I‘m late to this party, but I‘m loving this audiobook. I‘m trying to get a start on crafting Christmas gifts y‘know… while listening to very fall atmospheric books 🤣 #audiocrafting #audiobook #audiobooking
I‘m late to this party, but I‘m loving this audiobook. I‘m trying to get a start on crafting Christmas gifts y‘know… while listening to very fall atmospheric books 🤣 #audiocrafting #audiobook #audiobooking
I love that his acknowledgment is all the women in his life 🥺🥰 #davegrohl #nowreading #thestoryteller #yesiabandonedwhatiwasreadingforthis
I forgot how much I giggled at this play. I giggled with the maturity I‘m capable of at the moment when Lysander tells Demetrius “oh, you love her dad? Then you marry him!” #shakespeare #amidsummernightsdream #readingplays
You had me at a surprising amount of J Lo. 🤣 #piecesofher #karinslaughter #thriller #suspense #whatimreadingwednesday
The boyfriend got me this book for Valentine‘s Day. I have less than 200 pages left and I have theories and questions and debating fully on how much sleep I need to function tomorrow. God damnit, Jay. 🤣 #karinslaughter #thriller #suspense #piecesofher #probablynotsleepingtonight
I don‘t know why I‘m so surprised I‘m loving this book so much. #audiobook #nowlistening
1.) Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix
2.) Lately it‘s been writing style and inconsistent pacing in the writing
3.) Madeline Miller - I‘m currently listening to Circe and I‘m loving it.
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1.) tagged book
2.) White Oleander - Janet Fitch
3.) The Golden Notebook - Woodstock NY
4.) Harry Potter - PoA probably the most
5.) Breakfast at Tiffany‘s
6.) A lot 😬
7.) Uhm, I kind of like the Goblin Bazaar - In an Absent Dream
8.) Dark Matter - Blake Crouch
9.) Read my shelves more
10.) my couch
11.) Little House on the Prairie
12 — whoever wants to do this, you‘re tagged!
I‘m calling it. I made it 150 pages out of 231. I could have forced myself to finish, but I was SO BORED. It had such an interesting premise and concept too!
I‘m 145/231 pages and while I like the concepts presented in the book I‘m struggling with how it‘s written. The pacing is weird, the sentence formatting is weird to me. There‘s long winded tangents and then short staccato like sentences; but it‘s like they don‘t flow nicely. A lot of telling and not showing. Is it worth continuing? #exitwest #poll #continueornot?
I listened to the audiobook for this and I know I missed some things, so I don‘t recommend that being the way to take in this story. However! It was so incredibly beautiful and wonderful. And I could gush about this book for...ever. 😂
1.) I like the ambient noise YouTube channel. I apparently need some white noise in the background or I get distracted.
2.) I have a cat named Sparrow and she gets very jealous when I read, because I‘m not petting her.
3.) coffee/tea and water - don‘t really eat while reading
4.) @M4Molly
#selfcaresaturday @Bianca
I‘m loving this 😍 I want a physical copy so I can reread 🙈
I started reading this book in what I‘m going to refer to as “the before” every time after I‘d pick it up, want to read it, and then put it down. I kept trying because it wasn‘t that I did not enjoy the stories & essays. Wailing Shall Be In All Streets is one I STILL think about. It was purely my own sadness that kept me from finishing this terrific book.
It‘s not the best of the series, but I still loved this world. The problems I struggled with was that some things seemed a bit disjointed but with these being a series of novellas, I expect the world building to continue through the series.
Ohhhh man. Sometimes a book just smacks you across the face.
I‘m a bit late to this one. But I‘m loving this audiobook 💜 #audiobooking #taylorjenkinsreid
The worst stung heart. After my worst reading year to date: I‘m ready to dive back in to stories and heal my worst-stung heart. #maryoliver #upstream #readingishealing
I‘m not mad. Just disappointed. The writing was beautiful, and that was the only thing that kept me reading. Some of the stories were spooky: I really liked The Six Boy-Coffins, and The Rabbit. The Daughter Cells was ok too - but then the rest either had me asking what the point was, or “that‘s it?”
My 6 year old liked it. Not as much the Llama book, but he still giggled. #kidlitsy #childrensbooks #picturebooks
I giggled too hard when I opened your package @bullbunny I love the hard work you put in to everything! Every detail. I crochet too, so I know how much hard work you put in to that bikini 💕 I loved every piece! 😍#makerswap
I‘m about 60 pages in and I‘m really intrigued by this book. He‘s repeated some stuff a couple times, but I‘m not mad 😂
@bullbunny I got this on the 1st but wasn‘t home - picked up today. Can‘t wait to open! #makerswap to the person who I swapped with - I may have put the wrong username on it (my own. Not yours) 🤦♀️😂
1.) whim and “oh yeah, I forgot about you.”
2.) I don‘t take public transportation - but I do listen to audiobooks when I walk
3.) life 🤷♀️
4.) coffee/tea and I don‘t usually eat while I read.
5.) @AprilMae @Eggs
Currently reading: I‘m loving how this book is written. Cross your fingers this doesn‘t end up in the stack of started but not finished
Read this with my little reader this morning and it was well-received by both of us! He loved its silliness and it was easy for us to take turns reading out loud. Definite pick :) #kidlitsy #picturebook #kidsread
Current listen - it‘s been a year and I need funny 🤣
I haven‘t finished a book since August. 😔 This one is going to make me cry, I just know it.
1.) wouldn‘t say enjoyed it so much as watched recently 🤣
2.) moose tracks? I think?
3.)sort of. I just picked up a cozy mystery: Midsummer Night‘s Mischief
4.) too many lately
5.) worst: kidneys relapsed / best: I‘m looking forward to the weekend 😉
I haven‘t finished a book since August 🤷♀️ so here‘s hoping this helps me out of my slump
H - Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince
A - Antigone
I - I Hate Fairyland
L - Lilac Girls
E - Ecstasy
Y - You Don‘t Have to Like Me
Thank you @LibrarianRyan this was fun!
I remember wanting to read this when I was younger and I have no idea why I didn‘t. It was available on audio from my library, and I have about an hour and a half left. I almost DNF‘d it and I‘m glad I haven‘t
When you go to NY with a strict rule of: only buy books from indie pressed based in NY and forget that the friend you‘re visiting is also a book lover and will take you to these beautiful indie book stores. Ooooops
This book was supposed to take much longer to get here and I thought I wouldn‘t get it before my trip. 😍 it‘s so beautiful! It‘s a naked hardback and I just want to keep petting it.
Heydrich is not a paper monster. This book sneaks up on me with lines like this and other thought provoking statements. (also some terrifyingly similar statements that sound like he‘s quoting Trump instead of Hitler.)
This was ok. I was expecting more substance to it though. 🤷♀️ I liked it for what it was, but it left me wanting more of her thoughts. The little bit at the end just wasn‘t enough for me.
I am in complete awe of this woman‘s positivity. Things you should know: this woman is a comedian. It‘s not literary gold, but definitely worth the read! Also: if you cannot handle a lot of cussing, maybe don‘t read this. I‘d like to thank the lovely @britt_brooke for sending me this. I‘d love to pay it forward and send it to someone also! In the first comment I‘ll have what I‘m looking for :)
Hailey needs a hug.
I‘ve been stewing on this book for about an hour, and I‘m still thinking about how beautiful her prose is in juxtaposition with how horrible the events of the book are. This novel is stunning and heartbreaking, and elicited a HUGE emotional response from me which isn‘t hard, but it didn‘t feel like that was the cheap purpose.
This book is going to destroy me. For a short(ish) book it‘s taking me a while to read because I have to stop and take it in. The writing though, it‘s so beautiful and darkly funny.
#shelfie sort of 😂 I came home from work the other day to books on my floor and I was so confused. That wasn‘t where I left them! I need to go through and get rid of some that were just meh, or be honest and get rid of what I‘m never going to read. 🤷♀️ ooooops. Book tagged is current read.
Maybe shouldn‘t have read this right after my grandpa‘s funeral, but at the same time it seemed perfect. It was a beautiful read. I haven‘t read any of his other books, but if they‘re written like this I‘m going to enjoy them too.
Don‘t let people remove you from your own story. Be ruthless, even if it is your own mother. - When I Hit You, Meena Kandasamy
This was a cute fluffy brain scrub of a graphic novel. I read it after finishing The Dinner by Herman Koch and I needed it. 😂 I‘m probably going to give it to my niece because it definitely seems more her age and something she‘d also really enjoy.
So, I‘m not sure how I feel about this book. Which is why I‘m making this a blurb instead of a review because I want to sit on it a bit more. While I indeed liked the writing and it was definitely tense: I‘m not sure about the characters and their actions. I‘m going back and forth between being horrified and also questioning what I would do. This talks about some gruesome things and touched on mental illness. Also: really unlikeable characters. 🤔
To say I enjoyed reading this book would be inaccurate. I felt heard, I felt understood, I felt uncomfortable, and I felt angry. Not with her or her stories, but the fact that these are stories that SHOULDN‘T have happened. I shouldn‘t feel so relieved that I can empathize giving my phone number because it was safer than the alternative. 5 Stars.
I needed a break from some of the heavier books I‘ve been reading or listening to, and this book guys... I‘m dying from laughing.