#alphabetgame #letterB
Love this tagged one specifically!!!!
#alphabetgame #letterB
Love this tagged one specifically!!!!
I don't remember ever reading this (just warching the movies) so it was time to rectify that. I didn't have the original story so I went with the 2017 film's novelization. It was good, and Gaston is still his magnificently douchey, but it loses a bit of magic without the music. You still feel for the castle staff, worry about Papa, and hate the book-loathing townsfolk, but the lyrics of the songs do so much to drive home the feelings.
The anticipation of waiting for the live action of Beauty and the Beast was such a memorable time for me. This book was at Barnes and Noble during that time and I just had to pick it up because of how beautiful it was! Beautiful story that truly is as old as time ❤ ??
"What would you like from the market? A rose like the one in the painting, was always Belle's reply."
I am using the tagged book for April's prompt for this challenge as it is set in France 🇫🇷
Good. Nice way to relive the film and see how it translates as a written story rather than a visual story.
I'm so excited about these new bookmarks! 😍
What bookish them should I make next?
"She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within."
#beautyandthebeast #novelization #movie #fairytale #rose #funkos #flowers
Da fan de "La bella e la bestia" non potevo non leggere questa novel e... che dire? È ADORABILE. Scritta benissimo, molto carina, dolce e scorrevole. Una fiaba perfetta da leggere a qualsiasi età per riscoprire la magia della storia originale. Una lettura consigliatissima che mi ha fatto sognare e ha permesso di staccare un po' la spina dai problemi e caos della vita di tutti i giorni ?
Blue eyes met brown, and them, as dawn broke the horizon, they leaned forward and kissed. It was a kiss Belle would never forget - One better than any in all the book she had read. It was a kiss full of apology, full of thankfulness, and full of deep, deep love. It was a kiss full of enchantment. And ad their lips met, that magic exploded from them to the rest of the castle.
The Beast smiled slowly at first, it spread across his face until it took over. And it wasn't the scary smile he had first flashed at Belle. It was a warm smile it was a genuine smile. It was the smile of a beast who no longer felt alone. It was the smile of a man who finally felt hope.
She took the beast's hand. "Let's go home" she said "to the castle"
The beast nodded, and togheter, they placed their hand once more on the pages of the enchanted book, closed their eyes... and pictured home.
"Where did you take us?"
"Oh, I love Paris"
Ohhhh il mio cuoricino da girls romantica sta facendo le capriole ❤️
" I never thanked you for saving my life" she finally said softly.
" I never thanked you for not leaving me to die" he responded without hesitation, as though he, too, had been waiting to say the words for a long while but had never found the right time
She didn't even really see those parts of him anymore. She saw the kindness in his eyes when he looked at her. She heard the intelligence in his voice when they debated literature. And she saw the pride he had in his voice when he looked around.
I'm see the man inside the beast
"Is everything here alive?" She asked, picking up a brush "Hello, what's your name?"
Cogsworth looked at Belle and shook his head "um... that's a hairbrush"
? epic fail ?
"Forget you?" Bella said in disbelief "How could i ever? Everything i am is because of you"
Vabbè però... fare ste drammoni per una misera rosa mi pare eccessivo... va bene che lo hai accolto, nutrito e riverito e rompe le palle che si metta a rubare così però... hai proprio il braccino corto a prendertela così, neanche ti avesse rubato l'argenteria della nonna!!
Someday, she thought as she slumped against the door, someday i'll find someone who will understand me, someone who will let me be me. Someday i'll show them all. I want so much more than the people in this town could ever understand.
"I knew a girl who was so different, so darling, so ahead of her time that people mocked her until the day they found themselves imitating her. Do you know what she used to say? She used to say " The people who talk behind your back are destined to stay there" behind your back. Never to catch up. That woman was your mother"
"Reflected glory is just as good as the real thing"
Eh... mi stai sulle palle Gaston... quanto il principe... forse un po' di più!
Is anyone else as excited about owning this movie as I am??? I'm ready to pop in the DVD and watch it whilst being curled up on the couch with some hot chocolate 😍
#beautyandthebeast #beautyandthebeastbook #beautyandthebeastmovie #beautyandthebeasthoodie #literatureapproved
A charming adaptation of the film. This was a quick, enjoyable little book. Great for Beauty and the Beast fans or anyone who loves a good fairytale. 🌹
Taking a break from my current reads and going with a Beauty and the Beast theme for #LitsyPartyOfOne. Starting off with the movie novelization and a glass of Enchanted Woods Bubbly.
We may be the only people in the world not to have seen the movie yet, but I've started to read the movie novelisation with my daughter - this book was her choice to buy with her world book day voucher!
It's taken me almost two weeks and I'm just to chapter 3. # MomOfThreeProblems If anyone has the big fancy #Disney #BeautyAndTheBeast 3 disk set, under extras it tells the whole story of their original first draft through story board pictures and voices reading it. It has that feeling to it. I'm enjoying it so far. Can't wait to read more!
My daughters and I have been waiting sooo impatiently for this movie!!! #beautyandthebeast
*cries hard on how perfect this was*
I can't believe I'm saying this but this better than the original animation version story wise . They fleshed certain things out they couldn‘t do in the original. (Belle and Adam backstory especially and their relationship)
I can wait to see the movie!
I found this to be sweet and very enjoyable. I remember watching the original Disney version as a child and liking it so much. Belle and I have a few things in common, such as books for one thing. I do plan to see the new movie coming out, but this does have a bit more details than the original does and I wonder how closely the new movie will follow the book.
I couldn't resist picking this up
I found this tiny book and had to buy it but I can't read it without singing every song from the movie so it's going to my niece for her birthday. But just look at how beautiful it is 😍
Reading the screen play adaptation for Beauty and the Beast 2017 movie! I can't wait to see it! This sceen in this part of the book is especially intresting. I love how Bell handles the headmaster of the village when he tells her that girls can not learn to read. She doesn't let him intimate or distract her from what was important. I am only sorry that Gaston frightened off the girl.
Sweet and easy read for lovers of the tale as old as time. Can't wait for the new movie!