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Publicado em 1848, 'A dama das Camlias' aborda a temtica da elevao da alma pelo amor, e tambm do Realismo, ao descrever os costumes de uma poca. A narrativa conta a histria de Armand Duval, estudante de Direito em Paris de meados do sculo XIX. Ele vem de uma famlia burguesa mas apaixona-se por Marguerite Gautier, a cobiada cortes dos sales e teatros parisienses. Marguerite corresponde ao amor dele, o que acaba provocando uma reviravolta em suas vidas, posto que os dois amantes devero enfrentar fortes obstculos.
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Camille | Alexandre Dumas
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#TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude
My offering for your French request is Camille. She sings in French & English, often in the same song. She's hard to pin down as many of her songs are pop-based, quirky & a bit silly (in a good way), and then she does something serious and experimental, all of which I love. I'll link to a couple of both types, which I hope you'll like 😊🇫🇷
Lasso, from the album Oui: https://youtu.be/zP4tsnttO-k?si=ZayCmknzLlxaGxWf

Bookwomble Gospel With No Lord, from the album Music Hole: https://youtu.be/2dZTZc2W95g?si=-xvJVpDXGhdRw1xl 2mo
JamieArc Good choice 😊 2mo
Bookwomble @JamieArc 😊👍 2mo
TieDyeDude Excellent. Thanks for the recommendation! 2mo
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I really enjoyed this tragic tale of love, come what may... The 'sacrifice' in leaving her lover to save his family's good name and the protagonist's sister does not translate well into the 21st Century, but it's very well placed in its era. The use of letters as a narrative device from beyond the grave enhanced the tragedy. Their love feels believable and intense, and the societal pressures and beautiful setting shines through. Recommended.

Camille | Alexandre Dumas Fils

This is the basis for La Traviata and Moulin Rouge! It was a quick read and of course a tragic one. Even though you know from the beginning that Marguerite dies, it‘s still hard to read her letters by the end of the suffering she goes through with consumption. I was annoyed by the moral high ground that the narrator/author takes toward courtesans. I also found Armand‘s reasons for falling in love with Marguerite to be pretty shallow.

Camille | Alexandre Dumas
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Great finds at Voyageur Book Shop in Bay View today!

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"Be good, be young, be true! Evil is nothing but
vanity, let us have the pride of good, and above
? all let us never despair." ?
Alexandre Dumas, The Lady of the Camellias

Camille | Alexandre Dumas Fils

Read it because the plot inspired the libretto of la traviata. I don‘t find the characters very relatable in 21st century values, and the story is linear with a lot of descriptions of the narrator‘s emotions. But the book is short, and it‘s not a boring read.

La Dame Aux Camelias | Alexandre Dumas Fils
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The Metropolitan Opera is offering streaming, for the next weeks, some of the best encore performances from the past years. I have seen in the theatre two of these and I plan on watching at least 2 or three of these. If you haven't experienced opera I recommend Carmen to get a taste. The performances are amazing, you know the music even if you think you don't and is easy to follow. #covid19chronicals

Bookzombie This is very cool! Thanks for posting. 5y
MoonWitch94 I saw Carmen at the MET 16 years ago. It was so beautiful & stunning. Thanks for sharing this! 5y
readordierachel Awesome! 5y
LapReader My 40th birthday month was going to be awesome. I had something exciting on every weekend but things are rapidly getting cancelled eg. The local Writer‘s Festival and the opera on Sydney Harbour 😭. Maybe I will watch these instead. Ta. 5y
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Camille | Alexandre Dumas Fils
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Last week I ((finally)) finished the final book of the last round of #lmpbc that I participated in. (Thanks again for your patience- @OnlyYoo 🤗)

I was a bit nervous for this one because I haven‘t read a classic since high school but was pleasantly surprised to find the language far more accessible than anticipated. Maybe I won‘t wait so long to try another classic!

OnlyYoo I‘m happy you thought it was accessible! 😁 5y
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Camille | Alexandre Dumas Fils

BFC Round 3 Week 1

I got my 120 minutes of exercise - Gym visit, horseback riding lesson, and 5K!

I finished 2/6 books - Sunburn & Camille. I may have to adjust this goal.

@wanderinglynn @Laughterhp @Catlover23 @hes7 @Sresendez12 @Dragonfairykats @Scochrane26 @krayoncolorz @TK421 @LapReader

kspenmoll 🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
Sresendez12 Awesome job! That‘s so fun that you do horseback riding lessons! 5y
Dragonfairykats Yay!! Congratulations on the 5k!! 💥🤸‍♀️💃 5y
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Laughterhp Great job!! 🎉 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
TK421 Fantastic!! 5y
LapReader Great variety. 5y
Catlover23 Great job! 5y
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Camille | Alexandre Dumas
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I won‘t say much about this one because not everyone in #LMPBC #GroupA has read it yet. I am NOT a classics reader, but I loved this story. Sad and bittersweet.

OnlyYoo Yayyyy I‘m so happy you liked it!!! 5y
StephanieGeiser @Meghan1 Have you mailed this out to me yet? I haven‘t received it (unless it‘s in today‘s mail, which I haven‘t picked up yet). 5y
Meghan1 @StephanieGeiser I‘m so sorry! I haven‘t been able to get to the post office with the start of school. I am mailing it out tomorrow. 5y
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StephanieGeiser @Meghan1 No worries! I just wanted to make sure it didn‘t get lost in transit! 5y
Meghan1 @StephanieGeiser Camille is on its way! 5y
StephanieGeiser @Meghan1 Yay! Looking forward to it! 5y
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Camille | Alexandre Dumas
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@OnlyYoo I got Camille in the mail today! #LMPBC #GroupA

OnlyYoo Yay! I hope you love it as much as I did!! 5y
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Camille | Alexandre Dumas
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For #lovehate day 4 my pick is Marguerite and Armand from Camille. Even though you know it won't end well for them, the pieces where they're happy and together in the countryside make it well worth the read.

@ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress

Erinsuereads Aw that adorable! I haven‘t read it! Sounds like I need to! 6y
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La Dame Aux Camelias | Alexandre Dumas Fils
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My #AdventRecommends day 9 book is an old one, but, oh my God, I enjoyed it so much.
It really broke me!
I don't think I cried that much with a lot of other books (honestly, I do not cry while I read, that often).
Now, maybe the fact that I watched Moulin Rouge before this (and cried because of it as well) had something to do with my entire experience of this book. But I fell in love with it.
If you are in the mood for a sad romance, try this.

La Dame Aux Camelias | Alexandre Dumas Fils
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currently reading🌸

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
RaimeyGallant P.S. Here's a compilation of Litsy tips that some of us put together:
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4/5. Opinião: https://goo.gl/VW6prx

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Camille | Alexandre Dumas
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One more for #RetroCoverFun.
This 1848 novel was based on Dumas' (fils) affair with the courtesan, Marie Duplessis, and inspired Verdi's opera, La Traviata.

quirkyreader There must be some great used bookshops out your way. 7y
LeslieO So retro! 7y
writerlibrarian La dame aux Camélias.... melo drama that was perfect to remix as an opera. ? 7y
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LeahBergen @quirkyreader Yes, there is ... but I also go to bookshops wherever I travel. 😄 7y
LeahBergen @LeslieO Isn't it? Those colours! 7y
Jess_Read_This Oh! I have this without the dust jacket and have wondered what the dust jacket looks like! Beautiful!! 7y
Billypar I went through a Great Garbo film phase and remember liking Camille- I didn't know it was based on a Dumas novel. Moulin Rouge also borrows some plot elements, so this was pretty influential across the board. 7y
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This I find SO many old Modern Library editions without dust jackets. Don't you? 🤔 7y
LeahBergen @Billypar I've never seen the Garbo movie! I'll have to look for it. It's also been done on Broadway umpteen times as well, I guess? 7y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen Oh yeah.. I'd say about 90% of the Modern Libraries I come across are without a dust jacket. Except today, ironically, at a used bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI they had a small modern library bookcase with all their modern library books with dust jackets on for sale! The bookstore is called The Dawn Treader too❤️❤️ And the dust jackets had protectors on them! (edited) 7y
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This Really?? That sounds amazing. Did you buy any? 😄 7y
rubyslippersreads @Billypar And the opera "La Traviata." 7y
Reviewsbylola Fantastic cover! 7y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen I didn't.. none jumped out at me and I was on a time crunch shopping spree before meeting Elly Griffiths 7y
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This That makes sense. You need to want and need that title when book hunting! 7y
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La signora delle camelie | Alexandre Dumas
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Camille | Alexandre Dumas
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#peachbooks #augustofpages #translatedbooks Oh Marguerite and Armand!

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