Minerva was so entertaining as she tried like mad to get the stuffed squirrel dangling from her tower I thought I‘d share😊 #CatsofLitsy #CatwithBooks (or near books, at least 😜)
Minerva was so entertaining as she tried like mad to get the stuffed squirrel dangling from her tower I thought I‘d share😊 #CatsofLitsy #CatwithBooks (or near books, at least 😜)
This is one of my favorite silly #kitty photos of my boy Jeffers (I won‘t cheat by choosing from the thousands of silly photos I get of the rescue kitties I photograph; I have so many of those!). How can you resist this naughty little and very cute face though, hiding in the tub? 😻 PetsofLitsy #CatsofLitsy #FunnyPetsGiveaway
Congrats to @Rachel.Rencher 👏👏👏 on your milestone! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 for the kitty books 💓💓
Found in my son's bed cuddling a toy mouse #catsoflitsy #tuxedocat
Someone likes to play with cherries. New hobby. Oh, #Coale 😹👏🏻. #catsofLitsy
Okay, I was going to post a picture of the gifts I'm sending to my Secret Santa but this was just too good not to share. This, dear Littens, is why there's cat hair on all the gifts I wrap. #catsoflitsy #summersantagoespostal #summersolsticebookexchange
I guess I'm done with the puzzle. #KingCyress has spoken! 🤷🏼♀️ #catsoflitsy
She was just lying there sleeping. I have no idea how she was holding this position. 😹😹😹 #catsoflitsy
I saw a shadow materialize along the wall's edge out of my peripheral. My mind went, "What the...?!" This is what it was. My silly little boy. Oh, #Coale! ????? #catsofLitsy
I did the thing in this video, https://youtu.be/-Z4jx5VMw8M, with #Coale, but a cheez-doodle instead. He didn't do anything.... Kept this on his head without moving for around 10 minutes though 😂👏🏻. He didn't seem amused. 😸🙈 #catsofLitsy