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I‘ve done the word search for this book and… Did you know Kindle stops counting words at 1,000? I‘m really bummed because who knows how many more points I‘ve missed because the word “Christmas” shows up more than 1,000 times in this book? But even stopping at 1,000, I still racked up a lot of points from all the other words for the word search alone.

#Snowangels #WinterGames #cloakanddagger

@emilymdxn @Ruthiella

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Sixty—count ‘em—60 short mystery stories (32+ hours) all set around Christmas. Some very old (1800s) to the 2020s. Best of the best, and some extremely rare. The narration was part of the charm—exceedingly well done. I‘m not a short story fan, and I liked about 95% of the stories. I‘d love to listen to this book every Christmas if it wasn‘t so darned long. So good. One of my favorite books of the year.

#Snowangels #WinterGames #cloakanddagger

Ruthiella Sounds great! 🎄💀🔪🎅🏻 6mo
Emilymdxn This sounds like an absolute monster but a great one! 6mo
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Everyone was so unlikeable in this book. I knew there was something going on because this author usually has a twist you don‘t see coming. I wasn‘t shocked by the twist because I wasn‘t that invested in this book.

#snowedin #wintergames #hollyjollyreaders #rushathon #cloakanddagger #dashingdecember

Finished 12/24.

5feet.of.fury I felt the same, no one to root for in this one 6mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 6mo
Andrew65 Well done, I wasn‘t sold on this book either. 6mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 6mo
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The Snowman Killer | Wendy Meadows
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This was a short read which was a good thing. I didn‘t really care for it. Set in Alaska, a cop turned writer moved after a divorce to Alaska. Someone starts stalking her and she needs to figure out who before she becomes a victim. I should have liked it, but I just didn‘t care for the writing.

Finished 12/22.

#DashingDecember #Wintergames #hollyjollyreaders #rushathon #cloakanddagger

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 6mo
Ruthiella Nice work! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 6mo
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 6mo
Andrew65 Well done 🎄🎄🎄 6mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 6mo
35 likes6 comments
Homecoming | Kate Morton
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One of my favorite authors. Usually I get swept into her books from the outset. However this was a slow start for me. Once I got past page 100 it picked up and I raced through the last ¼ of the book. Mystery, history, dual timelines, family secrets, great setting, wonderful writing. So much to love, but not her strongest book. #52bookclub2023 set in Australia #rushathon #littenlistens #cloakanddagger#dashingdecember #wintergames #authoramonth

Ruthiella I‘ve read a couple Kate Morton books in the past. My favorite was 6mo
Librarybelle I love her books! I‘ve yet to read this one. 6mo
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Andrew65 Well done 🎄🎄🎄 I‘d agree this isn‘t as strong as some of her others. 6mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 6mo
squirrelbrain 🎉🎉🎉 6mo
Bluebird @Ruthiella The distant hours is one of my favorites too! 6mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle and @Andrew65 she‘s one of my auto-read authors! Even though this was not among her best, it was still a good one. Love her writing style with great settings, atmosphere, interconnected characters and family secrets. 😍 6mo
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Murder at the Mena House | Erica Ruth Neubauer
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Going to finish this #cloakanddagger read whilst in transit. 🤞

Ruthiella Good luck! 👍 6mo
willaful You have a Voyage? My all time favorite ereader and its on its last legs. 😭 I will use it til its last gasp. 6mo
LeahBergen This sounds fun! I love a book set in Egypt. 6mo
quietjenn @willaful alas, no. I've heard they were great! But this is just a slightly beat up Paperwhite. 6mo
CarolynM I like the title. Stacked🙂 6mo
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A Murder at Balmoral | Chris McGeorge
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I randomly picked this book up at a bookstore last year and finally read it! This was a pretty good mystery. It‘s a reimagining of history in the royal family. Told from the perspective of the chef. Someone gets murdered and he has to work to find the killer.

#wintergames #hollyjollyreaders #rushathon #cloakanddagger #dashingdecember

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 6mo
Ruthiella Sounds like a good one! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 6mo
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I‘m especially enjoying this second section of the audiobook with funny little stories. Rumpole has been my favorite so far but Thomas Hardy‘s story about the sneezing thieves is also great! This audiobook is 32 hours long, so it might just see me all the way through Christmas and then some. I‘m about 6 hours into it. #Snowangels #WinterGames #cloakanddagger

@emilymdxn @Ruthiella

Ruthiella Sounds great. I only recently learned about Otto Penzler and his efforts to reprint classic crime fiction. 7mo
Emilymdxn This sounds amazing! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Ruthiella Nice work! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 7mo
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While this wasn‘t my favorite of the series, there‘s still a lot to love. The festive nature of the town is what brings me back. In this one, I got a little annoyed with how Holly reacted to some things. It did have a perfectly cozy ending, though. 4 stars. 5,430 = Word Search.
#DashingDecember @Andrew65
#Adventathon @BookmarkTavern
#AtoZ @Texreader
#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks
#Candyland @Catsandbooks
#CloakandDagger @Ruthiella

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