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This was much better, still a fair amount of skimming. Books 1 and 2 could have been cut down to one book with better editing. I was pulled in by the sci fi idea of cloning which actually played little role. While book 3 (even though it‘s from 04) has some scary parallels to the way we live /permit today, at the end of the day it‘s still rapture fiction. Middling rapture fiction at best. FYI if you‘re Catholic there‘s a few eyebrow raises. 🤦‍♀️

My Murder | Katie Williams
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The Echo Wife meets How to be Eaten and The Final Girl's Support Group.
I am very glad I did not figure out what was going on until the reveal - I'm even more relieved this was not a 'the husband did it' plot.
I really admire the book for presenting the doubt in motherhood, and a character who is not shamed for deciding that motherhood and marriage were not right for her only after having tried it. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? The main perspective is that of the woman who chooses to be a wife and mother, who wants to stay, so subjectively the judgement could be there, but the narrative leaves room for an individual to make their own choice.
The commentary is clear on which figure society sees as more sympathetic - the young mother being the role model victim - the original clandestinely slipping away to a new life
Robotswithpersonality 3/? - though that probably has more to do with the fact that she can't just pop up without creating issues for the cloning company and possibly herself given the murder investigation.
I'll admit for a while there I was more enamoured of the first half than the second, when the first had the literary sci fi bent of examining how a woman fits back into her life as a clone of a previous self, how a VR setting could provide intimacy,
Robotswithpersonality 4/? could provide catharsis for murder victims - though I guess that last one's more a second half revelation; how the serial killer and the cloning board both seem to view the women as special and yet homogenous, replaceable, the idea of women feeling devalued, unrecognized even as they're unable to escape public attention. 3w
Robotswithpersonality 5/? Then there are the non sci fi related questions around dealing with a sense of self, mortality, vulnerability, being a woman not automatically meaning victim, even as trauma, as media, as society keeps trying to attach that label; the struggle for control, obviously the concerns about trying to be a good mother, worries about connecting to one's child, physically and emotionally, even before post partum depression is suggested. 3w
Robotswithpersonality 6/6 Because the second half shifted into murder mystery mode I thought I was losing the contemplative pieces but the last revelations, the choices available, the role cloning actually played, that the husband actually played, really worked for me.
Similar to The Echo Wife, all the comps above, really, I enjoyed how this worked out way more than I thought I would. Adding another 'clones' book to my favourites pile!

⚠️mentions of domestic abuse
(edited) 3w
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My Murder | Katie Williams
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My Murder | Katie Williams
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That's so...sweet?

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My Murder | Katie Williams
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Another book that didn‘t quite work for me although I can see how and why it would be quite popular. A group of women have all been murdered by a serial killer and have been brought back to life by the “Replication Committee”. One woman works to investigate the mystery of her murder. An interesting conceit and covers some heavy issues like post-partum depression, but ultimately it just felt too far fetched for my liking.

My Murder | Katie Williams
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I LOVED this! It was so unique and I wasn‘t really sure what to expect. In a world where people can be cloned and therefore sort of brought back from the dead, this group of women who were killed by a serial killer are given a second chance. However, like in most stories, not everything is as it seems. This ended up being more touching drama and less thriller and I can‘t say I‘m mad at it. I loved the blend of science and emotion. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Interlibrary Loan | Gene Wolfe
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Dad of the year right there!! 🪄📚✨

Ruthiella 👏👏👏 4mo
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Only managed to finish my commute book this week. I also am in a bit of a reading slump and haven't made much time for eye reading.

My goal this week is to finish GMatLP because I have a substitute shift where there is very little actual work to do. I'd also like to make more progress on OaFK.

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This is a high so-so almost a low pick because this is very much an ideas novel versus a character/plot one. The main conflict is conformity and the collective against the individual and ingenuity.

Boys Weekend | Mattie Lubchansky
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I really enjoyed this exploration of navigating personal growth and toxic friendships through the lens of a bachelor party weekend and an apocalyptic cult. An excellent LGBT graphic novel with very fun, stylized art. #comicscount