Chapter 76: Dodo invites Lydgate over #shecanfixallofhisproblems #butno #hemusthaveapityparty #sheisdetermined #myfirstmemewasbetter #grammariamoreimportant #theyusedyourinsteadofyoure 🙄 #pemberlittens
Chapter 76: Dodo invites Lydgate over #shecanfixallofhisproblems #butno #hemusthaveapityparty #sheisdetermined #myfirstmemewasbetter #grammariamoreimportant #theyusedyourinsteadofyoure 🙄 #pemberlittens
Chapter 37: ahhhh the love triangle is back #willlovesdodolovescasaubon #casaubonhatesbeingmarried #butalsohatesthatwillmightlovedodo #dude #dodoisclueless #isenseanotherepisodeinthefuture #onecanhope #poordodo #pemberlittens
Ok...I‘m about halfway through and I‘m ultimately sick of Holden. I‘m really trying with him but he‘s such an insufferable little shit who seems to hate EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. And at first it was tolerable but now it‘s almost like he‘s looking for reasons not to like things. He‘s the pure definition of “misery loves company”....#classics #litsy
"But Mary for some cause looked rather out of temper."
2017 in a nutshell, if my name were Mary.