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I read the stories in this book during 2 separate #ScarathlonSprints & finished it today. While it didn‘t generate a lot of #FearScare feelings for me, it did count as 13 separate stories/books & generate a lot of #ScarathlonWordSearch points. Some of the stories did have a good spooky vibe & it was free through Kindle Unlimited

+6 #Scarathlon points for Team #SpookyGhostClub 👻🖤

Clwojick Great job! Well done! 8mo
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A Certain Hunger | Chelsea G. Summers
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Read and finished tagged throughout today‘s reading sprint! Was enjoying sitting by a campfire and giving out candy at the campground too!
60 points
#Scarathlonsprints #Scarathlon #HHC

dabbe #yahooyou! 🧡🎃🧡 9mo
LiseWorks Fantastic, campfires make nice comfort feelings 9mo
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Hey guys! I thought it would be a great time to test run our first #scarathlon #readingsprint on Listy. 🖤This event will start in 15 minutes and run for 2 hours.

No major rules, just post your final reading time at the end of the sprint, and tag the host using #scarathlonsprint. You do not have to finish the book to qualify for the 2x pts, but if you made progress during a sprint, your Halloween read will go from 25pts to 50pts etc.

Clwojick Please let me know if you have any questions! I‘ve been brainstorming a way to bring reading sprints to Litsy, and this is what I‘ve worked out so far, but we may need to iron some things out! 9mo
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PuddleJumper I'm in! Need a kick to read this book, I'm so excited by it that I don't want to read it in case it sucks 😂 Start 11pg Nine Eyes of Lucien 9mo
Clwojick @PuddleJumper I FEEL THAT! I hate the nervous jitters of starting a 5 star prediction lol! It makes it so easy to push it aside for a different book I care less about 😜 Why do our brains work like that?! Hahahah 9mo
PuddleJumper @Clwojick I've read so many mediocre books instead 😂 I'm not disappointed if they are bad 9mo
LiseWorks Interesting time slot you guys chose,lol it's supper time at my house. 9mo
Clwojick @LiseWorks I would‘ve done later, if I didn‘t have to nap before my midnight shift. 😜 9mo
LiseWorks I like this idea though. We should try different time slots during the month. I love to read in the morning between 530 am and 7 am or 3 to 430 in the afternoon I know I'm weird 🙃 9mo
Clwojick @LiseWorks I shared a blank poster in our team captain chat! All captains can host as many as they want, so between the lot of us we should have a good mix match of times to work for all time zones! 🧡 9mo
LiseWorks Ok I'll look for it 9mo
Larkken Ooo! Just saw this. I'm in for the last hr 🥰 9mo
Clwojick @Larkken 🎃🖤🦇🖤🎃 9mo
aperfectmjk And I slept right through this. Went to the doctor today, got a bad sinus infection. Finally got some decent meds. I guess I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for the next one. 9mo
Clwojick @aperfectmjk there‘s definitely more to come! 9mo
julieclair I missed this one, but I love this idea! Keep ‘em coming, please! 😀 9mo
Andrew65 @Clwojick It‘s a difficult balance as much later would make it impossible for us in the U.K. to join in. 9mo
Clwojick @Andrew65 we‘ve got some early morning readers, and our UK girlie @Emilymdxn so hopefully some of the sprints will work better for you! 🖤 9mo
TheAromaofBooks I missed this one, but will definitely be on the lookout for them!! I love this idea!! 9mo
Lin3han I missed this one but I can‘t wait to join next time!! 9mo
DebinHawaii Bummer I was in meetings all day in Hilo @ missed this one. 🥲 Can we do them by time zone ever? 9mo
Charityann Oh wow, totally missed this one, but would love to do the next one. 9mo
gossamerchild Aww, I'm bummed I missed this! Sounds fun. 9mo
Lizpixie Totally missed this! I‘ll need more warning before the next one so I can arrange to be awake.😴 9mo
Clwojick @DebinHawaii the idea is to do the reading sprint together, but since we know that different times will work for different people, we have more coming soon at various times of the day! 🧡 9mo
DebinHawaii @Clwojick @Clwojick I get it. Thanks. Different days & times would be helpful as would some weekend times as it‘s tough for me with work hours mid-week. Also & I probably missed this somewhere but we can do other teams sprints or just the ones for ours? And how do we find out about them? 9mo
Clwojick @DebinHawaii any sprint hosted by any of the hosts count for the same points! You can check the hashtag #scarathlonsprints but also the team leads will try to tag their team in the post whenever anyone is hosting one. 9mo
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