Speeding through this #timeywhimey action romance. Great characters, authentic time vibes and suspenseful plot. All.working together well. Out in 🇦🇺 in May. #rachaelcraw #nzya
Speeding through this #timeywhimey action romance. Great characters, authentic time vibes and suspenseful plot. All.working together well. Out in 🇦🇺 in May. #rachaelcraw #nzya
Excited for this one. Only just released in 🇦🇺. Tamora Pierce is an inspiration, so i am here for it. #readingandreviewing #middlefiction #fantasy
Next lot of finished books for my #holidayreading. Only another week left before school returns. Hope to finish a couple more. These were all good. All released between now and March. #readingandreviewing #summerbreak
My four latest reads. All due out (in Australia 🇦🇺) in March 2025. #marchrso2025. All electronic. All different. Two middle fiction. Two for older readers. #readingandreviewing #holidayreading #summer reads
Well into my RSO reading for March 2025. 3 down from this pile, the tagged book to go. More still on my iPad. But I love it! Especially now on school summer break. More time to read! #proofcopies #loveozya #summerreads
On World's Teacher Day, we all received a personal letter from incoming school leaders. This made me tear up. My students are thoughtful and special. #lifeasateacher #still reading
I can‘t seem to ‘‘like‘ or comment on anyone‘s posts, or even when I select a book add my own pic. I have logged all the way out on my iPad and back in again, but that hasn‘t helped. Hope someone can assist. #litsy
Two weeks of school holiday started today! Here is what they will entail. #readingandmarking plus appointments with doctors and dentists, and car services! Can‘t waste a minute!.
After an entire month of madness busyness, I am spending the week en reading three books for 2 book clubs both next week! #readingandreviewing #backtoreading
I am up to my ears with readers cup question writing, PowerPoint creation, and organising the day, but I am sneaking this one in over the weekend. Easy to read, lots of twists, and romance. Good to be back with the Hawthornes and Avery. #sneakyread #jenniferlynnbarnes #inheritancegames
So grateful to have been given early access to Jandy Nelson‘s new book. Be interested to see the reaction. These are my last four reads. The two war books were for my teacher librarian book club. A bit similar to each other, although for different age groups. I just finished ‘My Family and Other Suspects‘ which people who loved ‘Eleanor Jones is not a murderer‘ will absolutely also love. It‘s hilarious.
I can‘t believe I haven‘t posted for three months. But I have been reading. Maybe not as much as I hoped, but I just seem to lurch from one busy week to another. Anyway, my two week semester break helped. Some of these are already released, but I am also loving all the books about to be released mostly in September. #readingandreviewing #RSO2024
Very much enjoying this queer romance set in Liverpool. It‘s also a story of friendship and ADHD (dealt with separately). Out in 🇦🇮 in July. #preview #julyrso2024 #lgbtqia #readingandreviewing
I am not a big non-fiction reader, so this is taking ages. But also it‘s pretty tough going, watching these Australian nurses suffer as prisoners of war. But also inspirational and educational. #readingandreviewing #biography #worldwarII
I have read all of these recently. Loved them all. Two mysteries and one fantasy (not sure that is the best description of ‘Liar‘s Test‘). All Australian, all targeting teens. #readingandreviewing #schoolholidays #grchallenge
I have been reading. But I have not been posting. Here are most of them from Jan and Feb. All different, all mostly good. Some coming in April, and some in May. And of course, some like the tagged book are already released. #readingandreviewing #youngadult
About to start this tagged book. Finally! Love a good intricate map. #fantasy #finalbookinaseries #sohereforit
This was a fun trip. A great friendship story, a queer story, and a fanfic story. Not much of a romance, although there are romantic moments. Coming to Australia in April. #aprilrso2024 #digitalproof #contemporary #magicalrealism #fanfic #bookly
Finally getting to this one. Expecting many twists esp by the end. #readingnotreviewing #summerholiday #noschool
I read about 100 young adult novels in 2023. Here are my 23 favs. #bestoflists #fav23in23 #readingandreviewing
My last book of 2023. Comes out next week. Middle fiction story about a girl whose mother drags her out to live in a rainforest community. Lots of environmental themes as well as coming-of-age and identity. Looking forward to seeing Lani navigate her new world. #readingnotreviewing #summerholiday #nowchool #newyearseve
We are going through a two day heat wave. Temps up to 37 degrees C (sorry, don't know what that is in f... about 98?) Not much else to do than sit in air conditioning, watching cricket and reading. Finished this one. Cute little diverse #ukya contemporary romance. #readingandreviewing #schoolholidays #summer and thus I reach my #grchallenge 120 books 📚 for 2023.
My next four #marchrso2024 books. Already read 3. Tagged book is my #currentread Mostly these are #mystery but ‘Make me a liar‘ has a twist - she can take over other people‘s bodies (with their consent). The Anne Liang is a contemporary enemies-to-lovers story. ‘Catch your death‘ is twisty twisty. Just happy to be reading. #summerholidays #noschool
Already reading for Riverbend Books standing orders. This one is a #marchrso2024. #currentlyreading #fantasy #sirens #romance #quests #nautical Have managed to avoid many of the siren books, but I suspect this one is similar. Plus a #treefern #summerholidays #readingandreviewing #noschool
On to this one now. Late to the party. Hopefully it‘ll be good. #fantasy #readingreadingreading #grchallenge plus a potted fig tree
A shorter one to help with #grchallenge #barringtonstoke #myths #coalmines #mysteries
Six books behind my GR challenge. Have to get on. Lucky it‘s school summer break and I have time. Starting with this one I missed through the year. Love Marie Lu. Look forward to it. #reading #holidayread #christmasread #notaxmasbook
I was posting so well for a while. Then all the busyness happened. And now with one week of school left, I get sick! Argh. So this is my #currentread. Been looking forward to it since it was released. Still got a bunch of stuff to do. But also, time to read. #mystery #bookinaseries #friendships #secrets
#currentlyreading #shortstories #romance #swoony #humour Loving this collection so freaking much. Hanging out for the Simon Snow story, hoping I haven‘t already read it #itspossible Also look at that #orchid going crazy!
Been hanging out to read this one. Poor Aidan. Doesn‘t know how to deal with his suspicion that he‘s gay. I feel for him. Hopefully he‘ll talk to someone. #middlefiction #lgbtqia #readinginthepool
Loved this a lot. Several big important questions explored through MC Sam as he helps Tess find her father. Witty, clever and thoughtful. #middlefiction #summerholiday
Just finished this one. Two young teenagers dealing with all BIG secrets and much sadness. Lots of BIG ideas about Art too. Immersive and authentic. Lovely stuff from the author of Tashi. Plus #orchids
Last day of holidays. Can only fit one more book in. This is it. #proofcopy #novemberrelease #historical #magicalrealism #ancientegypt and some #redflowers
#currentlyreading #holidayread #coverlove Going in blind.
It‘s my school holidays, so I have been reading, but also doing many other things so n0 time to post about my reading. Blah. One week already done. Love this one. Charlie is a great love interest. Bailey is a flawed but engaging MC. We get both pov‘s. It‘s great, swoony but age appropriate which is my #soapboxrant currently. Infographic by #bookly
It‘s been a long time since a fantasy book has gripped me like this one - snarky, smexy, suspenseful. Plus dragons. Glad to have found out that #2 is out in October…. #justforme
Loved this as much as the first one(even more maybe). Great plotting. Great suspense. Great heroes. #readingjustforme #holidayreading #loveozya
#previewbook #septrso2023 #digitalarc #historical #migrantexperience Two children trying to reach their father in Australia when the ‘Great Leap Forward‘ in China means their mother dies of starvation and malnutrition. It‘s incredibly moving, and without some luck and the kindness of strangers, things could have gone quite differently. Loved it although it made me cry several times.
Two very different #septrso2023 reads - one African-inspired fantasy and one Australian contemporary. One fast paced action plot driven, and one coming-of-age, friendship grief focused on character. But both good. Holidays now. Time to decompress, time to catch up, time to read.
I am trying #bookly again. It‘s hard to remember to start recording when I start a reading session. Not sure these are completely accurate stats. Twisty book.
New upcoming book by tagged author is quite different from her usual fantasy/medieval/adventure genre. Contemporary, coming of age summery Australian middle fiction instead. So far, so good. #preview #augustrso2023 #digitalarc
I remember loving ‘The Universe versus Alex Woods‘, so keen to read this one. #augustrso2023 #livingwithautism #preview #digitalarc
Three latest reads for #julyrso2023. Two #loveOzYA 🇦🇺books, and Elizabeth Wein!! All good, two historical, one contemporary.
This is David Metzenthen‘s new book coming in July. It‘s not listed here yet. But I did love Jarvis 24. Just started this one for #julyrso2023 #digitalarc #loveozya This author has written many many books over the past 30 years I reckon (maybe 40). They offer thoughtful, kind male protagonists who are open to learning, loving and life. High hopes for this fellow.
My school Easter holiday is almost over. Baaw! These are four books I read, although I am still working through the tagged book. Differing opinions on all of them. I read other trashy romance ones, as well as books for a panel I am moderating at my local writers festival in May. But also busy with marking, Minecraft and (can‘t think of another appropriate M word)… volunteer work. #readingandreviewing #previewbooks #holidaysareover
Another #junerso2023 #middlegrade #ukmg read. Lovely cover. Great story involving Ugandan history, loss of memories, a magical cat and strong friendships. #currentlyreading #digitalarc #preview
I have been skimming and flipping through a number of teen #junerso2023 A couple of good ones but I am not finished them. Need to try to find some #middlefiction now. Trying this one. #diversity #inspiring #racism #ukmg #ownvoice
Been madly getting through more #mayrso2023 two contemporary romances for older teens, and two historical adventures for middle readers. Moving onto June now soon, I reckon.