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Color Purple (Anniversary)
Color Purple (Anniversary) | Alice Walker
Winner of the National Book Award as well as the Pulitzer Prize, "The Color Purple" established Alice Walker as a major voice in modern fiction. Her unforgettable portrait of Celie and her friends, family, and lovers is rich with passion, pain, inspiration, and an indomitable love of life. Beautifully imagined and deeply compassionate, "The Color Purple" is a classic of American literature.
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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Starting this buddy read with @Kelly326 today!


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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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Eggs 🩷💜🩵 3mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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A dozen #Purple covers of books I‘ve read. 💜💜💜

Eggs Beautiful 💜💜💜 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great covers 💜💜💜 3mo
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Color Purple | Alice Walker

Surprised I haven‘t read until now. Celie and Shug kept me laughing when their personalities came out. Important read

The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don‘t notice it.”

This story is unforgettable. It had me in tears. Walker‘s writing is beautiful. This is a book I will reread. Definitely a favorite.

#BookSpin- double spin pick

AshleyHoss820 I am SOOOO glad you loved it! I knew you would, but still! ☺️🧡📚 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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*My favorite reading spot is my couch!
*A fictional character i'd love to have as my best friend would be Iko from The Lunar Chronicles.
*The Dark Heroine by Abigail Gibbs is a book I've read multiple times.
*The Color Purple is a book I think everyone should read.
*A bookish pet peeve of mine is when I'm reading a physical copy of a book that is super heavy and my wrists start to hurt. 😅 #fantasyloverproblems

Karisa Oooh, your pet peeve happened to me with the Saga Omnibus. Ouch but worth it! 😂 7mo
KateReadsYA @Karisa me with Priory of the orange tree 🫣 7mo
Karisa @KateReadsYA Oooh, another stellar read! 7mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker

First line: “You better not never tell nobody but God. It‘d kill your mammy”

The Color Purple | Alice Walker

I expect that there‘s little to say that hasn‘t been said. The form is brilliantly executed, the language brings you right in to the story, and the characters are clear and relatable. Accolades for this work are deserved.

The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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A classic to most but this was my first time reading The Color Purple. It was way more complex than what I had expected- I way underestimated such a powerful story could be packed into a smaller book. The epistolary style kept the pace, even with months and years between letters once they started writing to each other on opposite sides of the world.

The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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This is my first time reading this book. I‘ve never seen the musical and I hadn‘t seen the movie since the 80s. Because so many celebrities speak to this book I guess I felt like I knew the story, but there is so much to absorb here! This is so good, and if it was written in 2024 vs 1982 I don‘t think a single line would change.

IuliaC This photo is so beautiful! 8mo
rubyslippersreads Gorgeous photo! 8mo
Suet624 Sadly, you‘re probably right. 8mo
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marleed @IuliaC @rubyslippersreads Thank you! I walked by my scarves while this book sat at my nightstand and wondered if the scarf print was inspired by the book cover! 8mo
marleed @Suet624 Thanks to public library (and some overspending on my part), I read a pile of books hot off the press. Sometimes I pull an older book from my TBR to read for the first time and discover I love it. There‘s something special when words written 40+ years ago still resonate. 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Can you email me your address? I should have it, but I can‘t find it 😫 loverofbooks75@gmail. Com 🩷 8mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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#12DaysofChristmas #Day12

All I can say it is “It was about time”. This book was on my radar for years and on my kindle for almost as long. Thanks to @TheBookHippie for hosting a buddy read. It was excellent.


TheBookHippie 💜💜💜💜it was so good to read together! I just loved it all over again! 9mo
Andrew65 Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 9mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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I‘m so glad I finally took the time to read this modern classic about race and class disparities in the American South. Celie is probably one of the kindest characters I have read, and despite all of the horribleness she has witnessed in her life, her positivity and her hope is beautiful to read. #12BooksOf2023 #December

Andrew65 Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 9mo
Librarybelle Thank you, @Andrew65 ! ❤️ 9mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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When a book leaves me hugging it like a long lost friend, I know it‘s a contender! This was my first reading of ‘The Color Purple‘. 💜 💜💜#readingbracket2023 #fiction

GinaKButler It‘s on my must-read list for 2024! 9mo
rachelk @GinaKButler That‘s great! I hope you love it as much as I did! 9mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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I'm so glad I finally read this book. It's one of those I knew of but didn't really know what it was about. But the story was so moving and I enjoyed the unique writing style. I'm excited to see the new movie, hopefully I will get to the theater soon
Thanks again @TheBookHippie for hosting the #PurpleReadAlong and giving me the incentive to read this!
#LGBTQ2023 a prize winner @Kenyazero

TheBookHippie I‘m so glad we read it together this month. 💜 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
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TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 9mo
Kenyazero Nice! I‘ve had this on my shelf for years and still haven‘t read it. 9mo
BookmarkTavern Woo! 🎉🎉🎉 9mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 9mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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Book-Adjacent Post:
I LOVED this movie!!!! Oscars for everyone (but especially Danielle Brooks)!

The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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This was a re-read for me and I still love it. So much heartache for Celie but I loved how strong she turned out to be. Now I need to muster up the strength to rewatch the 1985 movie and watch the new one coming out.

#purplereadalong @TheBookHippie
#rushathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #dashingdecember #candylandreadathon @Catsandbooks #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks #teamevergreen #wintergames @Clwojick

TheBookHippie 💜same…🥺 10mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
Catsandbooks 🍭❄️❤️ 10mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 Was the film really that long ago 🤯 10mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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I wanted to “reread” this prior to the new movie coming out but as soon as I started it I realized that I hadn‘t actually read it before. The entire book is epistolary. Imagine my surprise! I think most people already know that this is a masterpiece. I‘m so glad I finally read it! 💜❤️

I also just realized that there is a #purplereadalong going on hosted by @TheBookHippie ! I may chime in if that‘s ok!

TheBookHippie Absolutely join us #purplereadalong hashtag -we are discussing the last part this week and next week the entire book as well, for those who needed to catch up or just read the book. Feel free to chime in on any past and current discussions. 10mo
rachelk @TheBookHippie Thank you so much! 😊 10mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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I am so glad I finally took the time to read this book! There is so much pain and sorrow but also hope and happiness in this book. #ASurvivalStory for sure. Celie witnesses so much and lives through so much…she is a true inspiration. Thanks to @TheBookHippie for leading the #PurpleReadalong !

#52BookClub23 #192025 #1982

LocalTXLibrarian I read this one earlier this year and was really surprised at how much I *thought* I knew about this story. It's very dark, but there is a light toward the end. Definietly one of my favorites from this year! 10mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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"All my life I had to fight."

Playing catch up with #TheColorPurple this week. I've never actually read this classic, but I have seen the movie from the 80s, so I kinda know what to expect. My heart goes out for poor Celie and her life - which was sadly more of a reality than we think back then.

#purplereadalong #historicalfiction #bannedbooks

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Sunday morning #CoffeeAndABook - mocha with an extra shot and a chocolate chip cookie. Looking forward to reading more of this book (sadly, grad school has eaten into a lot of my reading time recently!). Also working on my #AuldLangSpine form. My favorite Litsy event! @monalyisha

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It‘s pretty nice outside (sunny, about 40 degrees), so I took a little walk and am now enjoying #CoffeeAndABook - caramel oat milk latte and tomato and feta omelette egg bites while starting a new book