encyclopedia of Fairies: Heather Fawcett 📖
Mercury Pictures Presents: Anthony Marra 🎧
Babel was my #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!! 2y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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Loved this novel set in post WWII England. Beautiful relationship between an older woman who has lost her love and a young man just starting his life. Wonderful nature writing and such a strong sense of place.

LeeRHarry This is one of my favourite books, glad you enjoyed it 😊 2y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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The first of my #AuldLangSpine books from @Mitch finished, and it was a good one!

A young post-war school-leaver sets out from Durham to spend the summer exploring, before heading back down the pit. But his meeting and friendship with Dulcie Piper changes everything- for both of them - as he starts to see there‘s more to the world than his village, and she faces past tragedies.

Beautiful and evocative - I‘d gladly read more by Benjamin Myers.

rockpools I‘m also using this for #UKRoadTrip #NorthYorkshire - the sense of place, nature writing and local customs around Robin Hood‘s Bay are wonderfully told. 2y
Mitch Glad you enjoyed it ! I read it in the summer and it was hot ! It helped with the atmosphere I think so I was worried it might be so evocative read in winter! 2y
rockpools @Mitch I can see how that would work! It was quite lovely though, and so summer-evocative! I was a bit slow getting into it, but I think that was Covid-brain doing it‘s thing - I loved uncovering Dulcie‘s past, and it made me want to head up to Yorkshire and spend some time up there! 2y
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batsy I was just browsing through some of his available books at the store the other day—he seems to have a varied and interesting body of work. 2y
rockpools @batsy He does. I think I‘ve had Pig Iron on my TBR since, well, the days of GoodReads, which I left who-knows how-many years ago. And the Golden Circle sounds like something I need to get to one day. 2y
batsy @rockpools I have Gallows Pole on my list. And Beastings sounds like a good (if dark) one, too. I think that's basically all of his novels that sound interesting 😁 2y
rockpools @batsy 😂😂 Between us, I think we‘ve covered everything! Let me know how you get on if you read any of them. 2y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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OK, I‘m going in! Making an early start on my #AuldLangSpine list from @Mitch - this sounds fabulous.

Christmas plans have been derailed by the plague (ugh. Is that still a thing?) so I‘m isolating for at least a few days, hoping i haven‘t passed this to the rest of my house,. ExCEEEDINGly rubbish, but v grateful to dive into some fabulous books.

Thought I‘d catch up on this season‘s Between the Covers, and the first one raved about Myers, so…

monalyisha I made my husband buy this for me. 😅 I hope you‘re feeling better soon! 2y
JamieArc I acquired this book after @Mitch ‘s review, though I have yet to get to it. It‘s high priority for next summer though! 2y
Mitch Oh no! Hope you‘re feeling better soon xxx 2y
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rockpools @monalyisha Thank you! You must have come out of the ALSpine pairings with a HUGE tbr! 2y
rockpools @JamieArc It starts beautifully - I think it‘ll work lovely as a summer read. 2y
rockpools @Mitch Thank you! At least I‘ve stocked up with excellent books! 2y
monalyisha Adding a comment to say: don‘t think I didn‘t notice the pairing of the netting design on the cover with the diamond-design on your blanket! 😉 2y
LeeRHarry Hope you enjoy! 😊 2y
TrishB Take care and hope it passes soon! 2y
rockpools @monalyisha 😂😂😂 That was incredibly definitely absolutely deliberate 🫣 You‘re v observant! 2y
rockpools @LeeRHarry It starts beautifully 🤗 2y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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This book, sent to me by a fellow BookCrosser, was a charming story,, slow paced but still very engaging, with some really lovely passages. It has motivated me to read more poetry.

#Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash @StayCurious

DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 2y
TheSpineView Awesome 2y
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Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Tamra I want to read this one! 2y
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🐈‍⬛💜 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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I usually steer clear of ‘coming if age‘ novels - but this is just so gorgeous. Robert, in his 16th summer, prior to heading down the pit as is the family tradition - sets out on foot to just walk. On that walk he meets Dulcie - and they have a profound impact on each other. The nature writing is amazing - it‘s lived and felt and just beautiful. And the relationship between them is balanced, meaningful and fun to witness. Loved it!

rockpools Sounds gorgeous. 2y
emmaturi I really enjoyed it too 2y
BookNAround Sounds amazing. And I am incredibly attracted to that cover. 2y
Suet624 Sounds great! 2y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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Summer seems to have me on a fiction vibe - and this one has started off well. I‘ll be here a while I think!

LeeRHarry This is one of my faves - hope you continue to enjoy 😊 2y
JamieArc This sounds right up my alley! 2y
Mitch @LeeRHarry it‘s sooo good. My bookseller recommended it to me and she was spot on! Loved it! 2y
Mitch @JamieArc it‘s really good - it‘ll be on my end of year list for sure! 2y
JamieArc @Mitch I ordered it yesterday! I do love intergenerational friendships. 2y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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A gentle novel with a beautiful rhythm and kindness at its heart. Praised especially for his writing about nature, which is lovingly & finely done. It deserves to be a pick but just wasn‘t for me. A little twee and contrived for my taste, lacking dramatic tension and whilst both characters were sympathetic, I didn‘t feel moved by them or compelled to find out what would happen. Dulcie‘s story (as she relates to the main character) is remote.

The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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I firmly believe that a book finds you when you need it. Such beauty, such charm, even such hope. I hope that the beautiful, giving traits that Dulcie has, I have as well. A book for when your soul needs to be refilled.

LeeRHarry Absolutely love this book 💕 4y
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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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This is a lovely story about 16 yrs old Robert who leaves his village searching for work other than mining. Set in the aftermath of WWII, Robert meets Dulcie, an older women and he works in her garden and does other odd jobs. She gives him then food, shelter and their friendship begins which will change their futures
. She encourages reading, poetry and lots of discussion. I found it very moving and evocative. #books

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The Offing | Benjamin Myers
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I'm struggling to read much at the moment. I have epilepsy, and when I have seizures it can make me sad, anxious, worried, tired, frustrated, confused, angry and irrational. I'm doing my best to recover, to be healthy and get back to being able to do the things I enjoy, but it isn't always easy. It's an ongoing struggle. When I do get back on track, I'll be reading this book next. #Epilepsy #Wellbeing #mentalhealth