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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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#SantasBookshELVES y'all are amazing 🤩🎉📚 Thank you so much for all your posts and participation this past month, it was such fun being your team leader! #WinterGames
@Deblovestoread @Blerdgal_fenix @mcipher @candc320 @TheAromaofbooks @Andrew65 @5280reader @kay.the.bibliophile

Andrew65 Yay go us! Congratulations everyone on the Team and our glorious team captain 🎊🎉🎊🍾🥂 7mo
candc320 Woohoo we did so good!! I had so much fun with everyone and thank you so much for being an excellent captain! 7mo
Deblovestoread Yay team! Thanks to our team leader and all the #Wintergames participants for a fun time! 7mo
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AnnR Congratulations! 👋🎄🎉 7mo
5280reader That‘s so awesome! The team and our captain were amazing! So fun to play these games and encourage each other! So appreciative of you all! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! So much fun reading with all of you. Can't wait until next year!!! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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14,468 points for the second half of #wintergames for #readitandwreath! I had such a wonderful time doing this!! Thank you to our hosts!

Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Hi Team #RestingGrinchFace!
Here's the final tally. Congratulations to the #GingerbreadGems, the #SnowFlakeSquad, and the 1st place winners, #SantasBookshELVES. 🎉🎉🎉

Even though we didn't place, I hope you had fun. It was my pleasure to play with you! Cheers to books and 2024! @Airykah13 @AmandaBlaze @Bookworm54 @Coueriamb @katiekat311 @RedxoHearts @Sarahreadstoomuch @tdrosebud

AmandaBlaze @Julssmarshall Thanks for being our team leader! 7mo
Coueriamb Thanks for being a great leader! And great job team ❤️ 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Hi, Ugly Sweaters~
Here's the final tally. Congrats to the #GingerbreadGems, the #SnowFlakeSquad, and the 1st place winners, #SantasBookshELVES. 🎉🎉🎉

Even though we didn't place, I hope you had fun participating. It was my pleasure to have been your captain (so to speak). Here's to 2024! 🖤💜🖤

NikkiM5 So much fun, 7mo
sebrittainclark It was very fun! 7mo
AnnR Thanks for the December fun @Dabbe and #USS team members. Also congrats to #GingerbreadGems, #SnowFlakeSquad and #SantasBookshElves. 🙂🎄 7mo
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Allylu It was a blast! I had so much fun! Thank You @dabbe for being our fearless host! Happy New Year! 🥳📚💕 7mo
dabbe @NikkiM5 ❤️💚❤️ 7mo
dabbe @sebrittainclark ❤️💚❤️ 7mo
dabbe @AnnR 💚❤️💚 7mo
dabbe @Allylu 💚❤️💚 7mo
Allylu @Dabbe BTW word counting on Google Books and Kindle was a lifesaver! 7mo
dabbe @Allylu It was, wasn't it? I can't even imagine trying to do it by hand with a physical book! 😱 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Hey #GingerbreadGems here is our #WinterGames total! We made the podium for 3rd! Yay! Great job everyone. I had a wonderful time reading, sharing, and boosting some cheer with you. Happy New Year!

AnnR Congrats! 🎄👋 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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The final results for #wintergames are in!

#snowflakesquad came second with a total of 541,774 points! Amazing! Congratulations to everyone 🎉🎉

@BarkingMadRead @Maggie4483 @Ash.on.the.line @Marmie7 @Nazgul93 @Crazycatperson @ImperfectCJ @Faranae

BarkingMadRead 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 7mo
dabbe 🖤💜🖤 7mo
AnnR Well done! 👋🎉🎄 7mo
Faranae 🎉Go us (mostly the rest of you haha) 😁 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My total for #wintergames2024
My apologies on the late post…I‘ve been under the weather and it totally slipped my mind. I hope it‘s not too late, but completely understand if it is.

I had a lot of fun this year! Thanks to my team and to the hosts! @StayCurious @Clwojick

StayCurious Hope you‘re feeling better! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My points for #wintergames second half is 11,958. With 6,805 from the first half, my total is 18,763.
Thanks for hosting! @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper ❄️💙❄️ Thanks for joining in! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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@Clwojick my winter games total is only 380 😩 sorry for being a terrible teammate! My son was in the hospital for a bit in December and is just now pulling fully out of being sick so I was reading and watching movies but STRUGGLING to track points/word search words.

TheSpineView So sorry. You poor thing. Hope he makes a few recovery. Sending hugs!💞 7mo
Clwojick No worries at all - just glad you could join in when you had the time. Hope your little one is doing better now. 💕 7mo
PathfinderNicole @TheSpineView @Clwojick thank you for your good thoughts! He‘s doing SO much better now! Basically back to normal outside of getting tired easier than usual 7mo
TheSpineView @PathfinderNicole That's great news! 🤩 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Way to go, #USS! I hope you enjoyed these games as much as I enjoyed being your so-called team leader. 😂 Glad to have gotten to know you all a bit more, too! Here's to a fabulous 2024! 🖤💙🖤

Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My total for all of December‘s #Wintergames #RestingGrinchFace . I have totals from @Coueriamb @tdrosebud @BookwormBoutique @RedxoHearts @Sarahreadstoomuch . I may have missed posts from @AmandaBlaze @katiekat311 @Airykah13 so please make sure you‘ve tagged me if you‘ve posted them. If you did and so missed it, I apologize!

AmandaBlaze @Julsmarshall I tagged you. Maybe Litsy was acting up. Final half total is 87,217. Total for the 4 weeks is 155,257. (edited) 7mo
Julsmarshall Wow! Thanks, @AmandaBlaze ! I may have missed it too-crazy time being back at work :) 7mo
Airykah13 Sorry I just saw this. I tagged you in my post 😊 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Alright #GhostsOfXmas our total for #WinterGames is 245,743! Congratulations! Well done! And thanks, for participating. I hope you all had fun 👻
@Read4life @kelli7990 @LocalTXLibrarian @TheDaysGoBy @TheQuietQuill @PaperbackPirate @Charityann @ChasingOm
@Clwojick @StayCurious

kelli7990 👏👍🏻 7mo
ChasingOm 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
PaperbackPirate I did have fun! Thank you for the encouragement! 👻🎄 7mo
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TheQuietQuill Had a blast! 🎄❤️ 7mo
BookwormAHN @kelli7990 🤍👻🤍 7mo
BookwormAHN @ChasingOm 🩵👻🩵 7mo
BookwormAHN @PaperbackPirate 💙👻💙 7mo
BookwormAHN @TheQuietQuill 💜👻💜 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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This was my first time participating in #WinterGames so I must apologize for my relatively low points score #HollyJollyReaders but it was fun and I enjoyed our team read “Moon of the Crusted Snow”. Hope everyone else had fun too.
#WinterGames #HollyJollyReaders

willaful I think everyone makes the points they can make, so don't worry about it! It's all for fun. 7mo
Laughterhp You did a great job! No worries. As long as you had fun, that‘s all that matters! 7mo
BookmarkTavern You did awesome! Thanks for being part of the team! 💖 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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For the second half of #WinterGamea I managed to get 11,693 points for a total of 16,780 points. Yay #TeamEvergreen

Clwojick Great job! Thank you for participating! It's been a blast! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My total #WinterGames points for the month are 12,955! This has been a lot of fun, and I thank @dabbe for being an amazing, super-organized team leader! Also thanks to @Clwojick and @StayCurious for organizing this huge event. Yay #UglySweaterSquad for being the best team! Happy New Year, Littens!

dabbe #yahooyou! So glad to have you be a part of #USS! 🖤💙🖤 7mo
AnnR 🥳👏📚👍 7mo
Clwojick Great job! Thank you for participating! It's been a blast! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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#wintergames #TeamEvergreen

Edit: I forgot my bingos in the first post!! 😱

2nd half total is 42,645 @Clwojick

Clwojick Great job! Thank you for participating! It's been a blast! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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I had such a blast during #wintergames! Many thanks to my team leader, Leila, for hosting. 😊
My second half points amounted to 36,650 and my total points overall equaled 70,339!

Catsandbooks Wow! Amazing job Cynthia! 🎉❄️🍭❤️👏🏼 Thank you! ☺️ 7mo
Clwojick Great job! Thank you for participating! It's been a blast! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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I hope you are all well. I know that there is a lot going on in individual lives so just let me know. Remember it was a no pressure game. I just want to make sure I don‘t exclude anyone who played. I‘ll need to get a final count by today since I head back to work tomorrow. Thank you all for being apart of our team. I hope you had lots of fun! 🥳🥰💛

BethM 625 7mo
Roary47 @BethM Thank you! I hope you had fun. 💛💎 7mo
BethM I did! 7mo
Liatrek Sorry for late response🤦🏾‍♀️📚📚📚 525 points thanks for hosting 🎄🎄 7mo
Roary47 @Liatrek No worries! Thank you for joining us. 💛 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Thank you everyone! I have had so much fun playing #WinterGames; I only wish I had more time!

First ✔️: 284 points
Second ✔️: 1,276 points
Total 🟰: 1,560

Thank you especially to @BookwormAHN for cheerleading the #GhostsOfXmas on!


AnnCrystal Precious Doggy 🐶 Ear 💝. 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
BookwormAHN Yay 🩵🤍🩵 7mo
PaperbackPirate lol thank you @AnnCrystal ! 💙🐕 7mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you again @BookwormAHN ! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Pretty happy with my first year of #wintergames! Read 10 holiday books in December. Thanks to my #SantasBookShELVES team! I really had a blast :)

peanutnine So glad you had fun! Amazing job! 🎉❄️🎄 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Today, I‘m sharing my points for the #wintergames. This was my first time participating. I had so much fun. I feel like it helped me get into the Christmas spirit. I‘m looking forward to participating again next time. I didn‘t earn as many points the 4th week and I knew I wouldn‘t because I like taking a break from reading when it‘s the last week of the month but I‘m happy with how I did.


BookwormAHN Yay 🩵🤍🩵 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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51,696 points for the 2nd half of #wintergames for a total of 73,789 for #Snowangels

I want to thank all the hosts of the games, the readathons, the photo challenges, the bingos, etc. I had a slump at the beginning of December due to a grievous situation at work, and I lost a lot of momentum. Still I‘m happy with the fun times, reading, & my team!

@emilymdxn @kwmg40 @5feet.of.fury @Nessavamusic @sblbooks @MsRadioSilence @CogsOfEncouragement

5feet.of.fury Amazing! ❄️ 7mo
Nessavamusic Fantastic! 7mo
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kwmg40 An impressive total! Well done! 7mo
sblbooks Great job!🎊🎉 7mo
Emilymdxn Incredible total!! Well done ❄️❄️❄️ 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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I‘m finding the bingo cards very difficult to complete, which is odd given how much I read! So I‘m happy to say, I completed this bingo board!

#Snowangels #WinterGames #candylandreadathon

@emilymdxn @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks Hooray! 🎉 ❄️🍭❤️👏🏼Thanks for participating Karen! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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I‘m slowly tabulating my points for #Snowangels #WinterGames and I listened to 67.5 hours for #littenlisten. Thanks @aperfectmjk for hosting!


aperfectmjk Great job! 👏 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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#WinterGames #SantaBookshELVES

I had a great time with Wintergames this year. Hope you are feeling better @peanutnine Thanks for leading our team.

peanutnine Woohoo! Amazing job! 🎉❄️🎄 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Sorry I've been MIA the last couple days, a nasty head cold snuck up on me and I've been in a fog since Saturday 🤧
I hope you all had a wonderful new year and finish to the #WinterGames 🎉 Please let me know your final point total by Friday so I can tally our team total. Thanks for all your participation!
@Deblovestoread @Blerdgal_fenix @mcipher @candc320 @TheAromaofbooks @Andrew65 @5280reader @Kay.the.bibliophile

Andrew65 Hope you are felling better 😁 7mo
dabbe Feel better! 🖤💙🖤 7mo
candc320 Oh man I hope you feel better!! 7mo
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candc320 Ok my total for all 4 weeks comes to 24,956! More than o was expecting for sure!!! Had so much fun participating this year! 7mo
bthegood hope you are feeling better 💙 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Hope you are on the mend!! My second half total was 60,426 for a month-long total of 91,761!! Yay bingo cards 😂 I had a lot of family complications going on this month, but really enjoyed where I was able to participate. Thank you so much for being our group leader!! ❤ 7mo
peanutnine @candc320 yay!! Great job! 🎉❄️🎄 7mo
peanutnine @TheAromaofBooks love those bingos! 😂 Amazing! 🎉❄️🎄 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Not how I had hoped the last two weeks would go but the games and word search were great point getters for me.
#WinterGames #GhostsOfXmas

BookwormAHN Wow 🩵 7mo
Clwojick Wow! Fantastic job! Thanks for joining us! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Final points tally for #wintergames #snowflakesquad

I got so many points from the last 2 games

AnnR Wow!!!!! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Anyone else suffering from #WinterGames hangover?

AnnR Yep, a little. I'm partially sad and partially relieved not to keep score now. 7mo
dabbe I'm still hung over from #Scarathlon. 🤩😂😍 7mo
TieDyeDude Winter Games looked like fun, but no way I was doing that so soon after scarathlon 7mo
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AmandaBlaze @AnnR I had to stop myself from using my tally clicker. No more Word Search. Now to concentrate on #WickedWords. 7mo
AmandaBlaze @dabbe @TieDyeDude I definitely started to lose steam at the end. Maybe next year will be a solo Scarathlon. 7mo
bthegood OMG - this is perfect 🤣 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Clwojick Woohooo! Great job! Thanks for joining us this year. ❤️ 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My points for December 18 - January 1 were 16,956. So, combined with my 53 early bird points and 22,258 first half points, my grand total for the month was 39,267.
#WinterGames #TeamWreathItAndWeep @StayCurious

StayCurious wow!! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Ended up with a total of 18,469 for the month! #winterganes #gangstawrappers
Thanks for @Clwojick @StayCurious for hosting and @Bookwormjillk for being our group leader.

@MidnightBookGirl @Traci1 @fandom_hellspawn99 @Alora @bthegood @Pigpen_Reads @JessieKB happy new year to my teammates! This was fun!

Bookwormjillk Woo hoo! Glad you had fun! 7mo
Clwojick Great job! Thanks for joining us this year. ❤️ 7mo
JessieKB Awesome job!!!! Happy New Year🥂🤍 7mo
bthegood great job!!🥳🎁 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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#GangstaWrapper it‘s been a blast! Please be sure to give me your total points (including the first two weeks of December) to me by the 5th. Thank you to those who are ahead of me and have already done so! #WinterGames

RaeLovesToRead Hello beautiful kitty 🥰 7mo
Jerdencon I‘m working on it now - thanks for being our leader - this was a lot of fun! 🤩 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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AnnCrystal 💕😻🎄🐈💝. Precious. (edited) 7mo
bthegood thanks for being team leader - points posted (total was 39, 547) - make a great day 🥳 (edited) 7mo
Bookwormjillk @bthegood thank you! 7mo
Traci1 The last half of December was crazy for me, and I got so much less done than I thought I would. My total for the month was 28,972. Thank you for leading our group. Hope you all have a great year ahead. ❤ 7mo
Bookwormjillk @Traci1 that‘s a great total thanks! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My points totals for #WinterGames #HollyJollyReaders @Laughterhp

Would have been more if not for that pesky Covid.

Laughterhp Great job! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Didn't quite manage to complete #WinterGamesPromptMaze but I had a good go.
Thanks to @thearomaofbooks for hosting.

#WinterGames #HollyJollyReaders @Laughterhp

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! I got rather stuck myself! 😂 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Texreader Nice!!! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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PuddleJumper Nicely done! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Andrew65 You‘ve done superbly, well done 👏👏👏 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Final assorted bingo cards for #WinterGames

#HollyJollyReaders @Laughterhp

Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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PuddleJumper 💙❄️💙 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Completed lines on several cards for #BingoParty. Thanks to @thearomaofbooks for hosting.

#WinterGames #HollyJollyReaders @Laughterhp

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! I'm going to have to change a couple of these prompts for next year. A few were unexpectedly impossible 😂 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Completed #Candy:Land game for #WinterGames #HollyJollyReaders

Thanks to @catsandbooks for hosting.

Catsandbooks Awesome job! 👏🏼❄️🍭❤️🎉Thank you for participating! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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kwmg40 Well done! It was great to be a part of #snowangels with you! 7mo
Nessavamusic Great job! 7mo
Texreader Fantastic!! 7mo
CogsOfEncouragement 🎉 Woo HOO! 🎉 7mo
Emilymdxn Amazing!!! And go #snowangels ❄️❄️❄️ 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My final total for #WinterGames #GingerbreadGems is: 38,996 Yay! How did you do everyone? I hope you had a lot of fun. Happy New Year! 🎊🥳🎉

TheSpineView Great job! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Happy New Year!

My points for the second half of Winter Games: 22, 685. Much better than the first half but still pretty low compared to others 😆 I enjoyed the game and appreciate all the work that goes in to setting up everything.

@Julsmarshall @katiekat311 @Bookworm54 @AmandaBlaze @tdrosebud @Coueriamb @Sarahreadstoomuch @RedxoHearts

#RestingGrinchFace #WinterGames

Bookworm54 That‘s basically my overall total, you did fab! 🥳 7mo
AmandaBlaze Excellent! 7mo
Airykah13 @Julsmarshall here‘s my post 7mo
Julsmarshall Thanks so much! I got you in! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My total for #WinterGames is 30748 👻
@Clwojick & @StayCurious Thank you for the yearly fun and I will get back to you two with the teams total.

Clwojick Well done! Thank you for participating this year! ❤ 7mo
PaperbackPirate That‘s amazing! 👏 7mo
BookwormAHN @Clwojick 🤍🩵🤍 7mo
BookwormAHN @PaperbackPirate Thank you 🩵 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Bookwormjillk ❄️💙❄️💙 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo boards!!!! 7mo
Andrew65 That‘s a lot of bingo! 👏👏👏🙌🎉🎊😍 7mo
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