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The Starlit Wood
The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
An all-new anthology of cross-genre fairy tale retellings, featuring an all-star lineup of award-winning and critically acclaimed writers. Once upon a time. Its how so many of our most beloved stories start. Fairy tales have dominated our cultural imagination for centuries. From the Brothers Grimm to the Countess dAulnoy, from Charles Perrault to Hans Christian Anderson, storytellers have crafted all sorts of tales that have always found a place in our hearts. Now a new generation of storytellers have taken up the mantle that the masters created and shaped their stories into something startling and electrifying. Packed with award-winning authors, this anthology explores an array of fairy tales in startling and innovative ways, in genres and settings both traditional and unusual, including science fiction, western, and post-apocalyptic as well as traditional fantasy and contemporary horror. From the woods to the stars, The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales takes readers on a journey at once unexpected and familiar, as a diverse group of writers explore some of our most beloved tales in new ways across genres and styles.
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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As with most anthologies, stories in the collection—reimagined fairy tales from some of the biggest names in fantasy & science fiction—range from just ok to “that‘s what I‘m talking about!” Stories by Seanan McGuire and Garth Nix, both recast as westerns, were definite favorites. So too were Stephen Graham Jones‘ retelling of the Pied Piper & Marjorie Liu‘s updated Sleeping Beauty. Dark, edgy, frequently feminist, & generally entertaining.

The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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The TBR deep diving continues and this one is up next. Rave reviews and lots of great authors so I‘m expecting some fun stories.

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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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#FebruaryFeels #InTheWoods

A lovely collection of modern Fairy tales from a pretty incredible group of story tellers. 👌


Eggs Beautiful ❤️🌲❤️ 4y
GypsyKat Ohh! I definitely need to read this! 4y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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#7days7covers #CoverCrush Day 6

Designed/created by Benjamin Carré

I love to run my hand over this cover and imagine standing in front of that door.

Nute Awesome cover design! 5y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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This month‘s anthology is all about reimagined fairy tales! How fun! There are some very familiar names gracing these pages with creative new takes on old stories

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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Since it is 20 degrees (and feels like 9), it is time to bust out my electric blanket and start a new book. I know it's nowhere near what the north/mid-west is dealing with but it's cold for this Arkansan!

Btw, in 3 days its going to be 60 degrees 🙄🙄🙄

The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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I read this for Naomi Novik's short story Spinning Silver (which was written before the book) but also decided to read a few of the others by authors I like. I'm not a big short story reader because I prefer more character and plot building, but these were really interesting and original. Maybe someday I'll pick it up again to read stories by authors I am not familiar with and might enjoy.

MrBook Great review! 5y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Read all the stories except Aliette de Bodard's. Why must she write a series of short stories, then scatter them across +20 different magazines/anthologies? I hate reading things out of order.

Disliked Kat Howard's short story enough to dock the collection to so-so, but I really love fairy tales.

Cathy12 Stunning picture! 😊 6y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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My husband surprised me today by bringing home this gift bag of bookish goodies! My #secretsantagoespostal got delayed, and he wanted me to have something to open today! I cried like a baby I'm the luckiest woman in the world! 😂🤩😍 Happy winter solstice eve everyone! 💜💜💜

TrishB That‘s so sweet ❤️ 7y
SandyW What a considerate hubby! 7y
Jhullie You have an amazing husband. What a wonderful thing to do. ❤️ 7y
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MrBook Awww! World's #1 husband! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
MaleficentBookDragon That is so sweet! He‘s a keeper. 7y
LA_Mead Wow! That's pretty awesome 😊 I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my #secretsantagoespostal package arrives tomorrow maybe 7y
JenlovesJT47 ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
hermyknee 💜💛💙 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 That‘s so sweet! 7y
silentrequiem Aww that's a keeper! Hope your package arrives soon! 7y
Dragon He is definitely a keeper! 👍😀 7y
DivineDiana ETH (Extremely Thoughtful Husband) !!! 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Oh my goodness!! I don't know where to start. I love every single item in my #secretsantagoespostal package. I wish I didn't have errands to run all day today because I would start on the coloring book right now. Thank you so much @jbhops !!! I especially enjoyed the little notes on each gift. 🤗 The keychain is gorgeous and even the box it came in is beautiful. Oh, and I work this weekend so I will be taking all of my snacks. 😁

jbhops Hooray! Man, that was a tough secret to keep. 😁 I'm glad you love everything. It was so much fun to shop for you because I had to go way outside my comfort zone. Horror? Skulls? Where do I even start?? Ha! Have a very Merry Christmas! 7y
Booksnchill Horror, Skulls Hooray @deelew!!! 7y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7y
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DeeLew @jbhops you did a fantastic job of going outside your comfort zone! ❤️💀😁 7y
DeeLew @Booksnchill I am going to have to share a close up photo of the keychain she got me. It is so cool! Will do that tomorrow. 💀😊 7y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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#giveawayfairytales @Liberty
This book of short stories based on traditional fairy tales is so compelling and interesting! Very creative and inventive. #newfairytales
(I loved the Bear and the Nightingale-glad to see there‘s a sequel!)🐻

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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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It started with @Tsubame posting pictures of The Starlit Wood and me thinking I really need that. To me buying all these books too! 🤣🤣Book Outlet is a dangerous place!

Tsubame YEAY 😁 I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot! But All the Birds in the Sky was terrible in my opinion... Hope you'll like it though! 7y
KassKho @Tsubame so funny because I bought when a friend of mine gushed about it! I guess we'll find out 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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This book made me realize a lot of interesting things, such as my favoritism for tales of friendship and strong females, people taking their life in their own hands and being truly the ones making decisions. I also learnt that sci-fi is not my cup of tea and that I can't make myself read horror at all 🙈
So many feels in this most wonderful book, a must-read I think!

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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Oh-my-goodness!! Just imagine such a place!! I can't even... ... ...
This made my heart skip several beats and I'm loving this book more and more with every tale I read ♥️ Oh my, the library of Alexandria... 😭 It's possible I never wanted to enter a story as badly as this one... ...

The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Holy cow, Jeffrey Ford is one hell of a creative writer to come up with this description of a bar 😆 Couldn't help to laugh out loud, you totally won't see it coming!! Besides it's not the kind of stuff I expected in a rewritten fairy tale and yet that's precisely one of the reasons I'm enjoying this book so much.

Mommamanzi Like the car seat I just cleaned hahaha. 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Gold edges anyone? This book really deserves them, so I tried coloring the edges again using watercolor, since that worked perfectly last time. After coloring and letting it dry the edges were perfectly smooth and shiny, until I opened it and then the gold started to come off. At first I was not happy, but then I brushed off all the excess and now I think that this faded effect suits the book so much more! ♥️

elkeOriginal Love it! And you are right - it deserves gilded edges 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
KassKho Every time you post this book it reminds me that I really need to get myself a copy! 7y
I-read-and-eat That's pretty! Aren't you scared to print your books? It turns out great.... but what if it doesn't 😨 7y
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Tsubame @KassKho You really should!! I'm amazed by all the different interpretations the authors came up with. Part of me want to finish it quickly, but then I won't be enjoying every single story as it deserves, so I really keep it to a max of 2 a day 😉 7y
Tsubame @I-read-and-eat Yes, I am also a bit worried when I get down to it, but at the same time I think to myself that my books are also a mirror of myself and life is full of trial and error and if something should go wrong I'll try to find a creative solution to fix it – like I did when the color came partly off today 😁I wouldn't endeavor a project that could really damage a book beyond repair. 7y
I-read-and-eat @Tsubame True, books are there to be used and loved. 😊 7y
GypsyKat What a beautiful book! 😍 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Yesterday I started this beautiful book with fairy tale retellings and will read one every evening before going to bed. Some amazing authors contributed to this collection and each chapter begins with a lovely illustrated initial. Looking through them I realized that most stories begin with "T". The binding is quite unique, feels almost like velvet and is slightly embossed, I love just to hold it in my hands.

I-read-and-eat This book sounds amazing! And I love the photo 😍 7y
Tsubame @I-read-and-eat I think you'd absolutely love this book! ✨ 7y
elkeOriginal One story a night is a lovely plan. This is on my TBR shelf! 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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The winter weather must be helping my reading stats because I got through a fair few books this month. Combined with a modest number of acquisitions (no idea how that happened), I'm on track to break even on Mt TBR this year.

You can find the full report and take a peek at what I've been reading at http://earlgreyediting.com.au/2017/08/04/mt-tbr-report-july-2017/

The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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The problem with giving me #retelling as a prompt is...

...they're a hobby of mine.

I have shelves of them. No, really. Shelves.

My husband: Just do a few of your favorites, then?
Me: ...........I'm not sure I understand.

#sizzlinsummerbooks #imeanitwhenisayshelves

elkeOriginal Yup. I cannot dismantle ALL my shelves to do a photo prompt like this one. 7y
aeeklund @elkeo RIGHT?? 7y
Laalaleighh "I'm not sure I understand" ? that's so me. 7y
Bambolina_81 This made me chuckle 😂 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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When the Nebula Award winners posted yesterday, I was happy to see I had the Best Short Story in this beautiful book on my #TBR shelf! Not only did I just fully enjoy that moving story - one where 2 women rescue each other - but I see how many amazing authors are in here too: Charlie Jane Anders, Garth Nix, Kat Howard, Marjorie Lui, Naomi Novik, Seanan McGuire, and more! This one now sits on my nightstand for dipping in anytime. It's quality 👍

KassKho Dominik is a friend of mine! He'll be happy to hear your enjoying the collection! Him and Navah are putting together another collection called Robots vs. Fairies! 7y
Beachesnbooks I've been eyeing this collection for awhile and seeing that one of the stories won the Nebula will probably push me into buying it finally 😂 7y
elkeOriginal @KassKho That's so cool you know them - congrats to them on the story winning! @Beachesnbooks It's also a beautifully designed book as well as full of great contributors! I could not let go when I stumbled on it last January - it shattered my new year book buying ban - like 1 week in 🤣 (edited) 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Just came today! Can't wait to read this!

TracyReadsBooks Looks very interesting! 7y
ElishaLovesBooks So far, so good! Very interesting interpretations of fairy tales! 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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Saw this book and had to get it (along with 2 other books). Sounded fun and I really like the cover! #bookhaul #localbookstore #indiebookstore

moranadatter It's really good. I love the story by Marjorie Liu. 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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And then there's this beauty, that I plan to use in curriculum design! #TeachersOfLitsy

DebinHawaii Gorgeous! 💜 7y
EmilyChristine Pretty! 7y
CrowCAH That is a b-e-a-u-tiful cover! 😊 7y
moranadatter I just finished that! 7y
Paula3 Wow, that cover 💙💛💜 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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My first official #bookhaul of 2017.
That isn't to say I do not already also have several packages en route from the UK or a stack waiting at my local bookshop 😉
#screwnewyearsresolutions #kitties

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage The gnome bookmarks are adorable! 7y
elkeOriginal @BookHoarder32 Right?! They are magnetic - and so cute I could not pass them up! p.s. we need a gnome emoji! 🍄 (edited) 7y
ohyeahthatgirl I love that cover of Slade House! 7y
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elkeOriginal @ohyeahthatgirl I was so happy/surprised to find it! I saw/loved it on Litsy and it turns out it's the Canadian version 🇨🇦 It was on sale too👍 7y
rubyslippersreads Hello Kitty Moleskine! 😍❤😍❤😍 7y
LeahBergen I recently bought a copy of Time Cat for my friend's kids. 👍🏼 7y
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The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales | Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe
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I have to admit I kind of want to read this one simply because it looks cool on a shelf. #fairytales

myers85 I see what you mean, gorgeous cover. 8y
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