Ch 13: Sally is not a fan of Ruth #butalso #isitherfaultThatBisdeformed #droppedhimonhishead #yikes #sheknowsthesecret #byebyehair #ruthtakesitwell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: Sally is not a fan of Ruth #butalso #isitherfaultThatBisdeformed #droppedhimonhishead #yikes #sheknowsthesecret #byebyehair #ruthtakesitwell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9.3: Dmitry says he‘s innocent #nobodybelieveshim #hesravingjustalittlebit #becausesayingiwantedtokillhimbutdidntseemslegit #heknowsgrigorylives #hooray #butalso #theythinkheaguilty #didheordidnthe #Gissuddenlyhisbestie #maybeshedoeslovehim #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 5.4: Ivan wrote a poem, which we will hear about tomorrow #thatwasalot #ivandoesntbelieve #alyoshaishorrified #butalso #notreallyhorrifieditseems #mybrainhurts #happysunday #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
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☽ The author of this book is so sweet... and this book looks so dark and riveting (just my type), I'm so excited to get reading😍
☽ { Have any of you read this book??🖤 } ⠀
#thebeastisananimal #butalso #caraval #and #thewomanincabin10
This damn near breaks my heart. All that accomplishment from 2016, gone 💔 #butalso #imsupercompetitive #soiamfuckingreadyfor2k17 #fightme #iwilldestroythisreadingchallange
@clare-dragonfly @julieclair @aimeesue @quietjenn @kao @bklover @alldebooks @jewright @cuilin @willaful 7mo