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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter

Wow did this story take me for a ride! Cant wait to read book 2 & watch the Netflix series. While there were a few things I picked up on, there were a lot of things that kept me guessing & surprised me.

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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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This was a much darker read than I expected. It‘s quite graphic in many scenes and feels a bit more like horror than thriller in some moments. It kept me on the edge of my seat and my heart rate was elevated for much of it!
It was a bit too long and convoluted, but I still enjoyed it.

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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I really enjoyed this book! Kept my attention through the whole thing and kept me wanting to read more. I‘ve already started watching the series on Netflix and it‘s so disappointing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

5feet.of.fury The adaptation is very different. Andie drove me a little crazy in the book but I liked both. 14mo
TamTracy @5feet.of.fury I like both but it just seems radically different so far. I should have waited a while so maybe I would forget some of the details 🙃 14mo
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Slaughter always delivers. Andy is a bit irritating.

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Next audible

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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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I had downloaded this on Libby a week or so ago, got about 45% in and just couldn‘t really focus (but I think it was a more “me thing” than the book. Decided to just opt for the Netflix show instead.

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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This book became predictable. Once the reader figures out the kind of story it is, the formula the book is following becomes more obvious. However, I absolutely LOVED the story. Mainly because I‘m a sucker for a Bonnie and Clyde re-vamp, especially with a Jonestown twist. As routine as it may have been I loved the journey of independence the main character went on. Nothing is more riveting and toxic than the chaos of a tragic love affair. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter

So, my next read was basically chosen at random. I am a loyal subscriber to Book of the Month and eventually the amount of BOTM books I have became quite overwhelming. This book is one of many that have been sitting on my dedicated BOTM shelf. That particular shelf is going to be one of the bigger challenges in getting my physical TBR list shrunken down, so I figured I better get started 😬

Pieces of Her [Tv Tie-In] | Karin Slaughter
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I was hooked from the start...I enjoyed the suspense and the way the mystery kept unfolding and just when I thought I had worked out what Laura was hiding and protecting Andy from...Bam! there was so much more than I expected.The characters were so complex and complicated, I loved trying to piece it all together along the way. Karin's writing always catches me unawares and leaves me thinking WTF...in the best of ways.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter

They tried to bury us… they didn‘t know we were seeds!
Mexican Proverb

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Ugg Pouf and Kindle. Perfect combination. 😉👌🏻📚 Happy Saturday Litsy friends. ❤️

Aims42 A perfect combo! Happy Saturday to you too!! 2y
BooksCoffeeNurse @Aims42 Thank you. ☺️ 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter

“She had dozens, even hundreds, of friends, but not one single person knew all of the pieces of her.”

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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This book had me captivated by the very first page. The 2018 timeline was action packed and I loved it. But when it went back to 1986 chapters is slowed down a lot. Also the decisions this women is making.. The character was 31 and I just couldn't imagine anyone that age making the stupid decisions she did. Also there was a lot of repetition that felt like it was juat to make the book longer. All of those things just knocked a star off for me.4/5

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Started the Netflix series after reading Pieces Of Her...on episode 3 and like it so far! Haven't read the 2nd book yet.😃

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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#StoryGraph: fiction mystery thriller dark mysterious tense fast-paced
480 pages | first published 2018

When Andrea is caught in a random violent attack at a shopping mall her mother, Laura, intervenes and acts in a way that is unrecognisable to her daughter. It's like Laura is a completely different person - and that's because she was. Thirty years ago.

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Finished this one just in time for my botm box to arrive soon with the second book in the series! I thought this was an interesting thriller and I enjoyed it!😀

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Pretty good, a little interested in watching the show. Wanted to yell at all the dumb decisions but that's pretty typical, I always want to slap a bunch of characters in this genre 😝

KathyWheeler Me too! Slap them and yell at them! 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Teacher on break means all the outside reading! 😎

Pieces of Her [Tv Tie-In] | Karin Slaughter
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5-10-22: My 43rd finished book of 2022! Wow! This book was gruesome and kept me on the edge of my seat! Andrea Oliver is thrust into a terrifying situation after a trip to the mall ends in a violent act. She sees her mother, Laura, in a new light and must embark on a journey to save herself and her mom from her traumatizing past. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣4️⃣3️⃣ Can‘t wait to see the TV series on Netflix!

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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The vast majority of this book was good. Some plot bits are missing, some bits are predictable, but it is engaging and at least the first half is whoa worthy. Would watch whatever Netflix puts out.

Pieces of Her [Tv Tie-In] | Karin Slaughter
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Slaughter is one of the author queens of thrillers. I saw this was turned into a Netflix series, so of course I had to read it before watching. My only complaint is that there is some unnecessary repetition throughout - presumably to help readers make connections through the somewhat complicated storylines. I'm optimistic about the show 😊

Pieces of Her [Tv Tie-In] | Karin Slaughter
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The #audiobook narrator was amazing. This book is a twisty thriller, and part of the suspense is the amount of confusion around who is “good” and who is “bad.” (Obviously, there‘s good and bad in all of us.) I wanted to race to the end to find out how all of the loose ends were resolved. #Libby

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter

Nearly dnf'ed this one! There is a good story in there but it was too much of a slow burn! I prefer my thrillers fast paced. If you are not patient, I would not recommend this.

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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Does anyone want to talk about the adaptation of this book to Netflix series?! I thought it was OK. Casting was not what I pictured at all. I pictured more of like Halle Berry for the mom-gorgeous, and muscular/ripped like she could beat some serious rear end. And for the daughter, the actress was kind of a dud. Anyone agree?

5feet.of.fury I was ok with Laura and Andi. Jane was not how I pictured… neither was Nick. I wasn‘t pleased with how they changed Nick & Paula‘s situations so much… I don‘t think adaptations need to be a carbon copy but that decision made the ending feel pretty soft. 2y
Jennaree3 @5feet.of.fury I agree! It wasn't bad, but the casting was off. And even the US marshal guy-they really took some liberties with that situation vs the book. 2y
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Pieces of Her [Tv Tie-In] | Karin Slaughter
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This was fast paced and in typical Karin Slaughter fashion didn‘t disappoint.

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Why did I wait so long to read Karin? Because I really enjoyed this. Despite being lengthy for a thriller, she kept me locked in to this story that asks how well do you know your mom?

Laura, a middle aged cancer survivor, shows surprising combat skills when faced with a mass shooter. She sends her adult daughter to a storage facility where it looks like she has a getaway identity stored. Both women are in jeopardy until the truth is revealed.

DGRachel I read my first book by her last year and asked myself the same thing. I have a bunch more on my bookshelves to get to! 2y
vivastory I read this recently & while it's not my favorite I enjoyed it. Curious what people think of the adaptation. 2y
Megabooks @vivastory same, although I doubt I‘ll watch it because I‘m pretty behind of tv. What others by her have you enjoyed? 2y
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Megabooks @DGRachel if you have any to suggest, let me know! I‘m definitely excited to go deeper in her backlist. 2y
TrishB I‘ve read all her books, go to author for me 👍🏻 2y
TrishB Read Grant County series which then morphs into Will Trent series 😁😁 2y
Megabooks @TrishB oh fantastic!! Thank you! 2y
TrishB Coo Town is my least fave. 2y
TrishB Cop! 2y
vivastory I second @TrishB but I do want to warn you that Pieces of Her is a bit of an outlier for her. The Grant County books are a bit more graphic. 2y
TrishB Yeah- they should come with a not for the squeamish sticker @vivastory - good point. 2y
Addison_Reads The Grant County books are my favorite. I started reading her last year and now I've read them all and I'm waiting for a new one. This one is definitely less gruesome than her series reads are. She's very dark and graphic, but her ability to get you caught up in the suspense makes her Queen of the thrillers in my book. 2y
DGRachel I read Pretty Girls last year as it was gifted to me in a swap. I loved it and devoured it in a day. 2y
Cinfhen This is Niki‘s FAVORITE author but I can‘t…SO DISTURBING 2y
Megabooks @TrishB @vivastory @Addison_Reads @Cinfhen I‘ve had chronic low-grade nausea for a few months, which has really turned me off to anything graphic, so perhaps I‘ll wait until the docs can figure out what‘s wrong first. But thanks for the input and warnings!! I‘ll definitely come back to her. 2y
Megabooks @DGRachel that was the first one I remember seeing a lot of book blogs, perhaps because it came out when I finally had time to read them 😆, but yes, definitely want to read it now! 2y
Laughterhp Karin Slaughter is too dark for me! I‘ve read a few of her books (not this one) and I just can‘t. I had bought a bunch of her books at library sales but had to get rid of them. 2y
Megabooks @Laughterhp I think this isn‘t typical for her. It isn‘t any darker than a Lisa Jewell. I‘m curious what I‘ll think as I read more. 2y
BarbaraBB I‘ve read and liked a few Slaughters too. But after that few I never felt the urge again to pick up another 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB yeah, I think I‘ll try at least one more in the future because I think her writing style, so we‘ll see… 2y
Lesliereads “where it looks like she has a getaway identity stored” ‼️ 2y
BarbaraBB I‘d certainly do that, she writes good thrillers! 2y
lynneamch I watched and enjoyed the series. While some questions were answered, it was clearly left primed for a Season 2. I'm curious whether the book was more conclusive. 2y
Megabooks @Lesliereads right?!? It was a really fun book! 2y
Megabooks @lynneamch 🤔 interesting because the book ended pretty conclusively, but if you remove the epilogue, there could be a second season. 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Wow this is a roller coaster ride. It is both fast paced and slow at the same time. It is too long, yet too short. You are figuring it out but you still have no idea what is going on. And you are left wondering if there is more to the story on the last page. It is atmospheric and unsettling. Excited to see the show.

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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter

#TeamSlaughter I know it isn't October, but I am hoping yall will tell me if watching Pieces of Her is worth it or now. @Clwojick (do I recall correctly were you our brave captain?!)

AmandaBlaze Haven't read or seen it, but lots complain of the MC making stupid choices in the TV series. 2y
rsteve388 Ugh she made bad choices in the book too... Ugh. 2y
Clwojick I haven‘t seen it yet! The trailer wasn‘t too enticing 🤔 2y
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rsteve388 And this is why I asked 2y
marleed I read this story many books so the plot was lost in the many deep dark cavernous tunnels of my brain. But I binged the series and as each scene played I fully recalled what would unfold so I think the limited series followed the book closely. I liked both, but yea definitely some poor MC choices. 2y
5feet.of.fury I just finished the show! Pretty spot on from the book. I can see why people (with the book and show) dislike Andi, but I think it makes sense in context of her trying to figure out what is happening. I liked it, didn‘t love it. 2y
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Pieces of Her [Tv Tie-In] | Karin Slaughter
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This book was on my TBR for awhile but when I found out it would be a show I moved it up! I finally finished it tonight and I loved it! Now I can‘t wait to watch the show on Netflix!

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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Watching the 1st episode!

TEArificbooks I just got the book in the mail so I am going to read it first 2y
5feet.of.fury I was just thinking about that! I‘m probably going to binge the whole thing tomorrow! Can‘t wait 2y
jlhammar Definitely going to have to watch this! 2y
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5feet.of.fury 3 episodes in and it‘s EXACTLY what I pictured in my mind from the book! 2y
OriginalCyn620 @5feet.of.fury Same! It‘s really good! 2y
Leftcoastzen I‘m watching it now , didn‘t read the book , couldn‘t wait. 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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This was really interesting. It kept me hooked all the way through. Family secrets that lead to a daughter trying to unravel the darkness in her mother‘s past are the meat of this story. I thought it was well written, but a lot of characters to keep track of and at certain points I thought it was slow. I liked the story and how it ended. I just think it could have been a bit shorter.

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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In standard Slaughter fashion, the opening is amazing. I am seriously hard-pressed to think of another thriller author who writes better openers than Karin Slaughter.There is more humor in POH than most of her books. I typically don't lol while reading, but there were at least a couple of instances while reading that I did. Although the morally ambiguous characters are present & there are dark elements, with few plot twists & long chapters,👇

vivastory POH reads like a bit of an outlier in comparison to the numerous other Slaughter books that I have read, As excited as I am for the upcoming adaptation, I can't help but wish that The Good Daughter was the standalone being adapted. 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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1) The tagged book. I'm reading it in preparation for the upcoming Netflix series. I 💙 Toni Collette. It has a different vibe from the other Slaughter books that I've read, but I did just yell plot twist!
2) I've been dipping into Baldwin's Notes of a Native Son the past few weeks. Earlier this month I read, & loved, They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us by Abdurraqib.
3) I have been meaning to read The New Jim Crow for awhile.

youneverarrived Everything I‘ve watched with Toni Colette in has been brill 2y
vivastory @youneverarrived Agreed. Definitely a favorite. 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This is a popular one!! 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Jan 27 #BeginsWith Pieces This one sounds good, I got a kick out of the authors name here. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Popular choice!! 2y
Eggs 👏🏻📚👏🏻 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Eggs Excellent 👍🏼📚😍 2y
LiseWorks My pick too! 2y
Pageturner1 @LiseWorks good choice 😀 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 2y
LiseWorks Yep, my pick too! 2y
TheSpineView @LiseWorks Great minds!😁 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Eggs Nicely done ✅ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚👍🏻 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Can‘t wait!


ShyBookOwl Whaaaaat?! 🎉 2y
OriginalCyn620 Me neither! I really enjoyed the book! 2y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Not my favorite Slaughter book (I feel like there needs to be a Will Trent adaptation!!) but still super excited for this nonetheless 😆

Setting myself a reminder to binge watch on March 4 👏🏽

JamieArc Why does Litsy not have a good summary of this? I read it but can‘t quite remember what it‘s about… 3y
swishandflick @JamieArc This is the standalone where there's a mall shooting, and then the daughter starts finding out more about her seemingly "ordinary" mom's past involvement with a cult-like organization (if memory serves, haha) 3y
OriginalCyn620 Yay, I‘ve been waiting for this one to come out! Thanks for the heads up! 3y
Zuhkeeyah This wasn‘t my favorite either, but I‘ll probably still watch it. 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Continuing with the mystery-loving realization, my #10thBookof2021 was Pieces of Her by Karin Slaughter. I also started to limit my ratings of 5-star books, so this book was rated ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ !! #12Booksof2021

Andrew65 Can‘t go wrong with Karin Slaughter. 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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The novel has two timelines, one in the 1980s and one in the late 2010s (i.e., pre-pandemic). The first section for each timeline is very exciting and tense though the remainder of the book doesn't always manage to keep the excitement and tension at the same level. I would like to have seen how the rather passive follower in the 1980s developed into the fierce ninja-like 21st century figure.

Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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I enjoyed reading this book even though I liked present story more than past. I love books where someone is escaping - they can be so thrilling and this book sure was it!

There were two timelines and I wasn't really invested in the past timeline immediately. It took some time before it captivated me.

Overall this was really captivating read for me.

Book 5 during #novelnovember

Andrew65 Fantastic 👏👏👏🙌 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Nutmegnc Coordinating mug! 😍 3y
bthegood Looking forward to your review of this one - 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Great read! I started during #Scarathlon2021 but wasn‘t able to finish it in time. Not at all what I was expecting/thinking and that‘s okay ‘cause it kept my🧠 active through the fog ,🐌&🐿 modes of recent.

CoverToCoverGirl I love Slaughter but I didn‘t care for this one. Great job, another one off that gigantic TBR pile! 👏👏🙂 3y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl I had to read the whole thing before actually knowing that I liked it. Does that make sense?🤔 3y
CoverToCoverGirl @DieAReader it does. Sometimes the big reveal at the end is the ahhhh moment. 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter

Final counts 277 #teamslaughter @Clwojick

Clwojick Way to go! Thank you for joining us this month🖤 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Finished the group #buddyread just in time last night! I really liked this one, but I must admit, I found the modern-day story more compelling and the '80s storyline didn't quite fit for me. Still excellently suspenseful though! Taking a picture in the car seemed most fitting.

17 hours down for #20in4!

#bookandasweater #iseeyoushiverwithanticipation #littensdressedinblood #teamslaughter #scarathlon2021 @Clwojick @MidnightBookGirl

Clwojick Awesome! You did great this month! Thank you for joining us 🖤 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Photo finish! I turned the last page of this vivid page-turner last night. Andy feels stuck at home & in her job as a 911 dispatcher when a mall shooting reveals her mother Laura isn‘t the affable speech pathologist she seems. Don‘t want to spoil any of the twists, but I rooted for Andy, who pulls herself together to help her tough mother & herself, as they move on from the extremes of Laura‘s past. #Scarathlon2021 #TeamSlaughter #buddyread

Linsy Lol, I love this pic! 😄 3y
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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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So yesterday I finished the #buddyread for #teamslaughter #Scarathlon2021. 😁

But It wad only a so-so read for me, because it wasn't my topic and very bloody and violent. I know Slaughters Books are often so, but this book couldn't carry me away.

For all the reads and tv-shows I got 255 points for #teamslaughter this last week. I love the #readathon! And big thank to @Clwojick!