3 out of 5
#bookmoods #laughoutloud
This series, as I recently posted , has me laughing out loud to the annoyance of my wife who is usually sat next to me concentrating on something else. The glorious Adrian Mole gave commentary through his diaries to much of the events of English society and politics from the 80s to the 2000s and Sue Townsend was a brilliant comic writer whose sharp wit would have been appreciated in our current strange world .
A nostalgic read for me. I hadn‘t remembered how satirical this was - and how clueless Adrian is about so much of what is going on around him. Brought back so many memories of the tv show - also the stage show of this was my first proper “going to the theatre” experience (ie at night and not part of a class trip - very heady stuff 😂) when I was about 15.
Thank you @EadieB for the tag and @veritysalter for organising. #LockdownLowdown
1) Manchester UK
2) i have just finished middlemarch which was great but Adrian mole was a joy in these difficult times.
3) Depends on the book but probably 300
4) I'll tag 3 recent followers again as it is fun to be tagged, there is no need to join in but it may get more friends - enjoy @Bookish.SAM @Shaleen @Book_Fiend_Melissa
Day 4/7 books that had a lasting impression. I‘m sticking with books from my youth. I think I may have been about 12/13 when I read this and I‘d never know comedic writing before. I‘ve reread the diaries many times. ❤️
Join in anyone who wants to.
#MarchMadness Day 23: This secret diary with #ANumberInTitle according to Fats‘ review is: “an offbeat comedic novel that chronicles the everyday – literally, everyday – life of Adrian Mole. This book is a classic portrayal of the inner struggles of an adolescent boy.” Full and detailed review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-eg
My daughter was reading this and i realised i had never actually read it. Its well worth a read, especially if you grew up in the 70s or 80s in working class Britain. Its laugh out loud funny, at times its sad but it paints a picture of the mundane worries of a 14 year old boy who is struggling with life. A year in the life of a not very bright intellectual!
#Castleonthehill #WanderingJune
This may sound strange, but this song makes me cry every time I play it. I crank the volume up, sing at the top of my voice, and every single time I choke up! Never has a song made me more homesick than this one. Every lyric just reminds me of home (England), being a teenager, growing up and old friends.
So today went with this classic book from the 80s. I haven‘t read it in years, but I think it kinda fits 😊💕🇬🇧
I was a kid myself last time I read this book. Clearly, it's not the most stimulating read I've had, but it was a nice brain break. Quick read, and a little trip down memory lane. As a 12 year old, I can remember feeling totally aghast that Pandora allowed Adrian to touch her boob!!! 😂
I warmed to Adrian and the book progressed. I was proud of him for looking after Burt (the old man he was paired with for a school project) throughtout the book. The person I felt for the most was Adrians dad. The poor mans wife leaves him and then he loses his job while caring for a rather demanding son
You pick different sides when you re-read this as an adult
I last read this book when I was in school and I dont remember Adrian being this annoying.
Its odd looking at the collapse of his parents marriage now as a married woman with my own child compared to when I was a child myself
Definitely a #ChildProtaganist in this funny book 😁
Thanks to @maich for the #AprilBookishMadness photo challenge
Congrats to @TK421 !
This book is one I always return to when life gets a bit sad. Adrian Mole - a spotty, horny, 1980s British boy with great literary pretensions - always makes me laugh. Give it a try and I hope things are looking up for you. ❤️
What a great character! Quick read and often humorous 😊
I'm in a bit of book/blog slump, so I thought I'd try a bit of colouring whilst listening to this new recording of Adrian Mole. I think it doing the trick as the writing and narrator are brilliant, making me laugh out loud at Adrian's teenage angst.
A 13-year-old boy keeps a diary for 15 months.
Yoicks. I didn't care for this one at all. Not a likeable character in the entire thing, and two dogs get nonchalantly mistreated, to boot. Nopenopenope.
Happy 50th birthday to Britain's favourite fictional former spotty teenager, Adrian Mole. Where does the time go?!
I'm so excited about this news! 🤓
That, libraries you can rent on AirBnB, and books to read if you hate your job: https://britlitblog.com/2017/02/24/today-in-brit-lit-news-24th-feb-2/
#mostreread book of all times simply because I use it with my freshmen every October for the past 10 years or so. It's a required reading. I enjoy rediscovering it with every new group of students.
A classic. One of the funniest books I read as a teenager and probably still. (This is the same cover as my copy from years ago!)... It's of its time but captures teen angst so vividly; great observations, characters, heart & soul. A must-read. #photoadayNov16 #childprotagonists
Adrian Mole is such a great character, a self proclaimed intellectual with sex on the brain. His entries over 2 years detail (among other things) his frustrations with his parents, his love for the beautiful and cruel Pandora and his development as a not so talented poet. With diary entries like '.....I was racked with sexuality but it wore off when I helped my father put manure on our rose bed', Adrian Mole is easy to love. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
If you're looking to fill the Georgia Nicholson-sized hole in your heart, look no further than 'The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4' by Sue Townsend. Adrian's daily diary offers readers a glimpse into his life as a child of a one-parent family, caretaker to an old-age pensioner, tortured poet, misunderstood intellectual and a young boy in love. Eighties references aside, Adrian Mole's painfully honest diary feels timeless. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️