Loving reading The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling on my Onyx Boox Palma. It's so funny and such a fast read for such a long, old book! (Published 1749!) #projectgutenberg #free #ereader
Loving reading The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling on my Onyx Boox Palma. It's so funny and such a fast read for such a long, old book! (Published 1749!) #projectgutenberg #free #ereader
Taco truck and a little reading for dinner lol yes we have taco holders in my house lol 😂 I heart tacos 🌮 #tacos #convention #cosplayer #woc #poc #libby #ereader
My hold finally came through so this is my weekend read 📚I‘ve heard great things! #thethursdaymurderclub #librarybook #ereader #booksleeves
Excited to read this one!!! 😃🙌 I‘m a huge fan of Josh Malerman ever since I read Bird Box, even before they turned it into a movie. This one sounds like a twisted story!! 🔥🐷🐽 👍 #ARC #favoriteauthor #netgalley #pearl #joshmalerman #ebook #ereader #currentlyreading
I know I'm fairly late to this party but I'm happy to have finally arrived nonetheless 😊 I loved this book! Totally lived up to the hype.
I ordered my first e-reader just now after taking my sister's for a testdrive. So excited for it to arrive. My tbr is about to get a whole lot bigger!
#ereader #hypedbook #readyfortheweekend
hello all! i am going to upgrade my #kindle and am not sure if i should get the oasis or the paperwhite. what are your guys experiences with one of the other ??
#kindleoasis #kindlepaperwhite #ereader #amazonkindle #upgrade