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Totenmontag: Roman | Kathy Reichs
20 posts | 46 read | 1 reading | 8 to read
Das Bse hlt keinen Winterschlaf. Kathy Reichs auch nicht. Was knnte frostiger sein als ein kanadischer Dezembersturm? Tempe Brennan, forensische Anthropologin in Montreal, wird an einem tristen Montagmorgen zu einem Fundort gerufen, der ihr das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lsst. Verscharrt in einem Kellergewlbe liegen die Leichen dreier junger Frauen. Nicht eine Gewebefaser, kein Fetzen Kleidung geben Aufschluss darber, wann und warum diese Mdchen sterben mussten. Nur dank akribischer Ermittlungen und weiblicher Intuition kommt Tempe dem Mrder auf die Spur. Doch sie muss auf alles gefasst sein, denn ihr Gegner ist an Kaltbltigkeit nicht zu bertreffen ... Tempe Brennans siebter Fall.
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#TemptingTitles #WithAWeekday

The first book I thought of. I love Tempe.

Eggs Perfect 💛 1y
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7th book in the Temperance Brennan series, and it may be my favorite so far.

Book 9 finished for #AwesomeAugust

Andrew65 Great total 👏👏👏 I enjoyed this one too, book 9 is next up for me. 3y
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I have got to stop reading fiction via audiobook. Very tough to retain details. Here goes nothing. Pizza parlor, bones, murder. Once again Tempe goes off less than half cocked into a dangerous situation. This time she drags a friend into it too. For a person with advanced degrees she sure acts densely.

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Book 7 in the Temp series and I really enjoyed this one. Quite a disturbing story towards the end but it had me gripped and god the drama between Temp and Ryan 🙃
#MountTBR (book 17) #Murder2020 (book 45)

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After a day gardening in the sun I have definitely earned a gin! 🍸
Really enjoying the next installment in the Temp series aswell 😍

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I have fallen behind in reading Kathy Reichs. I do recall liking this title when it was released. #titlewithmetaphorpun #titlewithmetaphor/pun #DearDecember @Eggs (photo from goodreads.com; my copy is packed)

Eggs Well done👏🏻🤗👏🏻 5y
Godmotherx5 @Eggs This was a fun search. 5y
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Clwojick Oooooh! I love a good Temperance Brennen book. ♥️ (edited) 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🧡 5y
Rissa1 I love the Temperance books! 5y
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#manicmonday #lithjuly
Great series 👍🏻

KarenUK Definitely.... to both 😊 5y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻♥️ 5y
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📚 The House of Wives by Simon-Choa Johnston
🎥 The 'Burbs
🎶 Sweet Home Alabama

Great emoji this week! Thanks for the fun! @JoScho #ManicMonday #EmojiMadness

JoScho Love The Burbs! So creepy! 5y
thereadingowlvina @JoScho Oh yes! It's one of my all time favorite movies! 😁 5y
JessClark78 The ‘Burbs! 🖤 Great movie. 5y
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This was coasting along as another so-so to ok book in the Tempe Brennan series, but picked up significantly in the second half of the book. Overall this would probably be my favourite in the series as a result. Although the eventual subject material did not make for happy reading. I know it‘s fiction but there really are some sick people around! What happens to those innocent people born as defenceless babies!
#MakeMeReadIt #5

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Onto my next book in the #MakeMeReadIt Challenge, with Monday Mourning - book 7 in the Tempe Brennan Series. I like these books without really loving them but wouldn‘t take much to move into that category.

EadieB @Andrew65 You‘re making great progress on your reads this month! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB August is always the month I make best reading progress until last quarter of month when I need to do more school work. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 How many books did you pack to take with you? 6y
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Andrew65 @EadieB Only about 18, but added to by audiobooks, kindle and library ebooks that I can download. Usually buy books from charity shops but not bought any yet. Only got about 8 physical books left! 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 At least there are alternative resources if you finish your physical books. But you are whipping through them! 6y
Andrew65 19 books finished in 17 days and the initial night‘s drive. Although a couple had already been started. Currently have 5 books on the go, that most probably amount to another book finished. Averaging about 430 Pages a day and about 8 hours+ reading a day. Reading heaven! 6y
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I just got #bitmoji. I used to use bitstrips and then I got bored but I thought it looked fun. She looks mostly like me--if I was about 30 lbs lighter and about 10 years younger!

Jensol77 Go Bears 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks cute!!! I'm trying it, but it won't copy and paste... 7y
CocoReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I just did a screenshot because that was easiest for me. Good luck! 7y
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CocoReads @Jensol77 I always root for da Bears but they aren't making it easy for me! 7y
SilversReviews @CocoReads Very cute #Bitmoji - thanks for sharing. 7y
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Kissing Valentino in a dream. #awesomeautumnbooks #manicmonday

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Monday Motivation. Have a great day, Littens. 🤓📚

Sace 💗 7y
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#marchintoreading #day9 #alliterativetitles Kathy Reichs is big for alliterative titles, quite a few of her Tempe Brennan books have similar types of titles. Though looking in my shelves, she's not the only one who likes her titles to flow.

Jennick2004 Is this at all related to Bones? Her name is Temperance Brennan... 7y
Lizpixie @Jennick2004 it's based on these books actually. 7y
Jennick2004 Awesome 😍 7y
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"Is it really Monday tomorrow, Mama Shell? I'm depressed."

Soubhiville What a cutie! 💙🐶 7y
ReadingSusan I know 😭😭 I am so sad. 7y
8little_paws LOOK AT THAT BABY 7y
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Sparkpuppypup I just love that wrinkly forehead!!!😍😘 7y
MicheleinPhilly @ReadingSusan Sunday evenings always depress me, but I barely got any reading done this weekend. 😕 7y
MicheleinPhilly @Soubhiville @8little_paws @Sparkpuppypup Thanks all! She's my special girl! And she's like a walking advertisement for rescue pups. EVERYONE asks where I got her. Hopefully I'm sending a lot of business to Philly Paws. ☺ 7y
AlaMich She'll forget all about it by tomorrow and be her usual happy self! 7y
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Notafraidofwords Seriously. This is the best depiction of Monday. 8y
Notafraidofwords Did the book ever arrive ? 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords Not yet! Possibly today. I will let you know when it does. 😊 (thank you again for being awesome!) 8y
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TheNextBook @BookishFeminist I go back to work on Friday and this is exactly how I feel. 8y
megt Feeling this so much today! 8y
Dorianna Just when I finally found the time to read after a painful mandatory hiatus no thanks to real life things, more real life things happen and stop me from reading once again. 8y
Soubhiville Yep that's definitely not fair. 8y
LeahBergen Yes. Oh, yes. 8y
angrylilasian I definitely feel that way today. And to beautiful weather for reading outside. 😩 8y
BookishFeminist @TheNextBook 😱 oh no I bet! That's the worst when you've been off for a while. 8y
BookishFeminist @megt @Soubhiville @LeahBergen @angrylilasian I suspected I wasn't the only one with a bad case of the Mondays! And to top it off I have a migraine today too. I hope everyone's days went well! The weather's gorgeous and that made it harder for sure. 8y
BookishFeminist @dorianna.garguilo Oh no! I hate it when that happens. Just when you think you've gotten everything under control and can finally relax, then NOPE. It's like someone pulling a practical joke. Hope you can find more time soon! 8y
Tayloralexandraxo My life everyday! Or when it's 3am and you have to go to sleep and your in the middle of a chapter! 8y
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Wow did so not c that coming

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Chapter one 😃