Thrift store finds!
Managed 3 books in February. Liked all three of them too!
Why does anyone like this? Dexter, Joe is not. I feel like I need to reread the Harry Potter books or something to end my reading year on a good note. Blech!
Books read in October. Our House drove me nuts but I really enjoyed all the rest.
Couldn‘t put this one down even though the characters were driving me crazy and I did NOT see that ending coming! Hell of a ride!
Why the hell is she actually going through with marrying this stupid momma‘s boy?!
Didn‘t expect this one to be so sad but I liked it. I wanted to be more wowed than I was though.
Adorable story with tons of sexy tension. While not completely believable it managed to make me want to believe and that‘s all that matters.
Me waiting for my books on hold to come in...Any of them...one of them...please!!!
Wow! I loved that ending! Not at all what I was expecting and so beautiful. Great series!
Thriller, Neither. I don‘t like pie, Vampires, Hayride, Psycho, @thebluestocking
September reads. I liked all of them but A Simple Favor. Pretty good stats, I‘d say.
Wow! I can‘t believe that cliffhanger. Thank goodness I can pick up the third book immediately. The middle got a little slow but I enjoyed it all the same. What a fun adventurous story this trilogy is!
So happy to have found this one. I read it several years ago and loved it. Found some other fun ones too.
I loved this one. My only complaint was I wish it was longer.
I‘ve been eagerly awaiting the release of this book and now it‘s mine. All mine!!! Mwa ha ha!!!
Not at all what I was expecting but I liked it. Very vivid characters that will stick with me even if the story doesn‘t.
Kept me reading and since it‘s based on a true story I know my irritations mean zilch but it still irritated me that an EIGHT year old forgot his entire childhood. I just can‘t even imagine. But I guess that‘s what happened so....
This is Buns. The most stubborn vindictive but snuggly kitty you‘ll ever meet. She has this powerful snore/heavy breathing when she‘s sleeping that is impossible not to fall asleep to. It could cure insomnia, I tell you! It‘s the reason I can never stay awake when I try to read. #catsofinstagram
These psychological thrillers usually have awful, unlikeable characters and leave me wondering why they‘re so popular. For once I think this one‘s popularity was justified. Lo was a likeable character if a bit naive and the story was great. I didn‘t see a thing coming and by the climax I was on pins and needles. Fun story with a satisfying ending.
Woot!!! Woot!!! While I loathed the book that got me there, I did it!!!
What idiot decided this book should be written let alone published?! Stupidest book ever. And I don‘t even mean all the horrible characters but the story. It didn‘t make an ounce of sense. It‘s like the writer was high when she wrote it. It all made sense to her but everyone else is just patting her hand and looking for the exit. My freak! What a waste of time!
What‘s up with these types of books having a full cast of crappy, awful, lying characters?
Considering how nuts my month was, I‘m impressed I read eight Books in August. Favorite was First Comes Love and Letters to the Lost. There were quite a few duds too. Oh well.
Started out with every single cliche ingredient fantasy stories always have but got pretty good three quarters of the way through.
Good writing and story but the characters felt flat. Not sure it was very memorable either. Still would give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Another psychological thriller with unlikeable characters. Wasn‘t too fond of the backwards storyline either.
I enjoyed the world created here. Add in the fun characters and I‘m hooked. Guess I‘m reading the rest of the series now.
Believe it or not this is the first chance I‘ve had all week to sit by my pool. It‘s nice that real books don‘t overheat in the sun and shut down....cough, cough, kindle, cough, cough.
Sometimes historical fiction gets a bit bogged down with facts and at times this one did just that. However, since I love the place and history behind this one I found it interesting albeit slow.
Plenty of holes in this story but I could not put it down.
Romance books really aren‘t my thing so I‘m not sure why I tried this one. It started out cute but the cliches got so abundant I started rolling my eyes. That and the predictable storyline made this one just OK for me.
While both characters had things about them that drove me nuts I found myself thinking about them and the story while I wasn‘t reading it. Always a good sign, right? I liked the look into different types of love and was satisfied with the ending.
I kept seeing negative reviews for this one and since I loved Paris‘ other books I was hoping this one would be ok but I agree with everyone else. It was pretty bad. I suspect this was a older novel of Paris‘ that she cleaned up a little and had published now that she‘s an established author. That‘s what it felt like: Something that never should have been published. And to make it worse; I saw the ending coming a mile away. What a disappointment.
What a roller coaster of emotions! You think you‘re good and the author hits you right in the feels!
Books read in July! Bird Box takes top read of the month.
What a fun trip down memory lane. I love Telgemeier‘s illustrations.
Flew through this one and what a cliffhanger ending! Of course I‘m rooting for Dave The Laugh!
Didn‘t like subject matter as much in this one but Antsy was was his usual hilarious self.
It was fun seeing all the characters again. Wasn‘t a huge fan of the non-ending but it was a fun ride.
Anyone else participating in the Reverse Readathon starting tonight? I‘m excited. My TBR stack is calling me but so is my bed so we‘ll see how much I read tonight. I‘ll be getting up early to start again though.
Why????? Total cliffhanger ending! Loved following the clues along with the kids. Definitely more plot driven than character but Cricket sure was fun. Can‘t wait for book two.