Lovely book. Background information from Paul McCartney on the context of these pictures he took. Great photographs in a very exciting time for The Beatles.
Lovely book. Background information from Paul McCartney on the context of these pictures he took. Great photographs in a very exciting time for The Beatles.
Heard about this and went out and bought it. Paul McCartneys personal photos of when the Beatles hit big. Their trip finally over to the US once they had a number one hit! Reads better than any history book. Pages 282-283 got me. Look then read the caption. 😔🥰. Best coffee table purchase to this date. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I was at Costco and this fell in my cart!🤔
In anticipation for the #Beatles Get Back Documentary I‘ve taken up And In the End for #NonFictionNovember
#CurrentlyReading #GetBackDocumentary #Beatlemania
Let's see if we set a record for most posts about one book in the same day 😉 I don't care if it's the obvious choice, Jude carved out a special place in my cold dead heart that no one can ever replace!!! 🖤
I almost caught it! Hahaha! Thank you all, for your conversations, likes, recommendations. Litsy is a great place, I‘ve learnt so much and I love this community. As someone said, (I think it was @MrBook who coined the term?) Litsy is my life! 😊🤗😗❤️💛💚💙💜🖤💗
Current non reading situation #PeaceLoveRingo #Beatlemania #lifegoals