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Poems on the Underground | Various, Cicely Herbert
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 2mo
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This book was so interesting especially looking at it from the lenses of it being an important first l#of women nature writing.

Untitled | Unknown
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Join in for #AwesomeApril Readathon!! Hosted by @Andrew65

Choose your own goals: #of hrs, books, chapters, pages etc. Enjoy!!

Untitled | Unknown
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I'm about to start a chunky book today so I think I'll do a goal of hours instead of #of books read. Let's say my goal for the week is to read 40 hours. I still have to work and can't read at work, so I will try for reading hours instead.

This is always a fun monthly readathon. Thanks for hosting as always @Andrew65

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 4y
tracey38 @Andrew65 thank you! 4y
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Radicalized | Cory Doctorow
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Only 10 pages in...i fear this is this going to be another one of those cautionary tales about the evils of technology. Sigh.

Buses crashes happen every freaking day. Humans are terrible, awful, horrible drivers. #of fatalities from car accidents is heart-breakingly high.

I‘ll take my chances with a hackable robot driver over an unreliable human any time.

Flowers in the Attic | V.C. Andrews
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Finally got my hands on this!

Loric Read this years ago and really enjoyed it... If enjoy is the trigger word for a book like this! 6y
Susan I need to reread this. I was pretty young when it came out maybe 12 or 13.😳 6y
SexyCajun Wow!! It‘s been like more than 20 years since I‘ve read this! Plus like 2 more in the series? 6y
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Zelma @SexyCajun there are 5 in the series. The last one tells the grandmother‘s story. They‘re not quality literature in any way, but I went through a major V.C. Andrews phase when I was a preteen/young teen. 😳😬 (edited) 6y
Conservio I loveeee this book and the Prequel to it! 6y
bookaholic1 Super great Series. The first series I ever read 6y
julieloverofbooks Every preteens forbidden book 😂 6y
APLitlife Loved this series as a teen. I have all a#of my books still. 6y
BookBoggart I love this series! Re-read it every few years I've also watched the movies numerous times. I remember doing a book report of it in junior high. Not sure how I wasn't busted for appropriate reading. Lol 6y
BookBoggart *inappropriate 6y
dragondrool My first adult read. 6y
marybethmoore A classic 6y
marybethmoore @Zelma I haven't read the last book. I want to read the series again. 6y
Zelma @marybethmoore I actually really liked the last book. Each series does the same gimmick of telling the tragic/dark story of the grandmother, and they were usually my favorites. 6y
sarsonaLynn Such a great classic read! 💞 5y
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Olivia | Ian Falconer
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Tonight‘s bedtime story. This is my boys if I let them...

PenguinInFlight Ha! My nephews are 3 and 4, and I always feel like I‘m at some kind of crazy auction because they want to barter every snack. 😂😂 7y
Chelleo @PenguinInFlight We barter everything... #of bites, 5 more mins, one more...🙄 7y
Librariana Negotiating 101 - Olivia style 😉 7y
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Leftcoastzen Love Olivia. 7y
alydiane0 My niece is named Olivia and she loves the books and show! 7y
azulaco My boys too. Also, my older boy is a perfect example of “I love you but you wear me out.” 😆 7y
Jencarter My boys loved this book! I miss Olivia. ☺️ 7y
TNbookworm My daughter loved Olivia. And I loved reading to her❤ 7y
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My little sister is one of those super organized people who obsessively plans and journals every moment of her day. While buying her a new journal, I picked one up for myself - I am not a planner or organized in any way, but I do like to keep track of bookish stuff. So hopefully I'll be stepping up my game beyond tracking the titles and authors of each book I read...
What things do you all include in your reading journals?

litmuggle My stats by month pages read hours sometimes #of books by month. It helps me push myself harder. 7y
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The Looming Tower | Lawrence Wright
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It's hard to believe that 15 years ago I sat in a classroom & watched the World Trade Center fall in smoke & then see/smell smoke from the Pentagon later that day. My memory of that day is crystal clear & I'm grateful my life wasn't impacted beyond a few days off school.

Books help shape our consciousness of collective events & trauma. Here are some choices—the top row is nonfiction, the bottom fiction. 🇺🇸

What are some other reads about 9/11?

Theresa I started this book when it was released a few years after 9/11 but bailed because I just wasn't ready to handle it. I still don't think I'm ready. 8y
Hazel0303 Wonderful post @BookishFeminist - I also was going to say Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. 8y
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BookishFeminist @Theresa @Hazel0303 Oh good call! I haven't read that one and didn't know it was about 9/11. Thanks for the rec. It's sitting on my shelf. 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @BookishFeminist Even we in England can remember where we all were when news broke of this tragic event. I remember all the radio channels at work ONLY broadcasting live reports that day. Shocking stuff, even now. 8y
Hazel0303 @BookishFeminist - it is just beyond that book. Never saw the movie. But you must read it as soon as possible. 8y
jessberk13 I absolutely despised The Emperor's Children 8y
BookishFeminist @jessica I'm sorry to hear that- I know many others that have enjoyed it though but I know it's not for everyone. I think it's meant to be a satire or character-driven comedy of manners & that can fall flat sometimes for events like this. But to me that's what the beauty of it was. 8y
BookishFeminist @Hazel0303 lol "as soon as possible"- I probably will sometime this year but it's not an immediate priority. Maybe I'll figure out how to stick it in my birthday challenge. 8y
BookishFeminist @The_Bear I'm not surprised at all- I think it was shocking to so many people because of just how immediate and out of nowhere it felt. And I'm sure it didn't help when London experienced a terrorist attack in July a few years later. 😔 8y
Reviewsbylola Working Stiff had a very a very informative chapter on 9/11. 8y
Reviewsbylola Reluctant Hero was good also. #of your list, I thought 102 Minutes was very good. I will need to check out some of the others. 8y
LauraBeth I thought The Good Life by Jay McInerney was good and I liked The Emperor's Children. Those have been the only books I've read. I was living/working in NYC on 9/11 and truthfully, a lot of things are triggering for me so I need to opt out of reading about it or watching any coverage about it on tv. There was a Borders at WTC that was my primary bookstore back then and a lot of my books have come from there and I find it hard to even open those 😔 8y
Suetara @laurabeth I lived in NYC briefly in the late '90's and also shopped at that Borders. 💔 8y
courtney I haven't read many books that revolve around it specifically, but I recently read The Nest and the scenes involving a man who lost his wife on 9/11 were some of my favorite passages, and it seemed like the author took extra care to describe his grief and aftermath. Sending love to all of you 💙❤️ 8y
Hazel0303 Very sorry to hear @LauraBeth and @Suetara - hope you can get through this day as best as you can 8y
becausetrains ❤️ to those affected. 😔 8y
Godmotherx5 @Reviewsbylola I was going to mention Working Stiff. I didn't know how I'd handle it because I still find the topic difficult. I agree with @BookishFeminist Let's just be nice to everyone. 💕 8y
britt_brooke @BookishFeminist Thanks for this post! 💙 The only 9/11 book I've read is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It's excellent. @Theresa @Hazel0303 8y
Ellsbeth I still have a hard time reading about it. However, I love this children's book about a small, far away group of people who really wanted to provide comfort to those who hurt. 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 9/11 is my first memory of a traumatic event. I remember everything almost perfectly. 8y
Laura317 A day that I'll never forget. 💔 8y
Lola This is about a family dealing with the aftermath ten years after 8y
BookishFeminist ❤️? As this is a sensitive topic for many people, please be kind today & be mindful of what you say and do. Be aware that Americans weren't the only ones impacted, and that the impacts are far deeper than simply "terrorism." Especially be kind to people who are Muslim or mistaken for Muslim, as they will likely face Islamophobia today as they have since this attack. Much love to everyone today. Be kind to yourselves & others. ?❤️ 8y
JPeterson I haven't read any books dealing with 9/11, but I've been fortunate to work at various government institutions the past year and participate in their remembrance events. It's incredible moving to be at a place with pretty high up officials giving speeches. 8y
DebinHawaii Thanks for posting this. Love, hope, and kindness to everyone today. ❤️🌎 8y
LauraBeth Thanks @Hazel0303 - I've stayed away from the news today and most of social media (with Litsy being an exception) 😀 @Suetara - that Borders was my refuge because it was the closest bookstore to my apt. 8y
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