This came in for me at the library today so naturally I had to take a picture with our fuzzy resident that has white fur. 😆 He was unimpressed. #thebookishferrets
This came in for me at the library today so naturally I had to take a picture with our fuzzy resident that has white fur. 😆 He was unimpressed. #thebookishferrets
I've been reorganizing my books the past couple of days to build a library. Allan decided to help* me today. 🐹🐾 #thebookishferrets
*get in the way, knock over my organized book stacks, and generally be a pain in the ass
I started this last night and am really enjoying these quiet, strange stories. So nice to be able to enjoy this day off reading with the windows open and snuggling with this doofus. 🌤 #thebookishferrets
Allan 😂😴 #thebookishferrets
Allan wants to help me read Infinite Jest tonight. Spoiler: he's not actually helpful. 😂
This book is something else.
Snugglin' with my Eddie and catching up on The Satanic Verses this afternoon. He's a good reading buddy. 💞 #thebookishferrets #thesatanicversesbuddyread
It's sleepy time over here. Reading myself to sleep after clocking about 12.5 hours today so I can wake up refreshed and do it all over again. 😂 #24in48
Nothing to see here, just some completely normal and not bat shit things for a ferret to be doing. I want to know where Allan hides his speed because I've gotten *nothing* done today, and I have books burning a hole on my shelves! 😂 #thebookishferrets
Edgar's scruffy little self is keeping me company while I reorganize my bookshelves today. 🐾