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The Masked City: The Invisible Library 2
The Masked City: The Invisible Library 2 | Genevieve Cogman
Sequel to The Invisible Library, The Masked City is a wonderful read for all those who enjoyed Mr Penumbra's 24 hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan, Jasper Fford's The Eyre Affair or Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London. Librarian-spy Irene is working undercover in an alternative London when her assistant Kai goes missing. She discovers he's been kidnapped by the fae faction and the repercussions could be fatal. Not just for Kai, but for whole worlds. Kai's dragon heritage means he has powerful allies, but also powerful enemies in the form of the fae. With this act of aggression, the fae are determined to trigger a war between their people - and the forces of order and chaos themselves. Irene's mission to save Kai and avert Armageddon will take her to a dark, alternate Venice where it's always Carnival. Here Irene will be forced to blackmail, fast talk, and fight. Or face death.
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There really should be more fantasy set in (an approximation of) Venice. There should also be more fantasy that reads like an action-packed page turner with just a smidgen of world-building sprinkled throughout, it makes for a more engaging read. Though in this case the breathless pace came at the expense of any mystery subplot, which I rather enjoyed in the first book. Not much doubt as to the perpetrators or their motives in this one. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality Regarding the relationship dynamics between the main characters...dire circumstances heightening emotions, supervisor asking leading questions...might just be because it's been a while since I read the first in the series but feels like the author is pushing a possible romance between Kai and Irene, but I'm not sure I want it?! 2/? 11mo
Robotswithpersonality 3/? They're both pretty and capable, and aware of each other on an aesthetic level, concerned and respectful of each other, but it feels like they barely have chemistry as friends - admittedly they don't have much time together in this book. Best way to describe my conundrum is how close certain aspects resemble the romance in the Veronica Speedwell series, only in this series, the author is rushing it - maybe it's just a demisexual perspective... 11mo
Robotswithpersonality 4/? Speedwell romance also starts as a working relationship, a partnership between equals, this story features a teacher and apprentice, I don't love the dynamic, even if it's supposed to add spice by being 'forbidden/unprofessional' and Kai's heritage is such that he's actually more powerful than Irene in most situations.
Of course the other trouble is that I think I prefer pairing Irene with Vale?! Don't think the author's on board with that one. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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Robotswithpersonality 5/? The standout for me in this series, aside from any and all aspects to do with the Library and its magic, is the characterization of the Fae. It's the one I prefer, or the one I've developed a strange emotional attachment to via absorbing older stories, which rebuffs any attempts to paint them in a more friendly light. It rings true to me that they are cold, selfish, cruel, beautiful and manipulative, terrifyingly powerful and callous, and Cogman has made them all too convincingly both the villains and the monsters of the piece. 11mo
Robotswithpersonality 6/6 Marvelous little extra story bits at the end of this volume, bonus content that isn't JUST an interview with the author. I would happily read a novel or novella length expansion of any of Irene's highlight reel of previous book heists, or hear more about the Librarian passing notes with the void in the Library. 😶‍🌫️ 11mo
julesG Re: 3+4/6 - noticed that too. And I agree, I'd like to see Irene and Vale getting together. I don't dig Kai and Irene at all. I want them to have more chemistry, but as friends and colleagues. 11mo
julesG Re: 6/6 - let's hope we find it in future books. 11mo
julesG That said, I guess today is the day for me to pick up book 3 😉 11mo
Robotswithpersonality @julesG Me too! As luck would have it, my library had the third as ebook so I snatched it right after finishing this one. 😁 11mo
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Library = comfort place. 🥰

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A dress code for disaster?

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"...Though admittedly with less screaming." ?
A vivid way to put it!

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Gotta love the footnote: "'embrace' the dragon, we don't judge." ??

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Chill evening activity: Weeded my Storygraph TBR, knocked off 130 books I'm no longer interested in. Got it under 1000! 😅 Feels good. 😊👍🏻

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Second book in the Invisible Library series. #SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

Irene has to rescue her apprentice from a world that is far from the library. Short(ish) skirts need to be worn. Allies need to be made. Rules need to be broken.

And we end in a cliffhanger. What else?

TheSpineView Fantastic! 13mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 These sound good. 13mo
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I like the world-building of the Invisible Library books so far, but I'm not really sure if it's adding up to anything interesting overall. I might put this series on the back burner in favor of other holds.

Second book for #JumpStart2023!

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This is book two in the Invisible Library series and it's nice to be back in this world. The plot is easy to follow, we get to see more of the Fae (which make fun antagonists) and I love the charaters, especially MC Irene, and how very competent they all are. All in all, the book is a good romp.

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In the second installment of The Invisible Library series, Kai, our lovable student, is kidnapped by none other than his most hated opposition. Irene, Vale, and a few surprise allies must make hate to rescue him before the act incites a literal war of the worlds.

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I read the first installment of The Invisible Library a couple of weeks ago and loved it! The second book in the series I‘m having a little trouble getting into. In the first, I enjoyed all of the squabbling characters all together. In this storyline they are separated, and I not feeling the same connection to the characters. Hopefully the gang gets back together soon.


Book 2 in the series... Enjoyed it and looking forward to the next

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The London air was full of smog and filth. #firstlinefridays

As far as first lines go, I'd say this one is generic, but evocative 🤷🏾‍♀️

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Picked up my library holds. My weekend is booked.
What do you guys think?
#chagsameach #happypassover #ilikebigbooks

Ruthiella It took me a few tries to get into Foucault‘s Pendulum, but once I did, I was hooked! 😀 3y
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When Kai is kidnapped, Irene must track his kidnappers, Fae nobles of course, to a world of high chaos. Another ripping adventure!

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Just like the first book in the series, The Masked City is a enjoyable, hooking read where even some boundaries are being to crack.
We are introduced to her pessimist side as the plot begins to thicken and twist, leaving the reader with more questions then answers as more villainous characters are introduced. Enemies surround the Main Character as she dives into a chaos ruled world, bending the rules of the library to save a friend and colleague.

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I liked this book and this Steampunk, Paranormal and Historical series enough so that I want to buy all its books in physical format, and that for me is really seldomly done. 😉 A very entertaining book/series.#Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Unexpected ending, cannot wait to see what will happen next!

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My favorite Renfaire Corset Maker refers to front lacing corsets as Self Rescuing Princess Model. As in "I don't need no damn man to lace my corset".
Irene is better than a Princess she's a Librarian! In this story she must rescue her assistant Kai, a dragon who takes the form of a man. So I guess that makes him a Dragon in Distress. ?? ?

julesG Assistant in Agony? 4y
sherryvdh Gentleman in jeopardy? Swain in sorrow? Don in distress? 4y
julesG Penis in peril? 4y
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julesG @sherryvdh like those! 4y
Slajaunie Damsman in distress 4y
Zoes_Human @sherryvdh I love a “gentleman in jeopardy“! 4y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @julesG 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm definitely going to us P n P! 4y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Zoes_Human @Slajaunie @julesG @sherryvdh Knew y'all would have excellent ideas. 😁 4y
BookDragonNotWorm Isn't needing to be rescued by a woman the definition of the word man? 4y
BookDragonNotWorm @Crinoline_Laphroaig 😂 Thank you (deep bow). But like many award winners, I can't take full credit for this achievement myself. I'd like to thank, in particular, my husband, for always allowing me to find things for him, and coming to get me anytime there's a snake on the porch. 😆💪 4y
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The Masked City was a wild ride that I greatly enjoyed. Bit more angst then I wanted but the ending was superb! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I'm really enjoying this fun fantasy series so far! With lots of witty banter, an action -packed plot, and a likeable heroine, The Masked City was a perfect poolside read. ⭐⭐⭐ and a bit stars

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I liked large parts of this book, and I plan to read the rest of the series, but I found myself frustrated with the characters' choices a little too often and I am pretty uncomfortable with the whole...teacher-student attraction...thing. A mixed bag. But I continue to enjoy Cogman's worldbuilding, anyway.

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I...really hope this is not going to be a continuing thread. I don't think I can survive an entire novel of somebody having sexual tension with her student.

shanaqui Ah, fair warning, think on the level of “whole series“... though for me it helps that Kai is an adult and there isn't much of a power differential for plot reasons. :) 4y
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If that isn‘t a magnificent metaphor for anxiety‘s fear if something new then idk what is.

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I finished this book in under a week. 😳 That almost never happens. It‘s safe to say I was HOOKED & couldn‘t get enough of the characters & unique story line. This one contained creatures who thrive in fiction & stories, a daring rescue, & the avoidance of war. Definitely gripping w/ some sexual tension in the background (can‘t help but love some of that). Now I wish I had book 3. 😢 no such luck, I was ill prepared to finish so soon.

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I can‘t wait to get started!


Frequently when I fall in love with the first book in a series, the second book is always a little bit of a let down as the excitement is all used up.
Not so with this series. I am just eating these books up. Again, never a dull moment, fantastic vocabulary and imagery. Never before thought of worlds. I just adored every minute of this book.
Oh and cliffhangers! I swear every chapter ended with me turning the page to ensure everyone was okay!

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This is the second book in The Invisible Library series. I enjoyed it and look forward to the third book! #books

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A #bookhaul today. The bottom two books from the library and I give in and bought the other ones! #books

MayJasper Enjoy 😊 5y
readordierachel Pretty covers! 5y
emmaturi I know, so lovely! @readordierachel 5y
emmaturi Thanks, already started one! @MayJasper 5y
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In the car headed to the oral surgeon to have 4 back teeth pulled 😩😖The drive is a little over two hours so I‘ll enjoy some reading while I can! I adore Irene and Kai! Are there any other lovers of this series???

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick This is yet another series I'd like to read but haven't gotten around to it. 5y
melissanorr I have the first 2 in the series but haven't read them yet. They sound fantastic! 5y
Redwritinghood That‘s one I keep meaning to get to. I have the first one on my Kindle. Thanks for reminding me! 5y
Jocelyn73c I loves the first one!! I fully intend to continue reading the series! 5y
Freespirit I haven't heard of this series. Sounds great. Hope your teeth are ok😊 5y
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LOVED the first book SO, SO MUCH. And look at that lil comment from NK Jemisin! I mean... A) she says 'snarky', which is SO me AND B) she's NK Jemisin. 🤷

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I mean, an interdimensional library to stabilise worlds, a Language with the power to make words true and a librarian who saves the world. What‘s not to love?
The MC is brave, but with a few flaws, which only makes her more likeable.
There‘s a pace to the story, from start to end that makes the book impossible to put down.

LittleBug There‘s something familiar about the way stories can shape life in this book...going to have to do a little research on that... 6y
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Masked City | Genevieve Cogman
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The second installation of the Invisible Library follows Irene on her rescue mission for her apprentice. It took me a moment to get settled into the story again, but once there I can really appreciate the how the heroine is using arch typical narratives in her quest. It's a smart idea and good entertainment.

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catching up on the @ReadingEnvy podcasts from July! 😮 and starting book #4 (and probably the last) for #makemereadit

ReadingEnvy OMG can you listen to a podcast and read a book at the same time? I think that would break my brain 6y
Jerdencon @ReadingEnvy actually had to put the book down until the podcast ended because it was too hard! 😮😂 6y
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Up next is book 2 of The Invisible Library series 😊

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I read the first book of this series last year, and I had a few issues with it. But I was curious about the sequel and it fitted one of the prompts for a challenge I'm doing this month, so I gave this series another go. While an improvement compared to the first book, I still had quite a few of the same issues relating to both the slow pace, lack of a plot that grabs you, a missing 'spark' and more.

3/5 stars.

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This is how the cat and I are spending our afternoon 🐈📖

Bookzombie 💕🐱 6y
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It's amazing how fast I can read these books -- i just sit down and gulp, gulp, all gone! This one needs more of Vale, in my opinion, and less of the icky powerplay with Silver (although that might make for less of a good story).

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Got a little reading done outdoors this afternoon while this one napped in the stroller and big brother climbed trees. It was such a beautiful day! #ReadingInTheSun #nslittens

britt_brooke Cutie!! 6y
vkois88 😍😍 6y
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Masked City | Genevieve Cogman
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Second books in series are always tricky and I was pretty impressed by this one. It slowed down more in parts than Book 1, but never enough for me to walk away from it. It will be interesting to see how long Cogman tries to sustain some of the larger, hinted-at mysteries, but Irene&Co have convinced me to stick around for Book 3!

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Yay, book 2!

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Lmstraubie I enjoy this series also. Just got this one 6y
Loreen @Lmstraubie I‘m reading that one next weekend during a readathon. I‘m so excited to get to it. 🙀 6y
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I'm so excited to get back into this world! The first book (The Invisible Library) was a booknerd's dream come true and now I have the rest of the series on my kitchen table.

Do I start now or wait until after work?

Ummm.. totally starting now.

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People want stories. You should know that more than anybody. They want their lives to have meaning. They want to be part of something greater than themselves.

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OMG. ❤️❤️❤️. This is the 2nd book in this fun series. I just finished it over the weekend and am so happy I can use for this #Litsy challenge. #library #ReadingResolutions #marchphotochallenge #fantasy #invisiblelibrary

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