Thank you @Hooked_on_books ! You brightened my Monday considerably 💕 I‘m excited for this new-to-me author. I‘ll post my thoughts when I finish. Thank you again for your kindness. #bookmail #lovelylittens
Thank you @Hooked_on_books ! You brightened my Monday considerably 💕 I‘m excited for this new-to-me author. I‘ll post my thoughts when I finish. Thank you again for your kindness. #bookmail #lovelylittens
Which of you most awesome #lovelylittens did this? It was such a fantastic and wonderful surprise.
As a kid I had all of these and they were my biggest love. But as a military family when you move from place to place some things get left behind because of weight or age. You are only allowed so many pounds to ship and so many pounds to store. Books never got to stay. The only child hood book I have is Terabithia. And now these. THANK YOU!!!!
Finished rereading Breaking Dawn (because I am #NotAshamedToLoveTwilight); gonna start The Burning Page after hanging out with my hubby for awhile. Not nearly as far along into my #24in48 as I had hoped but I'm enjoying my day so much that it all good. Happy reading, #LovelyLittens !!📚📚❤️
So my last #litfluence screenshot was 2666, now 3777! I'm no maths genius but I sense a pattern.....
Thank you #lovelylittens 😘❤️📚