#NoFemmeber #NonfictionNovember I‘ve posted about this book before but it‘s really one of the most fascinating stories about a modern day #heretic ✡️Shulem Deen was raised in the ultra orthodox Hasidic community. He was a bright boy with a curiosity, a niggling interest in the library lead him to discover a world outside his insulated neighborhood opening the doors to possibilities he could never imagine.
Two memoirs that I read simultaneously last month that do not, in fact, #gotogether. One written by an excommunicated Hasidic Jewish man and the other by an indulgent French novelist arrested for doing cocaine... both allowing me insight into two very different worlds 📖
Shulem Deen was a member of the Skverers, one of the most Hasidic sects in the US. His religion taught him that questions were not permitted and that he should #layallyourloveonme (me being his faith ✡️... stick with me here). But after being married and having 5 children he beings to question his religious beliefs and is shunned from his community as a heretic. I‘m 60 pages into this memoir and I‘m hooked!!
Doctor appointment, smoothie and manicure before 9:30... ✅ New audiobook. Love books about Hasidism. Let‘s get this Monday done!
#CurrentlyReading #CurrentlyListeningTo #Audible #ReadingMyShelves
#MarchIntoOz This is a fascinating memoir about a young man/father who was raised in an ultra Hasidic community. When simple curiosity leads him to first the library, then to the radio followed by television and the internet his insular world starts to unravel. #IDontBelieveAnymore quickly becomes Shulem Deen‘s battlecry. Side note, I met the author & he‘s a really sincere, intelligent, sweet guy with a great big laugh....Highly recommend!
A former member of the Hassidic Skverers sect, Deen writes about his faith, curiosity, and the events that eventually led him to leave the insular community. I found it absolutely fascinating.
Poignant, powerful, and beautifully written, I know this one is going to stay with me for a very long time. It's been a long while since I dragged out finishing a book, but I didn't want this one to end. • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 • #memoir #jewishlit
Current situation. • #areadwithaview #roadtripreads #litsypartyofone
This book isn't what I expected and that's good. I love Deen's prose; his voice is so very clear. • #whatimreading
Memoir as thriller. Certainly not because of the subject- one man's departure from Hasidic life to the secular world, but because I couldn't wait to find out how his wife & children coped. Not well, it turns out. But no more spoilers. This is an exceptionally well put together narrative and an inside look at religion in the extreme. Worth your time if this subject appeals to you.