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The Fell | SARAH. MOSS
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I believe #ItsMeNotYou but this book failed to move me. Under 200 pages and I was often bored. It‘s November 2020 & the world is facing yet ANOTHER lockdown. Kate, a single mum is growing antsy from being cooped up so she breaks the mandated quarantine by going out for a solitary hike on a craggy fell, leaving behind her 16yr old son. When she fails to return he must decide to stay quiet or risk getting help. I‘m SO OVER COVID. 👇🏽

Cinfhen I just wasn‘t up for a pandemic story especially one that‘s analyzed to extremes. It‘s a re-hashing of policy failures and recriminations. I can see why others loved it but wrong timing for me. 3y
rockpools I love Sarah Moss. But I might save this for a year or six 😕 3y
TrishB Ahh 😌 I can see what you mean, but I loved it. 3y
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Hooked_on_books I loved Summerwater, but I think you‘re spot on about the timing on this one. I‘m sure I‘ll read it anyway. 😉 3y
Cinfhen I LOVED Summerwater too @Hooked_on_books @TrishB @rockpools and this was very similar in style but the pandemic arc was something that already felt “dated” - just bad timing but certainly well written.. 3y
BarbaraBB I had it stacked but am unstacking after reading your review. I have been disappointed by Moss‘s books always, except for the fantastic Summerwater. 3y
AnneCecilie I‘m sorry you didn‘t love this one. But not every book is for everyone, but from the comments here maybe I should look up Summerwater. 3y
Cinfhen It was really me @AnneCecilie I just wasn‘t up for a pandemic novel. But you should definitely try 3y
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Queenie | Candice Carty-Williams
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A small pick from me, because I think it is a case of #ItsMeNotYou between me and Queenie. I was underwhelmed by this book, mostly because it took me quite awhile (for me) to finish it. This made it harder for me to be emotionally invested in Queenie and her experience. I did enjoy the humor of the book, but I felt like it only touched the surface on some of the heavier topics.

#Pop21 - A book whose title starts with Q

Cinfhen It was meh for me too!! Queenie was tough to “embrace” at times but great choice for #pop21 3y
BiblioLitten Queenie grew on me. I almost gave it up but by the end I was rooting for her. But I haven‘t recommended it to anyone. 3y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen @BiblioLitten I couldn‘t even really root for her, but I rooted for her therapist! 😅 the ending and felt too rushed 3y
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This Tender Land: A Novel | William Kent Krueger
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I was expecting to LOVE this book but sadly I never connected emotionally to Odie ( the young boy full of moxie) I know I was meant to admire his spunk but I found his actions foolish & sometimes harmful. For once I was very aware this book was written by a male, it lacked a feminine warmth (& intelligence)! I wasn‘t expecting the HEAVY HANDED Christian angle, which also kept me a little out of the story. #ItsMeNotYou as MOST LOVED this tale

Cathythoughts Yes I think it started off well , but I remember I lost interest & didn‘t finish this one 4y
LeeRHarry I bailed on this one - right from the start it left me cold. 4y
Cinfhen Wow!!! These are the first 2 meh reviews I‘ve seen @Cathythoughts @LeeRHarry it has like a 4.78 rating on GoodReads too 🙄 4y
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LeeRHarry @Cinfhen I was reading it for bookgroup and everyone else loved it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was told that it had great nature writing ...mmm didn‘t see any of that. 4y
SamAnne Agree with your review! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks @SamAnne I feel like I‘m in good company I did appreciate the descriptions of the land @LeeRHarry but it wasn‘t anything breathtaking (edited) 4y
webhau1 Surprised to read a bad review. I loved it. 4y
Cinfhen I know @webhau1 It‘s UNIVERSALLY LOVED 4y
Centique You know, whenever a book is universally loved on Goodreads it doesn‘t seem to work for me. 🙃🙃 I think I always need a touch of weird or quirky or difficult to keep me interested. Or maybe I‘m just a contrary old pain in the butt! 😂😂😂 4y
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I had an AWESOME reading week 💕I‘ve now read 15/16 #ToB21 books and I feel like I‘m ready to submit my choices. Really enjoyed all my other reads except I was a little disappointed with the novella Minor Detail ( but that‘s probably more #ItsMeNotYou )
Hope all my Texas Littens are safe as are the rest of my snowed in friends. Stay safe ❤️⛄️

Cinfhen @BarbaraBB can you share the #ToB link again xxx I‘m just too lazy to search for it 🙄 4y
BarbaraBB I‘ve only one book left too! I am so enjoying the #ToB21! 4y
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Megabooks Damn girl! Great week!! 4y
Cathythoughts Well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻so excited for you ! 4y
KarenUK Wow! Awesome week! Mine was pitiful! 😂💕🤦‍♀️ 4y
Cinfhen Thanks for the link @BarbaraBB xx I was shocked at how many books I finished this week @KarenUK @Cathythoughts @Megabooks 💜😄 4y
Cinfhen Do we know the zombies yet @BarbaraBB ???? 4y
BarbaraBB You have to nominate your own zombies. So two books who you want to see back in the tournament if they get out early. The zombies with most votes return in the tournament before the finals. So you have to choose them on forehand 4y
Cinfhen Ohhhh, I thought the zombies were from the long list @BarbaraBB 🤪 4y
BarbaraBB No! They are from the shortlist! The two books you‘d want to see back if they don‘t make it to the finals! 4y
Cinfhen Ok!! Thanks 😊 @barbarabb 4y
Kalalalatja Which #ToB book haven‘t you read yet?? I‘m still missing a few, and since I can‘t get them from the library or find them on my audio subscriptions I‘ll have to live with that 🤷‍♀️ (edited) 4y
TrishB Great week 😘 4y
Cinfhen I have ALL 3 play-ins left @Kalalalatja but I can‘t find them on my free services and I don‘t feel like using my Audible credits so I‘m pretty confident that I‘d still choose Vanishing Half regardless so that‘s what I‘m gonna do 😁 4y
Cinfhen I surprised myself @TrishB 😆I didn‘t think I had finished so many 4y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Speaking of it ⬆️, you nominated just one Zombie in your form. Can you please add one more? I know it‘s just one in the official ToB but since we are with only 14 people we choose two! You can just reply here, no need to fill out the form again 😘 (edited) 4y
Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB I think I have to edit my form, since I have some changes, but I‘ll be sure to fill in a second zombie 👍 4y
BkClubCare I am jealous that you can mix in nonTOB books! On the other hand, at my current pace, I have no idea what I will be reading DURING the tournament. 🧐 Probably some NF 4y
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More and more authors are starting to ask this question; “who gets to be an American?” and here, Charles Yu cleverly explores this concept. Told in the form of a TV treatment, wannabe star, Willis Wu, who‘s relegated to recurring role of generic Asian Man dreams of breaking out, becoming Kung Fu Guy. When his goal is achieved will he find redemption?

Cinfhen I appreciated what Yu crafted, parts of this story were really humorous and other pages very insightful but I didn‘t really enjoy the novel as a casual read 4y
BarbaraBB I‘m sorry to hear that! On to the next 😉 4y
Cinfhen It‘s making it easier to vote in our #ToB21 @BarbaraBB / next up 4y
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Kalalalatja Interesting review, most reviews has been pretty positive 🤔 4y
Megabooks Too bad! This was my favorite fiction of December! 4y
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Duke Will Never Do | Darcy Burke
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It's probably a case of #ItsMeNotYou.

This was rather #Meh. The dialogues felt stilted. The way the two lovebirds found each other was forced.

I might be spoiled from reading other historical romance.

#GhostCat trying her best to keep me from reading.

Ring Shout | P Djeli Clark
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This was definitely a case of #ItsMeNotYou I sort of only listened with one ear and found myself missing key elements of this sci-fi horror mashup, but...the parts I understood were pretty spectacular. A small group of Black women are Ku Klux Klan hunters / ridding the world of these monsters (literally & figuratively) Cool concept/ excellent narration but just not my preferred genre. Thanks for the recommendation @Reggie #Scribd

Reggie I‘m glad you liked the parts you heard! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks @Reggie it took me awhile to figure out what was going on... 4y
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I think in normal times this book would have been a total hit for me, but these are not normal days🙁The whole world of wine enthusiasts and sommeliers just left me with a bad taste😝These people are so consumed with pursuing a degree that is basically meaningless ( I know sour grapes 🍇 Im being judgmental) loved the writing, but couldn‘t get onboard with the concept. #WhineOrWine #Booked2020 #ItsMeNotYou 4 🌟for the writing

BarbaraBB The art of wine seems so irrelevant these days. Wine is to drink, to console us, to relieve us a bit of our anxiety. I can imagine this book is not what it would have been a month ago. 4y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve always found wine enthusiasts pretentious, so I loved what I read about a study that was done about taste. When red food coloring was added to white wines, the subjects in the study used red wine descriptors to describe the flavor undertones! Ha! “Tobacco, cherry, oaky.” Whatever, dude, they‘re grapes! 4y
Cinfhen Ha!!! Exactly @Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB let me just have a drink 🍷 4y
TrishB I‘m trying not to judge some of the books I‘m reading knowing it‘s me not them! I totally get what you mean. 4y
Cinfhen You REALLY get me @TrishB 😘😘😘😘 4y
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Death on the Nile (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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I know there is LOADS of love for Dame Agatha and especially Mr. Poirot, but I‘m just not amongst the fans. I find the humor stale and the characterization shallow. It‘s just a case of #ItsMeNotYou #DontRevokeMyLitsyLicense

julesG I like the films more than the books. 5y
CarolynM I read a lot of Agatha Christie in my early teens and liked them then, but I suspect I'd feel like you if I read them now. 5y
TrishB I love a good crime novel, but never liked Christie! 5y
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Cinfhen Oh good!! I‘m in GREAT company @TrishB @CarolynM @julesG I think the films are campy and that works well 5y
blank I'm not a huge fan, either. She's not for everyone. 5y
TheAromaofBooks She isn't for everyone, and I also think that there is a wide range of quality among her books. Personally, I think the plotting is much tighter in her earlier books, while many of the later Poirot novels are a bit sloppy. I remember thinking that this was definitely one her more meh books - I thought it was an interesting choice to turn into a film this year. 5y
Scochrane26 I haven‘t read this one yet, but I loved the movie of Murder on the Orient Express a few yrs ago, so I want to see this movie. 5y
Cinfhen I‘m so happy to know others feel similarly about these books @laurenslibrary @TheAromaofBooks @Scochrane26 I thought I might be accused of blasphemy 🤭 5y
Scochrane26 @Cinfhen I do love some of her books, but I haven‘t really gotten too far into them yet. I‘ve read maybe 8-10 so far. I‘ll read Death on the Nile before the movie. I like the cast for the movie & enjoy Kenneth Branagh‘s mustache. 5y
Cinfhen Kennith Branagh makes a GREAT Poirot @Scochrane26 5y
KT1432 I loved Murder on the Orient Express (on audio narrated by Kenneth Branagh) but haven‘t read the other Poirot books. I read the Three Blind Mice story and hated it lol. I don‘t have much interest in the Miss Marple series except a couple. (edited) 5y
CafeMom I am reading The Murder of Roger Ackroyd which I think is Mr. Poirot's introduction. I am only 50 pages in but it hasn't grabbed me yet. I am glad that I am not alone. 5y
Cinfhen So nice to see others feel similarly @CafeMom @lele1432 I thought I was all alone in the Litsy corner 5y
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Speak: The Graphic Novel | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I appreciated both what the author and illustrator created. The simple sparse sentence structure framed by the black & white drawings were highly effective. There was a lot of bravery and compassion on these pages. That being said, I don‘t think I‘m a fan of this medium. While I respect & applaud the creativity , I don‘t necessarily enjoy the product. Definitely #ItsMeNotYou
#Booked2019 #GNorComic
TW: Rape

TrishB Same! Hubby got To Kill A Mockingbird GN for Christmas- I think that may be my choice! Eventually! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage GNs are as different as other books. I‘ve loved some and thought others were truly dull. Glad you ✔️ off the prompt, though! 6y
Cinfhen I‘ve tried about a dozen now and it just doesn‘t connect with me as a reader @BarbaraTheBibliophage @TrishB but I‘m happy to pick one up every now & then! And extra props because it was from the library 💝💝💝 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Ah well, then it‘s just not your thing. Thank goodness for libraries. 6y
Cinfhen No, not yet but I am curious! @Leftcoastzen 6y
Leftcoastzen One more before you throw in the towel???😂 6y
Blaire I‘m with you - I‘ve tried quite a few graphic novels and even when I appreciate them none have ever caused me to seek them out. ive only picked them up for challenges. I don‘t think I have the eye for taking in whatever the pictures add. (edited) 6y
MandellaL I didn't know this existed! I love the novel and have a copy that it is constant use in my classroom (even though I require parental permission to borrow it). Maybe I need to look into adding this one for my graphic novel crowd. 6y
Cinfhen Yes!!! It‘ll be the straw that broke the camel‘s back @Leftcoastzen 🐫🐪🐫🐫🐪 6y
Cinfhen I think teens will find this GN very relatable @MandellaL but I think you‘re right @Blaire I probably don‘t have the eye for it either. 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve been meaning to read this version. 6y
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