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Germinale | Emile Zola
Che sogno! Essere padroni, cessare di soffrire, godere finalmente! tienne Lantier, figlio di Gervaise Macquart, trova impiego nelle miniere del Nord della Francia, allepoca della Prima rivoluzione industriale. Sconvolto dalle durissime condizioni di vita dei minatori, dagli infiniti turni di lavoro, dalle paghe magre, tienne organizza i suoi compagni in uno sciopero lungo alcuni mesi. Accanto a lui si muove anche Suvarin, un macchinista russo fattosi operaio per amore del popolo, vicino alle posizioni del nichilismo anarchico e in particolare al pensiero di Bakunin. Alla fine, dopo la repressione cruenta di unaltra sommossa operaia e il ritorno in miniera, tienne finir intrappolato in una galleria, dove morir, in una drammatica scena, lamata Catherine. Leccidio di lavoratori con cui lo sciopero si chiude in realt il primo seme di quella primavera di giustizia e uguaglianza evocata dal titolo. Nel calendario della Francia rivoluzionaria, difatti, Germinale il mese che segna il ritorno della primavera, della rinascita della natura. Pubblicato nel 1885, Germinale uno dei romanzi pi celebri di Zola, se non di tutta la letteratura francese dellOttocento; un accurato affresco storico ma soprattutto un esempio indimenticabile della potenza narrativa dello scrittore. Lo disse Oscar Wilde: In Germinale c qualcosa di epico.
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Putting “Cujo” on the back burner for a while. I want to finish Emile Zola‘s Rougon-Macquart series. “Germinal”. #Ètienne_Lantier #miners #exploitation #outrage #strike

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“Blow the candle out, I don't need to see what my thoughts look like.”

Germinal | Emile Zola
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This is the first novel by Zola that I‘ve read, and it completely pulled me into the story of these coal miners. It is an incredibly grim story but so well told. I truly felt that I got to know the characters and understand their motivations.

#1001books #audiobook
#ReadingEurope2020 #France #translated

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Germinal | Emile Zola
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#BookReport #DaiseysReadingWeek
📚 I finished an interesting selection of books this week, including a few I‘ve been reading for a while.

📖 Magician of Lublin - still a few pages at a time at school
🎧 The Odyssey
🎧 Germinal - wasn‘t in the mood for audio today but should finish this in the next day or 2
📖 Locke & Key Volume 3

📚 Continue current reads and hopefully move on to a couple new ones.

Geenie Nice 👍👏 5y
JazzFeathers Yayyy!!!! 5y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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One of my cousins gave me a Spice Breeze subscription for Christmas, so I‘ve been enjoying some different recipes than I normally make. Today it‘s this French beef stew while I listen to Germinal. I just finished one French novel, The Red and the Black, which I didn‘t particularly enjoy, so I wasn‘t sure about starting another. However, I‘m appreciating this one more so far, although it may be early to say.

#1001books #Reading1001 #audiobook

Daisey Also possibly my #ReadingEurope2020 choice for #France. #translated 5y
Crazeedi Looks yummy! 5y
Daisey @Crazeedi It was delicious! 5y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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A lot of misery and suffering, but I have to agree that this is Zola's best novel. The novel rises above melodrama in order to speak more deeply about the human condition. The last part of the novel is like a real punch of horror.

It is worth noting that the same kind of coal mining still goes on in parts of the world today and 15 Indian miners died recently in a mine disaster:

tournevis All true, yes, this. Except for the movie adaptation in your illustration. That adaptation is really bland and boring and the acting is... well... underwhelming. 6y
zsuzsanna_reads @tournevis I haven't seen the movie, thanks for the warning! 6y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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This one was a struggle for me... excellent writing and an interesting story of the working class people in 1860s France, both of which kept me reading; but it was too gritty and boring in parts. Just when I thought I had heard enough about older women‘s tired breasts...bam! The manhood of a dead guy is ripped off and paraded around on a stick. 😬

There is really much more to this book, but I‘m just over it, so...🤷🏻‍♀️



MayJasper Ooh yuck 😨😨😰 6y
mabell Eww. Uh too much. 🤢 6y
BarbaraBB I still need to read this one and was kind of looking forward to it. It‘s kind of Zola‘s masterpiece, isn‘t it? But this doesn‘t sound good. I loved the tagged one though, did you read it? 6y
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sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB Yes, I read that it‘s his masterpiece... and it‘s good, just maybe not for me. This was my first Zola. 6y
BarbaraBB Well, I won‘t hurry to get to it now! 6y
sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB I‘m going to try Therese Raquin! 6y
Liz_M Sorry you didn't enjoy this one. I loved it. 6y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Starting this one today... I guess Les Mis wasn‘t enough French misery for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

JamieArc This is on my TBR but I‘m a bit intimidated. I‘ll be interested in seeing your posts about it. 6y
arubabookwoman I‘ve been reading Zola‘s Rougon-Macquart series in order, of which this falls somewhere in the middle. However, this is one of my favorite Zola‘s, and it‘s the one I usually recommend people try first. I hope you like it. Zola is one of my absolute favorite authors. 6y
UwannaPublishme 😂😂😂 6y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Getting back into reading. Today I've read a few chapters of Germinal, Dark Places by Gillian Flynn, and A History of Russia and Its Empire by Kees Bloterbloem. Also Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as I actually have never read the books or seen the movies before now 😃. I'm so loving everything I'm reading!!! Woohoo!

Germinal | Emile Zola
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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13th in the Rougon-Macquart series, this novel follows Etienne Lantier down the pit as he labors in an 1880s coal mine. Angered by the incessant reduction of the miners' starvation wages, he leads a strike intended to better the lives of the Maheu family (with whom he lives) and the other colliers who work the Voreux. His socialism may bring down the whole mine. Grim, detailed, compelling.

AmbityScambity Love that bookmark. 😀 8y
LeeRHarry Love Zola 💕 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Le petit dejeuner avec un Zola. Mais c'est parfait! 😍

MaleficentBookDragon 💛💚❤️ 8y
Dragon Yummy! 8y
TheBookAddict Bon appétit! 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola

One of the greatest novels I've read! 😌❤

Germinal | Emile Zola
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2/3rds of my books packed up! #booknerdsbelike

Germinal | Emile Zola
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I'm telling you, Germinal is a top election year read. #riotriotriot #crushthe1percent

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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Hands down my favorite book of September! Thanks so much @Avidreader25 and @BkClubCare for hosting #GerminalAlong. Wrap-up on the blog today.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ ️#somethingforsept @RealLifeReading

SharonGoforth Such a good book! 8y
Gulfsidemusing @SharonGoforth Adding it to my favorites shelf on goodreads! 8y
AvidReader25 It was so good! 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Gulfsidemusing Definitely my best read of September! 8y
AvidReader25 So what'll we readalong next? 😊 8y
BkClubCare Ha! Are you spinning @Avidreader25 ??? 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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It's been a good reading month. I wrapped up the Selection series, co-hosted a #Germinalalong with @BkClubCare and read the final book for my fiction Reading the States challenge!

BkClubCare Yay! (I can't get my vanillapen image to post... 🙁) 8y
Gulfsidemusing My favorite book of September, too!😍 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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currently reading ... and figuring out Litsy!

MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay, I think you'll like it here 😎👍🏻. 8y
daena Yay, you are here!!! 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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The intro! The introduction warns the reader to maybe wait to read til finished... Wow. Such good history and context and questions... and so relevant? I did not get a lot of world history as a US young person and it seems likely I did not get much labor history (unless you consider the good conservatives telling me that "unions are bad") so wow. ARE WE GETTING SOMEWHERE OR GOING NOWHERE?

Gulfsidemusing Yup, my background in work history was limited, too. I still need to go back and read that intro. This was an amazing book! 8y
Kirstin This book is SO good! And I recommend the French movie from the 90's too! 8y
AvidReader25 It definitely gives you a whole new view of that type of work. It's completely foreign to me. 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Just started Part 4 of Germinal and Do You Hear the People Sing has been running in my mind on loop. Singing the song of angry men! #germinalalong

Gulfsidemusing Same thing happened to me!!😂🎶⛏ 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Today's #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept is focusing on #booksintranslation. Thus, I must share my current read being #readalong with @Avidreader25 @Lakesidemusing and @TriniCapini - am I missing any other Littens? My ebook is the Roger Pearson translation and my audiobook SADLY discloses NO information that I could find on who might have translated! But Leighton Pugh narrates... Does anyone know how to find? I checked production website.

BkClubCare #GerminalAlong Esther and Oscar assisting. Esther way more into it than Oscar, obviously. 8y
TriniCapini I love that we are called Littens. 😻 8y
Gulfsidemusing Love everything about this post... and SO frustrated (once again) that audible offers NO information on translations! 8y
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Simona I like dog's hairstyle 😍 8y
BkClubCare @Simona - and that's just how they look. They are fuss-free. 8y
BkClubCare @Lakesidemusing - so, I tweeted at Audible and Naxos re: translator info. Audible passed and said they only provide information given so ... Waiting on Naxos. I thought abt asking Leighton Pugh but he isn't on Twitter. 8y
Gulfsidemusing @BkClubCare That was a good idea! Think I emailed them about that issue a year or so ago.... different book, same problem.😕 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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"Everyone would end up at the Jolly Fellow... run by Widow Desire, a stout matron of fifty who was as round as a barrel but still so full of energy that she had six lovers, one for each day of the week, she used to say all six at once on Sundays!"
Ooooh, that Widow Desire!?. Thanks @BkClubCare #GerminalAlong

[DELETED] 2232195534 Wow! What energy! 😉😂 8y
BkClubCare And he mentions this "all six on Sundays" later in the book. She must have been based on a real person. 8y
Gulfsidemusing @kaysreadinglife I know, right?!😵😂 8y
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Gulfsidemusing @BkClubCare I was wondering if that might be the case!! 8y
BkClubCare Did he write about her in any other of the books in the series? We need a Zola expert. 😂 8y
AvidReader25 😂 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Just started Part 5. I'm amazed by how readable and fascinating this one is. #GerminalAlong

Bookworm83 She is such a cutie! 8y
BkClubCare ❤️ 8y
Gulfsidemusing Love this photo!😍 8y
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Alliedanielson How are you liking it so far? And I lover her smiling little face!! 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Look at that precious cutie!! 😀💕 8y
quirkyreader And you have the classic Penguin cover 🐸🐙 8y
AvidReader25 @Alliedanielson So good! I thought it would be such a tough read, but it's not at all. 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Friday, at last! #GerminalAlong

Merethebookgal Beautiful setting to read! 8y
LauraBeth Beautiful 😀 8y
shainareads Ugh, lovely. Enjoy! 🍷🏞️☀️ 8y
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[DELETED] 2232195534 Look at your gorgeous lake, as always! 8y
Gulfsidemusing @Merethebookgal Doesn't get much better... thanks! 8y
BethFishReads We just came in off the deck. Wine and talk and lovely Friday 🍷🍷 8y
DebinHawaii Just gorgeous! ❤️ 8y
Gulfsidemusing @BethFishReads Friday evenings are the best!! 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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I am not at home to pull blue books off my shelves so wasn't sure what I could post today. But then I see the color of my shorts matches color of the Litsy tool bar, I have to take this shot. #somethingforsept #bluebooks #septphotochallenge #imonaboat #germinalalong

BibliophileBytheSea Adorable shorts💕 8y
RealLifeReading Well I'd rather be in a boat on the water! 😀 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Coffee + books = my kind of Sunday morning
☕️ + 📚 = 💖

MrBook Great pic! 😊👍🏻 8y
Gulfsidemusing @MrBook thanks!😊 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Zola postcard from the amazing @BkClubCare 😃 #GerminalAlong

SharonGoforth Love it! 8y
BkClubCare Love the flowers in the background. Very Live Out Loud. 8y
MrBook What ☝🏻️ @BkClubCare said! 8y
Gulfsidemusing @MrBook I think @BkClubCare is right!😃 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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A few minutes of reading, then we're off to the train station with Daughter #1. #GerminalAong

Germinal | Emile Zola
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"Beneath the blazing of the sun, in that morning of new growth, the countryside rang with song, as its belly swelled with a black and avenging army of men, germinating slowly in its furrows, growing upwards in readiness for harvests to come, until one day soon their ripening would burst open the earth itself."

In honour of labour day weekend my favourite book about workers rights. If you haven't read any Zola yet...he's amazing.

quirkyreader I love the classic Penguin cover. 🐸🐙 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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I am not very far into Germinal yet but it is on my mind. As is pie. I changed the tag line on my blog to "I like my literature with a slice of pie." Ya like? ? #septphotochallenge #readandeat why is everyone hashtagging #somethingforsept ? @RealLifeReading

BookishFeminist 😱 is that pecan pie? 8y
MrBook Nice 😊👍🏻 8y
RealLifeReading I was hoping you'd post a pie photo!!! 😍😍😍 that just makes me happy! (Also I had called my challenge #somethingforsept just for fun) 8y
BkClubCare @RealLifeReading - aw, got it! #hashtagconfusionnomore and OF COURSE, pie had to happen. 8y
BkClubCare @BookishFeminist - Apple Pie two ways: crumb top and a braid top. The braid was for fun, recipe mostly referenced was from 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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"And Le Voreux, crouching like some evil beast at the bottom of its lair, seemed to hunker down even further, puffing and panting in increasingly slow, deep bursts, as if it were struggling to digest its meal of human flesh."

Yikes! I think @BkClubCare is right... this may qualify for #RIPXI ? #GerminalAlong

[DELETED] 2232195534 I think human flesh counts for RIP! 😂 8y
Gulfsidemusing @kaysreadinglife thought so 😉👍🏻😀 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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So it looks like I'll be reading the intro AFTER the novel! Thanks for the warning @penguinusa 😊 #GerminalAlong @BkClubCare @Avidreader25

SharonGoforth This is so good! 8y
BethFishReads Yay for spoiler alerts 8y
Gulfsidemusing @BethFishReads @SharonGoforth Have never seen spoiler alert for a classic ... much appreciated! 8y
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SharonGoforth @Lakesidemusing The book is really good, too😊 8y
AvidReader25 Well done Penguin! 8y
Gulfsidemusing @SharonGoforth I thought that was what you meant, lol! Love Zola and so excited to finally start Germinal. 8y
LeahBergen Good job, Penguin! I have stopped reading introductions to classics because of the spoilers (but I do go back and read them as an "afterword" ?) 8y
shawnmooney I almost never read introductions, either before or after I read the novel. I'm funny that way… :-) 8y
Gulfsidemusing @LeahBergen @shawnmooney I sometimes skim intros first, but they make more sense after reading the novel anyway. The spoiler warning is a nice touch here! 8y
BkClubCare I mentioned that, too! Most appreciated! 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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Ready guys? #GerminalAlong starts today! Anyone is welcome to join in the fun! @BkClubCare @TriniCapini @Lakesidemusing

BkClubCare Ready! 8y
Gulfsidemusing All set!!😀 8y
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Germinal | Emile Zola
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It's French! It's 19th Century Lit!! It's . . . ZOLA

September readalong #GerminalAlong

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