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Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 1
Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 1 | Kiiro Yumi
34 posts | 28 read | 23 to read
Iku Kasahara has dreamed of joining the Library Forces ever since one of its soldiers stepped in to protect her favorite book from being confiscated in a bookstore when she was younger. But now that shes finally a recruit, shes finding her dream job to be a bit of a nightmare. Especially since her hard-hearted drill instructor seems to have it in for her! -- VIZ Media
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I'm already obsessed with this series. I heard about this one years ago, but just got around to reading it. Why did I wait so long? I love the premise behind. The characters are just perfect. I can't wait to read the rest of them.

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I love the premise of this series: protect & defend librarians, libraries & our right to read. But it scares & appalls me that censorship & book banning are still on the rise. Let‘s do what we can to “win the war on information, one book at a time.” (Vote!)
It‘s also my first #manga and first time reading in original Japanese format: right to left. Glad it came with instructions!☺️
Thanks @iread2much for this great gift

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin Ooh this looks so interesting!Glad you enjoyed it. Stacked!📚 3mo
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Had to after @BookKenz told me about it

BookKenz Omg. Yesss! 2y
CoveredInRust @BookKenz I finished the first one and ordered the other 10 2y
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E in Care of Magical Creatures NEWTs: 3.75⭐️

Lots of fun and I‘m enjoying the subtle feminist themes through out. The main character is a little ditzy but she‘s growing on me. I love the setting of libraries forming armies to protect freedom of speech and the right to read whatever book you want. I‘m ready to see where this series leads.

#magicalreadathon2019 #manga #anime #mpls #twincities

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Trying to get some more reading done today for the NEWTs. Had back to back shifts at the hospital other day and it wrecked me. I know I‘ve finally gotten enough sleep but still feeling a bit off. Hoping a little manga and this pomegranate tea will help 🥰🍵

#bookishbox #teaspoon #tea #hufflepuff #magicalreadathon2019 #manga #library #mpls #twincities

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#30junebooks @howjessreads #booksource One of my favourite places to get books is the library and one of my favourite manga series about libraries is Library Wars (how many times can I say the word library in one post😁).

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Saw this on Libby! Curious to know what this is all about 🤓

TheBookAddict I love that series! I hope you enjoy it as much, or more than I do. 5y
vumblereads I wasn‘t really impressed with the first book. I‘m picking up the second now to see if I‘ll like it. @TheBookAddict (edited) 5y
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Manga does not seem to be a genre i enjoy. #bookriotreadharderchallenge2019 a book of manga

vumblereads Oh no. Maybe you haven‘t read one that you liked? 5y
audraelizabeth This was my first one and i was glad it was short. I also havent tried graphic novels. 5y
Sace I agree with @vumblereads ...maybe you just haven't found the right one 😁 5y
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vumblereads @audraelizabeth death note sometimes converts people into manga lovers 😂 i personally like the girl from the other side because it‘s dark and dreamlike. I love the art too. 5y
audraelizabeth My library has death note so ill give it a try. 5y
vumblereads @audraelizabeth Book Riot wrote an article about it 😄 the link is here: https://bookriot.com/2017/08/21/death-note-manga/ 5y
audraelizabeth That was very helpful. 5y
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I don‘t think I‘ve told you all how much I love this series!!! 😍 I need to borrow the next volumes ASAP. In this volume (8) Kasahara finds out who her prince is. 😬 now I need to find out what happens afterwards.


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This series you guys! It‘s so good. It gives me tidbit of romance that I can handle, along with my manga fix, and my book love literature fix. Isn‘t it a wonderful #LibraryBookHaul?!? I sat down to read Vol 4 and finished it in 1 sitting during our #familyreadingtime. I have to pace myself. I‘ll wait to read Vol 5 tomorrow. Saga Vol 2 I picked up from #HalfPricedBooks. #litsyloveslibraries #manga #ya #bookhaul #diversebooks

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Finished volume 3 of this series today. #TookeyToles was sitting with me while I read. I‘m enjoying this series. It‘s pretty much the only way I enjoy reading romance. #littenkitten #catsoflitsy #Tolesbrats #manga


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My reading buddies today. Our bookworm in training is reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I‘m reading Library Wars Vol. 3.

#littenkitten #catsoflitsy #TookeyToles #Tolesbrats

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Just finished volume 2 of this series. Litsy doesn‘t have it on the database, so I couldn‘t tag it.


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When I saw it at the library I just had to get it and I‘m glad I did. Some people have complained about the love story in this book and thought it unnecessary, but I quite enjoy it. At first I thought Kasahara was a bit annoying, always complaining and just let her mouth get the best of her, but she grew on me a bit. I enjoyed this story and wish I had gotten the other volumes in the series. #24b4monday

Andrew65 A great start!👍 (edited) 6y
TheBookAddict @Andrew65 yes, thank you. 6y
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Kicking off my #24B4Monday reading with this!

BeansPage Looks interesting. Let me know how it is! 😃 6y
TheBookAddict @TheReadingMermaid I shall. I saw it at the library and just had to borrow it. 6y
BeansPage 😘 6y
Andrew65 Good luck with the Readathon. 😊👍 6y
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An interesting manga set in the near future where Iku Kasahara strives to be the first woman in the Library's Defense Force which protects books from government censorship. I look forward to the rest of the series.

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I like the concept of this, that there are people trained to fight and protect books. I didn't realize that more of it was going to be focused on romance. Maybe it'll get better in future volumes?

LibrarianRyan It doesn't. 7y
Shadowfat Good to know @LibrarianRyan , I won't spend any more time on them then. 7y
LibrarianRyan @Shadowfat each book is more of the same. Nothing really happens and the series ends abruptly. I like the idea but it could have been executed better. 7y
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Another book read today! This one I absolutely loved! The story is so good and the characters are hilarious! I can't wait to get the next one from the library

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I really loved this series! There are some who complained about its over used tropes, but I guess it really didn‘t bother me that much. I love any stories that are about the love of books and I really enjoyed the romance and characters. It‘s not revolutionary in any way, but it did make me think about censorship, made me laugh and my heart beat for the characters, so I consider that a win!


I couldn't with the heroine. She played on too many tropes and the big "reveal" was so beyond obvious. I'm sad because I really looked forward to this!

LibrarianRyan I didn't mind the series, and it does get very repetitive. The them has been done better, but I didn't think this was that bad. The series feels very incomplete. 7y
maximoffs @LibrarianRyan I got about 50% of the way through and just didn't really want to keep going. I try not to force myself to read things anymore. I just really dislike the trope the heroine seemed to be playing into 7y
LibrarianRyan @steverogers I see that. It does get better, but not until book 3 or 4 if I remember correctly. 7y
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Sigh. The manga trope of "heroic woman who is also a super klutz and kind of dumb but you're supposed to love anyway" is so strong in this. I don't mind it in things like Sailor Moon (maybe because I watch it??) but this is just not..working for me and I am really sad about it

faelinwolf I think she does have some development in that area as you progress through the series--as you learn more about her, there's more depth. I really liked this series for the concept of fighting for free speech & allowing people to read what they want. I thought it was pretty fascinating. :) 7y
maximoffs @faelinwolf I loved the concept but I just couldn't bring myself to keep going sadly. I was so excited for it too! 7y
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When I saw this available at my library, I had to grab it! Thankful for Overdrive! Sorry Archiekins, I'll be back to Riverdale soon

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Serotonin I have yet to complete my reading of this series. Loved the anime, too ❤ 7y
Wolfie_97 @Serotonin I read all I could online to see if I liked it and when I couldn't get enough of it I got the entire series in like one shot 7y
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#feistyfeb A stack of #lovetitles ! Top row I've read, middle row is comic books (also read), and bottom row are books I want to read. #lovetitle

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I love the concept of this book but the sexism in it is irritating and infuriating. I want to continue the series because the idea of a war fought by librarians is awesome. But the sexism is intolerable.

Also chocolate before bedtime does not cause pimples or weight gain and if it did punishing someone by affecting their appearance is disgusting and making all kinds of gross assumptions.

I just...can't.

#librarywars #manga #sexism

KCorter I was intrigued by the premise as well! My library had the first eight volumes. I kept reading despite early reservations, hoping the good would outweigh the bad. Unfortunately, I haven't felt compelled to search out the rest. Maybe the light novel (which came first) or the movie did justice to such a powerful idea. I was just too disappointed by the blatant sexism, ridiculous bullying, and immature relationships to be impressed with the manga. 8y
Vexingcircumstance @KCorter I am glad it wasn't just me that saw all of those things. The library here has a lot of them (at least 10 volumes maybe more) but I don't even feel like it's worth reading further. I did consider looking for the novel but I couldn't find it anywhere. Maybe it isn't available translated? 8y
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One of my book challenge lists has "Read a Manga" on it. So I got two options at the library today. #libraryhaul #manga #librarywars #cardcaptorsakura

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If you're looking for something light to read, this is a good start. I'm not crazy about the main character but it's a very interesting plot line.

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half way through. review to come!

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This series is thoroughly enjoyable. Set in a possible near future, it is an intelligent commentary on media censorship. The series is witty and humorous.

Kathrin Sounds interesting. 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Kathrin it was fun. I enjoyed it as a librarian because it had a lot of library references such as Dewey Decimal, stacks and job related items. 8y
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Simona See you there 👍 8y
WOCreads Happy readathoning! I'll be reading some Lumberjanes as well🙌 8y
KCorter @Simona See you there! If you want to discuss Kindred after (or while) you read it, let me know. :) 8y
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KCorter @Ifyoucanreadthis_Bina Yay! Want to make it a #BuddyRead? 8y
Simona @KCorter Thanks, I will 👍 8y
WOCreads Yay sure, I'm at issue 6 or 7 I think! 8y
Serotonin Ooo, more Library Wars! Very nice 👍 8y
AwakenedWords Wow. 😍 8y
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Good start to the series about a militant group fighting to save books from being destroyed by federal government censorship 👊🏽

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How did I not know about this series? I saw it at the library today and picked up the first volume. Has anyone else read this series?

Suzze No, but I'll look for it now! 8y
Suzze @Graciouswarriorprincess Now that I see it, I realize I used to shelve that series during my morning shelving shifts. 8y
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Godmotherx5 Please provide feedback. Love to know what you think. 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Suzze wow! That's neat!👍 8y
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Library Wars. The armed Library Defense Force protects libraries and books from being destroyed by those who want strict censorship. You don't mess with these "librarians" ? #manga #mangalibrary #librarywars #somethingforsept #bannedbooks

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I often have the impulse to buy books 😂 I saw the movie versions of Library Wars (at the brilliant Japanese Film Festival held every year at Melbourne Central) and I ❤️ed it! The plot is chaotic but the action scenes were intense, the subtitles were 👌 and I just want all the good things for Ike Kashahara - so I bought these cause I wanted to find out what happens after the end of the second movie 😅 I don't know yet... #augustphotochallenge

Marchpane Ooh thanks for the reminder about the Japanese Film Festival! Noting it in the calendar now... 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Marchpane, something to look forward to! 😊 8y
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