Thank you, #hashtagbrigade and @BarkingMadRead for this week's gem.
Thank you, #hashtagbrigade and @BarkingMadRead for this week's gem.
Ch 17: 230 pages in and NOW we get a storyline? #laurasoriginstory #uglyduckling #peoplearemean #andletsnotforgetpattyandhershotgunwedding #andofcourseweendwiththepig #wheresfernwhenyouneedher #hashtagbrigade
ch 12.2: #thedefenseiskillingit #destroyingeverywitness #imfinishedwiththisguy #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 7.1: soooooo monks can be a$$holes too 🤷🏻♀️ #putridsmell #pettymonks #yikes #thatescalatedsoquickly #somuchhate #devilseverywhere #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #SWFG #pemberlittens
Ch 5.3 #thisisahurdygurdy #knowwhatsounditmakes #blahblahblah #likethischapter #ineedanap #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 4.7: this is what happens when you google brothers Karamazov kite flying 🪁 #whatjusthappened #thischapterwasnuts #poorfamily #somuchbullying #nowimsad #thenextbookstartstomorrow #wonderwhoisgettingmarried #thatcaptainthough #totallynuts #thebros #daysofourlives #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Book 2, ch 1: with a title like this I expected more. Maybe in chapter 2? #aninnapropriategathering #myexpectationsarehigh #vonsohn #incaseyoualsowondered #thelobsterpicsweredisappointing 🤷🏻♀️ 🦞#thebros #dramaandalsoblahblahblah #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 33-34: it‘s wedding day! #tesswritesaconfessional #angelneverseesit 😳 #thisgirlcantwin #married 👰 🤵 #weddingnightisubercreepy #butdiamonds 💍 #thatnotethough #passiveagressive #theyhearaboutthedairymaids #yallhesjustadude #suicideisnevertheanswer #iwanttohugthemall #confessiontime #angelisntpureeither #didntseethatcoming 😳 #tessconfesses #curtaindrop #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9: Dr Aziz has a “sick day” #shammer #thewholeworldvisits #apparentlynottheonlyone #liveyourbestlifemydude #howcanhepossiblybeexpectedtoworkonadaylikethis #bueller #deeptalkonasickday #poorfielding #weirdchapter #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 1: in which we meet alllll of the people! Be sure to post your copy, you know how I love the different covers! #wtfisanoteofinterrogation #itsoundsominous #somuchdramaoveraroom #lucyshouldgetthebigroom #hermomispaying #charlotteisshady #andalsoweird #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade