Do you have an embarrassing number of unread NetGalleys or ARCs? Do you have a bad habit of downloading all the “read now” galleys? Are you behind on your reviews, and want to get back on track? Maybe the #AugustARC Readathon is for you… join me during the month of August while I try my best to read and review as many ARCs as possible!
#netgalley #ARC #Edelweiss #kindleunlimited #amazonARC
BookNotes, BookmarkTavern, Megabooks, Cinfhen, peaKnit, Soubhiville, DogEaredBooks, Alfoster, CoffeeAndABook, DrexEdit, Birdsong28, JoyBlue, OutsmartYourShelf, readingjedi, Suet624, julesG, merelybookish, DogMomIrene, MaleficentBookDragon, StayCurious, Andrew65, sebrittainclark, BookwormM, vlwelser, MonicaLoves2Read, REPollock, FantasyChick, squirrelbrain, kezzlou85, BarbaraBB, Nicki_K, coffees, Addison_Reads, Ruthiella, Lostinagoodbook, EadieB, BoleyBooks, zguta, Redhead_reads, Zuhkeeyah
Clwojick @BarkingMadRun @writerlibrarian @Maria514626 @Lara.Tomme @DebinHawaii @FelinesAndFelonies @MaggieCarr @Christyco125 @EKonrad @Allylu 3y
kezzlou85 I really do. So much so I've cut down the amount I request so I can catch up a bit. It's too addictive. 3y
Birdsong28 Yes I do and I will be joining you on this. ☺️ 3y
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julesG I feel seen! And want to hide. Yes, #MountARC has to be eroded. Count me in. 3y
vlwelser I'm in! I'm trying to cut down on acquiring new ones but still leaving 1 or 2 unread every month. A month to focus on catching up will be good. 3y
Kappadeemom Yes!!!!! 3y
squirrelbrain I may give it a go, although the Booker Longlist may take over my reading in August. Who knows though, there could be an overlap between my ARCS and the Booker. Really, though, what are the chances?! 🤣 3y
EadieB I cleaned up my arc's last month and only have a few left. 3y
TheSpineView I always have a list of ARCs to read and review. Take one off the list, but two on! 😳😬🙄📚 I'm in! 3y
Andrew65 Yea, yes, yes and yes 🙈 Just what I need! 3y
OutsmartYourShelf Count me in! 3y
BoleyBooks The never-ending list! 🙌📚😊 3y
writerlibrarian I'm in. I've been doing this all July 3y
DrexEdit Yes! Count me in! I'm not behind in the reading so much as the reviewing. I've been feeling bad about my #ARC list but I see I'm in good company. 😊👍 Looking forward to #AugustARC! 3y
GirlNamedJesse What a great idea! I‘d love to take part. 😊 3y
Maria514626 I don‘t have a problem with this at all. 😆😆😆 Thanks for tagging me! I need this push. 🙌🙌🙌 3y
peaKnit I hope to get into ARCs in the future, thanks for the tag! 3y
DogEaredBooks I love this idea, I‘m in! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon I am in! 3y
NovelGirl82 Ohhhh! I need to do this!!!! 3y
sebrittainclark Oh I desperately need this. I got approved for so many ARCs the week after my son was born and am terribly behind now. 3y
BookmarkTavern I was just thinking about doing something like this! 😂 I‘m in! 3y
MonicaLoves2Read Thanks for the tag. I am so behind and keep asking to be approved for more😂 3y
DebinHawaii Thank you for tagging! I have WAY too many, so count me in! 🤦🏻♀️📚📚📚 3y
merelybookish Sure!! I always seems to request more than I can manage to read! 3y
JoyBlue I have the opposite problem at the moment—I finished my last NetGalley last week. I'll see if I can muster up some new ones before August. 😂 Thanks for tagging! 3y
BookNotes Great idea! Thanks for tagging me. 2y
Caterina I'd love to join! Maybe you can do it again in September? 😁 I was into ARCs for a sec and then went to graduate school, and they have been languishing. I'm getting married in August, so realistically I think I could only finish 1ish ARC and review it, but I will try to do that! 😊 2y
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