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The Full Moon Coffee Shop
The Full Moon Coffee Shop: A Novel | Mai Mochizuki
12 posts | 12 read | 17 to read
Translated from the Japanese bestseller, a charming and magical novel that reminds us its never too late to follow our stars. In Japan, cats are a symbol of good luck. As the myth goes, if you are kind to them, theyll one day return the favor. And if you are kind to the right cat, you might just find yourself invited to a mysterious coffee shop under a glittering Kyoto moon. This particular coffee shop is like no other. It has no fixed location, no fixed hours, and it seemingly appears at random. Its also run by talking cats. While customers at the Full Moon Coffee Shop partake in cakes and coffees and teas, the cats also consult their star charts, offering cryptic wisdom, and letting them know where their lives veered off course. Every person who visits the shop has been feeling more than a little lost. For a down-on-her-luck screenwriter, a romantically stuck movie director, a hopeful hairstylist, and a technologically challenged website designer, the coffee shops feline guides will set them back on their fated paths. For there is a very special reason the shop appeared to each of them . . .
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This was so sweet! Perfect reading for what feels like our first actual #fall weather. Highly #recommended!

#hotdrink #bookscavengerhunt #bookspin #popsugar

#HauntedShelf #TeamFlerken @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 🧡🖤🧡 5d
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4/5 🌟

Another cozy, heartwarming Japanese novel with talking cats and a mystical pop-up café. Astrology plays a significant role throughout the book, and while it isn‘t usually my thing, it didn‘t detract from my enjoyment of the book. You really can‘t go wrong with warm, comforting reads like this. 📚

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A cozy book about knowing yourself and rebuilding from rock bottom. The astrology was a little heavy-handed for me, but I still found it fun. Plus, I loved the cats. 4 stars.
#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#LitsyLoveReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude

BookmarkTavern The cats were my favorite part of this one. 😁 (edited) 3w
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3w
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A quick read that was hand sold to me in the local bookstore. Generally uplifting in that slightly twee way that seems to be a hallmark of this genre of a Japanese fiction. Talking animals and life lessons and all that. The translation was better than others out there with dialogue that flowed a bit better. I think if you love this genre of book, you will enjoy this for sure.

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This was so good! I‘m glad i picked this one up. If you like astrology then this one is for you. If you like taking cats then this one is for you. I don‘t want to give anything away but the character connections and flow of the story line was really good. It‘s a light read. A good palate cleanser. Everyone should read this one!

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Very sweet

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At Kramers, the boozy bookstore in DC.

CoffeeAndABook Boozy bookstore 😊 absolutely yes 💯 4w
Leftcoastzen Cheers! 4w
mcctrish I want a boozy bookstore 4w
sarahbarnes Love that place! 4w
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So scrap yesterdays post about starting Lady Macbeth because its due back to the library today. Back on the TBR it goes. Too many holds and so little time! Im starting this one today and it just so happens that its a full moon!

Ellie_H Love the nails 4w
bookish_wookish Thanks! I love when the color shifts @Ellie_H 4w
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Five people, all struggling with different aspects of their lives, find their way to a mysterious coffee shop pop up where they are given delectable treats and life advice based on their astrology by giant talking cats.

The astrology stuff went over my head but the self-help stuff was actually lovely and light-handed with both a touch of fate and free will. The reveal at the end brought me to tears.

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If you need help on a full moon, The Full Moon Cafe may appear to you, & the staff of cats will give you advice & food.

I am obsessed w/ these Japanese fabulist stories. The foods made me hungry, & the cats were insightful providing astrological insight/advice.

The stories are sweet & charming. I loved the characters that are dealing w/ difficult times in their lives, & they come to the cafe to get the push they need to move forward.🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern Release Date: August 20th, 2024 #ARC #NetGalley 2mo
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A Coffee Shop run by cats pops up on the full moon and helps a loosely associated group of characters. It's adorable. Definitely a palette cleanse book.

Somehow got an inadvertent selfie into my photo. 😂 oops

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

US pub date is 8/20/24
#ARC #Netgalley

rubyslippersreads I dodge my own reflection every time I take a photo for Litsy. 🤣 4mo
Sace Just pre-ordered my copy! Sounds like something I would enjoy. 4mo
vlwelser @The_Book_Ninja omfg. I promise to never take a book photo without clothes on. 😂😳🤣 4mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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