Struggling through this one. A female Hannibal Lecter sounds like such a great premise but the writing is so pretentious I‘m not sure I can stomach it. (Pun intended.)
Struggling through this one. A female Hannibal Lecter sounds like such a great premise but the writing is so pretentious I‘m not sure I can stomach it. (Pun intended.)
If you want to read about a female psychopath who starts dating men only to later scheme up a plan to murder them to enjoy them in a meal, this is it. The Protagonist, is a writer for food magazines who was thinking about revenge on a few men and thought, hmm let me try using a certain body part in a dish. It‘s a dark story meant to be humorous. I got it, at the end. It hit me like an Edgar Allen Poe :) #canibalism #darkstory #winterreading #libby
Read and finished tagged throughout today‘s reading sprint! Was enjoying sitting by a campfire and giving out candy at the campground too!
60 points
#Scarathlonsprints #Scarathlon #HHC
This was a fascinating, weird and at times incredibly gross. It features a main character telling her own life story of food, debauchery and murder (which at times she also considers food). While the book screams pretentious, it does so with a wink and once I really sat down and read it, I could not stop reading. There were some sections that seemed off topic and the ending was more huh than wow.⬇️
#Scarathlon Photo challenge Day 7 prompt - #pumpkin
One of today‘s read, just started, not sure if this is my jam but giving it a try. I love my new Starbucks coffee mug.
@bookmarktavern @dabbe @liatrek @jessclark78 @chrissyreadit @thedaysgoby @vonnie862 @ladyCait84 @sresendez12 @kelli7990 @JessieKB
A book that made me horny for food and hungry for people 🫠. #cannibalism #foodwriting #delicious
Luxuriously written, with prose so thick and deep you can practically eat it off a plate. If you like your horror bold and literary, this is for you.
Oh how I love this book and the main character in my odd sort of way. How can I not love a book featuring women‘s empowerment in a literary horror novel? If Bret Easton Ellis wrote a book featuring a female Hannibal Lector like character, it would be this.
The first words that come to mind are “Delightfully Unhinged”
Content warnings for graphic sexual language, some violence and I really don‘t think vegetarians/vegans should read this 🤪
I love it, very homage to Hannibal Lecter.
A fictional memoir of a cannibal psychopath who eats parts of her former lovers. A bit one-note (character wise) and very heavily influenced by Bret Easton Ellis, but still a fun read. A love letter to foodie writing, a lament about the decline of print media, and a critique of the American industrial food complex.
Over trays of Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers and mountains of cooling fries, I learned that being female is prefab, thoughtless, soulless, and abjectly capitalist as a Big Mac. It‘s not important that it‘s real. It‘s only important that it‘s tasty.
Vegetarian supper and cannibal fiction
I was afraid that once I got past the initial shock of the subject matter, there wouldn‘t be enough left to chew on, (pun definitely intended, I have no shame!), but as improbable as it seems, Summers manages to build some complexity into a character who seemed so one-note to start with.
“Most of the time, however, you eat meticulously composed dishes that taste of ego and pretension, and if you eat enough of them, you will gag”.
The whole book is written like this and gets a bit heavy handed especially since you are with Dorothy and only Dorothy. Personally, I think k part of,what was missing for me was that I like to like my cannibals, Hannibal, or my serial killers, Dexter, if I‘m going to spend that much time with them.