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On the Savage Side
On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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This powerful book is a fictionalization of of the “Chillicothe Six,” young women serially murdered in rural Ohio. It doesn‘t pull any punches with violence, sex trade, and drug use, but the thread of love amongst them and some of their family members is clear: the closing is a statement of how much they loved each other, even if they would be forgotten or only remembered for life elements that were tied to “the savage side.”#auldlangspine

On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel

She nudged me until I used my finger, revealing a piece of paper beneath the dirt. “Read it aloud,”she said. I hesitated. “I am incredible.” I read the note in the shaky voice. “That you are,” she said. She turned the page again. “Dig, Ark, dig. I pushed the dirt off the page, discovering another note that said, “I am amazing.“ “You are that, too.”“Men might think they‘re the big dog archaeologists, but only women know how to go deep.”

On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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I‘ve come to the conclusion that the minute between us was nothing more than sisters lying as close to each other as they could without bearing a wider berth upon their mother. Twins, who in the womb, decided upon 60 seconds: it was as much as we would allow ourselves to be separated, just enough for our mother to rest after the big push, but brief enough that we would not be long from each other in the new world outside her glistening body.

On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Starting my first #AuldLangSpine with memories of my preteen years downriver from a pulp town…drawn into these girls‘ lives so far.

ncsufoxes This was probably my favorite book last year. I love McDaniel‘s books even though she writes about such difficult subjects. Enjoy! 8mo
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Wow is all I can say. Tiffany McDaniel‘s books are full of trigger warnings: trauma, violence, drug use, sexual assault. But her writing is just so unlike anything I‘ve ever read. She writes about such difficult subjects but yet makes you want to continue to read. The story of Arc & Daffy is so tragic but so beautiful. The story is based off of the Chillicothe six murders. McDaniel is from Ohio & uses the state as a frequent setting for her books

ncsufoxes My husband has family that lives near Chillicothe, so it‘s an area that we are familiar with. As well as know about the unfortunate hold that the opioid crisis has had over the area. Heartbreaking book that will stay with me for a while. #bookspin book (June). #14books14weeks2023 (book 3) (edited) 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Wow - this is heart breaking. Inspired by the real life tragedy of the disappearance of six women in Chillicothe, Ohio in 2015 - McDaniel weaves a fictions story around these women‘s lives. It‘s poetic, full or sage wisdom and poetry. But it‘s a bleak story of addiction, abuse and grief and the cycle of pain we inflict on ourselves and others. Brilliantly written but hard to read.

AmyG This was brutal, a tough read….but so well written. I was thinking the other day how she needs to write a “happier” book. (edited) 1y
Mitch Yes please! Because I just love her writing and story telling so much - but need a little light at the end of the tunnel! 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Well, that was a tough read, and worse for knowing it‘s based on real women who went missing in Chillicothe, Ohio.

I don‘t think I liked it as much as Betty as, weirdly, I found some of the prose too flowery; it jarred with the ugliness of the story. I presume that was the point, to have that contrast, but it didn‘t sit quite right with me.

It wasn‘t quite as bad as A Little Life, but is still filled with *all* the trigger / content warnings.

TrishB It was a tough read. Funny- I liked (not quite the right word but you know what I mean!) much more than Betty. 1y
CBee I don‘t know that anything could touch the one huge trigger warning that is A Little Life. Thinking about it still makes me sad, even now!! 1y
squirrelbrain I just re-read ALL @CBee , in advance of seeing the play this coming weekend. 😬 1y
Cathythoughts Interesting! I have this stacked already 👍🏻 1y
CBee @squirrelbrain oh right, the play! I heard about that. Will be interested to hear your thoughts once you see it. 💔 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Savage is the right word. But it's also such beautiful writing that I couldn't put it down and finished it it 2 days.

TrishB Brilliant read. Loved it in the same way as ALL. 😢 1y
Suet624 Your blanket 💕 1y
squirrelbrain Fab! I still haven‘t started it yet…. 🙄 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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First garden reading of the year + some Easter egg

Daisy made sure she was first onto the outdoor sofa into the sunny spot.

squirrelbrain I‘m just about to start this one too (having finished ALL - couldn‘t do two traumatic books at once! 😬) 1y
TrishB I would say enjoy both of you @squirrelbrain it‘s so sad 😢 1y
TrishB Look at Daisy‘s haircut ❤️ 1y
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Oryx @squirrelbrain @TrishB I've only started, and I can tell it's to be sad. But her writing is beautiful. 1y
TrishB It definitely is. 1y
MicheleinPhilly She looks so regal! “I belong here on my throne.” 1y
dabbe Daisy, you rock. 😎🐾💜 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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I‘m torn. This was a heartbreaking and visceral read, but I was overwhelmed by all the tortured moments with few reasons WHY choices were made or how our 6 Queens of Chillicothe ended up in the predicaments they found themselves in. Of course the big “why” is addiction and men but the nonlinear nature of the storytelling made me feel disconnected. Then again, maybe this was intentional, a way to put readers in the addled minds of the characters.

AmyG I look forward to reading this one. 1y
kyraleseberg My feelings on this one are complicated 😩 1y
ncsufoxes I just bought this one but haven‘t started it yet. My husband has family that lives in Chillicothe, as well as Portsmouth. 1y
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Chelsea.Poole @ncsufoxes this is my local area. That‘s one reason I loved this book…she does an excellent job of bringing this neck of the woods to the page. 1y
Chelsea.Poole @AmyG it‘s relentless with horrific scenes but such lyrical writing. I appreciate it, but also felt it could have been more powerful with a bit more structure. Still, one I‘ll be thinking about for some time. 1y
Chelsea.Poole @kyraleseberg same here! I‘m hesitant to comment negatively because it‘s such a gut punch of a book and I love that my local area is represented with such lyrical imagery. Still, there were some issues I had with the pace and plotting of the novel. 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Made it to NYC — my first time. First stop is coffee and bagels with a book! And wow what a heartbreaker this is! Just like @TrishB and @Cinfhen promised it would be.

Cinfhen Hurray for NYC!!!! Enjoy!!!! Book gets worse before it gets better 💔 2y
AmyG Enjoy NYC. I miss bagels…and pizza….to name a few. I hope you will visit The Strand! (edited) 2y
TrishB Jealous of NY. On my bucket list. ‘Enjoy‘ the rest of the book. 2y
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Tamra Pizzzaaaahhhhhh 🍕🍕 2y
vivastory I have been to NY several times but it has been years since I've been. Hope you have a blast! (NY bagels=top tier) (edited) 2y
Chelsea.Poole @Cinfhen these poor poor girls!!! 2y
Chelsea.Poole @AmyG @Tamra @vivastory yessss! The things on my list: pizza, bagels, NYPL, and The Strand! (Food and books—what else is there?!) We‘ll see how many I manage. Bagels ✔️. a small branch of Queens Library ✔️ 2y
Aimeesue Always take a pic with Patience and Fortitude at the NYPL, Bibliophile Rule #17 ❤️ 2y
Leftcoastzen Yay NYC! Enjoy! 2y
ReadingRachael I think bagels maybe are what I miss the most!!! 1y
DivineDiana So happy for you! 👏🏻📚❤️ 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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So good! The almond butter English muffin and the book!

dylanisreading I love that mug! 2y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Started this last night and preparing to be heartbroken. Chillocothe is local for me, and the river as a character is so fitting for our area. The author is doing an amazing job of bringing the essence of this place to the page. I‘m amazed and grateful.
The crocheting grandmother is spot-on!! Brings me back to my childhood watching my Mamaw Ruth crochet doily after doily!

AmyG I so look forward to this one. When done, let us know what you think. 2y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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As @Cinfhen says, this is bleak, utterly bleak.
It‘s heart breaking but brilliantly written. I have loved (in that strange way for such sad books) every one of this authors books. These characters will stay with me and the feminist respect the author gives to these lost to society women.
I do feel drained and bruised from this one.

TheBookStacker I have this ready to go but I‘m not sure I‘m ready 2y
AmyG It‘s up after the Rebecca Makkai book. I love this author and I, too, love a sad book. 2y
Cinfhen Beautiful review!! I agree, her writing and characters really stay with you. 2y
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Branwen I really really want to read this! Is there any animal abuse in this? I know her previous work, Betty, had some pretty horrific animal abuse instances in it (from what I heard anyway) and I was just wondering if there was anything like that in this one? It's a huge trigger for me so I just wanted to know for sure! 2y
TrishB @TheBookStacker you have to be ready! 2y
TrishB @AmyG I think you‘ll love this. 2y
TrishB @Cinfhen they definitely do. 2y
TrishB @Branwen there is some. I‘d pretty much say abuse is the theme in this and no one escapes it. 2y
Branwen @TrishB Okay, gotcha! Thanks so much for the info! 💕 2y
Chelsea.Poole Ugh. I‘m looking forward to this/not looking forward to this. But I can‘t wait to read it! 2y
ReadingRachael I am really interested in reading something by this author based on alI the great reviews. I will often read rather heavy material but I must admit I am a little afraid to pick up and read her novels in case she hits on something in a way that leaves me mentally spiralling (in a nonfunctional sort of way) for days. 1y
TrishB @ReadingRachael she pretty much covers everything in her books that would require a trigger warning so I would say you do have to be in a strong place mentally to read. 1y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Work is just wearing me out this week, not much reading has been done. I‘m half way through this and it‘s brilliant and I just want to sit and read, sighs….

LeahBergen I hope you can grab some quality reading time soon! ❤️ 2y
kspenmoll Hope your work eases up. 2y
BarbaraBB I know what you mean. I‘m feeling the same again too. 2y
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RaeLovesToRead *sending virtual tea & biscuits* Hope work settles down soon! 2y
Tamra Work interferes with life period. 😏 2y
Ruthiella Weekend will be here soon! ❤️ 2y
Balibee146 Hope work calms down a bit soon.... Countdown to the weekend begins... 2y
ashw21 Waiting patiently for my library hold on this !!! 2y
MicheleinPhilly I find work to be very rude at the moment. 2y
Reggie I think it‘s just this week, for everyone. Vivastory just posted about his work. I hate my job and some of the people I‘m working with this week. Let‘s hope it all passes. 2y
TrishB @Reggie @BarbaraBB much as I don‘t wish it on anyone else- it does seem a communal bad week ♥️ 2y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly rude is very apt. 2y
TrishB @ashw21 hope it arrives soon 👍🏻 2y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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🥲 This book is breaking my heart already and I‘m only on page 46.
I have a massive lump in my throat in preparation for the sad onslaught.

CBee I loved Betty so if this is anything like that (or worse), I‘ll have to put armor on to read it 💔 2y
TrishB @CBee it is as heart breaking as Betty so far. 2y
CBee @TrishB oh damn 🙁💔 2y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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This was a really difficult book to get through. So much violence and abuse - the bleakest of bleak existence for two sisters, identical twins whose parents and aunt are addicts & support their addiction with prostitution. Grim & dark with little light except for the tight bond shared by the sisters & their fierce love & loyalty for each other. Told in both past & present McDaniel paints a harrowing tale of addiction and the pain it causes.

ashw21 Have this on hold in the library.. a little nervous to read it 2y
Cinfhen I honestly thought I would have to abandon the book midway through @ashw21 it was rough!! But McDaniel writes so beautifully even when it‘s really painful and difficult to read. 2y
Cinfhen Decided to use this for #Booked2023 #AboutAMonster although the monster in this book takes the human form 💔 @BarbaraTheBibliophage @alisiakae 2y
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TrishB Yikes. I‘ll be mentally prepared before starting this one. 2y
Cinfhen It‘s rough, @TrishB and as the mom of a daughter 💔💔💔 2y
Suet624 Is this NF? 2y
Cinfhen It‘s based on a true unsolved case @Suet624 but this is fictional 2y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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#ARC #NetGalley going from fluff to rough - I‘ve heard this one is BRUTAL but Tiffany McDaniel is a gorgeous writer, so I‘m ready to face the Savage Side 😉

Chelsea.Poole I‘m so excited for this one! 2y
AmyG I‘m with @Chelsea.Poole ….I can‘t wait to read this one, too. 2y
Cinfhen It‘s DARK @Chelsea.Poole @AmyG but McDaniel is SO GOOD at getting under your skin….unfortunately you get the sense she‘s been exposed to some pretty rough stuff 💔 2y
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AmyG Her other two books were also dark. 2y
Cinfhen Yeah @AmyG Betty nearly killed me but this one is already darker 😥 2y
AmyG Ha. I should love it, then. 2y
AmyG @Chelsea.Poole It‘s a fabulous book. 2y
TrishB I can‘t wait for this one. 2y
Cinfhen It‘s not an easy read @TrishB I keep having to stop 💔 2y
TrishB I don‘t think she does easy reads does she 😢 2y
Cinfhen She really doesn‘t @TrishB 2y
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On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Our gardening aspirations have outgrown the space we have in the house so we built a tiny greenhouse this year.
Slowly making my way through the tagged book; it's a tough read but I'm in it for the long haul because I trust this author. (TW for drugs/ addiction, child abuse, rape)

On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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All the 😍 for my NetGalley shelf these days 🙌
I need to carve out more time for the tagged book so I can dig in + devour it --- and since tomorrow's forecast is rainy, it should be the perfect time to do so!

On the Savage Side: A Novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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I am a HUGE Tiffany McDaniel fan and somehow had no idea about this upcoming novel until NetGalley sent me an email with a read now link for the next 48 hours. Needless to say, I dropped everything to download it immediately!

EKonrad Checked my email as soon as I saw your post! Thank you! 😊 2y
kyraleseberg @EKonrad Yay! Glad you were able to get it! 2y
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